What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 232 The War Will Not End

"What should I do if I open the wrong plug-in ()"

"Annie, Annie, your phone is ringing!" Chen Yalun tried to open his sleepy eyes, and said while pushing Bai Anni.

"Ah——! Which bastard called early in the morning to disturb people's sleep." Bai Anni was pushed awake by Chen Yalun, and reached out to pick up the phone irritably.

"Hi—! Who—!" Bai Anni said in a bad tone.

"Uh——! Master, I'm so sleepy, I still have to sleep!" Bo Anni said in a low voice, sticking out her tongue funny when she heard Li Er's voice.

"I'm not hungry!" Bai Anni looked up at the wall clock on the wall, only to realize that it was already twelve o'clock.

"Oh—! Got it, I'll get up now." Bai Anni hung up the phone reluctantly.

"Wow! Yalun, you have such a good figure."

Seeing Chen Yalun sleeping on her stomach, Bai Anni patted Chen Yalun's buttocks with a smile.

"Ah!" Chen Yalun screamed, "Don't make trouble, I'm very sensitive."

Bai Anni rolled her eyes when she heard Chen Yalun's words.

"Really? I don't believe it!" Bai Anni stretched out her claws with a smirk.

Chen Yalun hurriedly got up, and couldn't sleep now.

"Annie, are you really with Sir Li!" Chen Yalun asked in a gossiping whisper, she saw men's underwear in the bathroom.

"Hmm!" Bai Anni nodded generously.

"Isn't Li sir your master?" Chen Yalun's fire of gossip was burning.

Bai Anni shook her head triumphantly: "So what, isn't Xiaolongnv also with Yang Guo, you must be very envious!"

Chen Yalun: "..."

Bai Anni stared straight at her eyes, making Chen Yalun flustered.

"I'm not envious at all!" Chen Yalun took a deep breath and said with certainty.

"It's better like this!" Bai Anni slapped Chen Yalun's butt cheaply: "What a good player!"

"Ah! Fuck you!" Chen Yalun slapped Bai Anni coquettishly.

Bai Anni avoided it deftly: "The blue towel you used belongs to my master."

"Ah——! Why didn't you say it earlier." Chen Yalun hurriedly put down the towel: "I thought it was yours, why is there only one towel in your bathroom."

"Wow! Yalun, your thinking is very dangerous. Can you use my things casually?" Bai Anni pointed at Chen Yalun with a smirk.

Chen Yalun understood Bai Anni's meaning in seconds, and immediately blushed: "Fuck you, you are the one with unhealthy thoughts, quickly bring me a new towel."

Bai Anni shrugged her shoulders: "I always use facial cleanser to wash my face. If there is no towel, there are several bath towels."

"Forget it, I'll use your facial cleanser too." Chen Yalun nodded.

"Annie, how much do you rent here for a month? I think the environment looks very good." Chen Yalun finished washing up and visited Bai Anni's room curiously. She was too sleepy when she came to stay overnight in the early morning, so she fell asleep after changing into Bai Anni's pajamas , I didn't look carefully at Bai Anni's room.

"The house was bought." Bai Anni said casually.

Chen Yalun rolled her eyes, only to remember that Bai Anni is a little rich woman.

"Annie, is there anything in the fridge? I'm so hungry!"

Alas, all of Li sir's subordinates are reincarnated from starving ghosts.

"The meal was ordered upstairs, and my master just called to ask us to go up to eat." Bo Anni was stunned when she said this, her master is not a master who can order people to eat.

"not good!"

Bai Anni quickly picked up the phone and dialed Instructor Hu's private mobile phone.


"Master, good morning!" Bai Anni said obediently with a smile all over her face.

"Ah Tou, good morning!" Chen Yalun also hurriedly said, it was the first time for her to come to Li Er's new home, she only felt that the living room and dining room were so big.

Li Er glared at Bai Anni and Chen Yalun: "It's half past twelve, it's still early, come over for dinner, we'll start a minute later."

