Latest URL: "Thank you, Sir!"

"Goodbye, Sir!"

"Well! Very good, see you tomorrow, classmates!"

When the bell rang for the end of get out of class, the students in Class 5 and 3 burst into tears as if they had seen the same day again, and they were finally relieved.

‘Wait, he seemed to say goodbye tomorrow? '

It was the first time for the boys in Class 5 and 3 to care about the class schedule, and they all rushed to check the schedule on the bulletin board that they had never paid attention to.

"Ah——! The family shoveled it!" The boys mourned in pain. The fifth class has two history lessons every week, and the fifth and third class happens to have the second history class tomorrow.

The girls are all smiles, and tomorrow they will see that witty and humorous gold-rimmed glasses teacher again.

In line with the advanced educational philosophy of teaching and educating people, understanding students deeply, and getting along with students, under the hard work of Mr. Li Erli, this guy gets along very well with his classmates.

It was the first time for the teachers and classmates in the next class to hear that the students in Class 5 and 3 would send off the teacher in such a uniform manner.

On the first day of Li Er's class, the twenty-three male students in Class Five and Three, known as the most difficult class in Adam Smith International Noble School, lined up to go to the infirmary together. This incident shocked the whole school.

But no matter what other people asked, these guys with bruised noses and swollen faces firmly insisted that this was caused by their mutual fighting, and it was definitely not a fall, let alone a touch of porcelain.

When Li Er went downstairs, he ran into Bai Anni and Hui Yinghong.

"Hello, teacher!" Bai Anni and Hui Yinghong said obediently.

Li Er nodded and passed by, as if they didn't know each other. Their identities as undercover agents just didn't overlap.

"Ms. Li, how do you feel about the first class today? The fifth and third classes you teach are the famous thorny classes in our school! You haven't been embarrassed by the students!" A female teacher who knew her well asked Li Er .

"It's okay! Maybe I'm more friendly, the group of students are very cooperative, and today's teaching is very harmonious." Li Er said with a sincere smile.

"Really?" The female teacher who asked the question frowned strangely.

The female teacher took a closer look at Li Er. This guy really didn't lack any arms or legs. There wasn't even a trace of wrinkle in his suit, and his tie was neatly tied.

"Huiru, have you heard? The twenty or so boys in class five and three were all beaten up. Oh, I just passed by the corridor of the infirmary, and I was so badly injured!" A girl who looked exactly like Pomegranate The female teacher walked over excitedly and laughed.

"Class five and three, Mr. Li, didn't you just come back from get out of class five and three? Do you know what's going on?" Female teacher Huiru asked Li Er curiously.

Sister Shiliu's female teacher also looked at Li Er strangely when she heard that Li Er taught Class Five and Third.

"I know! Those students are fighting each other in the classroom!" Li Er is of the same heart as his students, and the confessions are so consistent.

"Hit each other?" Sister Shiliu and female teacher Huiru looked at each other, and they both saw the incredulity in each other's eyes.

"That's not right! Why did they fight each other for no reason?" Female teacher Huiru asked with a frown.

Teacher Li spread his hands: "I really don't know."

"Then you are in the classroom, why are you fine, and you didn't stop the students from fighting?" Sister Pomegranate asked incredulously.

"I've blocked a fight, and they won't listen to me." Li Er said helplessly.

"How did you stop it?" Teacher Huiru and Sister Shiliu asked curiously at the same time.

"I told them, 'Don't fight', they said, 'They are going to fight', I said 'Don't fight', they were going to fight, there was no way, I could only watch from the sidelines." Two said seriously.

"Ah! You just watched them fight like this, wouldn't you run out and call the principal or the dean?" Teacher Huiru said with some concern, if there really was a student fight, Li Er would just stand by and watch. He must be punished by the school.

"Of course I warned them to tell the principal and the dean of teaching, but they said that the principal is fucking, and they are going to have a super-friendship with the dean's grandmother, and locked the door of the classroom, so I can't get out " Li Er said innocently.

Teacher Huiru and Sister Shiliu looked at each other, both were speechless for a while.

"Improbable! They didn't beat you? Those scumbags in class five and three are notoriously arrogant." Sister Shiliu looked at Li Er suspiciously.

