What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 235 Li Sir's Punishment Methods

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Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station.

"Li sir, I have gathered some recent information and suspect that a group of other underworld forces have entered our jurisdiction." Instructor Hu reported to Li Er bravely.

Li Er raised his head and gave Instructor Hu a cold sideways glance.

"Li sir, I'm sorry about what happened last time!" Instructor Hu hurriedly said, just as the other colleagues in the office were away from work, Bai Anni was also busy with the follow-up incidents of Zhang Zihao's kidnapping case, even if Li Er yelled and cursed, no one heard, Hu The instructor will not lose face.

"And then?" Li Er asked after taking the materials handed over by Instructor Hu and placing them on the table.

"Then?" Instructor Hu looked at Li Er strangely, and asked tentatively in a low voice, "Don't you dare next time?"

"That's it?" Li Er curled his lips, tapped his fingers on the table and cursed: "I thought you would definitely do it next time? Do you know that 'Yunlai Teahouse' died because of your disobedience?" What an innocent citizen, I was treated like a dog by the director."

Instructor Hu frowned and looked at Li Er, and said in a low voice carefully: "I have already dealt with the follow-up incident of 'Yunlai Tea House', the director should not blame you!"

"Uh——!" Li Er's lie was exposed, and she felt furious. Instructor Hu's "Tai Chi" was too good, and the whole fault was blamed on the West District Police Department. She pushed the blame completely, and there was really no one. Accountability for the mistakes of the Tsim Sha Tsui Crime Squad, let alone Li Er.

The shootout in the 'Yunlai Tea House' was done by Li Er's team, even if Huang Bingyao asked Li Er, he would only praise him.

Instructor Hu continued to argue in a low voice: "Besides, Yuan Haoyun had already set his sights on the group of gunmen, even if we didn't participate in the operation, Yuan Haoyun would still start the war at Yunlai Teahouse, and the outcome would still be the same, maybe even more people would die! "

"Come closer!" Li Er waved.

"What's the matter?" Instructor Hu bent down and looked down at the document Li Er was pointing at.

"Look carefully!" Li Er said as the office chair slid back.

Instructor Hu thought it was an important document, so he read it carefully.

"Crack!" A muffled voice sounded.

"Ah!" Instructor Hu screamed and turned to look at Li Er in shock: "What are you doing?"

"Fuck you!" Li raised his palms and dropped them, and there were several dull slaps.

Waves of buttocks swayed behind Instructor Hu.

"Ah! Are you crazy?" Instructor Hu hurriedly turned around, her face flushed with pain.

"I've wanted to hit you for a long time. Do you still remember that you kicked my ass in the training camp of the Flying Tigers!" Li Er groaned angrily.

This guy Li Er was so angry that he remembered that Instructor Hu was not Bai Anni, so he quickly brought up the old story of Chen Zhima's rotten millet. He didn't think about it. In the past, Instructor Hu was his training officer, and it was normal to kick him a few times.

"Ah—?" Instructor Hu was stunned for a moment, and quickly realized that Li Er couldn't be doing it for this matter, so the rest is that he didn't obey the order and participated in the case of "Yunlai Tea House" jointly with the West District Police Station It's over.

"Li sir, I assure you, this is definitely the last time." Instructor Hu stared at Li Er speechlessly, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

"It feels good!" Li Er looked at his palm: "Why don't you do it for the last time, and do it once in a while, hurting each other is good for your physical and mental health."

"Go to hell!" Instructor Hu spat at Li Er: "Be careful, I'll tell Annie!"

But she knew that Li Er had really let go of his disobedience this time, but it would be hard to say if he did it again next time.

Instructor Hu didn't know, what Li Er said was true, she had a plump figure, and she felt really good in the hands. Although Li Er's back hurts, he couldn't help his hand.

Instructor Hu just talked about Annie, and Annie came back.

"Ahem, Li sir, how do we deal with this matter?" Instructor Hu hurriedly smoothed the wrinkles on the skirt, and asked Li Er solemnly.

"Let the Eagle and Ma Jun follow up,

Just be in charge of coordinating, don't stretch your hand too far for everything. "Li Er snorted coldly.

"Okay!" Instructor Hu nodded immediately after hearing Li Er's warning.

"Master, Zhang Zihao's wife has been bailed out. She hired a barrister to interfere with the case. Send someone to help me. I'm so annoyed!" Bai Anni said irritably.

"Both the stolen goods and Le Huizhen's confession, can he reverse the case?" Li Er asked with a frown.

"Huh—!" Bai Anni nodded angrily: "Didn't we catch a few people alive? They retracted the confession, and Zhang Zihao's subordinate named Jiang Hua took everything on himself, saying that he was responsible for the entire kidnapping case." planned."

"I'll ask Lin Haiying to help you!" Li Er said with a gloomy face. He just took Tong Keren's money. If Zhang Zihao was acquitted, Li Er would really lose face.

"It's useless, I already asked Brother Hai to help yesterday, these guys were crying and shouting at their parents to confess all the facts, but today they immediately denied the confession in front of their lawyers, and even complained about our police abuse of power Violently extorting a confession." Bai Anni became more and more angry as she spoke.

