What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Two hundred and thirtieth IX killing to the chills

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Li Er was such a bully that Johnny Wang's subordinates and Uncle Hai's subordinates spontaneously united against him, a shameless spoiler.

"Bang bang!" Li Er tilted his pistol and fired two shots. A gangster was shot in the knee and fell to the floor heavily screaming.

"Bang bang!" Bai Anni imitated her master and fired, almost killing Jiang Lang with one shot.

Jiang Lang was instantly chilled, and quickly shrank behind the container. The two mysterious men in black in front of him were so good at marksmanship that it would not be worth it if they really died here.

"You two charge, I'll cover you!" Jiang Lang waved to Johnny Wang's two men.

"Okay!" Johnny Wang's two men didn't know Jiang Lang's insidious intentions, and immediately rushed out with the AK47 in their arms.

"Da da da da da..." Johnny Wang's two men frantically fired a round.

'Huh--! What about people? '

Only then did they realize that Li Er and Bo Anni had long since disappeared, and the bullets from the two magazines had been vented to the air for nothing.

Li Er and Bo Anni, the master and apprentice, were so unpredictable that they would change positions after firing a shot, and the people in the warehouse couldn't effectively lock the target at all.


Two bullets flew out from the side, Johnny Wang's two AK men fell down, Li Er and Bo Anni did not know when they shifted to the side, Bai Anni who shot, Li Er covered his precious apprentice.

Jiang Lang, who was hiding in the dark and heard the gunshots, was overjoyed. He deliberately sacrificed two of his men in order to elicit the location of Li Er and Bai Anni. Jiang Lang immediately raised his gun and pointed in Bai Anni's direction.

"It's on the street!"

Jiang Lang had just emerged, and before he had time to aim at Bai Anni, he found that Li Er's gun was aimed at him. The reason why Li Er did not shoot was to guard against such a sudden change. The master and apprentice were covering each other. Their tactics have already been tacitly understood so that no words are needed.

"Bang bang—!"

Jiang Lang shrunk his neck mentally, and Li Er's two bullets missed, but a piece of Jiang Lang's scalp was blown away, Tian Ling Gai was in hot pain, Jiang Lang reached out his hand to touch his head, and his palm was wet with blood.


Jiang Lang raised his hand to the sky, smashed all the light sources around him, and then ran away quickly, sorry, the marksmanship of these two people is so superb.

"Bang bang bang..."

All Johnny Wang's subordinates followed Jiang Langyou's example and shot and smashed the lights, and the whole warehouse suddenly went dark.

Instructor Hu and others outside the warehouse were shocked, and hurriedly asked Li Er if he needed immediate support.

"No need!" Li Er snorted coldly.

This group of sand sculptures, Li Er and Bo Anni are wearing night vision goggles, are they looking for death by blowing up the lights?

Li Er and Bai Anni had just put on the night vision goggles when they saw a tall guy sneaking towards them.

"Master, it's Yuan Haoyun from the West District Police Station!" Bai Anni whispered into Li Er's ear with her small mouth.

Li Er naturally recognized Yuan Haoyun long ago.

Holding a pistol in each hand, Yuan Haoyun limped forward cautiously. It seemed that he had already ambushed here, probably wanting to avenge himself for being shot in the ass.

Li Er took out a grenade and threw it at Yuan Haoyun's feet without pulling the safety ring.


'It's a bomb! ’ Yuan Haoyun’s face turned green sharply, he ran five or six steps forward with all his strength, and then quickly fell down.

Li Er didn't pull out the latch of the grenade, and the grenade would naturally not explode. Yuan Haoyun got up in a daze. After his eyes adapted to the darkness, he could vaguely see some outlines inside the warehouse, but Li Er and Bo Anni were wearing black night clothes. The two of them were standing on the left and right sides of Yuan Haoyun, but Yuan Haoyun just didn't notice it.


Li Er raised his hand and hit Yuan Haoyun's neck heavily with a knife.

"Ah!" Yuan Haoyun screamed,

Didn't even faint.


Li Er raised his hand and cut again.

"Ah——!" Yuan Haoyun tried to raise his pistol in pain, but this guy still didn't faint. Li Er couldn't help but wonder if he was really weak, and entered the "middle-aged last resort" thermos cup paired with wolfberry time ahead of time .

