What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 211 Li sir is going offline

"Robert, it's not good. Our beheading operation failed. Vader's idiots were killed by the police." Robert's subordinates reported with a big change in expression.

Robert's complexion was not good at this time. When the brave man wins in a narrow road, Li Er, this guy, encouraged Zhou Xingxing, Li Xianying and others to attack frantically without thinking about their own safety. These terrorists under Robert began to be unable to stop them.

"Bang bang bang..."

"Bang bang bang..."

"Da da da da.."

"Ah——! Who fired the gun? Damn it hurts so much!"

Often walking by the river would never get your shoes wet. Li Er's luck seems to be in arrears. He originally hid behind Zhou Xingxing and fired a black gun, but Zhou Xingxing jumped away suddenly, and a bullet shot from Zhou Xingxing's crotch. It hit Li Er's chest directly, and hit Li Er's chest squarely in the middle.

Li Er's eyes went dark, and he almost passed out without pain. Fortunately, this guy finally had a bit of aura as a protagonist. The bullet didn't penetrate the body armor, and got stuck in the canvas layer.

"Die to me!"

Instead of killing Li Er, the bullets of the terrorists filled Li Er's anger tank to the brim. Li Er threw bombs into the corridor like he didn't want money.


After all, the bomb was more powerful, and the grenade thrown by Li Er knocked down two unlucky ghosts again. This time, Robert might be doomed.

"Hurry up, Rudolph and the others won't be able to stop them for long." Robert said anxiously.

Robert's men swiftly pried open the elevator door, but inside the elevator door was the elevator room, and inside the elevator room were four fully armed members of the Flying Tigers, who were slowly looking at Robert and him. of the men.

Robert: "..."

"Hold your head with your hands after putting down your weapon." The Flying Tigers police officer shouted loudly.

Li Er suddenly received an order from Xu Rulin to stop the exchange of fire.


After Li Er finished speaking, he raised his hand and shot.

"Boom!" A bullet hole appeared in the middle of Robert's forehead, blood gushed out, and he lost his breath in the next second.

'Ding--! The assassin mission is completed, and the reward package will arrive soon, so stay tuned. ’ The system prompt sounded, and Li Er’s assassination mission ended successfully.

Zhou Xingxing, Li Xianying, Miao Zhishun and the members of the Flying Tigers stared blankly at Li Er. The other party surrendered. Why did you shoot?

"Didn't you see that his hands were not on top of his head? He wanted to take the opportunity to sneak attack me, thinking I didn't know, huh, looking for a dead end!" Li Er snorted coldly.

Zhou Xingxing and the others were sweating secretly. It shouldn't be so, so many guns were pointed at Robert.

Although these guys think so in their hearts, they will never say it out loud to offend Li Er, and Li Er's statement can be backed up, let you put your hands on your head, put your hands on your waist to pretend to be cool, you deserve to be shot dead.

"Report to the chief, the bandit leader has been successfully killed." Li Er reported to Xu Rulin.

Xu Rulin: "..."

Xu Rulin's face turned green. Tony followed the dead ghost Blair's suggestion and successfully hijacked the Adam Smith International Aristocratic School. His first request was to see the bandit leader Robert, and Li Er shot him dead.

"Thanks for your hard work,

You bring down the rest of the terrorists first. "Xu Rulin took a deep breath and said, he still doesn't know that Li Er killed Robert after receiving the order, otherwise he would definitely jump up in anger.

"!" Li Er hurriedly replied loudly.

"Instructor Hu, you and Annie and the others will continue to search for the remaining terrorists in the building. These bastards should be ghosts, but we must also prevent them from dressing up as Chinese meds. This is up to you," Li Er said. Wan turned to Li Xianying and said, "You also stay and help."

"Ma Jun, where is Ma Jun?" Li Er shouted.

It is said that Ma Jun and Ma Jun arrived, but they were carried downstairs by Chen Jiaju. Ma Jun was shot and lost too much blood and passed out.

"This idiot, serving Her Majesty the Queen of Great England, still fucking parentheses, overseas, why don't you work so hard." Li Er couldn't help cursing in a low voice when he saw Ma Jun's miserable situation.

Chen Jiaju looked up at Li Er strangely, he wondered why Li Er would say such a thing.

"Are you not injured?" Li Er asked Chen Jiaju.

Chen Jiaju stared at Li Er speechlessly: "Should my mother be injured?"

Li Er nodded seriously: "Yes!"

Chen Jiaju almost wanted to die.

