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"By the way, let me remind you that a few days ago, people from the Independent Commission Against Corruption requested a copy of your psychological evaluation report from the psychological counseling department." Li Xin'er said suddenly in a low voice.

Li Er raised his head suddenly, his eyes flashed, it seemed that the meal was not in vain, he just wanted to use his urine to escape and let Li Xin'er pay for it himself.

Although Li Xin'er is an excellent psychologist, she is not a roundworm in Li Er's stomach, so naturally she would not know Li Er's shameless tricks.

"You're not really corrupt, are you?" Li Xin'er looked into Li Er's eyes and asked probingly.

When Li Xiner first met Li Er, Li Er was really embarrassed, but now Li Er is still wearing casual sportswear, but they are all famous brands. Li Xiner has seen too many mistakes made by young and high-ranking people like Li Er For example, she thinks Li Er is very interesting and hopes he is an exception.

"Come closer, I'll tell you a secret!" Li Er hooked his fingers and said, the clothes on this guy were bought by Bai Anni. Annie's consumption vision is extremely high, and the price will naturally not be too cheap.

Li Xiner intuitively felt that Li Ergou couldn't spit out ivory, but couldn't help being curious, and leaned his head towards it.

Li Xin'er: "What secret?"

Li Er said shyly: "I said I was adopted by a rich woman, do you believe it?"

"You have a good idea!" Li Xin'er glared at Li Er and groaned.

"Otherwise, how can it be explained? I am young and rich!" Li Er blinked his eyes and spread his hands with a smile.

Seeing Li Er's full confidence, Li Xin'er knew that the ICAC might not be able to find anything about him, so she didn't bother to talk about this topic with Li Er. She hasn't paid this month's rent yet.

On the other side, the two brothers Li Yi and Li Shan were so busy that they were dizzy. After Tong Keren injected funds, the expansion of the "Li Ji Tea Restaurant" was crazy. Li Yi and Li Shan were busy eighteen hours a day. They all felt that there was not enough time, and Li Shan was afraid that he would not be able to keep up with the pace of the company, and would be tricked by Tong Keren and Salina.

"Brother, let the second brother come back home to help! There are too many things in the company, and our manpower is simply not enough. How much can you earn as a policeman?" Li Shan once again begged Li Yi to put pressure on Li Er, anyway, he himself He absolutely dare not raise this opinion with Li Er.

Li Yi glanced at Li Shan, but didn't answer. Li Yi didn't take it too seriously because there was more money and less money. The most important thing is that the brothers should be united.

'Lee Kee Tea Restaurant' has been officially upgraded to 'Lee Kee Catering Co., Ltd'. Li Yi is the general manager. Because of the shortage of manpower, he also has to serve as the manager of the company's procurement and supply department and the manager of the back kitchen department.

Li Shan is the deputy general manager of the company, and then he will also serve as the general manager of "Li Ji Express Delivery Co., Ltd.", which was independent from the "Li Ji Tea Restaurant", in charge of "Li Ji Tea Restaurant" and "No. 1 Fried Chicken Burger" ' of the food delivery business.

Wang Gangsheng is pregnant now, and he has to be the manager of the front office department of the company, in charge of the waiters and cleaners in the front office of all the branches. Even Li Shiya has to supervise the cashier entry of each branch when Li Shiya is out of school, and help Li Shan check the amount.

In the family, Li Er was the only guy who didn't do anything and got a net dividend every month.

Chinese people often do business as a family business, because they don’t trust outsiders very much. Neither Li Yi nor Li Shan trusts Sarina and Tong Keren. People, such as He Jinyin, a gold medal delivery person, have now become an important backbone of 'Lee Kee Express Delivery Co., Ltd.'.


After Li Er entertained Li Xin'er with delicious food and drinks, he went to school to pick up Zhu Wanfang and Li Shiya after school.

"Second brother!" Li Shiya saw Li Er's car from a distance, and shouted flamboyantly.

