What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 224 There is a problem with Li 2's brain designation.

"Brother Yi, the serious crime team has an urgent operation tonight. I'm afraid I won't be able to drink the wedding wine with you and your sister-in-law." After answering the phone call, Li Xianying said very embarrassedly.

"What action is more important than drinking brother Yi's wedding wine, let Li Er send other people to do it." Before Li Yi could speak, Chen Jiaju, who was sitting by the side, couldn't help complaining. Li Yi treated guests to dinner, naturally Chen Jiaju was also notified.

"By the way, at this point, Li Er hasn't come back yet?" Chen Jiaju looked at his watch and frowned.

"I'll call and ask."

Li Er's guess was right, He Min and Zhu Wanfang were both at his house, He Min came with A Mei, at this moment He Min took out the mobile phone in his bag, and was about to dial Li Er's number.

"There's no need to call!" Li Xianying hurriedly waved his hand and said, "The call is from Sir Li. If it's not a very urgent case, he won't rush back."

Li Yi nodded. He knew his younger brother. This guy was lazy than anyone else. If it was a small case, Li Er would have left it to others.

"If Li Er doesn't come back, there must be a big case." Chen Jiaju nodded and said, he also knew Li Er's lazy character.

"Then you and Ma Jun go to help! You can drink wine anytime!" Li Yi smiled generously at Li Xianying.

In the end, it wasn't Li Xianying and Ma Jun who rushed back to the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station, it was Chen Jiaju and Zhang Dazui who rushed to help.

Tsim Sha Tsui Crime Squad.

Bo Anni succinctly explained the case to Li Xianying and the others.

"A ransom of 100 million?" Chen Jiaju and Zhang Dazui clicked their tongues when they heard such a terrifying amount.

"The kidnapper should be Zhang Zihao, Eagle, is there any way to get me out of this guy as quickly as possible!" Li Er said his judgment.

"Zhang Zihao?" Li Xianying was taken aback for a moment, but he would not question Li Er's words.

Chen Jiaju and Zhang Dazui are more anxious and will not doubt Li Er's judgment. Li Er has a crow's mouth, and he can use words like "probably" and "possibly" every time, let alone he uses "should" now.

The kidnapper was actually Zhang Zihao.

On the other hand, Zhang Zihao couldn't have imagined that he would be a kidnapping suspect just for fun. Of course, the police did not wrong him.

"I immediately asked my friends on the road to scan Zhang Zihao's latest information.

" Li Xianying said.

Li Er nodded.

Li Xianying's so-called friends on the road are all small leaders of gangsters. Although these guys are also black, they are clearly walking on the edge of gray, and they live by traditionally collecting protection fees. These guys themselves are better than the police. We also have to be afraid that someone will break the rules, causing everyone to be unable to eat.

When Li Xianying acted as the head of the CID department, he set the tone. Those who can provide the police with the necessary intelligence and assistance will stay, and those who do not cooperate will be kicked out of Tsim Sha Tsui.

These guys are very difficult to deal with. They dare not touch arms and kill people. They are proficient in bullying the market and collecting protection fees. Next, there will be another society rushing in to fill the vacancy of interests immediately.

Li Er didn't want to deal with these headaches anyway, but Li Xianying didn't have enough structure. He couldn't even figure out the deep-seated things in it, so he could only beat whoever was the most aggressive in the underworld. You, so Li Xianying's reputation in the underworld is indeed good, at least much better than that of Li Er, the 'killing detective' who kills people every minute.

"Boss, did Zhang Zihao propose when to exchange the ransom?" Li Xianying asked, he had already determined that Zhang Zihao was the leader of the kidnappers.

"Pay the ransom tomorrow, the specific time has not been mentioned!" Li Er nodded and said.

"Tomorrow? It is very likely that Zhang Zihao has booked a stowaway boat now and will run away tomorrow night." Li Xianying frowned and thought for a while and said immediately.

"Ma Jun, you and Chen Yalun lead a team of CID police officers to check the stowaway boat, and report immediately if there is any situation!" Li Er turned to Ma Jun and Chen Yalun and said.

"Yes Sir!"

Ma Jun and Chen Yalun are in a temporary team, one can fight and the other is delicate, which is wonderful.

"Brother Hai, you lead a team to take charge of the Tsim Sha Tsui East area!"

Li Er began to assign search tasks, and sent Lin Haiying to lead a team to search the east of Tsim Sha Tsui. Lin Haiying lived in that area and was familiar with the streets and alleys.

"YES, SIR!" Lin Haiying replied hastily. Although the search work is tiring, it is not dangerous. If there is information, it is first reported to the command center, and then the second step is arranged.

"Bold, you and Tietou are in charge of Kowloon Park."

"Jian Huizhen!" Li Er clicked on Jian Huizhen's name, thought for a while and said, "Forget it, you and Annie can help me analyze and summarize the information."

"Okay!" Jian Huizhen nodded.

"Ma Chao, you lead a team to search from Humphreys Road, Changxing Building, Carnarvon Road, Grand Center to Baole Lane." Li Er ordered to a young CID police officer.

"YES, SIR!" Ma Chao saluted excitedly, it was his first time to participate in an operation of this level.

At this moment, Li Er suddenly realized that several police officers from Zhou Xingxing's team were not there. He felt that there was something wrong with it, but he didn't have the time to think about it now, and continued to arrange the search mission.

"Tou, do you want to inform the helper of the patrol team?" Li Xianying reminded.

"Annie, inform Inspector Liu of the patrol team, let their patrol teams pay attention to suspicious persons tonight, and don't disclose too much information to them." Li Er nodded and ordered Bai Anni.

