As soon as Zhang Zihao's business car arrived at the downstairs of his high-end resident, Bai Anni, who was squatting on the balcony, discovered it.

"Master, they're here. There are four of them in total." Bo Anni flinched back to the living room with a cat on her waist, and reported in a low voice.


Only then did Li Er pull out the pistol from his waist, and Bai Anni also took out his own gun.

Zhang Zihao's wife was shocked for a moment, and only then did she know that Li Er and Bai Anni had guns.

"Turn off the lights—"

There was a knock on the door.

Zhang Zihao has arrived.

"Come in, the door is open!" Li Er said.

Zhang Zihao outside the door gestured to his two subordinates, who nodded in understanding.

Zhang Zihao led another subordinate, pushed the door open and walked into the room calmly, as if returning to his own home.

Uh—, it seems that this is his home.

Zhang Zihao found that there was no light in the room, raised his hand and pressed the switch, and the light in the living room suddenly turned on. There were two people standing in front of Zhang Zihao, two people wearing masks. Judging from their clothes and figures, they were a man and a woman. .

"Which path are the two friends on?" Zhang Zihao asked with his fists clasped in a quack habit.


As soon as Zhang Zihao finished speaking, Li Er shot, saving people was like putting out a fire, and he didn't have time to chat with Zhang Zihao.

"Ah!" Zhang Zihao screamed, three fingers of his clasped hands were blown off by Li Er's bullet, and he howled in pain, "Kill them, kill them immediately."

The men who entered the door together with Zhang Zihao had just grasped the AK47 hidden in the coat with both hands, when Bo Anni's gunshot rang out.

Bo Anni practiced marksmanship with her master for such a long time, so naturally not all of them practiced on the bed.

"Bang bang!" Bai Anni fired two bullets in succession, and Zhang Zihao's subordinates were shot twice in the right arm. His hands holding the AK47 suddenly fell down, and he tried to raise the gun.

"Bang bang bang!" Three bullets burst out from Li Er's gun.

"Ah!" Zhang Zihao's subordinates held the severed finger with both hands and howled.

"Not good!" Two subordinates outside Zhang Zihao's door rushed in. They were arranged by Zhang Zihao to attack Li Er and Bai Anni outside the door.

It's just a pity that they were discovered before they went upstairs.

As soon as two of Zhang Zihao's subordinates rushed into the room, they saw that Zhang Zihao and another companion were kidnapped by Li Er and Bai Anni.

"Put down the gun, and then raise your hands up." Li Er stood behind Zhang Zihao and clasped his hands and shouted.

Bai Anni, like Li Er, hijacked a robber to stand in front of her. She was petite, and she didn't even show half of her collar.

Two gangsters armed with AK47 looked at Zhang Zihao one after another.

"Don't throw your gun!" Zhang Zihao yelled hastily. He shot at the other party without saying a word, and he saw that these two people were definitely not good people. Now the boat capsized in the gutter.

"Leave me alone, kill the two of them for me, at worst they will die together!" Zhang Zihao said with a desperate attitude.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-!" Zhang Zihao's wife struggled desperately, she could tell that the male and female thieves didn't want money at all, what they wanted was their lives.

Li Er is such a good-natured person, when he heard Zhang Zihao's threat, he naturally satisfied his request immediately.

The guy's wrist was drooping, and the muzzle of the gun was pointed at Zhang Zihao's sole.


"Ah!" Zhang Zihao howled fiercely. If Li Er hadn't controlled his body, he would have fallen to the ground immediately.

The faces of the two armed robbers turned pale. They didn't know what to do. They were holding AK47s in their hands, but they were scared by Li Er's small Glock pistol and took a step back.

Li Er didn't say a word, after he fired, he raised the muzzle of the gun and pushed it against Zhang Zihao's chin, signaling Zhang Zihao to continue to take out the broken pot and smash it together.

"Bastard, what exactly do you want?" Zhang Zihao yelled angrily in pain. Qiba Chinese is the fastest~Mobile terminal: https:/

Although Li Er claimed to be Zhang Zihao's grandfather, he hadn't really fucked Zhang Zihao's grandmother, so he would never accommodate the fake grandson in front of him. He continued to turn his gun and pointed at Zhang Zihao's other foot.

"Hurry up, you two put down your guns quickly and raise your hands high." Zhang Zihao hurriedly shouted loudly, he finally woke up for a while.

Li Er nodded in satisfaction. Of course he could say the same thing twice, but it was definitely not about Zhang Zihao.

Two of Zhang Zihao's subordinates just put down the AK47 on their hands.

"Bang bang—!"

Shooting at close range, Li Er's marksmanship hits the target with every shot.

