What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 193 Bearing Humiliation Zhou Xingxing

Latest URL: "Hello! Is that you?" Bai Qianni asked nervously while holding her mobile phone.


Bai Qianni's anxious eyes were filled with brilliance, and Zhang San's voice was like steel, which was very personal, and he was recognized by Bai Qianni with just an 'hmm'.

"I've got the money ready, are you here yet?" Bai Qianni suppressed her excitement and asked calmly.

"I know." Zhang San said calmly, "Not only have you prepared the money, but also the people who followed me."

Bai Qianni's face turned pale: "Mr. Zhang San, you misunderstood, how could I—"

"No need to explain, although beautiful women like to lie, but I don't want to listen to lies, first take out the tracker from the box!" Zhang San's voice was still calm.

However, Bai Qianni's face changed drastically, and Bai Anni's heart was also terrified. The tracker in the money box was her last trump card, and it was unexpectedly exposed by the other party from the very beginning.

Bai Anni shook her head slightly at her mother, and Bai Qianni immediately smiled and said, "Mr. Zhang San, you must have misunderstood. This is not the first time we have signed a contract to cooperate. How could I break the rules?"

"It's not speculative!" After Zhang San finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

"Hey, hello!" Bai Qianni was stunned, and hurriedly dialed back the phone number that Bai Anni wanted to intercept.

"Mum, he's playing tricks with you, and you fell into his trap as soon as you were in a hurry." Bai Anni said confidently.

"Really?" Bai Qianni frowned suspiciously.

"For sure." Bo Anni believed in her own judgment: "In less than ten minutes, he will call again."

five minutes.

ten minutes.

fifteen minutes.

"Give me your phone number!" Bai Qianni screamed, she suddenly thought of a problem, Zhang San's song manuscript can be sold to Warner Music, it can be sold to Polygram, that guy is already popular in the circle , every music company would be scrambling for his song manuscript, but Zhang San's song manuscript was his must.

"Mommy!" Bai Anni looked at the flustered Bai Qianni with a wry smile,

She intuitively felt that there was something wrong with Zhang San.

"Give me your phone number, I don't need your help, I can handle it myself." Bai Qianni turned her face like a book, and she didn't give face to her precious daughter because of the song manuscript.

Bai Anni reluctantly gave Bai Qianni the number of Zhang San's call that she had intercepted.

Before the real confrontation started, she had already lost first. Bai Anni became angry when she thought about it. The other party was too despicable, and she took advantage of her mother's nervousness.

It is inevitable for Bai Qianni to be nervous. The actresses in the entertainment industry are replaced very quickly. A new generation replaces the old ones. Bai Qianni had already gradually passed away, but suddenly became a singer with three hits including "Silence is Golden" At the pinnacle, those fans and citizens have correspondingly increased their demands on her.

Bai Qianni has not released a new song for three or four months, which is unimaginable for a popular singer, but Bai Qianni really can't come up with a song draft of the same level, and there is no way to release a new song, Zhang Three is very important, at least to Bai Qianni.

"Mommy, I found his approximate location. He is not far from us. If you keep calling him, I will be able to dig out his exact location in a minute."

After Bai Anni finished speaking, she sneered and called Wu Feifei.

"Feifei, go to the street in Weisheng, pay attention to the middle of the street, the target is most likely in a car on the side of the road, you go there first, and wait for my exact location notification." Bai Anni put down the communicator, continued to operate the machine, and tracked The position of 'Zhang San'.

"Good!" Wu Feifei rushed to the destination immediately after receiving Annie's notification.

"Hey, hello! Mr. Zhang San, are you still there? I'm very sorry, my phone has just dropped." After Bai Qianni dialed the phone, she covered up the fact that the other party hung up for Zhang San.

"It's not disconnected, I hung up the phone." Zhang San corrected him extremely honestly.

"Uh—!" Bai Qianni was very embarrassed. If other people dared to play with her like this, she would have thrown a phone at her long ago.

"I have no common language with you, so I have already decided to sell the song manuscript to other companies." After Zhang San finished speaking, he hung up the phone again.

Bai Qianni's face turned red, and she was hung up twice in one day by the same person. Bai Qianni was about to explode with anger, but she didn't dare to.

"Hey, hello, Zhang San, if you find other companies, they will definitely not be able to give you this price." Bai Qianni hurriedly called again, speaking anxiously at her fastest speed.

'Zhang San' on the other end of the phone was silent for a while, just when Bai Qianni breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Zhang San was going to let go.

"I want to try!" Zhang San said seriously.

"Don't—!" Bai Qianni hurriedly yelled: "Zhang San, don't hang up the phone, just speak up! I will agree to whatever conditions you ask."

"Well! I want you to stop tracking my phone. She has successfully locked her for the first time. I am going to change the number and leave." Zhang San remained honest.

Bai Qianni and Bai Anni's expressions changed drastically.

'How did he know he was locked? '

"Don't, don't hang up!" Bai Qianni immediately realized that Zhang San was about to hang up.

"Beep beep..."

