What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 217 Don't do business with Li 2

Jiang Lang got up early in the morning, took a hot bath, changed into a smart suit, and walked out of the cabin with a smile on his face.

Yes, Jiang Lang lives on a boat. For an insecure person like him, living on a boat is the most suitable. He can take all his belongings and run away at any time, er, to withdraw water.

Jiang Lang came to a nice tea house with a smile on his face. He ordered a sumptuous breakfast. Those who don't know the inside story would never have imagined that this guy dressed as if he was going to have a wedding was going to kill someone.

After Jiang Lang finished his breakfast leisurely, he went to the library in Tsim Sha Tsui.

"Chen San, Uncle Hai asked me to ask you why you betrayed him." Jiang Lang sat opposite Chen San with a Bible in his hand.

"Lang... Brother Lang, I didn't betray Uncle Hai." Chen San was very surprised to see Jiang Lang.

Jiang Lang smiled.

"That's it."

"Ah!" Chen San was stunned.

'Did I say no? Did I say it wrong, or did you hear it wrong? '

Just as Chen San was about to continue his defense, Jiang Lang suddenly turned to the twelfth page of the Bible, revealing the pistol hidden in the book.

Chen San's expression changed drastically, and he was about to reach out to grab the gun, but it was too late, Jiang Lang was famous for being fast, ruthless, and ruthless on the road.

Jiang Lang shook his right hand, and the pistol in the book was already in his palm.


A muffled gunshot rang out.

Jiang Lang put the pistol back into the Bible, stood up, turned around and walked to the bookshelf. This guy is really ruthless.

"Sister Wanfang, did you hear anything?" Li Shiya asked with a frown.

Zhu Wanfang shook her head: "There is no sound? Shiya, don't you want to buy course guide books? Why are you looking for them in these essays? Don't worry, I will tell my second brother that you secretly read extracurricular books."

Li Shiya grinned: "I'm not afraid of second brother, and sister Wanfang is not a snitch, my third brother likes snitching the most."

Zhu Wanfang blushed when she heard Li Shiya's words. She had just reported to Li Er last night about Wang Gangsheng's pregnancy.

"Sister Wanfang, look, this person looks like my second brother." Li Shiya pointed to Jiang Lang who was passing by the bookshelf and whispered.

Zhu Wanfang looked in the direction Li Shiya was pointing at. Jiang Lang really looked like Li Er when he had a straight face, but Li Er was at least a head taller than Jiang Lang, and Li Er seldom had a straight face. Smile harmlessly.

Jiang Lang, as a top-notch 'twenty-five boy', soon noticed two little girls staring at him, frowned immediately, turned his head and gave Zhu Wanfang and Li Shiya a hard look.

Zhu Wanfang was timid, so she quickly pretended to look through the books on the bookshelf, but Li Shiya was not afraid of Jiang Lang, and stared at Jiang Lang with big eyes.

'Well--! '

Jiang Lang was speechless, he had already put the book back in the distance, and brushed past Zhu Wanfang and Li Shiya with a wry smile. Li Shiya held her head high triumphantly, like a victorious little rooster.


Just as Jiang Lang walked out of the door, a sharp scream sounded from inside the library.


Li Kee Tea Restaurant.

Tong Keren has made unannounced visits to eight "Lee Kee Tea Restaurant" in the past two days, and it is now the ninth branch of "Lee Kee Tea Restaurant". Busy, the customers who dine in the store are also full.

‘Hey——, do I know this guy? It looks so familiar. ’ Tong Keren looked at Li Er frequently, her memory was not very good, and she could no longer remember who Li Er was.

"Master, there's a beautiful woman over there looking at you!" Bo Anni snorted softly after discovering that Tong Keren was looking at Li Er.

Li Er raised his head with a headache, and squeezed out what he thought was the most handsome smile: "Which one? Why didn't I see another beauty in the tea restaurant besides Baby Annie? Am I blind?"

Bai Anni gave Li Er an angry look, although she knew that her master was telling lies, she was still happy in her heart.

"Hmph! That's it, the third table, the beauty who dominates a table by herself and doesn't order food." Bai Anni motioned Li Er to look at Tong Keren.