After the group finished their meal,

Except for Li Xianying and Bai Anni who were left behind by Li Er, everyone else was sent away.

"Ying, do you think you are qualified for the current job of Instructor Hu?" Li Er and Li Xianying are both teachers and friends, and he believed in Li Xianying 100%, and said straight to the point.

"Huh?" Li Xianying never thought that Li Er was actually asking himself this question. Although Li Xianying had been fighting with Instructor Hu secretly, he never thought of taking the position of Instructor Hu.

At most, Li Xianying hopes to be on an equal footing with Instructor Hu, and not be suppressed by Instructor Hu. Instructor Hu is a woman who is very good at using her own advantages. She can use every ounce of power in her hand. If she is weaker, she will be defeated by her Bullying others with power is very passive and uncomfortable.

"Li Er, you couldn't be because of the case of 'Yunlai Teahouse' last night!" Li Xianying asked with a frown.

"That's right, I have already warned her that the arms case is too dangerous, so don't get involved in this case, how dare she secretly carry it out without telling me." Li Er snorted coldly.

Bai Anni pretended to pour tea and water on the coffee table, and eavesdropped on the conversation between Li Er and Li Xianying.

"That's it?" Li Xianying was stunned.

"That's it?" Li Er's expression turned serious: "Otherwise, what else would you do?"

Li Xianying shook his head: "When we were working under Wen Jianren, did you follow the rules and obey orders?"

Li Er nodded: "I follow orders all the way, you are the only one who likes to play high-risk games!"

"Uh——!" Li Xianying smiled awkwardly, as if it was true. When working under Wen Jianren, Li Er was very disciplined. He was afraid of doing too much and letting the police take advantage. Li Xianying took Li Er to take risks.

"Anyway, what I mean is that doing more is better than doing nothing." Li Xianying spread her hands and said, "Look at Lin Haiying, she goes to work every day, and stops work every day. With the mentality of doing more and making more mistakes, if you don't do it, you can't make mistakes' mentality, he occupies a position, but rarely makes any real contribution to our serious crime team!"

Li Xianying actually appreciates Lin Haiying's talent, but it's a pity that Lin Haiying is timid in doing things, which makes Li Xianying very depressed. You are simply a waste of no ability, but Li Xianying is not so heartbroken.

Now it was the turn of Li Er and Bai Anni to look embarrassed. If Lin Haiying was rushing to and from get off work, then Li Er and Bai Anni, the master and apprentice, would have skipped work in a flash.

"That's not it. I just like Lin Haiying, a guy who only moves a step after shouting. At least he has never let me take the blame once." Li Er said with certainty.

Li Xianying was speechless for a while.

"Anyway, I think Instructor Hu may have made mistakes in handling the case of the 'Yunlai Teahouse', but she was not wrong in doing things with her heart." Li Xianying looked at Li Er seriously: "Moreover, Instructor Hu is meticulous and rigorous. I really can't do her job."

Li Xianying didn't know that Instructor Hu didn't make a mistake in responding to the "Yunlai Tea House" case. She once called to stop the operation, but Yuan Haoyun insisted on vetoing it. The biggest mistake of Instructor Hu was not to engage in any joint operations.

When Li Er heard that Li Xianying had no way to replace Instructor Hu, he was a little disappointed and took a sip of tea.

The hardest part of Instructor Hu's job is the logistics and the aftermath of the case. The 'Yunlai Tea House' case killed so many employees and citizens. If someone else was in charge of the aftermath, Li Er, the head of the department, would have been called to the police station to apologize. .

But Li Er still didn't get up until twelve o'clock, and now he is still as leisurely as a normal person. It can be seen that instructor Hu's wrists, she may have already dealt with his hands, and instructor Hu dug a deep hole for herself, but she It is also a miracle that I can quickly fill it in by myself.

"Annie!" Li Er turned his gaze to Bai Anni.