The phone has been hung up.

Bai Qianni quickly called the past.

I can't get through.

Bai Anni's telecommunications tracking also lost the signal.

"Annie, you and Feifei go back first! I want to be alone." Bai Qianni said disheartened.

Bai Anni looked at her mother worriedly, and suddenly received a report from Wu Feifei.

"Annie, there is a traffic jam here, and my car is blocked."

Bai Anni's eyes lit up, and she raised her hand to check the time.

"Feifei, the traffic jam starts from Weisheng Street. You immediately get out of the car and run over. We will surround you. Remember, the other party is a hunchbacked and lame guy." Bo Anni said and ran towards the car.

"Mummy, wait for me, I'm rushing over now, maybe there's still time!"

Bai Anni has already driven away, and now Bai Qianni can only hope that she can catch Zhang San, even if she offends the other party because of this, it is better than Zhang San selling the song manuscript to others, or disappearing from then on.

Not long after Bai Anni left, Bai Qianni heard a burst of rhythmic footsteps, and Bai Qianni turned around quickly.

A guy in black clothes, black pants, and a peaked cap stood in front of him.

Bai Qianni opened her mouth slightly in surprise, a peachy woman in her thirties can still have such a lovely posture.

Thirty minutes later, Bai Anni and Wu Feifei rushed back dejectedly, and found Bai Qianni sitting quietly on the bench with a smile on her face, showing no trace of anger.

"Mummy, what's the matter with you!" Bai Anni asked in a low voice uneasily, she was worried whether Bai Qianni had been overly hit.

"I'm fine! This Zhang San is really interesting." Bai Qianni laughed.

Bai Anni: "..."

Wu Feifei: "..."

Bai Anni and Wu Feifei looked at each other, and they became more worried.

"Mommy, where did this kraft paper envelope come from?" After all, Bai Anni's sharp eyes saw that her mommy was holding a kraft paper envelope she had never seen before.

"I've got it!" Bai Qianni proudly shook the kraft paper envelope bag in her hand.

Bai Anni's expression changed.

"Oh! It's been tricked, Zhang San has come?" Bai Anni panicked and opened the iron box at Bai Qianni's feet. The money had already been packed and taken away by Zhang San, and there was only a tracker left in the box.

"Mum, why didn't you send us a message." Bai Anni said angrily.

When Bai Qianni got the song manuscript, she was very happy.

"What are you doing sending you a message? Mommy has already got the song manuscript and has reached a long-term cooperation agreement with Zhang San. That's enough. I don't need you two to take care of Mommy's affairs in the future." Bai Qianni was satisfied smiled.

"No, I must catch this mysterious guy." Bai Anni said angrily.

"If you can't do it, you have to do it. If you dare to cause damage to Mommy, be careful that I have locked your credit card. You have been a bit aggressive in swiping your card recently!" Bai Qianni said with a smile.

Bai Anni's face froze, she grabbed Bai Qianni's hand flatteringly and smiled, "Mummy, I'm just joking, you know I always listen to you the most."

Although Bai Anni is good at spending money, she doesn't know how to make money. If Bai Qianni really locks her credit card, she will really cry.

"Hmph! It's good that you know, everyone is tired tonight, I'll treat you to supper!" Bai Qianni waved her hands in a good mood.

Zhang San got the money and went home whistling.


Adam Smith International School.

Zhou Xingxing and Chen Baila walked into the school recruitment office with serious faces. In order to be able to apply for the job successfully, the two guys specially changed their hairstyles.

"What? All the janitor positions have been filled?" Zhou Xingxing's characteristic exaggerated voice resounded through the school affairs recruitment office.

"It's not necessary for us to find a job that only takes money and doesn't do anything. It's okay to do a little job and get half the money occasionally!" Chen Baile said arrogantly.

Zhou Xingxing immediately covered his mouth.

"I'm sorry, miss, no, beauty, do you have jobs like taking out garbage, sweeping the floor, and cleaning tables, and the salary is acceptable, as long as you include food and lodging!" Zhou Xingxing said shyly.

"Food and lodging included?" The recruited female clerk gave Zhou Xingxing a strange look.

"Why are there so many people looking for jobs who just want to have food and housing!" The recruited female clerk murmured in a low voice.

However, Zhou Xingxing heard her voice, and his eyes suddenly brightened. It seemed that he had found the right place, and terrorists had already sneaked in. Otherwise, whoever is so idle would find an unprofitable job.

"There are still two jobs as cleaners. I have to do 12 hours a day! The trial period is three months, and food and housing are included. After the trial period, the monthly salary is 800 yuan. Do you want to do it?" asked the recruited female clerk. road.

"Do it, definitely do it, this job is too suitable for the two of us." Zhou Xingxing shouted hastily.

half an hour later.

Zhou Xingxing and Chen Baila were wearing cleaner uniforms, and each stood on the playground with a big broom in a daze.

"Zhou Xingxing, why do I think the uniforms of the traffic police are actually quite good-looking." Chen Baila looked down at the cyan uniform on his body, and said with a dead face.

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