What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 236 Gunfight at the Wharf

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Wan Chai Pier.


A guy in black and black trousers sneaked into a warehouse in the port.

"Master, someone is coming from your direction at two o'clock." Bai Anni's voice sounded in the headset of the man in black.

"Got it!" The man in black turned out to be Li Er. After receiving Bo Anni's notice, this guy immediately backed away diagonally to avoid the inspectors.

At this time, Bai Anni was lying on a tower in the port, using night vision binoculars to help Li Er observe the surrounding environment.

Li Er, this guy, I don’t know if he really has the potential to be the king of assassins. He is indeed a bit at home in the dark environment. Li Er flashes left and right in the container group, and Bo Anni holds the night vision binoculars in both hands. , lost track of him several times.

"Master, don't be so fast, I'm dizzy." Bai Anni said in a low voice.

"Am I fast?" Li Er was a little embarrassed. A man is most afraid of being told by a woman that he is fast, and his recent performance is indeed a bit unsatisfactory.

"Yes, you're almost there!" Bai Anni said with certainty.

"Alas!" Li Er sighed and continued to sneak in.

Li Er, a hypocrite, said no, but he lurked into Guan Haishan's arms warehouse honestly.

"Master, if you go into the warehouse, I can't help you to 'see the way'!" Bai Anni reminded: "Do you want me to go in and help you?"

"No!" Li Er resolutely refused. Although Baby Annie was absolutely trustworthy, Li Er didn't want to let her know everything.

Inside the warehouse.

"Uncle Cai, we can make a lot of money by selling this batch of goods!" A young man asked.

Uncle Cai glanced at the young man: "You little guy, why do you want to know so much? Do you want to force yourself to add drama?"

The young man smiled shyly, and handed Uncle Cai a cigarette: "Uncle Cai, don't laugh at me, I'm pure gossip, you don't mind talking."

After Uncle Cai took the cigarettes, he took the whole pack of cigarettes from the young man's hand.

"Although the shipment volume of this batch is large, it is actually not profitable. In order to compete with Johnny for market share, the boss always sells at a lower price." Uncle Cai lit a cigarette and took a deep puff: "Business is not easy now, I think back then..."

"Don't, you old man rest, I'll go and ask if the goods are all ready, and if there is anything missing." Hearing that Uncle Cai wanted to talk about the past again, the young man quickly interrupted Uncle Cai and fled.

The quick-witted young man didn't notice that a dark shadow followed him.

"I go--!"

Li Er quietly pried open a container lock, looked at the surrounding environment with a wicked look, and with a flash of his feet, he had already slipped into the container.

"Are these goods going to war in Iraq?"

Li Er looked at a container full of munitions, speechless, then honestly picked up a grenade, pulled out the safety catch, and flipped off the latch of the grip. The entire container was full of ammunition and guns. Is this guy looking for death?


The grenade exploded, of course, but no one could hear the sound except Li Er, because Li Er threw the grenade in his mustard space and exploded.

After Li Er detonated the first bomb, he immediately checked whether the mustard space had expanded. For scientific verification, this guy poked a pre-prepared ruler into the mustard space.

'It's very beautiful, the mustard space has expanded a little bit, let's make persistent efforts. '

Li Er picked up the second grenade.



One grenade after another exploded like self-harm in Li Er's mustard space, and the smile on the corner of Li Er's mouth grew wider and wider. This guy was constantly consuming the bombs in the container that were ready to be shipped.

'I'm a fucking genius! ’ Li Er was thinking narcissistically, a lot of grenade safety rings and latches had been piled up in a corner of the warehouse,

And Li Er was still rummaging through boxes and boxes for grenades.

On the other side, Johnny Wang has already received Jiang Lang.

"Brother Johnny, just make a phone call in the middle of the night if you have anything to do, and I'll trouble your boss to make a trip in person." Jiang Lang looked at the environment outside the car window and smiled.

"You'll know when you arrive!" Johnny Wang said with a smile and mysteriously.

Jiang Lang's expression froze.

