What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 196 Is there still a king's law, is there still a law?

Latest URL: "The penultimate row of the first group, yes, it's the two of you, are you sure you want to smoke in the classroom?" Li Er asked two white students who were smoking.

"Teacher, you go to your class, I smoke my cigarette, we don't invade each other." The white student who smoked sat on the chair and sneered.

Instructor Hu made this look for Li Er, handsome as handsome as possible, but it looks too weak, especially after wearing the pair of gold-rimmed glasses on his eyes, it always makes people want to grab his hair and hit him on the chair impulse.

No wonder Sandy said that Li Er might be bullied by bad students.

"Hmm! Very logical, very reasonable, you are right!" Li Erxiao weakly gave the two students who smoked white students a thumbs up.

The two white students who were smoking rolled their eyes, as if they knew you.

"What about the two of you? It's not impossible to play games, but can you turn off the sound of the game console or turn it down a bit." Li Er said to the three students in the third row who were playing video game consoles. This guy still had a gentleman's face There is no shortage of friendly smiles.

"What if we say no?" A student playing games said without looking up.

"It's okay. It's great. I speak louder, so that students can always hear the content of the teacher's lecture." Li Er is so understanding and kind.

The undercover agent of the Political Department looked at Li Er like a joke.

Seeing Li Er being so weak, Xian Di was also disappointed, although she had already been mentally prepared and guessed that this handsome teacher would not be too powerful.

"Hmph—! You're smart." The student who played the game sneered, "Otherwise we wouldn't be playing games, but we'd be looking for you to pk with real people."

The classmates in the class saw Li Er being so weak, and all looked at Li Er with contempt.

On the contrary, the white ghost who was suspected by Li Er to be a terrorist looked at Li Er suspiciously. Naturally, he would not think that the South Asian man just stabbed the broom into his ass.

Li Er smiled awkwardly, stretched out his fingers and pushed the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"Teacher, the gold-rimmed glasses you wear look very interesting. Let us play with them and let me see if they are real gold." A long-haired female classmate laughed jokingly.

Teacher Li blushed a little.

He raised his palm and swayed nervously: "Fake, fake, this is cheap iron plated copper, how can a teacher's small salary afford real gold?"

"Since Zhang Zhizhi has already spoken, why don't you lend her a play?" This guy is obviously a flower protector. As soon as he finished speaking, he stood up and walked towards Li Er. This was a gesture to grab Li Er's golden glasses .

Li Er suddenly flushed with 'angry'.

The flower protector came to the front of the podium, just coincided with Li Er's figure, and when he completely blocked Li Er, he just stretched out his hand to grab Li Er's gold-rimmed glasses, and Li Er came first.

Make a fist.

How big is Li Er's power? According to Ma Jun's description, he often fights with Li Er. Sometimes Li Er obviously wants to be recruited, but he can still use his strength to forcibly regain his disadvantage.

Of course, when dealing with a student, Mr. Li, who is a model teacher, would not kill him.


The flower protector classmate froze, and then fell straight behind him.

"Ah!" Several girls in the classroom screamed, and then everyone looked at Li Er in unison, and Teacher Li had just opened the first page of the textbook, and seemed to feel that the atmosphere was different.

The honest and kind teacher Li raised his head.

"Huh—!" Teacher Li's face was full of innocence and a little bit of surprise.

Teacher Li glanced down at the flower guardian students lying on the ground, then looked up at everyone and asked, "What's going on?"

The flower protector student who was lying upright on the ground and passed out, his nose was sunken and then swollen again, looking very miserable.

All the students in the classroom also looked at Mr. Li in bewilderment. Mr. Li's acting skills are so superb that they all began to doubt themselves. Could it be that this guy with golden glasses really did it.

"Is this trying to blackmail the teacher?" Li Er's face changed inexplicably, and then he shouted nervously: "Everyone can see that I am two meters away from him, even a gibbon can't beat him, It was definitely his own fall."

The undercover agent of the Political Department put his hands together and smiled, "Teacher, this student fell backwards. It's impossible to swell up his nose!"

Li Er nodded seriously: "It's really illogical. Unfortunately, the teacher teaches history and doesn't know physics. Can any student explain it to me?"

"Maybe he hit his own nose when he fell down." Sandy hurriedly explained to Li Er, but her explanation was too far-fetched, which made her face red, thinking it was impossible, and then curious Looking at Li Er carefully.

But if it is said that it is Li Erda's classmate who protects the flower, Sandy would not believe it, you see how gentle he is.

"Shut up, Little Misty, Fatty Kun, close the door!" A tall student stood up.

The chubby student sitting at a table next to the classroom door quickly closed the door and locked it, and the other students sitting on both sides of the classroom also closed the curtains one after another. These guys moved very neatly, it seems that this is not the first time That's it.

"You...what are you going to do?" Li Er's voice trembled in a 'nervous' voice: "I...I am a teacher."

"Teacher? I'm afraid you don't know how many teachers are carried out of this classroom every year." The tall guy is obviously the boss of a group of students. When he raised his hand, all the male students in the class stood up stand up.

"Where do you think Class 53 is?" The tall man sneered and took out a pair of iron rings for beating people and put them on his hands. The other male students also took out baseball bats, iron chains, rackets and other weapons from the drawer. , walked towards Li Er with a full face of arrogance.

