What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 225: The Kidnapper Extorts the Kidnapper

"Ahao! Help—!"

"Not good! She wants to call the police, kill her quickly, and run away after taking the valuables."

"Husband, she didn't see our faces. Let's steal something and run away. The crime of murder is very serious."

Zhang Zihao clutched the mobile phone in his hand with a gloomy expression, his expression looked very strange.

"Brother Hao, what's the matter?" one of Zhang Zihao's men wearing glasses asked.

"Fighting the street, it seems that some stupid thieves have come to my house." Zhang Zihao's eyes twitched, and he hurriedly dialed his landline at home.

"Ah????" Several of Zhang Zihao's subordinates stood up one after another.

'How dare someone break ground on Tai Sui's head! '

"Brother Hao, is there any fraud?" Zhang Zihao's bespectacled subordinate asked cautiously.

"What's the matter, can't I still hear my wife's voice?" Zhang Zihao scolded with an ugly face.

the other side.

Zhang Zihao's mother and wife were thrown in the corner of the living room with their hands tied.

"You...what are you going to do? I want money. There are more than one million cash in the safe in the bedroom. If you dare to hurt me, my husband will not let you go." Zhang Zihao's wife calmed down after a brief panic. Looking at the male and female thieves in front of him.

She deserves to be blind, this woman's husband is a kidnapper, and she doesn't even know Li Er, the 'criminal nemesis' who has been on TV several times.

Li Er lowered his head to look for these things on the shoe rack, while Bai Anni sat on the sofa, fiddled with her tracking device without saying a word, as if Zhang Zihao's wife didn't exist, which made Zhang Zihao's wife stunned.

"Ring ring ring ring..."

The phone on the coffee table rang, Bai Anni looked up at Li Er, the call from the landline came sooner than Li Er expected.

Zhang Zihao's wife was overjoyed. When she called back at this time, it must be her husband. She was saved now. She swore to herself that when Zhang Zihao came back, she would let him chop these two stupid thieves into pieces.

"Not urgent!"

As Li Er spoke, he took out two black socks from a pair of leather shoes on the shoe rack and walked towards Zhang Zihao's wife and mother.

"Did you open your mouth yourself, or did I poke it open?"

"How dare you?" Zhang Zihao's wife shouted angrily.

Li Ershun picked up a broom at his feet, Zhang Zihao's wife and mother immediately opened their mouths wisely, and Li Er stuffed two stinky socks into it.


Li Er washed his hands with the tea on the tea table.

"Ring ring ring ring..."

The phone rang again.

Li Er waited for four or five seconds before answering the phone, and Bai Anni immediately began to trace the location of the caller.

Two seconds later, Bai Anni gave her master a thumbs-up. Zhang Zihao was negligent. He did not call his home phone with a satellite phone. Bai Anni began to track his location along the signal line.

"Hey-hey-talk! Who are you? Talk!"

Zhang Zihao on the other side of the phone was suppressing his anger. His lungs were about to explode right now. Zhang Zihao had dominated the world for so many years, when had he ever been bullied like this.

"I'm your grandfather!" Li Er lowered his voice and said, "Grandson, if you still want to see your wife, you'd better speak more calmly."

Zhang Zihao's face turned red with anger when he heard the words on the phone. He took a deep breath, suppressed his anger and asked, "Brother, I have no grudge against you!"

"No hatred, I don't even know which green onion you are!" Li Er said pretendingly.

"The brother is just asking for money, how much do you want, let's make a price!" Zhang Zihao said and picked up the AK47 on the table, beckoning his two subordinates to follow him.

"Make a price?" The person on the phone seemed to be stunned for a moment: "It seems that your grandson is very rich, so I want 200,000, no, no, no, I have two hostages, 400,000, not a penny less , you must not think about calling the police, or I will stab your wife to death before the police catch us."

When Zhang Zihao heard that the other party was blackmailing him, he laughed angrily: "Okay, okay, it's only 400,000, and I promise I won't give you a penny."

‘I’ll burn it to you for every penny! ’ Zhang Zihao sneered inwardly.

Zhang Zihao heard a lot of useful information from the words of the "kidnapper" on the phone. The other party only "extorted 400,000 yuan". It seems that they don't know who they kidnapped, and the other party mentioned the word "stab", so to speak Come on, the weapons in their hands are only knives, not even guns. It's really unlucky to meet these gangs of stupid little thieves.

Zhang Zihao secretly thought it was bad luck.


Zhang Zihao's wife in the corner of the living room was struggling nervously. She had told the male and female thieves that there was more than one million in the safe in the bedroom, but the other party insisted on extorting 400,000 from Zhang Zihao. This was completely anti-IQ behavior.

The most important thing is that although Li Er's tone was tense and greedy at times, the expression on his face was indifferent.

'They're not here for the money at all. '

Zhang Zihao's wife's complexion changed drastically, if it wasn't for money, then it was for people, but the other party had already arrested her, but she didn't do anything for a long time.

'Their target is their husband! ’ Zhang Zihao’s wife turned pale when she thought of this.