Li Er turned his head to look, and happened to meet Tong Keren's gaze. Li Er naturally had a good memory for beauties, so he recognized Tong Keren at a glance, nodded and smiled.

Seeing Li Er nodding to him, Tong Keren immediately knew that they should know each other. Tong Keren stood up and walked towards Li Er.


As soon as Tong Keren stood up, other diners immediately took her seat.

"Are you the store manager here?" Tong Keren asked with a smile. It's great to meet an acquaintance at this time, but the embarrassing thing is that she can't remember who they are. ⑦⑧The fastest update of the whole Chinese network ωωω.⑦㈧zω.cδм

Li Er shook his head honestly: "No, the store manager has something to do. I'm helping the store manager for a day. This store is very strict in recruiting workers. I'm afraid I won't be able to apply for the job."

Li Er was just talking nonsense, but Tong Keren nodded seriously, and she even took out a notebook to write it down.

"Uh—!" Li Er and Bai Anni looked at each other, the master and apprentice were full of strange eyes, the beauty in front of them couldn't be stupid! It's a pity that she doesn't have the same temperament.

The food delivery department of 'Liji Tea Restaurant' actually has requirements for recruiting people, but Li Er and Bai Anni don't know that's all. The delivery staff of 'Li Ji Tea Restaurant' are all young people, unlike other tea restaurants There are all kinds of crooked takeaways, old, weak and remnant soldiers, which give the impression of being very unprofessional and shabby.

It is said that there are a few office girls in Tsim Sha Tsui who order takeaways from "Lee Kee Tea Restaurant" every day because of the handsome delivery staff of "Lee Kee Tea Restaurant". This is even interviewed by a reporter from Gossip Weekly. As for If it wasn't Li Shan's marketing method, no one knows.

"That—!" Tong Keren still couldn't remember Li Er's name, she asked with a blushing face, "Can I go to the takeaway section of your tea restaurant?"

Li Er and Bo Anni immediately knew something was wrong.

"No!" Li Er shook his head resolutely. The most valuable part of the 'Li Ji Tea Restaurant' is the takeaway department. Li Er is such a shrewd person, how could it be possible for others to easily understand its operating mode, even if Tong Keren is a big Beauty.

Tong Keren didn't expect that Li Er would agree to her unreasonable request, so she immediately changed her tune and said with a smile: "Then may I ask, is the business of this tea restaurant so hot every day?"

"I don't know!" Li Er shook his head honestly: "I have another full-time job, and today is an OEM day, and I don't even know if I can get today's OEM fee."

"Puchi—!" Bai Anni couldn't help but puchily smiled, and stretched out her hand under the counter to gently pinch her master.

"Oh—!" Tong Keren nodded, and was about to say that it was hard work.

"Second boss, the business at 'No. 1 Fried Chicken Burger' is too hot today. Brother Shan has transferred at least half of the staff there. The delivery pressure of our tea restaurant is very high." A delivery man saw Li Er Sitting at the front desk, he couldn't help complaining.

Tong Keren immediately turned his head and gave Li Er a hard look. This guy was obviously the boss, but he opened his eyes and told him nonsense, saying he was the manager of an OEM.

"He Jinyin, come here, I promise I won't kill you." Li Er said calmly.

"Second boss, I have something to do, so I'm leaving first." He Jinyin picked up the delivery box and slipped away with oil on his feet.

The corners of Li Er's eyes twitched. This weird He Jinyin fought in the Huitong Building. Whether it was the Flying Tigers or other police officers who participated in the operation, all of them suffered heavy casualties. There is no missing half, and he continued to deliver meals alive and kicking that afternoon. It is said that he also won the weekly best deliveryman award, what a hell.

"Oh! I remembered, we met in the boutique, and I gave you that jade basket!" Tong Keren finally remembered who Li Er was.

Li Er bared his teeth and smiled: "Hello Miss Tong! You don't eat in our tea restaurant, you don't want to do business, do you?"

"Hmm! Our Tong's Group wants to buy your tea restaurant, can we find a quiet place to talk?" Tong Keren is really honest.

Li Er's face froze.

