What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 234 Negotiation Expert Li 2

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Tong Group.

Tong Keren's office.

Li Er finally found out about Peng Yixing shooting Johnny Wang's gang. Guo Liyi was worried that Johnny Wang would retaliate against Peng Yixing, so she notified Li Er quietly.

"Master, Johnny Wang and his group are becoming more and more arrogant and unscrupulous in their actions now." Bai Anni said in a low voice.

Li Er gave Bai Anni a sideways look, knowing that Bai Anni was still thinking of helping Instructor Hu, but he had no choice but to call Li Er too lazy, even Bai Anni could see that he couldn't do without Instructor Hu, at least not now.

"Johnny Wang's arrogance is his business, and it doesn't affect you driving a Ferrari with one hand. Why do you care so much?" Li Er rubbed his sore knuckles and said.

Now Li Er's full attention is on improving marksmanship and the operation of Li Ji Tea Restaurant. These two things are very exhausting. Li Er feels that he has aged several years recently, otherwise why his back is sore recently, anyway. This guy will not admit to life or death, because he went to He Min's residence a lot.

Bai Anni scratched her ears in confusion, she didn't have a Ferrari!

Obviously, in this world, no one can understand Li Er's jokes.

"It's almost two o'clock, why hasn't Tong Keren appeared yet?" Li Er looked at his watch and said unhappily.

In Tong Keren's huge general manager's office, only Li Er and his apprentice were there, but Tong Keren, the master, was nowhere to be seen.

"Master, it's definitely not as leisurely as we are in charge of such a large listed company." Bai Anni said with a grin. Of course, this little girl is not being sarcastic. Who let someone's boss be their own master.

As soon as Bai Anni finished speaking, Tong Keren walked in.

"Sir Li, I'm very sorry. The meeting in the morning took a little longer and kept you waiting." Tong Keren said shyly.

Li Er gave a casual 'hmm', picked up a small pillow beside him, and threw it at Selina who was lying on the sofa and sleeping.

Salina sat upright in a daze.

"Get down to business!" Li Er said, glaring at Salina.

Only then did Salina see that Tong Keren had returned. The two did not know each other, but Salina had seen Tong Keren's photo in a financial magazine.

"Hi Miss Tong!" Salina quickly stood up and said.

"Hello!" Tong Keren nodded.

Tong Keren's interest is on Li Er, but unfortunately, Li Er apparently asked Sarina to discuss cooperation with her instead.

"Sit here!" Tong Keren pointed to the small conference table in the corner of the office and said, the sofa is a leisure area, not very suitable for talking about business.

"Try to be as concise as possible. As a laborer who sells his labor, I don't have much time." Li Er said seriously, he was very upset when Tong Keren delayed him for several hours.

"Puchi—!" Bai Anni couldn't hold back her laughter when she heard what Li Er said.

Li Er glared at the precious apprentice who dismantled his stage, and Bai Anni quickly covered her mouth to hold back her voice.

"Ahem, good!" Tong Keren pulled out the chair awkwardly and sat down.

Tong Keren has already discussed with Tong Yinghao. In order to repay Li Er's life-saving grace in the kidnapping case, their Tong Group is willing to invest 10 million yuan in the "Li Ji Tea Restaurant", but Li Er is a stingy guy. Only 10% of Tong Keren's shares were distributed, which annoyed Tong Keren very much.

Tong Yinghao didn't care, in order to save his daughter's life, he was willing to give up 100 million yuan, but the old guy thought it was worth 10 million yuan to befriend a guy with special abilities like Li Er.

"Li sir, we basically have no objection to the investment of 10 million shares, but the proportion of shares only accounted for 10%, which is too unreasonable. We roughly evaluated Liji Tea Restaurant.. ...."

"Stop!" Li Er raised his hand to interrupt Tong Keren's words: "If you are not satisfied, you don't have to vote. We didn't intend to accept any investment.

It is you who want to invest. Since you disagree, you can only give up! "

"Huh?" Serena's face flushed instantly and her heart beat faster. On the way here, Li Er simply told her that Tong's Group wanted to invest in shares, but he didn't say how much he would invest.

