What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 218 Am I not good at speaking?

Tsim Sha Tsui Library.

"Shooting at close range, the bullet was shot parallel to the forehead of the deceased and penetrated through the back of the head. The killer should have been sitting in this position at the time." A policeman said looking at Chen San's body.

"Yuan sir, it's the two of them who have seen the killer." A policeman in plain clothes reported to a tall policeman.

"Two little sisters, can you remember the killer's appearance?" Yuan Haoyun looked at Zhu Wanfang and Li Shiya and asked with a smile.

"Where are you policemen? I don't know you at all." Li Shiya didn't answer Yuan Haoyun's words, but asked strangely.

Yuan Haoyun was taken aback when he heard Li Shiya's words.

'how? Could it be that you, a little girl, know all the policemen in Hong Kong? '

Li Shiya did not know all the policemen in Hong Kong, but she knew most of the policemen in Tsim Sha Tsui. Thanks to the active publicity of Li Xianying, a diligent guy, "Lee Kee Tea Restaurant" has almost become a police restaurant in Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station.

Almost all the patrol police, traffic police, and CID plainclothes police have come to the "Li Ji Tea Restaurant" to eat. Li Shiya and Zhu Wanfang used to be waiters in the tea restaurant. Of course, they know the police in their jurisdiction. Those policemen also know that Li Shiya is Li Er's dear sister.

"We are police officers from the West District Police Station, the little girl won't think we are posing as police officers!" Yuan Haoyun said with a smile.

"But this is Tsim Sha Tsui, how could it be the police from your west district who are here to handle the case?" Zhu Wanfang asked suspiciously.

Yuan Haoyun looked at the two little girls in front of him suspiciously. It seemed that the two little girls knew a little bit, and knew that under normal circumstances, they could not handle cases across districts, but they didn't know that Chen San, Yuan Haoyun's subordinates had already followed up. It's been a long time, just in time.

"You just need to answer me, can you remember? Or don't you remember the murderer's face?" Yuan Haoyun said with a straight face, of course he would not explain too much to the two little girls.

"Ah——! You are angry with me. I won't tell you. I will tell my second brother that you are angry with me." Li Shiya said angrily with a pretty face.

"Shiya, they are not the police in Tsim Sha Tsui, and my second brother can't control them." Zhu Wanfang didn't want to cause trouble for Li Er, so she whispered to Li Shiya.

Li Shiya became even more angry when she heard Zhu Wanfang's words.

"What's going on? Which police station are you from?" Instructor Hu arrived soon. Unlike Li Er, she took the initiative to go to the police station to check if there was any missing work, even if it was Saturday or Sunday.

The alarm was received immediately.

"Instructor Hu, here, they are the police officers from the West District." Seeing Instructor Hu, Li Shiya quickly shook her hands and shouted. She followed Bai Anni and Hui Yinghong to call Instructor Hu.

"Shiya, Wanfang, why are you two here?" Instructor Hu asked strangely.

When Li Er didn't come, Li Shiya immediately reported Yuan Haoyun to Instructor Hu.

After Instructor Hu and Li Er came back from Japan, they had been upgraded from ordinary inspectors to senior inspectors, and their police ranks were on the same level as Li Er, but Yuan Haoyun had just been dismissed from the rank of inspector as a senior police sergeant, several ranks lower than Instructor Hu. .

"Madam!" Yuan Haoyun stood at attention and saluted.

"Hmm! This case is taken over by the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station, you can leave." Instructor Hu said and gestured to the two policemen behind him.

Of course, Instructor Hu did not come alone. Although only Lin Haiying was on duty in the serious crime team, Instructor Hu brought a group of Zhou Xingxing and Chen Baile from the CID department.

"It's not Madam. We have been following this case for more than a year with the West District Serious Crime Squad. You can't just take it over. The deceased Chen San is very important to the arms case investigated by our police station." Instructor Hu pressed people, Yuan Haoyun hurried objected.

"So what? The current case happened on our border in Tsim Sha Tsui." Instructor Hu gave Yuan Haoyun a sideways look, and called Li Shiya and Zhu Wanfang to him.

"Have you seen the murderer? Didn't you get hurt? Did you notify your second brother?" Instructor Hu asked Li Shiya with concern.

"No! This bad policeman won't let us call, and my second brother doesn't know yet." Li Shiya shook her head and said.

Instructor Hu turned his head and gave Yuan Haoyun a cold look, then took out his mobile phone and dialed Li Er's number.

"Hey, Zhou Xingxing, this guy was shot in the head, and it's a big case." Chen Baile looked at the bullet hole in Chen San's head and said in a low voice.

"Isn't that better, and I have to be promoted again." Zhou Xingxing carefully checked the traces around the deceased, but in fact, this guy had no serious knowledge of criminal investigation at all, and it was useless to look at it.

"Huh——! The blood on the table is so strange, there should be a book here, where is the book?" Although Zhou Xingxing was uneducated, he still found an important clue, and immediately asked the police from the western district who had arrived a step earlier.

"Two guys, don't look at us like this. When we arrived, what was the scene like now? Maybe the killer took it away." The police officer in the West District argued.

"If you kill someone, you kill him. Why take a book for no reason?" Zhou Xingxing whispered suspiciously.

When Instructor Hu and Yuan Haoyun heard Zhou Xingxing's words, they turned their eyes to the rows of bookshelves in the library almost at the same time.

Instructor Hu: "Shiya, when you two saw the killer, did the other party hold a book?"

"No! His hands are empty." Li Shiya said with certainty.

