What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 191 Promotion and salary increase

Latest website: Wan Chai Police Station.

Director's Office.

"What's going on?" A ghost wearing glasses asked with a smile.

"I also want to know why. This is a case of our Political Department. We are tracking a single terrorist case. Why did the Wan Chai Crime Squad step in for no reason." The talking mustache knocked on the table angrily: "Now that an excellent undercover detective in our political department has died, who is responsible?"

The ghost with glasses smiled and looked at an old woman in the room: "Director Ye, what explanation do you have?"

"Our Wanchai Police Station has not received any notice of undercover operations from the Political Department." Ye Dexian said calmly.

"Does our Political Department want to inform you of something?" Mustache suddenly became angry.

"Of course there is no need to notify, so the car crashed. This is my jurisdiction, and our serious crime team of the police station is also following up this case." Ye Dexian's voice also became louder.

"OK, OK! Don't make noise, both departments are right." The glasses ghost is obviously the boss in the room.

"Then may I ask, these two little traffic policemen, what do you two do?" The ghost with glasses smiled and looked at Zhou Xingxing and Chen Baile, who were looking downcast.

"Copy cards! Sir!" Zhou Xingxing replied.

"Are you going to the scene of the crime to copy cards?" the ghost with glasses asked with a smile.

"Yes, two suspects were driving over the speed limit. My colleagues and I really planned to stop them. We chased them all the way to the crime scene before finally catching up." Zhou Xingxing said solemnly.

"Stop!" The ghost with glasses interrupted Zhou Xingxing by raising his hand, then turned to Ye Dexian and asked, "Are these two children from you?"

Ye Dexian looked at Cao Dahua.

Cao Dahua resolutely betrays Zhou Xingxing.

"No, they are the traffic team of the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station." Cao Dahua raised his head and chest, uh, said with a puffed stomach.

The glasses ghost nodded in satisfaction, looked at Zhou Xingxing and Chen Baila and asked with a smile: "Do you two have a backstage?"

"Ah!" Zhou Xingxing's heart suddenly turned cold.

Zhou Xingxing: "No!"

Chen Baila: "Yes!"

"Yes?" Zhou Xingxing looked at Chen Baila in disbelief.

Chen Baila said in a low voice: "I frightened them, otherwise we will be blamed."

"Who?" The glasses ghost asked with a frown.

"Our director! What? Your Political Department and Wanchai Police Station want to join forces to defraud our Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station." Chen Baile yelled nonchalantly.

"Huang Bingyao?" The ghost with glasses was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Ye Dexian. Huang Bingyao and Ye Dexian were not at odds. The entire management of the police department knew that it wasn't that Fatty Huang deliberately wanted to disgust Ye Dexian, right?

Ye Dexian saw the eyes of the ghost with glasses, and stared at Chen Baile speechlessly.

"He lied to you. If Fatty Huang really wanted to be disgusting, he wouldn't have sent two traffic policemen. Didn't he have a guy called Detective Death under his command?" Ye Dexian snorted coldly.

The glasses ghost immediately pointed at Chen Baile angrily.

"Go away, this pot, you two are determined."


"Second brother, I really like the big room with floor-to-ceiling windows facing the north, can you give it to me?" Li Shiya squeezed Li Er's shoulder flatteringly.

"Then why don't you always slander your second brother's reputation?" Li Er laughed.

"Second brother, I want you to get better!" Li Shiya pouted.

"Is the second brother really bad?" Li Er snorted unhappily.

"Who said, my second brother is very good, but I think the second brother is better." Li Shiya said seriously.

Li Er turned his head with a wry smile: "Xiaoya, do you know that being a good person is exhausting."

"Second brother is talking nonsense again." Li Shiya frowned.

"Okay! The second brother won't trade with you, so be a good person and stop pestering the second brother, okay?" Li Er said with a smirk.

"No!" Li Shiya was not stupid, and immediately refused: "Second brother, let me!"

Li Erchong rubbed Li Shiya's hair: "Go!"

"Hee hee, thank you second brother, I knew that second brother loved me the most!" Li Shiya moved the luggage from the living room into the room excitedly.