"Yeah!" Li Er nodded and said, "They really wanted to beat me up, but I reasoned with them."

"Reasonable?" The expressions of Teacher Huiru and Sister Shiliu were very strange.

"What's the reason?" Teacher Huiru and Sister Shiliu asked in bewilderment.

Li Er said seriously: "Being a man must be harmonious!"

The news about Class 5 and 3 spread throughout the school in one morning, and even Zhou Xingxing, who was cleaning the house, got wind of it.

"What kind of person is this Li Siming? He can't be a terrorist's needle!" Chen Baila rubbed his chin and said in a pretentious manner.

"You idiot, have you ever seen such an arrogant needle? This person must have nothing to do with terrorists." Zhou Xingxing said with certainty.

"You said those terrorists, is it possible to sneak into the female teacher?" Chen Baile changed the subject, he really didn't want to follow the uncles and aunts who worked in the cafeteria.

Zhou Xingxing's eyes narrowed, and he said in a low voice, "I can't rule out this possibility. Women are born with an attribute that makes people relax their vigilance. Then you go and follow the female teacher, and I will go to the cafeteria to find out."

"No problem! Leave it to me." Chen Baila said excitedly, patting his chest. He didn't care whether it was hard or not. He mainly liked to follow female teachers, especially young female teachers.

"I'm sorry, Zhou Xingxing. I found an extremely suspicious person. I'm going to follow him. Take care!" After passing by, he immediately dropped his broom and chased after him.

Zhou Xingxing: "..."

"Hello teacher!"

"Hello teacher!"

Instructor Hu is also a teacher in the school, and a taekwondo teacher.

Chen Baile stalked behind Instructor Hu furtively. Instructor Hu was a master of tracking and anti-stalking, and Chen Baile was discovered in the next second.

Ten minutes later, Chen Baila returned to the stairs with black eyes, a blue nose, a swollen face, and a crooked mouth, and sat silently beside Zhou Xingxing.

"Didn't you go to inquire about information? Why did you come back so soon? Did you find any useful information?" Zhou Xingxing asked without raising his head while eating his boxed lunch.

Chen Baila didn't speak.

Zhou Xingxing looked up strangely. Zhou Xingxing himself was a chatterbox, but Chen Baila was even more of a Tang monk. It was almost impossible to shut him up.

"What the hell!" Zhou Xingxing was taken aback by Chen Baile's miserable appearance as soon as he turned his head, and almost covered Chen Baile's face with a box of rice.

"Ahem, you fucking want to scare me to death!" Zhou Xingxing was almost stuck in his throat by a piece of roasted chicken wing bone.

Chen Baila wanted to die: "You can't care about my injuries, I'm fucking dying."

Zhou Xingxing gave Chen Baila a sideways look, knowing that this guy had skin trauma, and he just looked miserable, otherwise Chen Baila, a bastard, would be more desperate than anyone else.

"Then you die! Let me eat this roasted chicken wing rice too." Zhou Xingxing picked up another boxed lunch and said with a smile.

"You have a good idea, even if I die, I have to finish my meal first, at least eat up the chicken wings." Chen Baile scolded angrily.

"What's going on?" Zhou Xingxing asked Chen Baile while picking his teeth with a chicken bone after eating.

"I followed a suspicious person and accidentally entered the women's restroom." Chen Baila said calmly.

Zhou Xingxing's eyes widened: "If you are not careful, you still have intentions."

"Of course I was not careful!" Chen Baila's eyes flickered.

"Fuck you!" Zhou Xingxing slapped him, but Chen Baila hurriedly blocked it. He thought that Zhou Xingxing was about to say something righteous, but Zhou Xingxing said wretchedly, "You didn't ask me to come with you."

"Next time, next time for sure!"

School is over at noon.

Li Er walked to the apartment building opposite the school. Instructor Hu drove around and drove into the underground parking lot of the apartment building, where he met Bai Anni, Chen Yalun and Hui Yinghong who also came back from the same circle.

This is Li Er's temporary command center for this operation. The apartment building is thirty-two floors high, and the apartment Li Er rents is on the thirty-first floor, where he can have a bird's-eye view of the entire school campus.