"All the girls stand aside." A guy shouted loudly.

Li Er broke into a cold sweat, what the hell are these future social scum? Hot-blooded colleges or young and Dangerous?

"Speak up if you have something to say, don't mess around!" Li Er screamed and ran to the door, trying to escape.

"Fatty Kun, stop him!" The tall man shouted loudly.

Fat Boy Kun hurriedly ran to the door, but it was a pity that Fat Boy Kun's movements were not in a hurry and Li Er was flexible. One hand of Li Er had already grasped the door handle, and the other hand was about to open the iron bolt on the door. Zaikun immediately reached out to grab Li Er's hand that opened the door.

"Crack!" Fat Boy Kun touched the light switch in the classroom for some reason, and the whole classroom was suddenly dark because the blackout curtains were drawn.





"Ah! It hurts so bad, who hit me."

"Ah! My hand is about to break, who is it, I want to kill him."

"Bang bang bang bang..."

The classroom was filled with the sound of various tables and chairs colliding, screams, and the impact of fists and flesh.

"Turn on the light, turn on the light quickly, everyone stop, they hit their own people, oh my god, someone stepped on my stomach, ah! I'm going to die." A guy howled tearfully.

"Aww! Which bastard used the peach-stealing claw? It's so hot, let go, I call you grandpa, let go, you are my father!"

"Crack!" Fat Boy Kun finally turned on the light, and the little fat man who turned his head turned his eyes into panda blood, bruised and purple, and his face was swollen like a pig's head, although his face was not swollen. Sometimes it's like a pig's head.

"Oh, what the hell is going on? Who sneaked up on me from behind!"

"I was also attacked from behind, and then turned my head and stabbed my eyes. It's so fucking despicable."

The twenty-three male students in the class, except Fatty Kun, who sat paralyzed at the door, all the other boys collapsed in the middle of the classroom and screamed. None of the students' faces were not swollen. Obviously, their faces were all special. After taking care of him, the desks and chairs in class fell to the ground in a mess.

The ten girls in the class were fine, they were all crowded in a corner of the classroom, looking nervously and terrified at the screaming boys in the middle of the classroom.

"Ahem!" A cough sounded from the podium.

Only then did the students in class five and three remember that there was a missing person in the classroom, the teacher with the gold-rimmed glasses.

All the students looked up at the podium together.

Teacher Li with gold-rimmed glasses stood neatly on the podium. He raised his hand to push the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, and then reached out to flick off a trace of dust on his tie. He still had a kind and friendly smile on his face. No matter how you look at it, you look like a gentle teacher.

The boys in Class 5 and 3 collectively took a breath, everyone was knocked down, only Teacher Li in front of him was still standing, although no one saw him make a move, and he didn't look like he had made a move, but The logic was simple, the classroom door was bolted from the inside, so he must have done it.

"What's going on with you?" Teacher Li looked up at the classroom, as if he had just discovered the situation, his expression was more shocked than those students with bruised noses and swollen faces, even furious.

"Who did it, who dares to hit my students, and it's still in the classroom." Teacher Li shouted angrily, and then quietly folded the night vision goggles and stuffed them into the mustard space.

"Beating people in broad daylight, is there still a law? Is there still a law?" Teacher Li with gold-rimmed glasses clenched his fist and waved it. He was very sad and indignant.

"Teacher, do you really think we are idiots?" A guy whose face was swollen and uglier than a pig's head asked with a wry smile.

"What do you mean?" Mr. Li asked in an 'unintelligible' way.

Zhu Tousan tried his best to open his eyes, which could only be opened slit, raised his hand with difficulty, pointed to Li Er's hand and said, "Teacher, you still have our blood on your hand. Didn't we get beaten to the ground by you? Who else could have done it?"

The whole class was frightened when they heard Zhutou San's words. Although they all guessed that it was Li Er, this was really unbelievable, because Li Er's clothes were neat, his hairstyle was not messed up, and his breathing was steady. The look of passing.

The girls crowded in the corner all looked at Li Er with admiration when they heard Zhu Tousan's words. Is this gentle-looking teacher with gold-rimmed glasses really so powerful? Dozens of people! How did he manage to beat everybody down and he was fine.

Sandy's big eyes are about to burst into stars.

"Ah! Blood, why is there blood on my hand? Oh, what is the situation?" Teacher Li suddenly 'discovered' the blood on the back of his hand, and shouted in surprise. Unfortunately, his acting skills this time were too exaggerated. The classmates all saw that the guy with the gold-rimmed glasses was pretending.

"I see, it must be that you want to frame the teacher and smear blood on the teacher's hands, right, it must be like this, nothing can escape my sharp eyes, teacher." Li Er vowed: "You It must be trying to blackmail the teacher with the method of collective self-mutilation, it is too tragic."

The male students in the audience looked at Teacher Li's exaggerated performance and wanted to cry. We admit that you are very good, and you can worship or even kneel down, but can you stop pretending, this acting is too scumbag.

"It's a pity that your calculations are about to fail." Li Er took out a handkerchief, wiped off the blood on his hands, and said seriously: "The teacher is so poor, you can't blackmail the teacher."

The students in Class 5 and 3 were collectively speechless.

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