What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 240: Those things after the aftermath

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"Is this enough to make him run?"

Li Er turned around and stared at Instructor Hu and the others coldly.

Instructor Hu, Li Xianying, and Ma Jun lowered their heads and dared not speak.

"That's right, why didn't you two go into the water, and let Ah Hong and Yalun jump in and chase after?" Bai Anni couldn't help but questioned.

Li Xianying and Ma Jun shook their heads in embarrassment: "The two of us can't swim. I'm afraid I'll drown myself if I jump into the sea."

Bai Anni: "..."

Li Er looked at his subordinates with contempt, isn't there a sea on Hong Kong Island? Most of these male police officers are landlubbers.

"Call the crane and lift the truck out to see if Johnny Wang died in the cockpit." Li Er snorted coldly.

Instructor Hu hurriedly replied: "It has been called!"

Li Er turned to Li Xianying and said, "Yingying, you are in charge of cleaning up. I'm leaving first. Give me a nice report tomorrow."

"Okay!" Li Xianying replied.

Instructor Hu's face changed slightly, but he didn't say anything.

Li Er turned and left, Bai Anni hurried to catch up, and Chen Yalun also quickly chased after her. The only big cotton jacket in the police car was worn by Hui Yinghong. Now Chen Yalun was wet and her mouth was blue from the cold. Change into clean clothes at home.

"Boss Ying, people from the serious crime team of the Wanchai Police Station are here. They want to see you." Zhou Xingxing trotted over to report to Li Xianying after seeing Li Er leave.

"Critical case in Wanchai?" Li Xianying looked in the direction of Cao Dahua. Li Xianying knew Cao Dahua, but not very well.

"Eagle, they are here to divide the cake." Instructor Hu immediately reminded: "This kind of person is not good at doing things, and they are the first to strive for credit."

Li Xianying nodded.

"I'll deal with it!" Instructor Hu said affirmatively, "I promise they won't get anything!"

Li Xianying quickly waved his hands: "Don't do it, this is Wan Chai, they can't get anything for such a big case, it's hard to explain to the higher-ups."

This is the biggest difference between Li Xianying and Instructor Hu. Li Xianying is also merciless to the enemy, but to his own buddy, this guy often turns a blind eye and helps if he can. He deserves to be in the police station. He is even more popular than Li Er.

Instructor Hu can't hold a grain of sand in his eyes, and anyone who commits crimes in her hands must be miserable.

"Instructor Hu, please help to count the results of the battle! Let's count the guns by category, and I will deal with the guys from the Wanchai Police Station." Li Xianying said.

"Okay!" Instructor Hu gave Hui Yinghong a wink, and took away five or six CID police officers.

"Cao sir, do you still remember me? Li Xianying from the serious case in Tsim Sha Tsui." Li Xianying waved to Cao Dahua from a distance and laughed.

When Li Xianying approached, he realized that Cao Dahua had a very high police rank, he was already a senior inspector.

'I'll go, Li Er is only at this level, this guy must be someone above! '

Li Xianying didn't know that there was no one above Cao Dahua, but this Ruanfan King had someone 'underneath'.

"Hello, Sir Li, good evening!" Cao Dahua quickly smiled and said, "Sir Li is so handsome, how could I not remember it?"

"Hehe, Sir Cao has won the award. Sir Cao came at the right time. A big case happened, and there was not enough manpower. Sir Cao helped me out. I will treat you to supper another day." Li Xianying laughed.

Cao Dahua and his party were overjoyed.

"Xiaogou, you bastards, what are you still doing in a daze, hurry up and help carry things." Cao Dahua turned his head and shouted to his group of subordinates: "All over, whatever the guys in Tsim Sha Tsui ask you to do, you do."

"Li sir, I'll invite you for supper, if you have to!" Cao Dahua smiled happily, this guy is also an old fritters, he is indeed incapable of doing practical things, but the unspoken rules of the workplace are clear, and he immediately knows that things are done, this The case itself can get a piece of credit.

"Haha, thank you, Sir Cao!" Li Xianying laughed loudly.

In fact, Li Xianying has an egg money to treat guests,

He and Ma Jun owed Li at least two to five or six thousand yuan and hadn't paid it back, and they went to the tea restaurant every day to grab a meal.

On the other side, instructor Hu led a team to count the dead and injured gangsters, and Hui Yinghong unexpectedly found a familiar face.

"Instructor Hu, isn't this one, who's that, who's from the West District Serious Crime Squad!" Hui Yinghong pointed to Yuan Haoyun and said to Instructor Hu.

Yuan Haoyun, who fainted, was carried out by CID police officers in Tsim Sha Tsui and thrown with the gangsters, and handcuffed on his hands.

"It's Yuan Haoyun, why is he here, who handcuffed him?" Instructor Hu asked with a frown.

"Report Madam, this person passed out in the warehouse, I was worried about accidents, so I handcuffed him and other injured gangsters." A CID police officer said nervously, and he was about to untie Yuan Haoyun's hand. on the handcuffs.

