What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 241 Li sir is getting moldy again

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"Brother Johnny, didn't you retreat first? You jumped into the sea too!" Jiang Lang was paddling in the sea, when he suddenly saw a figure, and when he looked closer, it turned out to be Johnny Wang.

"Ah Lang, save me!" Johnny Wang saw Jiang Lang and hurriedly called for help. He choked on the water when he fell from the car to the bottom of the sea. At this time, his lungs hurt as if they were going to explode. I'm afraid he couldn't hold on swim to shore.

"Ah!" Jiang Lang screamed.

This guy had a big piece of skin broken on his head, and it was okay to swim with his head up. Now he was swimming with Johnny Wang on his back.

"Ah Lang! Are you injured too?" Johnny Wang discovered the blood on Jiang Lang's head.

"Yeah! I met two mysterious men in black. Damn, those two guys have superb marksmanship, and they are simply irresistible." Jiang Lang said with lingering fear. Fortunately, he knew the escape route of Uncle Hai's warehouse, otherwise he might have to The account is in the warehouse.

"Fuck, I've never been bullied like this before. I have to take revenge for this kind of revenge. Ah Lang, is it possible that the man in black is the gunman I met that day!" Johnny Wang shouted with hatred in his eyes, he was the first to doubt After all, Peng Yixing is also a superb marksman, and he is also with that idiot policeman Yuan Haoyun.

"It's hard to say, let's swim ashore with all our strength first! Otherwise, we will be in trouble when we meet the patrolling marine police." Jiang Lang didn't want to antagonize the man in black, so he changed the subject.

"Yes yes yes, swim ashore first!" Johnny Wang finally remembered that the police could not salvage his body, and would soon call the marine police to search the sea.

On the other side, Yuan Haoyun had a big head. This guy didn't know how to explain his actions. Fortunately, he saw Li Xianying. He had dealt with Li Xianying in Yunlai Tea House, and he knew that Li Xianying was very open-minded and righteous.

"Li sir, something happened to me. Do me a favor. I owe you a favor, and I will pay you back in the future." Yuan Haoyun hurriedly waved his hand to Li Xianying.

"Why are you here?" Li Xianying asked strangely, "Who handcuffed you?"

As Li Xianying said, he was about to uncuff Yuan Haoyun's handcuffs.

"Li sir, listen to me first!" Yuan Haoyun hurriedly confessed the fact of his actions to Li Xianying. If he didn't explain this clearly, Li Xianying would report it even if he let him go.

"Are you crazy?" Li Xianying was stunned after hearing Yuan Haoyun's words. This guy must be too daring, he dared to do something during the suspension investigation, and he did it so big.

"I'm not crazy, but if you don't help, I'm really doomed." Yuan Haoyun sincerely pleaded.

Li Xianying: "..."

Li Xianying looked at Yuan Haoyun very speechlessly. Everyone had no relatives and no reason, not to mention that this guy shot and accidentally injured himself in Yunlai Teahouse, so he was so sure that he would help him. The point is that he was really willing to help him once, lest he The police can't do it.

‘This guy’s madness is not contagious! ’ Li Xianying was a little apprehensive.

"If you don't report this matter truthfully, if something happens in the future, let us take the blame for you?" Instructor Hu stared at Yuan Haoyun coldly and groaned.

Instructor Hu was worried that Li Xianying would be impulsive, so he had already followed.

"Li sir, this is what he asked for. What can you do during the suspension period? The key is that you are not capable of acting. Let's leave him alone." Worried about being dragged down, Cao Dahua quickly persuaded Li Xianying.

Li Xianying nodded. He had no problem letting Yuan Haoyun go, but he couldn't hurt his companions.

"Give me the pen and paper, and I'll record a statement for Sir Yuan." Li Xianying said to Hui Yinghong.

"Everyone go get busy with other things! I'll just be in charge here." Li Xianying waved to Instructor Hu and the others.

Instructor Hu seemed to have thought of something, smiled from the corner of his eyes, and left quickly. At this time, the truck had been hoisted up, and the truck was full of ammunition. Instructor Hu personally supervised the inventory.

Cao Dahua is not stupid, so he ran away and looked for something to help.

Only Yuan Haoyun and Li Xianying remained in the corner of the pier.

Li Xianying looked at Yuan Haoyun for a long time, didn't say anything, just silently took out the key of the handcuffs and put it at his feet, then turned and left.

"Thank you!" Yuan Haoyun immediately released the handcuffs, jumped into the sea and escaped.


After Li Er sent Bai Anni home, he couldn't wait to run upstairs. He wanted to test the power of his expanded mustard space, and the pots and pans at home might suffer again.

