"What should I do if I open the wrong plug-in ()"


Yuan Haoyun's left eye was suddenly black.

"Damn it, you have the ability to single out!" Yuan Haoyun glared at Johnny Wang angrily and cursed.

Johnny Wang straightened his tie, signaled his subordinates to hold Yuan Haoyun tightly, and then stretched out his fist again.


Yuan Haoyun's right eye also turned black.

Yuan Haoyun's hands were supported by two of Johnny Wang's men, struggling angrily but unable to move.

"One-on-one? I doubt whether you are a young and Dangerous boy or a policeman." Johnny Wang raised his finger and pointed to his temple: "Now is the era of brainstorming!"

"Brother Johnny, this guy has no brains, forget it! You needlessly spoil your mood!" Jiang Lang said as he opened the car door.

"Bastards, you killed five of my buddies in Yunlai Tea House, I will definitely watch you." Yuan Haoyun was restrained with his hands and couldn't hit Johnny Wang. forehead.

Johnny Wang's face twitched.

Yuan Haoyun is in danger.

Johnny Wang quickly drew his gun and pinched Yuan Haoyun's forehead.

Jiang Lang hurriedly grabbed Johnny Wang's pistol.

Johnny Wang turned his head and glared at Jiang Lang fiercely: "Let go!"

Jiang Lang shook his head slightly, signaling Johnny Wang to look ahead.

A few ordinary people on the sidewalk had already ran away in panic when they saw Johnny Wang and Yuan Haoyun clashing and beating someone, but one guy continued walking with a blank expression.

Johnny Wang looked up, Peng Yixing stopped, and he saw the gun in Johnny Wang's hand.

Peng Yixing had just returned from the gun meeting, and he was also carrying a gun.

Johnny Wang and Jiang Lang looked at Peng Yixing brightly, and Peng Yixing turned slightly sideways, looking calmly at Johnny Wang and his party.

"Get out!" Johnny Wang looked at Peng Yixing's handsome little white face and was upset for a while.

Peng Yixing was still calm. This guy simply ignored Johnny Wang. He didn't seem to hear what Johnny Wang said, and just quietly looked at the gun in the opponent's hand.

Jiang Lang saw Peng Yixing's waist bulging, and a bad feeling spread in his heart.

"What an idiot!" Johnny Wang pointed his gun at Peng Yixing. He was reminded by Jiang Lang that he didn't want to kill people on the street and let the police follow him. Johnny Wang just wanted to scare Peng Yixing, who has no eyesight. boy.

However, Peng Yixing didn't know what Johnny Wang was thinking, and he didn't want to know either.

Johnny Wang thought he was handsome and turned his gun, but in Peng Yixing's eyes, it was very slow, too slow.

Peng Yixing flashed his right hand, and the modified gun on his waist was already in his hand. He raised the gun and aimed, and the whole set of movements was as fast as if the gun was already in his hand.

'Damn it! '

Johnny Wang had already seen the gun in Peng Yixing's hand, but his eyes were quick, but he didn't have time to move. He just watched Peng Yixing hold the gun with both hands and pull the trigger.



Johnny Wang's arrogant face turned into panic, the pistol in his hand was blown away by the bullet fired by Peng Yixing, and half of his finger was blown away together with the pistol.

"Ah!" Johnny Wang clutched his bleeding finger in pain. This was not a fucking hallucination. Someone could actually hit his trigger finger.


The three men around Johnny Wang drew their guns one after another, and the other two men who grabbed Yuan Haoyun's hands also let go of Yuan Haoyun's hands, and pointed their guns at Peng Yixing.

Peng Yixing was still standing on the same spot with his legs sprawled, his face calm and his hands holding the gun and pointing straight ahead. This guy was so calm as if he wasn't the one who shot down the pistol in Johnny Wang's hand just now.


The action span of Peng Yixing's two-handed aiming with the gun is not large, but he pulls the trigger extremely fast. To be fair, Peng Yixing, a somewhat paranoid guy, even waited for Johnny Wang's men to draw their guns to aim at him. after,

Only then did he shoot back.

Five pistols fell to the ground, and Johnny Wang's five subordinates covered their fingers in pain, and looked at the serious Peng Yixing with fearful eyes.

In this kind of close-range 'dead target shooting', Peng Yixing, a guy with a slight obsessive-compulsive disorder, naturally shot 'doubletap' five times.

Everyone looked at Peng Yixing standing with a gun as if he had seen a ghost.

Jiang Lang's right hand had already touched the pistol at his waist, but he didn't dare to pull out the gun. Jiang Lang's forehead was covered with cold sweat. He knew very well that if the marksmanship of the guy opposite him could hit the flying man's fingers, he would definitely be able to penetrate it. Human head.

After Yuan Haoyun was let go of his hands by Johnny Wang's subordinates, he quickly turned around and looked at Peng Yixing in disbelief with the others.

Peng Yixing's eyes only looked at Jiang Lang calmly, and Jiang Lang's heart was numb when he watched him.

Peng Yixing nodded to himself, as if he understood something, he put the modified gun back into the gun case on his waist, then opened his hands, palms towards Jiang Lang.

"Are you ready?" Peng Yixing asked Jiang Lang rigorously.


Jiang Lang swallowed unconsciously, ten thousand grass and mud horses galloping past in his heart, he really wanted to kill Johnny Wang, an idiot, he was crossing the road for no reason, what are you doing to stop him with a gun.

