What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 257: Li sir who suffers from righteousness

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The next day, Liang Kun read the newspaper and realized that the money was given by a group of robbers from the "doctor".

"Boss, big brother B and those unlucky ghosts will be fine!" Silly Qiang was actually smart once in a while.

Liang Kun's complexion changed again.

"He has something to do with me, didn't I give him money?" Liang Kun said, looking at Sha Qiang vigilantly.

"Boss, when I collected the money, the other party was a stranger, and he probably didn't know me." Sha Qiang said confidently.

"I don't care if you recognize me or not. Safety is the first priority. You immediately go to Taiwan Island to escape for a month or two before you come back." Liangkun said that he was so generous that he took out 5,000 yuan at a time and stuffed it into Shaqiang's hand: "Go Keep a low profile over there, don't call the betel nut girl every night."

"Boss, are we being too careful?" Sha Qiang couldn't help asking.

Liang Kun glared silly and strong: "You know what, didn't you see that Li Er is in charge of this case again? Every time this bastard takes action, he wipes out his opponents. I'm afraid I won't be able to escape if I get caught up in it."

Liangkun actually understood Li Er surprisingly, this guy is notoriously unreasonable in Taoism, but when he met Li Er, he hoped that Li Er would be reasonable so he would not do anything.

Cai Yuanqi is deeply rooted in the rule of reciprocating love. Li Er made him awe-inspiring in front of the camera, so he naturally wanted to mention Li Er's name more. Li Er's Tsim Sha Tsui Serious Case Team wiped out the "doctor" criminal gang and once again became famous in Hong Kong. The eighteenth district of the island.

On the other side, Big Brother B is about to be blown up by Liang Kun.

"Boss, Liangkun's street smuggler really wants to harm us." Pheasant cursed angrily.

Chen Haonan nodded in agreement: "Fortunately, we hired a motorcycle bomber for 500 yuan to make trouble for us, otherwise this shop would be in decline."

Big Brother B gave Chen Haonan a thumbs up: "Anan, you did a good job this time, you can use your brain, I am optimistic about you, and I will slowly calculate with Liangkun about this time."

Chen Haonan smiled shyly.

"Jiang Sheng gave me a good job, Tsim Sha Peigou, he owes our club 250,000 yuan, Anan, please help me get back this amount, and I will praise you for the position." Big Brother B said while patting his chest .

"Yes! Boss is mighty!" Pheasant Ji and Da Tian Er immediately booed and laughed loudly.

"Boss, the Shar-Pei dog in East Tsim Sha Tsui is from Dongxing, so I'm afraid it's not a good deal!" Chen Haonan said with a frown.

Boss B patted Chen Haonan on the shoulder: "It's because it's not easy to collect, so that I can show the skills of my boss B's subordinates. If it's easy to collect, just send an accountant from the club! There's no need for us."

Chen Haonan nodded clearly.


On the other side, in a luxurious western restaurant, Li Er is graciously inviting Li Xiner to dinner.

Although Li Ersheng was too young and lacked qualifications, he couldn't help but make frequent contributions to this guy, and his actions would be big cases. Chief Inspector Li Ersheng's proposal had already been put on the agenda for discussion by the high-level police station.

Li Er is very clear that the biggest obstacle to his promotion is most likely the old woman Director Liu, and he must get rid of her as soon as possible, or her apprentice?

"In the case of the Cointreau Hotel, I heard that you killed more than 20 people?" Li Xin'er frowned beautifully, and looked up and down the guy in front of her with sharp eyes.

"Cough cough, Xin'er, I call it annihilating criminals, and I say killing people, it's scary." Li Er looked scared like a boy.

Li Xin'er gave Li Er a blank look, "Who told you to call me by my name, it seems like we know each other very well."

Li Er was even more speechless: "I don't want to call you what is your name, pretty girl?"

"Okay!" Li Xin'er said happily with a beaming smile.

Li Er gave away his shoulders, and the steak he ordered has arrived. For a person like Li Er, he must be very mature to eat steak. He occasionally eats with Annie and Bai Qianni, but now he is very familiar with using a knife and fork.

"I read the internal report that you broke the steel cable of the elevator and killed more than 20 living lives in one fell swoop.

"Li Xin'er said sharply.

"It's more than two dozen vicious criminals!" Li Er insisted.

Dealing with an old woman like Director Liu made Li Er feel resentful, but when dealing with a soft girl like Li Xin'er, Li Er felt that he could fight two.

"Okay! It's twenty suspects." Li Xin'er obviously didn't want to entangle this issue with Li Er.

"According to the information I saw, you clearly had the opportunity to capture the suspect in the elevator alive, but you chose to kill him. I will never speak for you this time." Li Xiner said angrily. Two, never stop killing with killing.

"Alas!" Li Er put down the knife and fork in his hand, and sighed, "This was done by a reckless sheriff under me, and I will take the blame for him."

"What's going on?" Li Xin'er asked curiously, she was very gossip about anything that was not written in the case file, this might be an occupational disease, at least the broom star who also likes to read case files doesn't gossip like Li Xin'er.

"You know that we are facing more than 20 gangsters armed with live ammunition, so I planned to outwit them from the beginning, and sent Li Xianying to ambush in the elevator shaft in advance." Li Er said seriously.

"Hmm—! And then?" Li Xin'er nodded. She knew Li Xianying. This guy was indeed often impulsive, and he often came to the psychological counseling department to attend lectures forcibly.

"My original intention was to ask Li Xianying to stop the elevator going up, trap the gangsters in the elevator car, and wait for the large police force from Sir Cai to arrive for support. I don't know where that idiot Li Xianying heard about it." If the elevator steel cable is broken, the elevator will not fall, but will be stuck by some advanced system, so as to achieve the purpose of trapping the gangsters."

"..." Li Xin'er looked at Li Er suspiciously.

Li Er continued to froze and gestured: "Then Li Xianying broke the elevator steel cable. I warned him several times not to do it, but he insisted. I told him to break the elevator steel cable. The elevator might fall, he said the elevator would never fall, I said it would fall, he said it wouldn't, and then the elevator fell."

"Really?" Li Xin'er felt that Li Er was lying to herself, but Li Sir's expression was very sincere.

You know, Li Er may not be good at lying, but he can't resist his thick skin. If a person's skin is really thick to a certain extent, you can't tell from his face that he is lying. Seriously.

"Of course, Li Xianying didn't intend to throw those criminals to death. He was mainly killed by those science experts. They said that the elevator would not fall down, but the elevator didn't listen to them." Li Er He said with a face full of loyalty: "I trust my own subordinates."

Li Xin'er nodded. She knew Li Xianying quite well. It took a long time for Li Xianying to get out of his psychological shadow when he accidentally shot and wounded an innocent citizen.

Seeing Li Xin'er's relieved expression, Li Er compared himself with scissors in his heart.

Li Xin'er was confused by Li Er again. Although Li Xianying was jealous, he would not take human life lightly, but Li Er was an assassin policeman who would rather kill a mistake than let him go. Li Er tied himself with Li Xianying Talking about it can easily make Li Xin'er relax her vigilance.

"Let me just believe you! But my teacher said that she must personally supervise your big test." Li Xin'er said with a smile after taking a sip of coffee.

"What? Your teacher wants to supervise the field in person, isn't it you?" Li Er's face turned green.

Li Xin'er liked to see Li Er's pale green face the most, and nodded very comfortably.

Fuck the street, today's meal is a waste of treats.

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