What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 212 This is definitely an illegitimate child

"Li Er! Li Er?"

Xu Rulin doesn't quite believe that such a small matter can make people dizzy, this guy is not the modern Zhou Yu.

Xu Rulin gave Cai Yuanqi a wink, and Cai Yuanqi walked over to pinch Li Er's people.

"Li sir, wake up, Li sir!" Cai Yuanqi called out in a low voice while pinching Li Er's crowd.

Li Er closed his eyes, trembling with pain in his heart, he greeted all the female elders in Cai Yuanqi's family in his heart, and secretly vowed to let Cai Yuanqi enjoy Lin Haiying's silver needle acupuncture points in the future.

"Ah——! Blood, it's blood, Sir Li was shot!" Fang Jiexia cried out in panic. She hugged Li Er and lowered her head to look, and found that the white shirt inside Li Er's body armor had already been stained red with blood.

Other people in the command center also looked over. There was a bullet hole in the chest of Li Er's body armor.

'I'll go, this guy has been shot a long time ago, but he is holding on like a normal person? ’ Everyone in the command center looked at Li Er in admiration and as if he had seen a ghost.

"Ambulanceman, hurry up, call the doctor for first aid." Uncle Biao kicked Chen Jiaju's ass urgently, and Chen Jiaju hurried to the ambulance.

Zhou Xingxing frowned secretly. He remembered that the bullet did not penetrate Li Er's body armor, and the bullet was still picked off by Li Er, leaving only one bullet hole in the body armor.

'Could it be that Li sir hurt his head? '

Zhou Xingxing looked at the white gauze on Li Er's head. He was not sure about the head, and it was best not to speak on this occasion.

The ambulance quickly took Li Er away.

Li Er originally pretended to be asleep, but he lay on the bed in the ambulance, and fell asleep exhaustedly while lying down.

The little nurse in the ambulance looked at Li Er very curiously. Of course, she saw Li Er jumping around the building in a thrilling way downstairs just now. She didn't expect him to be so young and good-looking.

It's just that the little nurse couldn't figure it out, didn't this person faint? In this way, there will be snoring sounds, as if he is asleep.

Just at this time, Li Er's nose was itchy, he subconsciously raised his hand and rubbed his nose, turned over and continued to sleep.

"Ah!" The little nurse covered her mouth in disbelief.

‘This is the fainted person? '

The little nurse felt that her medical school was wasted.

'This is clearly falling asleep! ’ The little nurse gave Li Er an angry look.


Li Er woke up, uh, he passed out and woke up at night.

"Master, you're awake, do you still have a headache?" Bai Anni stood by Li Er's bed, and asked nervously as soon as she saw Li Er woke up.

Li Er glanced at the empty room, rubbed Bai Anni's beautiful hair and said, "I'm fine, I just fell asleep, why are you here?"

Bai Anni carefully looked at Li Er's face, and after confirming that he was really fine, he breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, the doctor had told Bai Anni that Li Er was fine, it was just that he was overworked.

"I heard from Chen Jiaju that something happened to you, so I hurried over here." Bai Anni said and glared at Li Er: "Did you hook up with the little nurse in that hospital?"

"How is it possible!" Li Erli said confidently.

"Why would that little nurse give you flowers.

"Bo Anni snorted coldly, pointing to a large bouquet of roses beside Li Er's bed.

"Uh—!" Li Er turned his head to look at the flower on the bed: "Heaven and earth conscience, I really don't know what's going on. Am I lucky? Find Lin Haiying tomorrow to figure it out."

"You still pretend!" Bai Anni crossed her little hands and snorted coldly in disbelief.

"Wait, who changed my clothes?" Only then did Li Er realize that he was wearing a loose hospital gown.

"I changed it for you. Your previous clothes were blood-stained, and if you don't change into a hospital gown, the doctor can't do the examination." The little nurse walked in at some point, she was red The face said softly.

Bai Anni looked at the little nurse from the left and Li Er from the right, with a sneer on her face.

"I'm fine, what kind of inspection did you give me?" Li Er was startled, and quickly pulled up his trousers to take a look at his crotch.

‘It’s still there, it’s not as if it’s been subjected to some cutting operation. ’ Sir Li breathed a sigh of relief.

"You just need to be checked to know if you are okay! Li sir, don't worry, Dr. Liu said that you are in good health and you can be discharged from the hospital tomorrow." The little nurse said happily and disappointed.

Li Er nodded: "You sent the flowers?"

Little nurse: "Press—!"

"We didn't know each other before!"

"I don't know!" The little nurse frowned at Li Er.

Li Er proudly shrugged his shoulders to Bai Anni.

"Thank you for the flowers." Bai Anni said on behalf of Li Er.