Chen Jiaju was indeed injured almost every battle, but this time facing such a fierce gunfire, Big Nose Ju was sweating profusely from exhaustion, he really didn't even scratch his skin, you know Li Er himself was shot twice gun.

"It's fine!" Li Er patted Chen Jiaju's shoulder.

Chen Jiaju felt even more uncomfortable, and he couldn't help but have some doubts in his heart. Li Er, this guy doesn't like to see me get hurt, right?

"Li Er, help me! I carried him down from the 20th floor, you think I'm very strong." Chen Jiaju couldn't help cursing when he saw Li Er holding his hands empty.

Li Er turned around and called the ambulanceman. He took advantage of the last period of his power as a temporary commander to maximize the remaining value.

Soon two ambulancemen put Ma Jun on a stretcher and carried him away.

"Li, call me an ambulance stretcher too!" Seeing that Ma Jun was lying on a stretcher, Miao Zhishun hurriedly asked Li Er for instructions.

As soon as Miao Zhishun entered the battlefield, he was shot in the thigh. This guy has been gritting his teeth and fighting until now. He is indeed a man. Li Erting appreciates this unlucky guy.

Li Er immediately called another stretcher for Miao Zhishun.

"Li sir, I think the closure of the building cannot be over yet. During the battle just now, the terrorists used a large number of bombs. There may still be hidden ones. I want the guys from the bomb disposal team to conduct a thorough investigation first. After assessing the risk level, Slowly disarm the danger alarm." Instructor Hu reported to Li Er seriously.

"Do as you want!"

Instructor Hu is too professional. To be honest, Li Er really can't pick any thorns, and even let Li Er do it. Li Er must not be as good as Instructor Hu himself.

"!" Instructor Hu saluted seriously.

Instructor Hu is now more and more fond of working under Li Er. Li Er is the kind of guy who is absolutely not greedy for power and steals power.

"Li Er, why are you dawdling up there, come down to the command center immediately, there is something important to do." Xu Rulin couldn't help urging without waiting for Li Er.

Li Er curled his lips. He had a hunch that Xu Rulin was up to no good. There was a gun battle downstairs just now.

"Jia Kui, do you want to meet the senior executives of the police force?" Li Er took off the communicator and turned to Chen Jia Ju and asked with a smile.

Chen Jiaju's eyes widened excitedly: "Is it possible?"

"Of course, what is the relationship between us, we are old irons who have played since childhood." Li Er smiled.

Chen Jiaju punched Li Er excitedly. Of course he knew who Li Er was referring to as the senior officer of the police department. He was the second in command of the police department and the first person in the operation department.

Grassroots police officers like Li Er and Chen Jiaju, if they have no adventures, they will never have the opportunity to contact the highest level of the police force. No matter how hard they try, they will be cannon fodder for a high-level police station.

Chen Jiaju worked very hard and was very aggressive. Of course he understood that this opportunity was rare, even if he couldn't speak, it would be good to get acquainted in front of Xu Rulin, in case the other party remembered him one day.

"Tou, you are injured, let me go down with you!" Zhou Xingxing raised his hand cleverly and said, this guy is an official fan, and he understands what it means to have the opportunity to show his face in front of the big bosses of the police department.

Zhou Xingxing's performance in this operation was really good. Not only did he attract a considerable part of the firepower, but he also killed two terrorists. The result was very good, but it was a pity that he jumped up for no reason during the operation, causing Li Er to be shot.

But Li Er is definitely a stingy and vengeful guy.

Li Er gave Zhou Xingxing a cold look, Zhou Xingxing hurriedly lowered his head apprehensively, he naturally knew that Li Er must be very upset with him now, but the opportunity was rare, Zhou Xingxing wanted to fight, just in case Li Er would agree.

Li Er was about to sternly reject Zhou Xingxing. Instructor Hu shook his head slightly. Ma Jun was seriously injured. The serious crime team now needs a guy who can fight like Zhou Xingxing. But he also had to consider the interests of the serious crime team.

"Let's go!" Li Er said.


Zhou Xingxing quickly followed behind Li Er.

Downstairs in Huitong Building, Li Jie put down his pistol and was handcuffed by the police as a thug. In any case, this guy did kill people.

"What's your name?" Huang Bingyao came over and asked Li Jie. If Li Jie hadn't helped five terrorists attack at the same time, Huang Bingyao would have been impossible to stop.