"It's okay, you've done a good job, let's do something else!" Instructor Hu raised his hand and said.

"Oh! Yes, YesMadam!" said the CID police officer and ran away with small steps, counting the ammunition with other police officers.

"Wake him up!" Instructor Hu said coldly, Yuan Haoyun caused her to be criticized by Li Er, and Instructor Hu had a freezing impression of this guy.

Hui Yinghong poured some seawater on Yuan Haoyun's head, and Yuan Haoyun woke up in a daze. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Instructor Hu looking at him with his hands stern and frosty.

"What's going on?" Yuan Haoyun sat up and asked in a daze, and then found that his hands were handcuffed.

"I also want to know what's going on?" Instructor Hu snorted coldly.

Yuan Haoyun quickly looked around and found that the bandits had been wiped out, and the police took control of the scene. Yuan Haoyun breathed a sigh of relief, and then his face changed drastically.

This guy finally remembered that his police ID and police gun were confiscated by Superintendent Peng. During the suspension period, he is not only not a policeman, but also cheated the guy in the gun room to get him a gun. Once this matter comes out, Not to mention that he rushed to the street, but also the guy in the gun room.

"I'm in a different department from yours. Do I have to report to your Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station when I do something?" Yuan Haoyun snorted coldly, trying to scare Instructor Hu.

"You don't need to report to me, I will call your police station to pick you up." Instructor Hu decided to follow the procedure.

The corner of Yuan Haoyun's eyes twitched, he walked according to the procedure and rushed to the street.

"Hey - hey -, untie my handcuffs first!" Yuan Haoyun shouted hastily.

"Yes!" Instructor Hu said to Hui Yinghong: "Register Yuan sir's statement first, and ask why he appeared at the crime scene and what happened."

Yuan Haoyun's face turned green when he heard Instructor Hu's words. Of course, he couldn't let Instructor Hu know that he acted without any order.

Instructor Hu didn't want to see Yuan Haoyun for a moment, so he went to another place to check the work after speaking.

Hui Yinghong honestly took out the paper and pen, and looked at Yuan Haoyun seriously.

Yuan Haoyun: "..."

At this time, Li Xianying and Cao Dahua had reached a consensus. Tonight, the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station took the lead. Although the Wanchai Police Station led by Cao Dahua did not fire a single shot, they also took away a small part. Cao Dahua was very happy. He patted Li Xianying on the shoulder excitedly, looking like he hated seeing each other late.

"I have notified the reporter, they should be here soon, but Li sir just left, who will speak later." Cao Dahua swallowed, and asked Li Xianying greedily.

The unspoken rule of the police force is that the subordinates work hard, and the leader takes credit for his speech on stage. A guy like Li Er who goes forward on his own and makes his subordinates appear on TV is simply a miracle.

In the past, most of the speeches of the serious crime team in Tsim Sha Tsui were done by Instructor Hu, which made many people think that Instructor Hu and Li Er must have an affair. Let whoever is pleasing to the eye speak.

"You understand the case, and you also want to speak!" Zhou Xingxing gave Cao Dahua a disdainful glance, and said angrily, this guy is very official, as long as he has a chance to stand out, he will never miss it.

"Uh——" Cao Dahua scratched his belly in embarrassment. He really didn't know the facts of the case. Don't wait for the reporter to ask questions. He doesn't know anything.

"I'll just ask casually, but it's better for you, Sir Li, to speak!" Cao Dahua said with an embarrassed smile.

"Do you have a place to talk here? Hurry up and help with the work!" Li Xianying was worried that Cao Dahua would hate Zhou Xingxing, so he sent Zhou Xingxing away immediately.

Zhou Xingxing had no choice but to walk away. He originally wanted to rub the camera next to Li Xianying.

Cao Dahua's subordinates ran back and reported the results of the case to him in a low voice. Cao Dahua, who had successfully quit smoking, took out a cigarette from somewhere, and nodded with trembling fingers.

"With so much ammunition seized, is this going to war?" Cao Dahua took a long puff of cigarette and murmured to himself in fear. If you come early, it must be a gift for someone.

"Cao sir, Lu sir and his team have arrived." Cao Dahua's subordinates reported.

Cao Dahua gave Li Xianying an embarrassed look, turned his head and shouted angrily at his subordinates: "The case is over, what are they doing here, let them go back, here we and the guys in Tsim Sha Tsui will take care of it."

The credit has already been distributed, so of course Cao Dahua doesn't want other people to take part in it.

"Yessir!" Cao Dahua's men turned and left.

Li Xianying didn't say anything, but he was shaking his head in his heart. Cao Dahua and Lu Qichang's colleagues in the same police station were so intriguing. No wonder Li Er wanted to use himself to contain Instructor Hu.

At this time, Instructor Hu looked at Li Xianying from a distance, worried that Li Xianying would let the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station lose the credit for his hard-earned victory.

'well! It's best for me to let myself handle this matter, Li Er is really stingy and doesn't look like a man. '

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