"No...no need!" The little nurse blushed and ran away as if fleeing.

"Hey, master, this little nurse is really cute!" Bai Anni looked at the little nurse and smiled happily.

Li Er's face was serious, and he snorted coldly in his heart, I believe you are a pig, it's best to listen to women's words the other way around.

"Have you eaten yet? Why are you the only one who came to see me?" Li Er asked with a frown. With his connections, it wouldn't be so!

"Instructor Hu, Ah Hong, and Yalun have all been here and have already gone back. Eagle, Brother Hai, and Zhou Xingxing have also been here. Brother Hai checked your pulse for you and said that there is nothing serious, so they all went back." Bai Anni said with a happy smile: "By the way, the director has also been here. Master, I'm afraid you will be promoted again."

"I didn't notify my colleagues from other CID departments, and you don't like making noise."

Li Er nodded.

Bai Anni said again: "Master, I didn't tell my eldest brother and them. Xiaofang may have watched the TV news and called me many times. I just told her that you are in this hospital."

"It's okay! You're right if you don't tell Big Brother and them. Don't say I'm okay. Even if something happens, they won't be able to help you. Let's worry about it together." Li Er was very satisfied with his precious apprentice.

"By the way, how did you deal with the incident at the school?" Li Er asked Bai Anni.

"I don't know very well. Chen Jiaju and Zhou Xingxing participated in the operation, and the Eagles also went there later, but they didn't fight. It seems that some Cai sir from the police department went to the school to negotiate with terrorists." Bai Anni was worried about Li Er , I really don't have the heart to ask these things.

"Cai sir? Cai Yuanqi?" Li Er muttered to himself, "Cai Yuanqi is so powerful? Negotiating with terrorists alone."

"Hahahaha, Li Er, did I tell you that this hospital bed is the most comfortable?" Chen Jiaju laughed happily when he saw Li Er.

"Your uncle, this is a hospital. Would you like to use a loudspeaker to shout louder for you?" Li Er couldn't help cursing. He remembered that Chen Jiaju, the crow's mouth, said that the beds in the hospital were very comfortable, but it didn't take long for Li Xianying to I also lay down, and now it was my turn again.

"I knew you were fine!" Chen Jiaju laughed without paying attention to Li Er's words: "Ma Jun survived so many shots, and the bullets didn't even penetrate your flesh."

"My master is right, you are the crow's mouth!" Bai Anni gave Chen Jiaju a look and supported her master and snorted coldly.

"It's good that people are fine. The statistics of several hospitals have come out. Our police force lost 23 men in this battle, and there are six men who have not passed the dangerous period so far." Chen Jiaju patted Li Er shoulders, the smile gradually solidified.

"For those who come out to work, it is predicted that this day will come." Li Er was also a little depressed because of Chen Jiaju's infection.

"You participated in the operation. How did you deal with the terrorist hijacking of the school?" Li Er asked Chen Jiaju very curiously.

Chen Jiaju's face turned cold when he heard Li Er mentioning this matter, he pulled a chair and sat down in front of Li Er, and then said seriously: "Li Er, we must be careful about Cai Yuanqi in the future."

"So?" Li Er frowned, he rarely heard Chen Jiaju say that about someone.

"At that time, the terrorists had already hijacked the students in the school. It turned out that the parents of these students were all high-ranking government officials and business tycoons. People kept calling the command center, even the Governor of Hong Kong. Everyone was under great pressure. Great." Chen Jiaju said with a solemn expression.

Li Er and Bo Anni had expected this, but they didn't feel anything.

"The conditions put forward by the terrorists are too harsh. Several directors' opinions are to force the attack, but several people in the operation department think that they can negotiate." Chen Jiaju said seriously. At that time, it was good that these little people could listen in, and they had no right to speak at all. .

"What's Xu Rulin's opinion?" Li Er asked with interest.

Chen Jiaju shook his head: "Sir Xu didn't express his opinion, but when 'Brother One' came, he didn't even express his opinion."

"The director is also at the scene?" Li Er asked in surprise.

"It's here!" Chen Jiaju said with admiration on his face: "Li Er, you were not there at the time, Sir Xu is really, tsk tsk."

Chen Jiaju held up his thumb.

"Xu sir didn't take 'Brother One' seriously at all, he just let 'Brother One' watch from the sidelines, don't talk to affect the action plan."

"I seldom admire people, but Sir Xu really gave us the face of the Minister of Operations. It's a pity that you were not there at the time, and the faces of those big bosses in the management department turned green with anger."

"Then these are none of Cai Yuanqi's business, why are you mentioning Cai Yuanqi for no reason?" Li Er asked with a frown.