"My name is Li Jie, comrade police officer. I'm not a bad person. I'm Mr. Long Wei's bodyguard. My work card is in my coat pocket." Li Jie explained hastily.

"Long Wei? That movie star?" Huang Bingyao frowned and took out his work card from Li Jie's pocket.

"Yes!" Li Jie replied succinctly.

Huang Bingyao took a closer look at Li Jie's work permit. The guy in front of him was really a bodyguard. It would be a waste of talent for such a fierce guy to be an actor's bodyguard.

"Are you from the mainland?" Huang Bingyao heard Li Jie mention "comrade" just now, and only people from the mainland would say that.

"Yes, I used to be a civil servant in the Mainland, so I'm definitely not a bad person." Li Jie said seriously.

"There are bad guys in the police too." Huang Bingyao stuffed Li Jie's ID back into his pocket, looked up at Li Jie again and said with a smile.

"But I'm not a bad person." Li Jie said solemnly.

Huang Bingyao nodded noncommittally.

"We still need to investigate you, and hope you cooperate." Huang Bingyao said.

"Okay!" Li Jie was still concise.

Huang Bingyao turned his head and left with satisfaction.

The PTU police officers took Li Jie away. Li Jie tried his best to look at the terrorist who was carried out on tiptoe. He had never seen the 'doctor' and only heard the other party's voice through the phone.

Li Jie judged from the standard Mandarin pronunciation of "doctor" that "doctor" was a Chinese, but the dead terrorists who were carried out were all ghosts.

'It doesn't look like a doctor's gang. ’ Li Jie thought to himself.

At this time, Li Er just went downstairs and passed Li Jie, Li Er frowned and stopped.

"Li Er, come here quickly!" Huang Bingyao waved quickly when he saw Li Er.

Li Er turned his head to look at Li Jie's back in a daze, and walked quickly to the command center.

Cai Yuanqi saw Li Er from a distance, so he gave Li Er a thumbs up. Like the situation just now, if Li Er did not accept the action commander, Xu Rulin would send him Cai Yuanqi. Cai Yuanqi didn't think he could handle these things. terrorist.

"Hello Director!"

"Hmm! You did a good job this time." Xu Rulin nodded to Li Er with satisfaction, and then glanced at Chen Jiaju and Zhou Xingxing behind Li Er.

The two guys, Chen Jiaju and Zhou Xingxing, immediately straightened their backs, looked straight ahead with serious eyes, and tried to put on a righteous look.

"Zhou Xingxing?" Cao Dahua stared at the serious Zhou Xingxing with wide eyes, as if he didn't know him. Is this the fucking traffic policeman?

"Li Er, there is a new situation. There are two groups of terrorists. Taking advantage of our lack of police force, the other group has already taken control of the Adam Smith International Noble School and has taken all the teachers and students hostage." After seeing Xu Rulin's wink, Cai Yuanqi said, He opened his mouth and said to Li Er.

Li Er's face darkened.

'I'll go, I've been fighting desperately for a long time, and the truant Weilong has only really started now? ’ Li Er was suddenly powerless.

"Cai sir, what did you just say? I didn't hear clearly."

Xu Rulin glared at Li Er: "Terrorists have hijacked the entire Adam Smith International Noble School."

"Ah!" Li Er yelled in 'surprise', this guy's face became more and more red, and finally it was about to turn purple.

"Bastard, we've fallen for the trick. This is a plan to build the plank road and hide the old warehouse." Li Er blushed and covered his chest in pain and shouted: "Ah, I'm so mad."

"Li sir, are you okay!" Cai Yuanqi asked worriedly.


Li Er screamed in pain, rolled his eyes, and fell straight behind him. Standing behind him was Inspector Fang Jiexia of the Wanchai Police Station. Fang Jiexia instinctively hugged Li Er with both hands to prevent him from fighting the terrorists. Instead, he fell to his death in the command center.

What is an actor, this fucking actor is an actor, Li Er's performance is almost flawless, he is definitely a model in the entertainment industry.

Several people in the command center couldn't help looking at each other when they saw Li Er suddenly fell down.

"Hey! Li Er may be too proud. He feels that he has been plotted by terrorists, so he can only be angry for a while." Uncle Biao explained.

Li Er's assassination mission has been completed, so he doesn't care about the case of "playing truant". It just so happens that Zhou Xingxing and Cao Dahua are both there, so it's best to let these two wonderful combinations go into battle.

Although Fang Jiexia didn't have much breasts, her arms were soft, and Li Er pretended to lie down very comfortably.

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