Latest URL: "Sir Li, just received the news that the people from the political department found the lair of terrorists and planned to send people to attack them, but the plan failed miserably. Twenty-two men died and no one survived. Now the Hong Kong Governor's Office is furious , I have ordered the police to solve the case within a week." Instructor Hu reported to Li Er in shock after receiving a phone call.

"Twenty people died? The political department's trash!" Li Xianying cursed angrily.

The rest of the people in the room were also very angry. This group of terrorists were not only attacking the Political Department, they were hitting the faces of tens of thousands of police officers on Hong Kong Island, and they were still hitting loudly.

"Where are these terrorists from? Are they so fierce?" Li Er frowned and said, "Instructor Hu, you contact the person in charge of the case of the Political Department and say that we want all the detailed information on this operation, especially the target information, otherwise we will Just withdraw from this operation.”

Instructor Hu was stunned for a moment. If Li Er chose to withdraw from the operation at this time, he would definitely be targeted by the public, and punishment was inevitable.

"Li sir, the political department must be angry now. It will be very difficult for us to find them to get the materials." Instructor Hu reminded with a wry smile: "Why don't you find the director?"

Li Er also smiled wryly. Compared with life safety, punishment is of course the first priority. Since this group of terrorists are so fierce, I am afraid that it is a dream to change the plot. There must be a bloody battle at Adam Smith International Noble School.

"Call me!" Li Er dialed Huang Bingyao's landline. At the critical moment, this fat man still has a lot of energy.

An hour later, Lin Haiying came over with a detailed document on the case.

It turned out that the British government had arrested the leader of a group of Northern Irish terrorists in London. This group of Northern Irish terrorists planned to do things on Hong Kong Island and force the British government to release their leader.

"These terrorists aren't really out of their minds, are they! The British messed with them, so they should settle accounts with the British. What's the use of coming to Hong Kong Island to make trouble?" Ma Jun cursed angrily.

Li Er nodded in agreement. If he became a terrorist, his normal mind would be abnormal.

"The Adam Smith International Noble School is not the children of consuls, but the children of ambassadors, or the children of executives and rich people. In short, all of them are either rich or noble. If terrorists control the school and kidnap Taking these students as hostages will definitely shock the whole of Hong Kong, and maybe it will really affect the concession of the ancestors." Instructor Hu analyzed.

"So serious?" Chen Yalun clicked his tongue.

"That's right, Hong Kong Island is where the elites manage the lower-level citizens. Once these elites are held hostage, the entire Hong Kong Island will be in chaos." Instructor Hu said with certainty that her overall perspective far surpassed that of Li Er and the others.

"Then do you think that if terrorists really hold Adam Smith International Noble School hostage, will London compromise and release them?" Li Er asked with great interest.

Instructor Hu's face suddenly turned ugly.

"We will definitely not let people go. The ancestors may negotiate to make a small concession, but it is absolutely impossible to threaten London to compromise."

Li Er sneered: "Understood, the face of the Queen of England is more important than the lives of more than a thousand teachers and students of Adam Smith International Noble School."

"That is to say, once the terrorists successfully control the school, the students who are taken as hostages will die." Li Xianying's face was even uglier than that of Instructor Hu.

Ma Jun immediately slapped the table: "Damn it, I said a long time ago that the British don't treat us Hong Kong people as human beings. We do all the dirty work, and they get the reputation..."

"Shut up!" Li Er stopped Ma Jun.

"Brother Hai, go to the City Planning Bureau. I want the detailed architectural drawings of the Adam Smith International Noble School, especially the underground structure." Li Er turned his head and said to Lin Haiying. There is such an important air defense channel.

Lin Haiying nodded: "Understood!"

"Boss, the strength of these terrorists is so terrifying. They have killed more than 20 agents of the Political Department, so their number must be at least 20, and their firepower must be very fierce. Should we talk to the director Applying for a temporary upgrade of the weapon, I feel that the small pistol is going to die against the paramilitary-grade firearms."

Lin Haiying's thought of cherishing life was comparable to that of Li Er, and he immediately reminded Li Er that the combat power of the enemy and us was not equal.

The other members of the serious crime team raised their hands in agreement.

'Life is one's own, and there is only one. '

Li Er frowned and said, "Small pistols are indeed inferior to submachine guns, but as far as I know, the most lethal firearm in our police station is the Glock 17 we are equipped with now. You can apply for a few more pineapple bullets."

The members of the serious crime team were hit hard immediately.

"But although our police station doesn't have any good ones, I know who has them!" Li Er smiled and looked at Instructor Hu.

Instructor Hu noticed that Li Erse was looking at him with a smile, uh, with a smile, and immediately shook his hand nervously and said, "Why are you looking at me? You can't even get a weapon, and I have nothing to do."

"Hey, I can't say that. I have always believed in your ability, Instructor Hu, and you have always been absolutely entrusted with a heavy responsibility. Everyone can see it!" Li Er said loudly to all his subordinates.

"Yes—!" Li Xianying and Ma Jun were the first to raise their hands. In fact, the two of them didn't know what Li Er wanted to do, and they just supported him out of habit.

Instructor Hu didn't know what Li Er wanted to say, and looked at him in confusion.

Bai Anni covered her mouth and smiled secretly, she guessed that her master had some bad idea again.

"Instructor Jane of the Flying Tigers must have a heavy weapon. If Instructor Hu came forward, he would definitely be caught immediately." Li Er said with a smile.

Instructor Hu's face changed when Li Er said the first sentence.

Instructor Hu shook his hand and said, "How could I possibly..."

"Instructor Jane can." Li Er interrupted Instructor Hu's words and said with a bared grin: "As long as Instructor Hu is willing to use a little beauty trick, I guarantee that Instructor Jane will be dizzy immediately and agree to everything."

Instructor Hu gave Li Er a blank look, don't you know that the one surnamed Jane is the most annoying to me.

"If you don't borrow weapons from the Flying Tigers, I know there is another person who can definitely help." Li Er laughed.

"Who?" Instructor Hu hurriedly said, that Instructor Jane was like a dog's skin plaster, and she really didn't want to have any intersection with Instructor Jane.

"Chief superintendent of the SWAT team, Cao Dahua." Li Er blinked and said.

Instructor Hu thought for a while, then nodded: "Okay! Let me be responsible for the weapons."

Only then did the other members of the serious crime team know that Instructor Hu has such a wide network of people, no wonder he can be the second in command.

"I want heavy-duty body armor, preferably bomb disposal grade. I'm not afraid of heavy weight." Li Er said immediately: "The firearms should be the same MP5 submachine gun as the Flying Tigers."

Li Er immediately selected the best shield and the strongest spear.

Instructor Hu couldn't help rolling his big eyes: "Li sir, I'm going to ask if he agrees to borrow it first."

Ma Jun just wanted to say that he wanted an ak47, but he shut up quickly when he heard what instructor Hu said.

"Hehe, we all believe in Instructor Hu, this is a trivial matter for Instructor Hu." Li Erhe laughed.

Instructor Hu: "..."

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