"Master, don't look at me, I can't order it, I don't want to be so busy every day!" Bai Anni said quickly.

Li Er: "..."

"Master, Zhang Zihao's kidnapping case hasn't been resolved yet?" Bai Anni reminded that although Li Er successfully arrested Zhang Zihao, there is still a very cumbersome distance from being convicted.

"Let Instructor Hu—!" Li Er said habitually, and then stopped immediately: "Annie, you are in charge of the follow-up of this case."

"Good master!" Bai Anni nodded obediently, with the attitude of master, I am already very busy.

"Yingying, you are going to take over part of Instructor Hu's external work. This is an order and you cannot refuse." Li Er thought for a while and said seriously.

Instructor Hu made such a big mistake, Li Er is such a stingy guy, he won't give up until he punishes her.

"Yes!" Li Xianying nodded, this matter is not too difficult for him.

On the other side, Johnny Wang successfully hooked up with Jiang Lang.

"Ah Lang, the 61-year-old white horse, try it!" Johnny Wang said while pouring Jiang Lang a glass of red wine.

"Thank you Johnny, I seldom come out to socialize, and I don't know much about wine." Jiang Lang smiled shyly.

"Haha! You're real, I like it!" Johnny Wang patted Jiang Lang's shoulder proudly and smiled, "Those who are incompetent need to socialize, and people who do practical things like you, A Lang, don't need to do these things." A fool's errand."

"Johnny praised you!" Jiang Lang took the red wine handed over by Johnny Wang.

"I won't make a mistake, you're just being modest!" Johnny Wang said with certainty.

Jiang Lang smiled and didn't answer.

"Have you heard about 'Yun Lai'?" Johnny Wang asked.

Jiang Lang nodded: "I heard some news."

"I lost another batch of goods!" Johnny Wang said with a big smile, "But these are trivial things. I have arms business all over the world, and I can afford to pay for this little money!"

Jiang Lang nodded in agreement: "In the industry, no one knows Johnny's name."

"Everything will stop in this world, but war has never stopped. If there is war, I will make money! Are you interested in coming over and making money together!" Johnny Wang finally expressed his purpose: "If you are willing to pass the time, other I will take care of the matter, and you will be responsible for the shipment of a line in South America in the future."

Jiang Lang's smile froze. This guy had excellent acting skills, and he shook his head solemnly: "Brother Johnny, I'd like to help you, but Uncle Hai is very kind to me. As long as Uncle Hai is still in the arms business, I will We must help his old man."

"Okay! You are loyal enough, I appreciate you!" Johnny Wang forced a smile.

Jiang Lang stopped talking again.

"Ah Lang, you did that thing about Chen San, right? Do you know how much I spent to bribe him? But you killed him with one shot." Johnny Wang and Jiang Lang touched the red After drinking the glass, he snorted coldly.

"Brother Johnny, each is his own master. Chen San is your helper, but from Uncle Hai's point of view, he is a traitor." Jiang Lang replied solemnly.

"Hey!" Johnny Wang put down his glass and patted Jiang Lang's shoulder: "You really don't know how to socialize. Fortunately, I know heroes and value heroes, and I don't hold grudges!"

"Thank you Johnny!" Jiang Lang's eyes with his head lowered flashed a cold light. This guy knew in his heart that he was forcing Uncle Hai to his death.

At the same time, Yuan Haoyun single-handedly came to the western restaurant where Johnny Wang and Jiang Lang were.

Although there is no evidence, Yuan Haoyun knew through his own connections that the gangsters involved in the "Yunlai Tea House" case were under Johnny Wang's subordinates, and other arms hunters on Hong Kong Island were not so arrogant in their actions.

"Push the street—!" Yuan Haoyun arrived at the entrance of the western restaurant, only to remember that his pistol had been handed over to Superintendent Peng, and he didn't have a gun in his hand. This guy's strength is fighting five scum.

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