"Not good!" Instructor Hu hurriedly reminded Li Er: "If the defendant repeatedly overturns his original confession, it will lead to contradictions in the confession, and the judge will definitely rule that the confession is invalid."

‘I’m really missing your mother! '

It seems that Lin Haiying's ability to extract confessions is not omnipotent. As long as the criminal is rich enough and shameless enough, he will have nothing to do with evidence or anything.

Li Er's eyes were full of gloomyness. This guy regretted it. If he knew it, he would have shot Zhang Zihao at that time, so as not to cause so many troubles.

"What to do?" Li Er looked at Instructor Hu. This guy is good at catching thieves, but he can't sort out the follow-up things.

"Li sir, aren't we another female witness? At this time, the testimony of this female witness is very important." Instructor Hu said in a low voice.

"It's useless. I've already asked Le Huizhen. It was a guy named Ji Xiong who kidnapped her and pulled her into the car. He died at the scene. Zhang Zihao has never had time to blackmail Le Huizhen's family, and Le Huizhen can't prove it. Zhang Zihao is the bandit leader." Bai Anni said with a headache.

"Well, what if Le Huizhen suddenly remembered that Zhang Zihao said he was the bandit leader?" Instructor Hu said pointedly.

"No way!" Bo Anni instantly understood what Instructor Hu meant.

Li Er thought for a while, and soon realized that this is feasible. Although this guy has only met Le Huizhen a few times, he already knows that this woman is not a fuel-efficient lamp. If Le Huizhen finds out, she may not be able to sue her Zhang Zihao, this woman will definitely deflect the testimony properly.

"Instructor Hu, you are responsible for this." Li Er looked at Instructor Hu.

Instructor Hu rolled his eyes. There is not much credit for doing this well, and it is a big black pot to do poorly. Naturally, Li Er didn't want to get involved, and he didn't want his precious apprentice to be involved. Instructor Hu took it all by himself. all.

Li Er suddenly felt that Instructor Hu was a nice person, with a good figure, especially his buttocks.

'Uh..., it seems that the writing is wrong, the evil input method. '

"Li sir, in this way, this female witness may be in danger." Instructor Hu noticed that Li Er's eyes drifted to the back of his buttocks unconsciously, and groaned coldly.

"Oh, yes! Send someone to protect Le Huizhen." Li Er thought for a while and said, "Let Hui Yinghong and Chen Yalun be responsible, forget it, you should arrange it yourself!"

"Okay, thank you Li sir!" Instructor Hu smiled. She knew that Li Er wanted to suppress her just now, and it took less than a minute to reuse her again. Instructor Hu felt a little complacent.

"By the way, beware of Le Huizhen being bribed and defecting temporarily." Li Er reminded.

This guy has a dark belly and thinks everyone is the same as him, but he really has to be on guard against this. If Le Huizhen is bought by Zhang Zihao's wife, the case really doesn't need to be tried.

"Understood!" After Instructor Hu agreed, he went out to do errands vigorously.

"Master, what's the matter with you and Instructor Hu! Why do I feel that you are weird?" Bai Anni sniffed her nose and asked with a frown.

"Suck!" Li Er felt cold in his heart.

'No! This can be seen. '

"No! I just scolded her hard, maybe I'm angry!"

A man's mouth is a deceitful ghost. In this case, Li Er will of course insist on speaking out.

"Oh——!" Bo Anni said 'oh', and was swayed by Li Er. After all, she still believed in her master too much.

"Master, Tong Keren really wants to practice guns with you?" Bai Anni raised her eyebrows and said, "I don't allow you to accept her as an apprentice."

Bai Anni doesn't care about Zhu Wanfang and He Min, but if it is Tong Keren, Bai Anni will become very dangerous.

"Don't worry! Master won't randomly recruit apprentices." Li Er shook his head and smiled, "Tong Keren is just a passing interest, and she doesn't look at her ten shots and ten shots misses. She even broke the worst record in the gun club. gone."

Bai Anni couldn't help laughing when she thought of the scene where Tong Keren practiced at the gun club and was startled every time she fired a shot.

"Hee hee, then master, you have to get my approval to accept apprentices in the future!" Bai Anni said very thoughtfully.

"Necessary, you are a great apprentice, you have the final say on whether to accept apprentices or not." Li Er said casually.

Bai Anni immediately made a victory gesture: "That's a deal!"

Li Er frowned, he didn't understand whether Bai Anni wanted to be so happy, no one would recruit an apprentice to torment him, just Bai Anni, a precious apprentice, was enough for Li Er to have a headache.

"By the way, take a look at this report from Instructor Hu. When Lao Ying and Ma Jun come back, give it to them, and ask them to follow up on what's going on." Li Er handed the unread report on the table to Bai Anni.

"Oh! I see." Bo Anni, like her master, only glanced at it before putting the report on her desk without interest.

The master and apprentice didn't know that the foreign forces discovered by Instructor Hu were terrorists from the "Doctor" team. Li Xianying and Ma Jun were going to be a team of others, and they were afraid they were going to deliver food.

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