'Tong's Group? It doesn't look like a small company just by the name, have these capitalists started to focus on the catering industry? '

"I'm sorry, the family's small restaurant doesn't sell it, so there's no need to talk about it." It was rare for Li Er to be truly honest.

Tong Keren was stunned again.

"I haven't made an offer yet? How do you know that there is no need to continue the negotiation? What if I offer you an offer you can't refuse?" Tong Keren suddenly found Li Er's smile very annoying.

Li Er shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile, "You're right, I'm afraid that the price you gave is too tempting, and I won't be able to bear it myself, so I don't want to talk to you."

"Ah—??" Tong Keren's face turned awkward, she had never seen anyone with weird thinking like Li Er.

When Li Er met Tong Keren in the boutique, he already knew that this woman was a wealthy woman who spent a lot of money. At that time, Li Er wanted to buy a jade basket as a birthday present for Bai Anni. Tong Keren knew that Li Er was When I bought the jade basket for 3,000 yuan, I was still willing to bid 10,000 yuan to buy it from Li Er, which was an extra 7,000 yuan.

"You don't even have a business attitude. I don't want to talk to you. I will send someone to negotiate with your big boss." Tong Keren glared at Li Er and groaned.

"Don't waste your time in 'Li Ji', the big boss is my master's elder brother, so it's the same if you talk to him." Bai Anni said to Tong Keren with a smile.

Tong Keren shook her finger confidently.

There is only a price that cannot be negotiated, and there is no business that cannot be negotiated. As long as the money is in place, anything can be traded.

Well--! It's just that Tong Keren might have forgotten that she had offered 10,000 yuan before, but she couldn't buy the jade basket that Li Er gave Bai Anni.

Tong Keren drove away proudly.

"Wow! Porsche!" Li Er clicked his tongue exaggeratedly when he saw the car Tong Keren was driving.

"Master, do you like Porsches?" Bai Anni asked with a smile.

The master and apprentice stood together at the door looking at Tong Keren's luxury car.

"I like Baojun." Li Er said casually.

Bai Anni frowned, thinking desperately what kind of car Baojun was.

"There seems to be something wrong."

After Li Er found out that Tong Keren's Porsche drove out, a black Volkswagen also started the car and followed Tong Keren's car.

"Master, that's someone's bodyguard, the Tong Group, a real estate tycoon, how could anyone dare to kidnap him." Bai Anni came back to her senses, and smiled at Li Er.

"Really?" Li Er was right when he thought about it, he felt that the black Volkswagen didn't look like a bodyguard.

In fact, Tong Keren did not have the habit of bringing bodyguards.

In the Volkswagen.

"Brother Hao, we've been following Tong Keren for three days, we can start now!" Ji Xiong asked excitedly and impatiently.

Zhang Zihao shook his head: "Safety comes first. There have been so many incidents on Hong Kong Island recently. We must hit the ground running and leave Hong Kong Island as soon as we get the money to avoid the limelight."

"Brother Hao, what I'm worried about is the issue of collecting ransom, 100 million! It really costs so much, it's unlikely that Tong Yinghao will give so much money!" one of Zhang Zihao's subordinates said worriedly.

"You know what. Tong Keren is the heir of the Tong Group. Tong Yinghao has no son, but only a daughter. If you don't give money, will you have to cut off all children and grandchildren?" Ji Xiong scolded, his eyes lit up: "Hey, if Tong Yinghao dare not If you give me the money, I will have a fling with Tong Keren and give him a grandson."

Zhang Zihao gave Ji Xiong a cold look.

"The person hasn't been tied up yet, so don't think too much about useless things. Don't worry about the ransom. I'm negotiating with Tong Yinghao myself." Zhang Zihao twisted his neck confidently: "Ah Dong, keep following me. I always feel like something is going to happen, so I'll sleep first."

"Okay, Brother Hao!"

Zhang Zihao's car continued to follow Tong Keren, who had no sense of danger. Tong Keren was still thinking about how to buy Li Er's 'Li Ji Tea Restaurant'. After a few days of investigation, she had probably been able to calculate the 'Li Ji Tea Restaurant'. Tea restaurant' profitability.

If Tong's Group wants to enter the catering industry, it is naturally impossible to start from a low level. The best way is to acquire a company with potential.

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