Li Er has repeatedly solved major cases recently and often appeared on the front pages of major news newspapers. Li Shiya is very proud of her second brother, so naturally she has to show off in front of her little sisters.

"Why don't you get in the car quickly and pose for a photo?" Li Er said angrily.

As the 'Li Ji Tea Restaurant' grew bigger and bigger, this little girl, Li Shiya, also had more 'friends' in the school.

"Humph! Second brother, I don't want to go home first, I'm going to the company!" Li Shiya was upset that Li Er interrupted her to show off, and pouted with her small hands.

"Shiya, I'll accompany you too." Zhu Wanfang said quickly, she hadn't been to the company's office building yet.

"Okay! Sister Wanfang, let me tell you, the company's office building is very, very big!" Li Shiya said with her arms open exaggeratedly.

"What are you going to do in the company at this time? It's almost time to get off work." Li Er frowned.

Li Shiya's eyes widened: "It's impossible to get off work so early. The eldest brother and the third brother have to be busy until ten o'clock in the evening every day before finishing work, and the sister-in-law is also busy until six or seven o'clock."

"Second brother, you are the most lazy!" Li Shiya never forgot this sentence.

Li Er smiled awkwardly.

"Shiya, Second Brother has a lot to do at the police station." Zhu Wanfang couldn't see Li Er's embarrassment, so she hurriedly said.

Li Shiya nodded in agreement. She also felt that her second brother must be a good policeman, and being a good policeman is naturally very busy.

Brilliant Building.

The Brilliant Building has a total of 32 floors, 30 floors above ground and 2 floors underground.

The Li family's office building occupies two floors on the 17th and 18th floors. The 17th floor is 'Li Ji Express Delivery Co., Ltd.', and the 18th floor is 'Li Ji Catering Co., Ltd.'.

Li Er, Li Shiya, and Zhu Wanfang came to the 18th floor, and it happened that Li Shan was also discussing business with Li Yi on the 18th floor.

"Second brother, I'm so free to go back to the company to help out today!" Li Shan said, hastily winking at the boss, but unfortunately his acting skills are bad enough, and Li Er immediately found out the problem.

"Third, do you have any eye problems? It's okay to twitch or something, it's a problem at a young age!" Li Er snorted coldly.

"Uh—!" Li Shan scratched the back of his head in embarrassment: "Second brother, I have something to do downstairs, I have to go to work first."

This guy has been afraid of Li Er since he was a child, even if Li Er didn't beat him up, he was also afraid.

"Brother, if you don't have enough manpower, just recruit people. If the company wants to grow bigger and stronger, it's useless to rely on your own strength. It's useless to be exhausted. It's the right way to assign people to do special tasks. This money can't be saved." Li Er saw With a huge office building, there are only a dozen or twenty employees working.

"It's easy for you to put it simply. If you don't want to go back to the company to do things, just say it. Why are you scaring the third child? Don't you know that he is timid?" Li Yi gave Li Er a sideways look.


Now it was Li Er's turn to scratch the back of his head lazily.

"Sister Wanfang, look, this is my eldest brother's office, isn't it very big, and here is the conference room, and you can see the sea view from the floor-to-ceiling windows!" Li Shiya proudly took Zhu Wanfang for a stroll.

Zhu Wanfang wanted to see which office Li Er had, but unfortunately there was none.

A person who eats dry stocks and does nothing, needs an office of eggs.

"Brother, I see that Salina's 'No. 1 Fried Chicken Burger' is expanding rapidly, can the third child's food delivery agency keep up with the pace?" Li Er asked.

Selena is a woman who is very good at business. After she got Tong Keren's investment, she expanded the branch aggressively, advertised in newspapers and on TV, and whoever is in the foreign fast food industry now knows that the wolf is coming.

"It's okay! The third child didn't say there was any difficulty. Anyway, they arranged to give priority to the delivery of our 'Liji Tea Restaurant'. The 'Quick Delivery' has been recruiting a large number of people." Li Yi nodded and said.

"Second uncle, drink water!" Wang Gangsheng took a bottle of drink and handed it to Li Er.

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