"Ahhh!" Zhang Zihao's two subordinates held their severed fingers in pain, and looked at Li Er who took off his mask in fear.

"It's you!"

After Li Ersong released Zhang Zihao, Zhang Zihao immediately recognized that the guy in front of him was the 'Detective Death'.

"Your target is Tong Keren!" Zhang Zihao said in surprise before Li Er asked.

Li Er nodded: "You are smart."

"How did this happen?" Zhang Zihao looked a little flustered, and angrily shouted at Li Er, "But you are the police."

Li Er shrugged his shoulders. He understood Zhang Zihao's grief and indignation. The police should act according to the rules of the police, so that they could copy their gangsters' ways.

"Okay! I apologize to you." Li Er said sincerely.

"Please cooperate with my work now." Li Er asked with a smile: "Which villa is Tong Keren in Fei'e Mountain?"

Zhang Zihao's face changed drastically when he heard Li Er say the word 'Fei'e Mountain'.

'Who betrayed me? '

Zhang Zihao turned his head and looked fiercely at his subordinates, no, all of his subordinates were shot, it is impossible that they betrayed him.

"That's meaningless. I cooperated with you, but you didn't cooperate with me." Li Er raised his gun again as he spoke.

The faces of Zhang Zihao and the others changed drastically.

"Sir Li——!"

These guys were not too lucky, Lin Haiying arrived in time with two CID police officers.

"I'll leave it to you." Li Er put away his gun and said.


Rescuing people is like fighting a fire. After Lin Haiying handcuffed Zhang Zihao and the others, he quickly opened the silver needle bag.


Li Er had already entered the elevator door, and he could still hear the miserable screams of Zhang Zihao and the others.

"Master, why do I always feel that Lin Haiying is pretending to be a ghost, and does it hurt so much when a few small needles pierce someone's body?" Bai Anni asked curiously.

Li Er glanced at Bai Anni: "Don't underestimate the traditional secret skills that have been passed down for thousands of years."

In the entire Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station, if you have to pick one person, then Lin Haiying is definitely the only guy Li Er can't see through, especially Lin Haiying's feng shui phrenology.

Lin Haiying lived up to Li Er's trust. As soon as Li Er started the car, he forced him to find out the location of the Tibetan who was kidnapped by Zhang Zihao's gang.

"Li sir, Villa No. 16, Nanshan Villa District, Fei'e Mountain." Lin Haiying reported.

"Continue to extract confessions, I want them all to have the same address." Li Er said coldly.

"Yessir!" Lin Haiying replied.

Zhang Zihao's other two subordinates who had not been needled shouted in fear: "Sir, it's Villa No. 16, don't!"

Lin Haiying also felt that these guys with weak willpower couldn't survive their silver needles to extract a confession, and the confession should be the real address.

But Li Er had already issued all the orders to extort confessions, and Lin Haiying could only strictly implement them, otherwise, if there was a slight deviation, Lin Haiying would have to bear the blame himself.

Lin Haiying has been in the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station for so many years and has not made any major contributions. How can he be promoted to the position of probationary inspector? This guy relies on being rigorous and not making mistakes.

Lin Haiying disinfected the used silver needles with alcohol, and he was still very particular about his work.

"Ah!" There was another tragic cry.

Thirty minutes later, Li Er and Bai Anni arrived at the Fei'e Mountain villa area.

Li Xianying, Ma Jun, Chen Yalun, Datou, and Tie Dan are already in place. Hui Yinghong was originally protecting Tong Yinghao at Fei'e Mountain's villa, but after receiving the order, she also rushed to the target location.

After Tong Yinghao found out that Hui Yinghong had left, he immediately understood that Li Er must have found out the location where his daughter was kidnapped, so he mobilized all available forces to save her.

Thinking of this, Tong Yinghao was so nervous that he was sweating profusely. Now he really wanted to call Li Er to inquire about the progress of the operation, but he was worried that it would affect the operation. In his anxious heart, he forced a guy who didn't believe in gods and Buddha to fold his hands together and muttered. Amitabha.

If something happens to Tong Keren, after a hundred years, he won't even have someone to die with.

"Tell me about the situation!" Li Er leaned on the corner of the wall and asked Li Xianying in a low voice.

"We investigated from multiple angles. There were three kidnappers in the living room on the first floor, all holding AK47s and ready to shoot at any time. There were at least two kidnappers on the second floor," Li Xianying reported.

"Where is the target?" Li Er took the night vision goggles handed over by Chen Yalun and looked into the villa.

"The target is in the living room on the first floor, but the strange thing is that they seem to have kidnapped two women!" Li Xianying said with a frown.