"Fuck you!" Li Eryi punched Yuan Haoyun in the face, and Yuan Haoyun finally passed out stiffly.

"Bang bang—!"


Li Er and Bai Anni shot and killed the gangsters indiscriminately in the dark, and the two gangs immediately cried out for their father and mother.

"Surrender, we surrender!" some bandits shouted loudly.

"Master, they seem to be running away." Bai Anni reminded Li Er.

"Notify Instructor Hu that they will start a siege, surround the warehouse, and not let anyone go." Li Er said in a low voice.

Johnny Wang's subordinates and Guan Haishan's subordinates were indeed overwhelmed by Li Er and Bai Anni. They couldn't see each other in the pitch black, but the gunshots kept ringing, and they kept shooting their companions. This kind of fear The psychological pressure is more uncomfortable than being shot dead.

Instructor Hu's large force joined in, and the battle soon ended. Shanshan then arrived at the serious crime team of the Wanchai Police Station, led by Cao Dahua, the tiger of the Wanchai serious crime team.

"I'm Cao Dahua from the Wanchai District Serious Crime Team, which police district are you from!" Cao Dahua shouted with a big belly after realizing that the battle seemed to be over.

A police officer from the Tsim Sha Tsui Crime Squad glanced at Cao Dahua without speaking, and continued to deal with the work at the scene.

Cao Dahua was ignored, and his face flushed with anger: "Which police station are you from? I want to see your superior."

"Cao sir, the person over there seems to be Li Er from the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station!" Cao Dahua's sharp-eyed subordinate reminded.

"Uncle Da, what a coincidence!" Zhou Xingxing saw Cao Dahua, and walked over with a smile: "You are late, our guys in Tsim Sha Tsui have already settled this case, next time it's better!"

Cao Dahua smiled when he saw his acquaintance Zhou Xingxing.

"Xingzai, this is the jurisdiction of our Wanchai Police Station, how do we count this case?"

According to the usual practice, it is the witnesses who share the credit.

Zhou Xingxing scratched his head in embarrassment: "Uncle Da, I'm just a team leader, you have the ability to tell our boss!"

"Li sir led the team himself!" Zhou Xingxing reminded, he killed two gangsters who shot back while fleeing, it must have been a great achievement tonight, and he was in a very beautiful mood.

When Cao Dahua heard that Li Er was leading the team, he instinctively panicked.

"Sir Li led the team himself. This case is not a small one!" Cao Dahua asked Zhou Xingxing. They were standing on the blocked road at the pier, and did not enter the warehouse where the gun battle took place. on the ground.

"I just came out!" Zhou Xingxing pointed to the warehouse: "At least forty gangsters died in the gun battle, and there are a lot of ammunition."

"Ah——!" Before Zhou Xingxing could finish speaking, Cao Dahua was surprised, "Ah——! ’ up.

Such a big case happened in his jurisdiction, if he didn't do anything, he would definitely be killed by the citizens tomorrow, Cao Dahua was in a hurry.

"Xiaogou, Lao Yao, what are you bastards still doing, why don't you help the guy in Tsim Sha Tsui." Cao Dahua patted his forehead and said, "Yes, did you call an ambulance? I'll call an ambulance for you." , Mingxin Hospital is the closest to here, I will ask the hospital to send a car immediately."

Zhou Xingxing shook his head: "None of our guys were injured!"

Cao Dahua glared at Zhou Xingxing fiercely: "Didn't you say you killed forty or fifty bandits? Is it four or five bandits or forty or fifty bandits?"

"Forty or fifty!" Zhou Xingxing said affirmatively.

Cao Dahua took a deep breath.

"Then you said no fellow was injured?"

Zhou Xingxing spread his hands: "No one in our police station was injured. I just told you that Sir Li will personally lead the team tonight."

"Uh——!" Cao Dahua swallowed, and looked towards the direction of the pier as if he had seen a ghost, "No one was injured when Sir Li led the team? Throwing on the street, and it was a gun battle where forty or fifty gangsters were killed. Is this still a human being? '

At this time, Li Er put on a big windbreaker over his night clothes, and was looking at the water surface of the harbor with an ugly expression.

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