What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

One hundred and ninety second master-student duel: Li 2 vs Bai Anni

The latest website: "The opportunity is here!"

Zhou Xingxing danced a solo tango excitedly.

"It's just the two of us?" Chen Baila said backing off.

"We are going to be undercover agents. Why do we need so many people? Should we send you a team!" Zhou Xingxing scolded.

Chen Baila touched his chin: "I feel that Li Er is not trustworthy."

Chen Baila was originally going to be transferred to the serious crime team, but Li Eryi pushed him to the end and became a police officer of the traffic team. It's no wonder he had a good impression of Li Erneng.

"Li Er is really untrustworthy, but he can give us a chance." Zhou Xingxing didn't quite trust Li Er either, but Li Er's skill at painting cakes was no less than that of Huang Bingyao, and he caught Zhou Xingxing's official fans to death all at once. of.

"It depends on whether you can take off this distinctive uniform and join the serious crime team." Zhou Xingxing clenched his fists excitedly.

"The key is that Li Er only said that he applied to be transferred to the serious crime team when he solved the case, but he didn't say what would happen if he failed?" Chen Baile said with a frown. This guy was obviously calmer than Zhou Xingxing.

"What if we fail? We are traffic police now, is there room for us to descend?" Zhou Xingxing sneered.

Chen Baila grinned: "It seems to be the same. I like this kind of work that I get money when I win, and I don't lose money when I lose."

"By the way, where are we going undercover?" Chen Baile asked.

Zhou Xingxing said seriously: "School!"

Chen Baila's eyes glowed: "Are you going to pretend to be a student? Hehe, student girl, I like it!"

"Pretend to be a student? Do you have money?" Zhou Xingxing asked.

"How much does it cost to pretend to be a student?" Chen Baila was stunned for a moment: "Are all students nowadays rich?"

"Do you need money for the registration fee? Do you need money for the book fee, school uniform fee, and other miscellaneous expenses?" Zhou Xingxing stared at Chen Baile and scolded.

"It's on the street, we forgot to ask Li Er for the activity funds." Chen Baila patted his head and cried bitterly.

"Do you think he will fund the event?" Zhou Xingxing snorted coldly.

Chen Baila: "..."

"I'm afraid you haven't seen his intentions yet. Our operation this time is a free-range operation. It's best if it succeeds. Everyone should take credit for it. If it fails, we will be the ones to take the blame." Zhou Xingxing said affirmatively, Apart from his extremely bad luck, this guy is really quick-witted.

"Then what's the matter?" Chen Baila asked listlessly.

"Pretend to be a school worker!" Zhou Xingxing shouted grandly.

"Throw—" Chen Baile gave Zhou Xingxing a middle finger.


"Director, I seem to have seen that death detective Li Er from the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station just now." Fang Jiexia knocked on the door and walked into Ye Dexian's office and reported.

"You read that right, it's Li Er from Tsim Sha Tsui!" Ye Dexian snorted coldly. As a rival to compete with Huang Bingyao, Ye Dexian naturally wanted Huang Bingyao's most capable general.

"What is he doing at our police station?" Fang Jiexia asked strangely.

"For a case, but he was kicked out by me before it even started, hum! I want to take food from our police station, and I don't want to see if I'm qualified." Ye Dexian said smugly.

In fact, Li Er really didn't want to participate in any case.

"By the way, how is the investigation of Lu Qichang's sex scandal in the housing estate going? It's been more than a month. If there is no result, the person will be transferred back to me. I need to hire someone for my case." Ye Dexian asked Fang Jiexia with a frown.

"I'm really not sure about this. I'll go to the Serious Crime Team to ask about the specific situation and report before this afternoon," Fang Jiexia reported.

Ye Dexian nodded. Recently, the performance of Wanchai Police Station was not good, but the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station under Huang Bingyao turned out to have Li Er, who made big moves frequently, which made Ye Dexian very angry.

"Ada, this is Inspector Fang Jiexia from the administrative team. You have just been promoted to the team leader of the serious crime team. What manpower and material resources do you need to hand over to her?" Ye Dexian turned her head and said to Cao Dahua.

"Okay! Director!" Cao Dahua nodded and smiled.

Fang Jiexia gave Cao Dahua a weird look. As far as she knew, Cao Dahua had just been transferred from the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station not long ago. Not to mention his meritorious service, he might not even recognize the police officers of the Serious Crime Squad. Team leader, are you being too hasty?

Fang Jiexia didn't quite understand how Ye Dexian, who was always wise and calm, would make such an unreasonable personnel arrangement.


Li Er returned home and continued to help the family move one after another.

"Second brother, why don't you move your luggage?" Li Yi asked Li Er with a glance. He found that Li Er didn't carry any of his luggage except for two changes of clothes.

"Boss, you guys move there first! I'm used to living in a housing estate, besides, I'll pay Jia Kui the whole year's rent, so how can I suffer?" Li Er scratched his head and made a stingy smirk. Chen Jiaju paid the rent for ten years.

Li Yi turned his head and glanced at Zhu Wanfang who was helping Li Shiya pack her luggage with a smile on her face. After glaring at Li Er fiercely, he cursed in a low voice: "I'll see how you die in the future!"

"Hehe!" Li Er smiled awkwardly.

"Boss is jealous of me!" Li Er noticed that Li Shan was also looking at him, shrugged his shoulders and said.

"Fart!" Li Yi slapped Li Er on the head.

"Second brother, you are wrong!" Li Shan couldn't help but whispered.