It was only at this time that Salina knew that Tong's Group planned to invest 10 million Hong Kong dollars, and Li Er, an idiot, pushed it out, and Salina immediately exploded in anger. Fortunately, she knew very clearly that she would definitely not be able to beat Li Er, so Only blushed and stared at Li Er.

'Ten million is only 10% of the shares. Does he think Liji Tea Restaurant is worth 100 million? '

"Li Er!" Salina winked desperately at Li Er, blinking so fast that people could mistake her for epilepsy.

"Li sir, can you see if this works? Our Tong Group invested 20 million yuan, accounting for 18%." Tong Keren said in a roundabout way.

Salina's eyes widened. She was sure now that the Tong Keren in front of her was definitely having an affair with Li Er, otherwise she would have no reason to give such a heaven-defying condition, which is different from giving money.

"No! Ten percent is the bottom line. There is no negotiation on this issue. If you want to talk about it, talk about other things." Li Er said very resolutely.

'It's terrible, it's terrible, Li Er is too strong, I'm afraid he won't get anything in the end! ’ thought Serena very worriedly.

Sure enough, after Li Er finished speaking, Tong Keren's face was very embarrassed.

"Fifteen million, that's 12 percent!" Tong Keren said with a sigh, as if she was about to cry at any time.

Li Er shook his head. Beauty tricks are useless in front of a guy who has no compassion for beauty.

"Miss Tong, you give me five million, and I will give you 2% of my personal shares, and you can also get 12%." Serena worried that the negotiation would break down, so she hurriedly spoke. Said, and it's a pity not to take advantage of this big deal.

Tong Keren only took one look at Sha Lianna, and guessed what she was thinking.

"Five million, five percent!" Tong Keren said with a smile and stretched out five fingers.

"The deal is only five percent." Salina agreed excitedly.

In order to quickly expand the 'No. 1 Fried Chicken Burger', she borrowed a lot of money from the bank, and the money has to be repaid with interest every day.

"Do you two think I'm a dead person?" Li Er snorted coldly, "I don't agree to private transfer of shares."

Salina's face changed, 'Li Ji' is not a listed company, and there is a clause in the contract signed by Li Er and Salina that the company's shares cannot be transferred to a third party at will.

"Li Er, we are partners. You can't stop me from getting rich. The cooperation between us and Ms. Tong is definitely a win-win situation. Besides, Ms. Tong has already won 10% of the 10 million. An additional 5% won't do you any harm. Yes." Serena said quickly.

"That's not it. I have no harm, but I also have no benefit." Li Er said seriously.

‘Sweat, it turns out that this guy wants to take advantage of it, what a bastard. '

Salina slandered Li Er in her heart, and asked with a smile on her face, "Then what benefits do you want?"

"You earned five million, how can you score me two hundred!" Li Er said brazenly.

"You are crazy!" Salina looked at Li Er as if she had seen a ghost: "Even if you dare to think about it, you can't shamelessly propose it. Two hundred thousand, this is my limit."

"Forget it, I won't agree without a 'handling fee' of 1.5 million." Li Er insisted.

"500,000, no more, I gave up my own share." Salina glared fiercely at Li Er, a shameless villain.

Li Er: "At least 1.3 million!"

Salina: "700,000, I can't add more, and I don't agree with it."

Li Er: "Come up to a whole number! You take four million, I only need one million."

Salina looked at Li Er speechlessly, it seems like I took advantage of you when you say that? I hope you will always be indoors when it rains, or you will be struck to death by lightning sooner or later.

Li Er looked out the window indifferently.

Salina nodded with a wry smile.

Tong Keren looked at Li Er with a gleam of light in his eyes. This man is really treacherous. Is he really a policeman? Those gangsters are really unlucky enough.

When Li Er and Salina were bargaining, Tong Keren sat aside with arms folded and smiling. It wasn't until the negotiation between Li Er and Salina was over that he called his assistant into the office to start a new contract.

After signing her name, Shalena suddenly felt a chill in her heart. She raised her head to look at Li Er on the left and Tong Keren on the right.

'It's over, these two people are really having an affair, this is not a negotiation between them, this is clearly the two of them working together to trick themselves. ’ Salina glared at Li Er and Tong Keren sadly and angrily.

In the end, Tong Keren spent 15 million yuan, got 15% of the shares, and became one of the shareholders of "Lee Kee".

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