Zhu Wanfang also nodded.

Instructor Hu's eyes lit up.

"Madam, this case was indeed investigated first by our West District Serious Crime Squad. No matter how bad it is, we will jointly handle the case. There is no reason to let your Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station take over." Yuan Haoyun quickly said when he found a clue.

"Jointly handling the case? Then why did you go so long ago? We haven't received any application from your police station to handle the case across districts. Please go back!" Instructor Hu said coldly.

"We can make up an application now." Yuan Haoyun had no choice but to back down.

"Then go back and fill it up slowly! I won't consider cross-district handling cases with you until I receive the application." Instructor Hu said with a straight face.

Yuan Haoyun's face froze. Although Instructor Hu was pressing him in as an official, his words were reasonable and reasonable, and Yuan Haoyun had no chance to refute at all.

Instructor Hu walked towards the deceased Chen San, stretched out his hand to measure the square bloodstain that Zhou Xingxing said, then took a few books from the bookshelf beside him and compared them, and quickly figured out the size of the original book on the table.

"Look for clues based on the size of the book. The bloodstains of the deceased should be on the side of the book, and the bloodstains are there." Instructor Hu said to the CID police officer who brought him.

"Ah—! Looking for a book in the library?" Chen Baila's head suddenly became dizzy.

Zhou Xingxing immediately covered Chen Baila's mouth. He knew how strict Instructor Hu was, and offending this woman would definitely be fruitless.

"Yes, Madam, we will investigate immediately."

Before Zhou Xingxing left, he shrugged proudly at Yuan Haoyun, as if he were a detective.

Yuan Haoyun: "..."

In the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station, Yuan Haoyun only agrees with Li Er, a death police detective whom he has never met. Yuan Haoyun really does not want to know which green onion is the guy in front of him.

Zhou Xingxing asked several CID men in his team to disperse rows and rows of carpet-like searches. Yuan Haoyun walked outside silently. After walking a dozen steps, Yuan Haoyun suddenly stopped and closed his eyes, then turned left and entered the bookshelf .

A minute later, Yuan Haoyun walked towards Instructor Hu with a Bible.

Instructor Hu frowned.

Yuan Haoyun opened the Bible. The middle page of the Bible was hollowed out, and a pistol with a suppressor was just placed there.

'This is the gun the killer used! ’ Instructor Hu looked at Yuan Haoyun as if he had seen a ghost.

"How do you know that the killer hid the gun on that row of bookshelves?" Instructor Hu couldn't help asking, of course she saw Yuan Haoyun walking towards the bookshelf in one step.

"Intuition!" Yuan Haoyun smiled charmingly.

Instructor Hu's face froze, 'It's intuition again, do you men handle cases directly, without any basis for judgment, why don't I, a woman, have intuition? '

Li Er also handles cases with intuition.

Instructor Hu is actually different, women also have intuition, at least Instructor Hu now feels that Yuan Haoyun is telling the truth, the other party really instinctively thinks that the murder weapon is in that row, and Instructor Hu feels that her boss Li Er's so-called intuition, Absolutely perfunctory.

"Okay! I can consider the joint case you proposed." Instructor Hu said to Yuan Haoyun seriously.

"Thank you, Madam." Yuan Haoyun smiled triumphantly.

"The application report still needs to be filed. Before receiving the application report, this case will be temporarily taken over by our Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station. Please handle it!" Instructor Hu is so serious in his work.

Yuan Haoyun's smile froze.

"Yes, Madam!"

When Li Er arrived at the library in Tsim Sha Tsui, he happened to pass by Yuan Haoyun.

"It must be something bad!" Li Er murmured in a low voice.

"Why?" Bo Anni asked her master curiously with her sharp ears.

"I met an unlucky backer." Li Er said unhappily.

Bo Anni blinked her eyes, unable to understand, her master often said some confusing words.

"Second Brother, Sister Annie, a bad policeman bullied us just now." Li Shiya immediately sued Yuan Haoyun as soon as she saw Li Er.

Li Er ignored Li Shiya's pitiful little face and looked at Zhu Wanfang.

Zhu Wanfang shook her head slightly, and Li Er immediately understood.

"I heard that you two met the murderer?" Li Er asked.

"Yeah, Sister Wanfang and I have seen killers before, Second Brother, that killer looks a lot like you." Li Shiya said proudly.

Li Er's face turned dark, what the hell? I look a lot like a killer.

"No, second brother, don't listen to Shiya's nonsense." Zhu Wanfang rarely refuted Li Shiya face to face.

"Then quickly go to the police station with your sister Annie to make a character puzzle, and return to the tea restaurant for lunch at noon." Li Er gave Bai Anni a wink.

"Oh!" Li Shiya said in a low voice.

"What exactly happened?" After Zhu Wanfang, Li Shiya and Bai Anni left, Li Ercai asked Instructor Hu about the case.

"People from the West District Police Station got involved?"

"Who was that guy who just walked out?" Li Er naturally knew Fa Ge, but he didn't know which Fa Ge it was.

"It seems to be called Yuan Haoyun, a team leader of the West District Serious Crime Squad." Instructor Hu said flatly.

Li Er's heart shuddered.

'Hey, isn't Yuan Haoyun the Hei Zi Wang who shoots bullets like it's raining. '

"Don't engage in any joint handling of this case, and leave it all to their Western District Serious Crime Team." Li Er said decisively.

"Why?" Instructor Hu was naturally unconvinced.

"Why, why, I can't speak well?" Li Er said stiffly.

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