After thinking for only half a second, Jiang Lang quickly raised his hands. This guy is more sensitive than ordinary people, and he can feel the horror of being locked by Peng Yixing more.

"Which road is my friend from?" Jiang Lang asked. The huge modified gun used by Peng Yixing was obviously not a policeman.

Yuan Haoyun also looked at Peng Yixing curiously. He is an old fritter, but he has never heard of a sharpshooter like Peng Yixing.

Seeing that Jiang Lang didn't seem to be willing to shoot, Peng Yixing nodded slightly disappointed: "I was passing by."

"..." Jiang Lang suddenly wanted to die, it turned out that he was really just a passerby.

Johnny Wang was also very angry.

"Please! I will not accompany you!" Johnny Wang shouted angrily.

Peng Yixing nodded silently, and really passed by Johnny Wang and his party.

"Hey, friend, wait for me!" Yuan Haoyun hurried to catch up with Peng Yixing and walked together, so as not to wait for the order to be placed and then be beaten up by the angry Johnny Wang.

Johnny Wang and others breathed a sigh of relief after watching Peng Yixing's back turn around the street corner.

"Boss, so that guy used an air gun?" Johnny Wang shouted in surprise, holding up his shot finger.

It was only then that everyone discovered that Peng Yixing's modified gun fired lead bullets, and it was really an air gun. No wonder the sound of the gun was so strange.

Other people who were shot also found that the small lead bullets embedded in the back of their hands.

"Find my finger quickly." Johnny Wang shouted hastily. If it's lead bullets, his finger can be retrieved if he finds it.

On the other side, Yuan Haoyun, a troublesome guy, entangled Peng Yixing.

"My friend, my name is Yuan Haoyun. I'm from the Western District Serious Crime Squad. What's your name?" Yuan Haoyun caught up with Peng Yixing and asked enthusiastically.

When Peng Yixing heard that Yuan Haoyun was a policeman, he stopped immediately.

"Peng Yixing, what's the matter?"

"Thank you just now, I want to make friends with you!" Yuan Haoyun proudly stretched out his palm to Peng Yixing and said with a smile.

"Sorry, I'm not interested in making friends." Peng Yixing said coldly.

"Uh—!" Yuan Haoyun withdrew his palm in embarrassment and scratched his dark eye sockets. Peng Yixing chatted to death with one sentence, so that Yuan Haoyun didn't know how to answer the next sentence.

"Hehe!" Yuan Haoyun laughed awkwardly: "Well, brother Peng, you are not a policeman, the gun just now is illegal!"

Peng Yixing's expression froze, and he touched the modified gun with his right hand. He pressed the modified gun a few times skillfully with his fingers, pulled out the two bolts inside the modified gun and turned them upside down, and reinserted them into the modified gun, modifying the two bolts. Unsprung deadbolt, aerodynamics will plummet down to your average geek blaster.

"You can check to see if it is illegally modified." Peng Yixing handed the modified gun to Yuan Haoyun.

Yuan Haoyun glanced at Peng Yixing's modified gun very curiously, and then shook his hand openly.

"You helped me once just now, and now it's cancelled!" Yuan Haoyun is quite a quack, he thinks that there must be something wrong with Peng Yixing's modified gun, and now he helps the other party once, it's just repayment, but it's just wishful thinking, he Even with Peng Yixing's modified gun, there was nothing wrong with it.

"Okay!" Peng Yixing put the gun back into the case. Although he was not afraid of checking, he didn't like trouble.

Peng Yixing walked away.

Yuan Haoyun was stunned again.

'That's it? No polite thank you? '

Yuan Haoyun chased after him again, and he found that Peng Yixing's shooting posture was very similar to Li Er's. Both of them had excellent marksmanship, but held the gun rigorously with both hands, and their shooting movements were not large.

Peng Yixing returned to his home, and after closing the doors and windows, a smile appeared on his face, a kind of happiness that he had never felt before.

"Rick, didn't you go to the gun meeting today? You came back so early." Guo Liyi had just washed her hair, and she walked towards Peng Yixing while wiping her half-dried hair.

"Rick!" Guo Liyi approached and saw Peng Yixing's smile, a smile from the heart, a smile Guo Liyi had never seen before.

"Ah Rick, what's the matter with you?" Guo Liyi asked curiously.

"It's okay!" Peng Yixing was stunned for a moment, looked up at Guo Liyi and smiled happily: "What do you want for lunch, I'll make it for you."

"I like to eat whatever you do!" Guo Liyi asked curiously, "What good thing happened to make you so happy?"

"Let me guess, it must have won against Li Er, that playful guy again!" Before Peng Yixing could answer, Guo Liyi couldn't help guessing.

"That's not right!" Guo Liyi vetoed herself just after guessing: "You compete with Li Er, you win every time, there should be nothing to be too happy about."

"It can't be Li Erying, right?" Guo Liyi said in a low voice.

"He's not qualified yet!" Peng Yixing looked very proud.

The corner of Guo Liyi's mouth twitched. Although she didn't like Li Er, she couldn't deny that Li Er was the only guy in the gun club who could catch up with Peng Yixing. Peng Yixing's marksmanship had stagnated for several years, but Li Er had been improving, and that guy never stopped.

Peng Yixing never concealed anything from his girlfriend, and told Guo Liyi what happened just now.

Guo Liyi's complexion changed drastically.

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