It seems that everyone in the family, except for Li Shiya, who is a confused person, can vaguely see the relationship between Zhu Wanfang and Li Er. Presumably, Li Shan, a cautious person, would not have guessed that Zhu Wanfang is his second brother's roommate. It is absolutely impossible for Zhu Wanfang to manage a branch with confidence, and it is Zhu Wanfang who handles the accounts herself.

"You know what!" Li Er slapped Li Shan on the head with his backhand.

The big fish eat the small fish, and the small fish eat dried shrimps. Li Er is afraid of Li Yi, but he is not afraid of Li Shan, he will beat and scold him when he should.

Li Shan rubbed his head, not daring to say anything and continued to move.

"Brother, should the house here be rented out or sold?" Li Er asked after locking the door and handing over the key to Li Yi.

"Didn't you pay for the house over there? This house is for you. You love renting and selling." Li Yi pushed the key to Li Er and said.

"Of course I let it go for rent. The houses in the housing estates can be sold for a few dollars." Li Er put away the keys without hesitation, and accidentally achieved his biggest goal in life, having his own house.

Regarding Li Yi giving the "old house" to Li Er, Li Shan and Li Shiya had no objections, and Wang Gangsheng dared not have any objections. Only Zhu Wanfang was secretly happy for Li Er.

After moving home, Li Er went back to his residence and found ten song drafts he had written before from under the bed.

At that time, not long after Li Er arrived on Ontology, in order to prevent his family members from suspecting that a music blind man suddenly became a genius, Li Er created the identity of "Zhang San" to make money. Now that he needs money again, naturally he can't waste the remaining songs. It's just that the buyer suddenly became the mother-in-law, and Li Er felt a little embarrassed.

"Second brother!" Zhu Wanfang knocked on the door.

Li Er hurriedly folded the song manuscript and hid it in the lining of his suit. Naturally, Zhu Wanfang would not believe that Li Er would be a musical genius. Of course, the most important thing was that Li Er was indeed a parallel importer, so he felt guilty.

"Xiaofang!" Li Er opened the door for Zhu Wanfang.

"Second brother, what are you doing secretly in the room, why did you lock the door?" Zhu Wanfang asked with a smile, holding three or four books in her hand.

"Uh—! Secret!" Li Er said with a mysterious smile.

Zhu Wanfang's pretty face flushed, and she didn't know what to think of.

"Sleeping here tonight?" Li Er knew when he saw Zhu Wanfang coming over with a book.

Zhu Wanfang's father is very nervous, and he is used to his daughter doing homework and sleeping at Li Er's house, but Zhu Wanfang's mother is timid. Even if she sees something, she dare not tell her hot-tempered husband, maybe she will secretly Talk about Zhu Wanfang, but Zhu Wanfang doesn't listen to her at all.

"Press—!" Zhu Wanfang responded in a low voice.

"Then you rest yourself first, the second brother has to go out for a while! Maybe he won't come back until very late." Li Er said.

"Oh! It just so happens that I have to catch up on my homework. Second brother, I'll wait for you to come back!" Zhu Wanfang smiled softly.

"Nonsense, go to bed after finishing your homework, the second brother doesn't know when he will finish his work, don't wait for the second brother." Li Er said that he had already changed his shoes.

"Oh!" Zhu Wanfang nodded in disappointment.


"Annie, where are Li and Li? The time is coming soon." Bai Qianni said anxiously.

"Master is not free to move today, don't worry Mommy, I will definitely help you catch someone tonight." Bai Anni smiled confidently.

Bai Qianni's face darkened suddenly: "This nasty Li Er doesn't care about my affairs at all, do you think I have nothing to do with him?"

"Mommy, I said that I will definitely help you catch this hypocritical Zhang San. Why don't you have any confidence in your daughter." Bai Anni gave her mother a white look and said coquettishly.

Bai Qianni was so nervous that her palms were covered with sweat, she picked up her mobile phone every five minutes and checked to see if she missed a call.

"Who told you to arrest someone." Bai Qianni glared at her precious daughter: "I asked you to follow the other party, just find out the other party's address."

"Got it! Check out the other party's information and report it to you! You've said it more than a dozen times." Bo Anni said speechlessly, she didn't want to be obedient, she must arrest that unpredictable Zhang San on the spot.

"Mommy, here's the tracker!" Bai Anni handed a miniature tracker to Bai Qianni. According to the previous transaction between Bai Qianni and Zhang San, Bai Anni judged that Zhang San was not a dangerous person, but just pretending to be mysterious to promote the song manuscript It's just the price, but my mommy will be fooled.

"I don't want it. The tracker you gave me last time was debunked immediately." Bai Qianni said irritably and nervously.

"Don't worry! Mommy, this tracker is for him to debunk." Bai Anni smiled triumphantly.

Bai Qianni frowned slenderly: "What do you mean?"

"I installed a tracker under your shoes a long time ago. This is to confuse the other party." Bai Anni's smirk looks very much like Li Er.

Bai Qianni: "..."

"Is this what Li Er taught you?" Bai Qianni asked.

"It's very practical!" Bai Anni smiled happily.

"Very treacherous!" Bai Qianni snorted coldly, she thought of Zhang San inexplicably, this guy was not ordinary treacherous either.


Bai Qianni's mobile phone rang.

"Hello!" Bai Qianni immediately picked up the mobile phone and pressed the answer button.

"You are crazy! Call me at night to sell insurance, which company is yours, I must find a lawyer to complain about you." Bai Qianni cursed angrily.

Bai Qianni was so angry that she wanted to continue swearing, but she was afraid that Zhang San just called and the line would be busy, so she hurriedly hung up the phone.


'Zhang San' is here.

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