"Annie, get me a bath towel and your pajamas."

Bo Anni was still talking on the phone, and Chen Yalun's voice came from the bathroom.

"Wait a minute!" Bai Anni hung up the phone, and brought Chen Yalun a bath towel and pajamas.

"I said, you don't want to sleep with me tonight!" Bai Anni asked with a frown as she watched Chen Yalun brushing her hair leisurely.

"Otherwise? It's already early in the morning! Are you letting me sleep on the street with a pretty big beauty?" Chen Yalun said as a matter of course, and then she was stunned for a moment: "It can't be that Li Sir will come down later!"

"Well—! That's it!" Bai Anni nodded with a smirk: "Now you understand!"

"I don't believe it, it's already early morning, and Li sir went to bed early, you should go take a shower too! I'm so sleepy." Chen Yalun shook his head and laughed after thinking about it.

"Hee hee!" Bai Anni's lies were exposed by Chen Yalun without embarrassment at all. She smiled and took a change of clothes to take a shower. Li Er, a guy with lumbar muscles that is prone to strain, would not take the initiative. He often bites the bullet and threatens that he likes to be passive.

It's just that Bai Anni may be different this time. After Li Er returned home and ruined the pots and pans in the kitchen, he realized that this is not his house in the housing estate. Wang Gangsheng is now pregnant, and he is very taboo about these things.

Li Er looked at the messy kitchen he had made, and broke out in a cold sweat. Li Yi woke up tomorrow and found that the kitchen had been ruined by him. He must have peeled off the skin. Did not enter, turned and fled the crime scene.

the next day.

"Ah!" Wang Gangsheng screamed, and ran back to the room nervously to close the door.

"Brother Yi, a thief has been recruited at home." Wang Gangsheng shook Li Yi awake in panic.

"Recruiting thieves?" Li Yi opened his eyes sharply, and immediately bounced off the bed. He raised his hand to signal Wang Gangsheng to hide aside, and then took out a steel pipe from the top of the closet and held it in his hand.

Ten minutes later, Li Yi, Li Shan, Li Shiya and Wang Gangsheng looked at the kitchen in confusion.

"Did everyone lose anything?" Li Yi asked Li Shan and Li Shiya with a strange expression.

"No, I always have the habit of locking the latch when I sleep." Li Shan shook his head and said.

Li Shiya also shook her head.

Li Yi looked at Wang Gangsheng.

"I just went upstairs to check, and there is nothing missing. There are hundreds of dollars under the TV cabinet in the living room, and the pocket money for grocery shopping in the shoe cabinet at the door is not lost." Wang Gangsheng also said very strangely .

Li Yi scratched his head with a headache. Could it be that the thief came to the kitchen to sabotage it?

"Is there anything to eat in the refrigerator?" Li Yi asked.

Wang Gangsheng shook his head.

Li Yi picked up the two broken plates and took a closer look. The fractures of each bowl were neatly cut as if cut by a precision machine. How did they cut it?

"Wait, the door lock hasn't been broken, what about the second child? Hurry up and beat the second child." Li Yi suddenly yelled angrily.

"Second Uncle didn't go home to sleep last night. The pillows and quilts in his room were neatly folded." Wang Gangsheng said in a low voice. She helped arrange the quilts in Li Er's room, so she naturally knew if anyone came back.

"Ah——! I'm so mad, it must be the second one who did it." Li Yi knows Li Er too well, and it is Li Er's style to leave no trace. If Li Er is suspicious, it has nothing to do with him.

"Give me the phone." Li Yi shouted angrily.

Li Er's mobile phone rang.

Li Er fumbled to the left in a daze.

"Ah——! Master, your phone is on the bedside table over there. It's so noisy." Bo Anni was annoyed to wake up, and Xiao Nizi covered her ears with the quilt in agitation.

Li Er fumbled to the right.


Li Er touched a person, and they handed him the mobile phone.

'Pujie, why are there people on the left and right? '

Li Er woke up instantly, his body was like a dead body, and he bounced up straight from the bed. This guy was sleeping in the middle, and when he jumped up, he lifted everyone's quilts.

"I go--!"

Li Er hurriedly covered the quilt, picked up his clothes and trousers, took pictures of his hands and feet, and fled the room. The guy walked and hopped on his trousers.

Li Er didn't know that Jian Huizhen had some family affairs these days and asked for leave to rest. The broom star was working for Ban Jian Huizhen. When the broom star was cleaning Li Er's office, he moved the piece that Lin Haiying gave that claimed to be able to suppress peach blossom robbery. Backer stone'.

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