"In case you call the police, I will only give you 20, not 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, we won't see the 400,000 ransom. The consequences and consequences are all up to you." Li Er's acting skills are really superb, he The tone was greedy and nervous.

"Brother, I'm in Wanchai right now. I can't make it back in thirty minutes. How about fifty minutes? I'll give you half a million in fifty minutes." Zhang Zihao gritted his teeth in anger, but still had to bow his head and speak softly.

"Okay! Five hundred thousand." Seeing Bai Anni gesturing, Li Er immediately hung up the phone, saying that there were too many mistakes, he didn't need to talk nonsense with Zhang Zihao, and let Zhang Zihao have a headache.

"Master, I found their location. They are actually in Fei'e Mountain, and it's also in the villa area of ​​Nanmian Mountain." Bai Anni said in surprise.

Li Er was also taken aback when he heard Bai Anni's words.

Zhang Zihao is also amazing. After he kidnapped Tong Keren in front of Tong Keren's villa in Fei'e Mountain, he returned to Fei'e Mountain after making a living.

Li Er's black and white avenues covered the entire Tsim Sha Tsui, but he never thought that Zhang Zihao was actually hiding in Fei'e Mountain, he really went dark under the fucking lights.

"Hmm..." Zhang Zihao's wife struggled desperately with the rope. She heard the conversation between Li Er and Bo Anni, and she was more sure that the two male and female thieves were targeting Zhang Zihao, especially Bo Anni's tracking toolbox. It scared Zhang Zihao's wife that this thing could find Zhang Zihao's location through the phone.

Zhang Zihao's kidnapping of Tong Keren, his wife naturally knew about it, but Zhang Zihao's wife couldn't figure out that even if Zhang Zihao's wife tried to think hard, Li Er and Bo Anni were the police.

"Master, Zhang Zihao's gang should have rented a villa in Fei'e Mountain." Bai Anni reminded.

Li Er also thought of this point. Zhang Zihao's plan to kidnap Tong Keren is naturally not a temporary idea. He wants to track and investigate Tong Keren's travel habits. The best way is to rent a villa next to Tong Keren for long-term surveillance. .

In fact, Zhang Zihao's original goal of renting Fei'e Mountain Villa was not Tong Keren, Bai Qianni was also one of Zhang Zihao's goals, and he chose to give up after weighing the pros and cons.

at the same time.

After Zhang Zihao was hung up, he was so angry that he kicked open the stainless steel door.

"Dude, I must kill these little stupid thieves!"

At this time Zhang Zihao still thought that the kidnappers of his wife and old mother were a few stupid thieves, but the men wearing glasses felt a little uneasy, but they couldn't tell where the uneasiness came from.

Seeing Zhang Zihao's cannibalistic expression, Tong Keren and Le Huizhen huddled in the corner in horror. They were very worried that Zhang Zihao would vent his anger on them.

Fortunately, Zhang Zihao just took away three men with guns, and then left the house with a murderous look.

Tong Keren and Le Huizhen heaved a sigh of relief. The two unlucky women looked at each other. They just heard Zhang Zihao's phone call. It seemed that someone had kidnapped Zhang Zihao's wife. The world is full of wonders, and kidnappers can also kidnap and blackmail kidnappers.

"Miss Tong, thank you!"

At this time, Le Huizhen had the opportunity to thank Tong Keren in a low voice. If Tong Keren hadn't been willing to pay to save her, she might have been murdered.

"It's okay!" Tong Keren didn't take the money seriously, and shook her head gently. Fortunately, with Le Huizhen as her company, she didn't feel so scared. Tong Keren is very timid. She would be scared to death. What she is most afraid of now is that the kidnappers like Zhang Zihao will not let them go after taking the money.

Le Huizhen nodded gratefully, but didn't know what to say.

"Master, the villa area in Fei'e Mountain is sparsely populated, so it may be difficult to search." Bai Anni said in a low voice.

Li Er nodded. There are not many residents in Fei'e Mountain's villas and they occupy a large area. On the one hand, it is difficult to search. The most important thing is that the terrain of the villa area is open. Once the police start to search, they will be noticed by Zhang Zihao's men. When the ticket is torn up, the game collapses.

"Notify Lao Ying, Ma Jun, Chen Yalun, Datou and others to rush to the villas in Fei'e Mountain to sneak in and search carefully." Li Er said after thinking for a while.

"Understood!" Bai Anni nodded, she understood that what Li Er meant was that he planned to send elites to sneak into the villas to search.

"Inform Lin Haiying 30 minutes later, come to our side to help." Li Er said.

Bai Anni frowned: "Master, we don't need support, do we?"

Li Er and Bai Anni, the master and apprentice, have the strength to deal with Zhang Zihao and others, not to mention that I have a 'card' in my hand, even if it is because of the kong, I don't need support.

Lin Haiying has other uses.

Li Er glanced at Bai Anni.

When Bai Anni saw the look in her master's eyes, she knew what he was going to do.

"Okay, Master!"

After hearing what Li Er and Bai Anni said, Zhang Zihao's wife was immediately stunned. She couldn't figure out what the two people in front of her were doing, as if they still had a large team?

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