The patrol team had the most police officers, but they were also the most unreliable. If Zhang Zihao was searched in a big way, it would be easy to leak information.

"Xiaoying, the main information is still on your side. There is a reward of 200,000. We must find someone tonight." Li Er whispered to Li Xianying.

The gangsters in the underworld are more well-informed about the search for people. After all, they rely on this gangster for a living. They specialize in surgery. The serious crime team has solved many cases with the information obtained by Li Xianying.

"Two hundred thousand, so much?" Li Xianying was taken aback for a moment.

"Compared to a ransom of 100 million yuan, Tong Yinghao won't care about such a small amount of money." Li Er said with a curled lip.

Li Xianying nodded knowingly, 200,000 is indeed pocket money for the Tong Group.

"Li Er, arrange something for me and Da Zui! The two of us can also help." Chen Jiaju saw that Li Er had arranged for his subordinates, so he hurriedly said to Li Er.

"Master, we have found Zhang Zihao's home address." Bai Anni reported to Li Er.

"But if he really kidnaps Tong Keren, he won't be at home." Bai Anni reminded after finishing speaking.

Li Er nodded: "Who is in his family?"

"Zhang Zihao lives with his wife and mother." Bai Anni checked the information again and again and said, "By the way, Zhang Zihao has three mobile phones under his name."

"Can you locate Zhang Zihao through your mobile phone?" Li Er asked quickly.

"Yes, but I have to call his mobile phone to lock the location, and the call will take at least one minute." Bai Anni said with some embarrassment.

It's not difficult to call Zhang Zihao's mobile phone, but it's off-duty time. If you call Zhang Zihao's phone with a normal disguised insurance salesman, he may be spotted by him. Once Zhang Zihao finds out that the police are tracking him, Tong Keren will be in danger.

Li Er still doesn't know that apart from Tong Keren, there is also Le Huizhen who was kidnapped. Le Huizhen is also unlucky, she lives alone, and her family doesn't care much about her. It was discovered that she had also been kidnapped. Fortunately, Tong Keren was kind, otherwise Le Huizhen would have really been a gift.

"Li Er, arrange something for Dazui and me!" Chen Jiaju interrupted Li Er's thoughts.

"You two are very busy, aren't you!" Li Er said with a flash in his eyes.

Chen Jiaju must nod.

"Then you help me sit in the command center, dispatch everyone's actions and gather intelligence." Li Er said.

Several people in the command center were stunned.

"You're not telling the truth!" Chen Jiaju reached out to touch Li Er's forehead: "You don't have a fever either!"

"I'm serious." Li Er said seriously: "Annie, immediately print out a joint action document that our police station invites Chen Jiaju and Zhang Dazui from the Central District Crime Squad."

Chen Jiaju grinned. What he wanted to talk about most was this matter. In this way, it was not a personal help, but a joint investigation between the police stations.

"Li Er, I'm definitely not suitable for dispatching, and I'm not familiar with the guys in your police station." Chen Jiaju said reluctantly.

"You can arrange other things for me! It doesn't matter if you are tired or dirty, even if it is dangerous."

"Master, you let Big Bi, uh, Chen Sir take charge of the command center, then what are you in charge of, how about me and Zhenzhen looking at the command center!" Bai Anni's face was a bit ugly, and Li Er asked Big Biju, an outsider, to be in charge of the command center , She didn't even let herself come, she was really angry.

Li Er shook his head and said in a low voice: "You are on the field with me, I have important actions to take personally."

"Oh!" Bo Anni immediately stopped being angry when she heard that she was going out with Li Er.

This guy Chen Jiaju still has the ability to command, at least Chen Jiaju has the courage to be a commander, not to mention that Li Er left Jian Huizhen to remind him.

The most important thing is that Instructor Hu is not here, otherwise Li Er would not have to worry about dispatching at all.

"Li Er, I think you are really out of your mind. There are only two people on my side, and you still let me be the commander. How could your subordinates be convinced." After Chen Jiaju found out that Li Er was serious, he hurried Pulling Li Er said in a low voice.

Li Er squinted at Chen Jiaju and said, "Just think, I'm still the commander, you're just acting for me temporarily, let Jian Huizhen issue the order."

Chen Jiaju heaved a sigh of relief when he heard Li Er's words. This is logical. After being scapegoated by Lin Leimeng and Uncle Biao many times, this guy already had a certain stress response. He just thought that Li Er was going to prepare What blame is on him.

"That's fine! I'll look after the command center for you!" Chen Jiaju nodded cheerfully.

"Master, are we going to the scene of the crime?" Bai Anni asked Li Er after getting into the car.

Tong Keren was kidnapped. In order to confuse Zhang Zihao, the crime scene is still kept as it is, and there may indeed be important clues.

"Don't go to the scene of the crime." Li Er shook his head and said.

"Then where are we going?" Bai Anni asked strangely. She couldn't figure out what was more important than being in the command center at this moment. The search net to search for Zhang Zihao's criminal gang had already been opened, so there was no point in adding them as mentor and apprentice.

"Let's go to Zhang Zihao's house!" Li Er said coldly.

Bai Anni was speechless: "Master, I'll bet you 10,000 yuan, Zhang Zihao will definitely not be at home at this time."

Li Er nodded: "I know, but his wife must be at home."

"So what?" Bai Anni blinked.

"Kidnapped!" Li Er said two words.

Bai Anni had a toothache in an instant: "Master, you are not!"

"Yes, you guessed it."

This guy is out of his mind.

Li Er turned his head and showed his white teeth to his precious apprentice.

Zhang Zihao kidnaps others so h

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