"Looking at it all morning, is there anything wrong?" Li Er asked Li Xianying, who was sitting in front of the window, watching his glasses.

Li Xianying shook his head: "The security of this school is very good. There are at least three security guards on shift at the security booths at each gate. You have to register and verify the information when you go in and out. I didn't find anything unusual. I don't think anyone will do anything in this kind of place. Bar!"

Li Er also shook his head: "It is said that they are terrorists. These people's brain circuits are different from our normal people. The Political Department can't do anything else. There is still a way to engage in these intelligence conspiracies. At least 70% to 80% may be true. In short, 24-hour follow-up."

"Understood!" Li Xianying nodded and said. He followed Ma Jun and Lin Haiying in shifts.

"Master, I'm starving to death, do you have anything to eat?"

Li Er and Li Xianying didn't chat for a long time before Instructor Hu and Bo Anni came back.

Li Er looked at Li Xianying.

"Uh——! I forgot to order takeaway, and I didn't even have breakfast myself." Li Xianying said awkwardly.

Li Er glared at Li Xianying, knowing that this bastard might have no money.

"Hurry up and order takeaway, tell them to deliver it faster, and remember to collect the receipt." Li Er ordered 1,000 yuan for the operation and gave it to Li Xianying.

"Eagle, order an extra serving, I haven't eaten yet." Ma Jun's voice came from the room.

The temporary command center rented by Li Er has four rooms, one for Hui Yinghong and Chen Yalun, one for Instructor Hu and Bai Anni, one for Ma Jun and Li Xianying, and one for Li Er himself. They all live here.

As for Lin Haiying, he was on duty until the hour. He had to go back to the Serious Crime Squad every morning to check in and process some basic documents.

"Master, I heard that you beat up all the students in your class." Bai Anni laughed happily.

Li Er opened the refrigerator and took a can of eight-treasure porridge and handed it to Bai Anni: "Do you want to eat something to pad your stomach first?"

"Okay! Master, please help me open it."

Li Er casually opened the lid of the eight-treasure porridge and handed it to Bai Anni.

"Li sir, will this attract the target's attention?" Instructor Hu frowned.

Li Er shrugged his shoulders, but he didn't take it too seriously. Li Er's thoughts were different from that of Instructor Hu.

Instructor Hu, like everyone else, wants to solve the case and make meritorious service, but Li Er can bluff the terrorists away. When the time comes, they will pick other aristocratic schools to do things again, so it will not be his business. Of course, this It is impossible for Li Er to say it.

"Have you gained anything?" Li Er asked, changing the subject.

Instructor Hu frowned: "I found several undercover police detectives from the Political Department in one morning. These people are too careless. I can easily see through their identities. I am really worried that the terrorists will find out that the police have an ambush and will change the situation." target of action."

Li Er secretly smiled inwardly, it seemed that he was doing too much, he remembered that Cao Dahua was also an undercover agent in the school, and with this swindler who had done more than succeed in his affairs, Li Er felt that the terrorists had already been cleared.

"Master, we also found out that Zhou Xingxing is also an undercover agent at the school, and there is another guy from the traffic police." Bai Anni interjected.

Li Er nodded: "I arranged for Zhou Xingxing, this guy still has some skills, it is very useful at critical moments, he didn't see through your identities, did he?"

Bai Anni and the others shook their heads: "Maybe not, but I can't guarantee it. You know that guy Zhou Xingxing is weird."

"That's okay, Zhou Xingxing is still reliable when doing serious things." Li Er said approvingly.

Instructor Hu and the others objected one after another. The incident of putting chili powder on the toilet paper left a deep impression on them.

There is a small stairwell at the entrance of the school stairs. Zhou Xingxing and Chen Baila temporarily live in it. Zhou Xingxing sneezed a few times inexplicably after lunch break.

The big net of Adam Smith International Noble School has been spread out, and it depends on whether the terrorists have the courage to end. Li Er analyzes from a rational point of view that the terrorists should change their targets, and he may be able to change the direction of the plot on his own.

But, 'Bang bang—'

The terrorists didn't give Li sir face.

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