"Isn't it said that everyone's opinions are not unified? Sir Xu gave it in one sentence, 'Fight, it must be fought, otherwise no one will take the police force seriously in the future. School, which one can I care about', but Xu sir's opinion is to call after negotiation." Chen Jiaju imitated Xu Rulin's tone and said domineeringly.

"So, Sir Xu sent Cai Yuanqi to negotiate with the terrorists?"

"Yes, but to everyone's surprise, Cai Yuanqi and the terrorists agreed to let the students and teachers of the school go." Chen Jiaju's face was very strange. In fact, all the policemen at the scene were in a panic Very odd, and they're ready for a hard fight.

"What did he talk about?" Li Er asked quickly.

Chen Jiaju spread his hands: "I don't know! No one knows what conditions he agreed to the terrorists. After Cai Yuanqi came back, he only reported the situation to Sir Xu."

"And then? The terrorists have withdrawn?" Not to mention Chen Jiaju, Li Er also found it inconceivable.

"Well——! Cai Yuanqi arranged a boat, but all the terrorists were wiped out on the boat, and no one was left alive." Chen Jiaju said in a low voice: "I, Eagle Head, a member of the West District Police Station, and the police All three guys from the Operations Department of the Service were involved in the operation."

Li Er's face twitched: "A few of you can wipe out all the terrorists. How many are there?"

"Twenty or so people, Cai Yuanqi buried the entire ship with explosives. We waited for the ship to go out of Victoria Harbor to explode before going into the sea to kill those who escaped by chance." Chen Jiaju said that he couldn't help feeling chills.

"Someone escaped?"

"How is it possible? Under such a big explosion, the gods would rush to the street, but Cai Yuanqi ordered us to search the sea for more than two hours, otherwise I would have come back." Chen Jiaju's tone seemed to disdain Cai Yuanqi.

"That's it?" Li Er asked.

"Otherwise, so people like Cai Yuanqi can't be trusted. He must have promised the other party something, and then crossed the river and demolished the bridge. This guy is good-looking, and I can't imagine being so treacherous." Chen Jiaju said angrily: "Li Er, think about it, Cai Yuanqi Even terrorists who are at odds with us can be persuaded, if it is not easy for him to deceive us, this kind of person really needs to be kept at a respectful distance, the farther the better."

Li Er smiled, Chen Jiaju couldn't see it, but Li Er was sure that it was definitely the work of Xu Rulin, the master behind the scenes.

Cai Yuanqi, Li Er, has been in contact with this person. He is indeed a talent, but he is not so ruthless, nor does he have such courage. However, Li Er is really very curious. What kind of conditions did Xu Rulin ask Cai Yuanqi to agree to the terrorists, and let the other party release him without bloodshed? Damn it.

Cai Yuanqi successfully negotiated with the terrorists, and the media of all parties knew about it. Now that the ship arranged for the other party exploded just after leaving Victoria Harbor, I am afraid that tomorrow the negative news of the police department will be all over the sky.

Cai Yuanqi's scapegoat is big enough, but Li Er knows very well that Cai Yuanqi is a bastard who has made a lot of money. The more negative reports he gets, the more grateful he is for the parents of students at Adam Smith International Noble School. These parents are either high-ranking officials or wealthy people. Cai Yuanqi's future path will definitely be particularly smooth.

'Asshole! Is Cai Yuanqi the illegitimate son of Xu Rulin? Take such good care of him! ’ Li Er slandered bitterly.

"Let's go! Go eat, I'm starving to death!" Li Er got up from the bed.

"Are you really okay?" Chen Jiaju was stunned for a moment, the little nurse changed Li Er's hospital gown, even if Li Er was really fine, others would take him as comforting everyone, no one thought, Li Er was really fine.

"Then go and eat! I've got an appointment with Ah Mei!" Seeing that Li Er was fine, Chen Jiaju immediately slipped away, emphasizing sex over friendship. Of course, it was also for not being a light bulb.

Fortunately, Chen Jiaju walked quickly, otherwise he would be even more embarrassed, because Zhu Wanfang was walking into the ward with a double-layered lunch box.

"Second Brother, Sister Annie, I brought you dinner." Zhu Wanfang smiled happily when she saw that Li Er was fine.

"Going out to eat, your sister Annie, a little rich woman, treats you." Li Er said with a smile.

Zhu Wanfang was really considerate, she not only brought dinner, but also Li Er's change of clothes, if it wasn't for Bai Anni, Li Er would have hugged this little girl and kissed her hard.

"Hey! You are all here!" Unfortunately, it was He Min.

Li Er is still too young after all, he doesn't understand that a bastard like him who has been on many boats can't get sick or have a birthday, otherwise it's easy to sink the ship, I hope the latecomers and readers will think quit.

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