"You're not taking me to kick my boss's warehouse, are you?" Jiang Lang has already recognized that this is the way to the dock warehouse.

"That's right, I hope you kill him yourself!" Johnny Wang said honestly.

Jiang Lang: "..."

"Do you think it's possible?" Jiang Lang stared into Johnny Wang's eyes.

Johnny Wang nodded confidently.

"I don't think I'm wrong. You can choose, be my brother or my enemy." Johnny Wang said, took out a pistol and handed it to Jiang Lang: "You are a smart man, Such a simple multiple-choice question will definitely not let me down."

Jiang Lang's face suddenly became very ugly, and he pushed away the pistol handed over by Johnny Wang with flickering eyes: "I have the gun too!"

Johnny Wang put away his pistol and smiled without speaking.

Johnny Wang led a dozen cars under his command into the direction of the warehouse.

"Hey, master, there is a situation, have you received it, master——!" Bai Anni hurriedly practiced Li Er after seeing the convoy.

Li Er did not answer.

"Master, master, hello!" Bai Anni anxiously used the communicator to contact Li Er. Li Er was inside the container, surrounded by iron sheets, and the signal could not enter at all.

At this time, Li Er in the container had almost destroyed the grenade that Guan Haishan was about to ship, and the mustard space was forcefully expanded to a cube with a length, width, and height of 50 centimeters.

Not to mention pistols, miniature submachine guns are all properly loaded. It happened that there were several UZIs and M10 microchargers in the container, and Li Er decisively confiscated them.

'Cool--! '

Li Er picked up a grenade gun and stabbed it for a long time, but couldn't get it in. He really wanted to put it down, when suddenly there was a burst of gunfire.

"Bang bang bang..."

"Bang bang bang bang..."

'I wiped, was found? '

Li Er hurriedly picked up the grenade gun and aimed it at the door of the container.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

"Da da da da da..."


Johnny Wang's men had already rushed into Guan Haishan's warehouse. These guys killed anyone they saw, and the sound of gunfire rang through the entire warehouse.

"Uncle Hai, it's not good, someone came to our warehouse to play games." A subordinate of the warehouse hurriedly called to report to Guan Haishan.

"It's not the police, I saw Johnny Wang, and Lang, ah—!" Guan Haishan's subordinates were shot to death before they could finish speaking.

On the other side, Guan Haishan heard that his ammunition warehouse was kicked, and hurriedly summoned all his men to support him quickly.

Bai Anni heard the dense gunshots and explosions coming from the warehouse, but she couldn't contact Li Er, so she decisively dialed the duty phone of the police station.

"I'm Annie, who is on duty, oh! Instructor Hu, that's great, I immediately brought everyone to Wanchai pier for support. There was a large-scale gunfire here. It was a large-scale fire. There were at least seventy or eighty people. " Bai Anni said urgently.

Instructor Hu was overjoyed when he heard that there was a big case. She just made a mistake and just needed a piece of credit to dilute the negative impact.

"Annie, is this Li Sir's order?" Instructor Hu hurriedly asked, she learned smart this time, it seems that Li Er's spanking method really has a certain effect, Li Er is probably indispensable in the future Use this trick more often.

"My master lost contact after entering the warehouse. I don't care. My master's safety comes first. This is an order. Bring someone here immediately." Bo Anni became nervous and didn't even give Instructor Hu face.

"Huh?" Instructor Hu was startled when he heard Bai Anni's words.

"Understood, I'll rush over immediately." Instructor Hu also became nervous, and he still remembered Bai Anni's tone.

Li Xianying, Ma Jun, Lin Haiying, Hui Yinghong, and Chen Yalun were all notified and rushed to the scene immediately without going back to the police station to assemble.

Instructor Hu acted resolutely, and soon organized a night duty team at the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station. Zhou Xingxing was on duty tonight, and he also mixed in the team. A team of more than a dozen vehicles rushed to the Wanchai pier.

After Bo Anni called for support, she got off the high tower and ran towards the warehouse in a hurry. It stands to reason that her master's concealment ability would not capsize in these small gutters, but he lost the communication signal. I was intimidated.

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