Li Er was about to help Li Shiya when the phone rang.

The call was from He Min.

Thirty minutes later, Li Er appeared at the Wan Chai Police Station.

"Second Li?" Zhou Xingxing was surprised when he saw Li Er, and then quickly changed his words: "Haha! Boss Li, you are not here to protect us, are you?"

Li Er gave Chen Baila and Zhou Xingxing a gloomy look, then turned to look at the glasses ghost and Ye Dexian.

"Two sirs, the two of them are from our Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station. If there is any mistake, it seems to be an internal matter of our Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station!" Li Er gave Cao Dahua a strange look, this pretending guy is not here Are you working as a janitor in a school in Tsim Sha Tsui? Are you already on the soft side?

Cao Dahua naturally knew Li Er, but he thought that Li Er didn't know him. This guy pretended to be stylish with a beer belly, and Cao Dahua felt very proud of being able to put on a show in front of the number one fighter in Tsim Sha Tsui.

"Oh! It's you, Li! That's great. Let me introduce you. This is Peter, the best detective in our political department. Peter, this is Li. Our political department cooperates with the SWAT team in He was the one who arrested the three chief culprits in the case of recovering the debt in Japan." Paul, the glasses ghost, shouted excitedly when he saw Li Er.

"Ahem!" Seeing that Paul and Li Er seemed to know each other, Ye Dexian coughed twice as a reminder.

"Li, what a coincidence, we have a terrorist case in an international school, and I invite you to join." Paul smiled happily.

Li Er firmly refused.

"Sir, I'm really sorry, I'm limited, I'm afraid I can't help you." Li Er shook his head.

Ye Dexian immediately added: "I think Sir Li is right. In such a case, Cao Dahua, the tiger of our Wanchai crime team, is leading the team. Any terrorists are trivial."

Paul frowned and looked at Cao Dahua's beer belly: "..."

"I still hope that Li can help. I can take care of these two children." Paul looked at Li Er and said.

In the case of recovering stolen money in Japan, the Hong Kong Island Special Police Team and the Japanese Police Headquarters dispatched more than 100 police forces, but they failed to catch Okamoto and Ampere. Li Er and his apprentice captured Okamoto and Ampere. He also captured the traitors of the special police team, and Paul had to admire the guy in front of him.

"I'll think about it!" Li Er reluctantly smiled. For things that cannot be pushed away, Li Er usually delays until the end of the trouble.

"Oh! That's great, Li, this is my phone number, Peter, give Li your number, if you need help, you can call Peter, or you can call me directly." Paul put his card with the mustache Peter The special card was handed to Li Er.

Li Er took the card casually and took away Zhou Xingxing and Chen Baile.

"Brother Lat, it turns out that the backstage you mentioned is actually Li Er, are you really related?" Zhou Xingxing and Chen Baile whispered as they walked behind.

"Hey, I already said that I have a good background!" Chen Baila said sadly. In fact, he was in a hurry to go to the doctor, and he didn't know who He Min could find to save him.

"Li Er is the leader of the serious crime team and the CID department. Let them transfer us to the serious crime team, or the CID department!" Zhou Xingxing whispered excitedly.

"No hurry, no hurry!" Chen Baila pretended to smile and said, "Let's practice in the traffic team for a while, and sooner or later we will succeed."

When Chen Baila planned to go back, he asked He Min what relationship he had with Li Er and how far he could help him.

Zhou Xingxing gave Chen Baila a sideways look. Although he had not partnered with Chen Baila for a long time, he knew that the other party was unreliable.

"Li sir! Although the two of us broke into the crime scene by mistake, it was really a big case. The culprits used AKs and bombs. An undercover agent in the political department was killed." Zhou Xingxing chased after Li Er and said.

"And then?" Li Er said without looking back.

"Of course it's to catch the thief and solve the case, and then get promoted and raise the salary!" Zhou Xingxing said hastily.

Li Er stopped and turned to look at Zhou Xingxing: "Promotion and salary increase?"

"Promotion and salary increase!" Zhou Xingxing said eagerly, uh, eagerly.

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