Li Er's current position is just right enough to see Tong Keren curled up in the corner.


Li Er coughed. In such a tense and serious environment, this guy almost laughed out loud when he saw the miserable Le Huizhen.

Li sir's IQ instantly understood Le Huizhen's misfortune. This woman must be a buy one get one free gift. For such a troublesome woman, Li Er only has one word to give, yes.

"Tou, where are we going to attack?" Ma Jun asked impatiently, he had been gearing up for a long time.

"There may be unknown kidnappers in the room of the villa, don't confront them head-on." Li Er said after thinking for a while.

"Annie, you and Xiaohong sneak into the villa, paralyze the two cars first, and see that there are no two stone pillars over there, ambush them there, shoot if you can stop them from getting into the car, and let them go if you can't stop them." They get in the car and drop the bomb." After thinking for a while, Li Er began to assign tasks.

"Deflate the tires?" Hui Yinghong asked.

"No, no, there will be noise when you deflate the tires at night, just put brads under the tires." Li Er said resolutely.

"Okay!" Bai Anni and Hui Yinghong deftly jumped into the villa from the wall.

"Bold, you and Tietou ambush to the back door of the villa."

"Ying, you and Ma Jun cover me." Li Er thought for a while after speaking: "Forget it, let's not cover, the three of us launched an attack together, and after killing the three kidnappers in the living room, we retreated with the hostages." .”

Li Er was worried about Li Xianying and Ma Jun's marksmanship, so he simply didn't cover and let them attract firepower.

"Tou, what am I doing?" Chen Yalun saw that everyone had a task, so he asked quickly.

"You keep squatting here with the night vision goggles. If there are kidnappers running, you will notify everyone." Li Er said and began to check his pistol.

"Master, the mission between me and Ah Hong has been completed."

After hearing Bai Anni's report, Li Er gestured to Li Xianying and Ma Jun.


The kidnappers in the living room on the first floor of the villa did not realize that the danger was approaching.

"Ji Xiong, brother Hao hasn't heard back for so long, you can call and ask!" a gangster asked.

Ji Xiong scratched his crotch irritably, put down the AK47 in his hand, picked up the mobile phone on the coffee table and dialed again, got up and walked to the French windows again and again.

"..." Ji Xiong stopped suddenly, his eyes widened, and he couldn't die to see Li Ersan and the others lurking over.


"Bang bang—!"

Li Er shot first, and Ji Xiong was instantly headshot.

"Bang bang bang..."

Li Xianying and Ma Jun bravely rushed to the living room while shooting.


Ma Jun was especially fierce. He smashed the floor-to-ceiling windows and rushed into the living room, and Li Xianying also rushed in.

Li Er underestimated the fighting power of his two fierce generals by far. Li Xianying and Ma Jun's marksmanship is a little bit worse, but they can't stand their bravery. Mi's ultra-close-range serial shooting, even the blind can shoot.

The three kidnappers in the living room were caught off guard and received their boxed lunch in an instant.

"The plan is changed, keep the living room." Li Eryi said, while shooting at the chandelier in the living room, the living room was suddenly dark.

"Li sir!" Le Huizhen's sharp eyes, when Li Er rushed in, she recognized Li Er at a glance.

Li Er quickly put on the night vision goggles, and then he turned his back and pulled Tong Keren and Le Huizhen to shift positions.

"Li sir, help me untie the rope on my hand." Le Huizhen said in a low voice.

Li Er didn't care about them, and only looked at the indoor stairs in the villa vigilantly.

"Bang bang—!"

There were two gunshots outside the villa building. A kidnapper on the second floor was clever. After he found that the gunshots on the first floor stopped, he didn't dare to go down the stairs rashly. He jumped directly from the window on the second floor. Hit by Bo Anni in an ambush.

"Turn around, shut up if you don't want to die!" Li Er whispered.

"Oh!" Tong Keren was overjoyed when she saw the rescuers, squatting on the ground and hurriedly turned her back to Li Er, both her and Le Huizhen had their hands tied behind their backs.

In the darkness, Li Er's left hand behind him touched Tong Keren's back.

"Damn it, stick your ass up."

"Oh--!" Tong Keren hurriedly pouted her buttocks.

Li Er untied the ropes held by Tong Keren and Le Huizhen with his backhand.


A kidnapper sneaked down the stairs in the dark and was immediately headshot by Li Er.


Tong Keren and Le Huizhen screamed. In the gunfire, they clearly saw Li Er's bullet hit the kidnapper's forehead. The kidnapper's eyes widened, and blood mist sprayed out from the back of his head and stained the wall. of terror.

The two women shrank behind Li Er in fear.

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