What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 276: Can You Make a Mosaic?

"What should I do if I open the wrong plug-in ()"

"I want to be able to make a mosaic!"

"Ah—?" Johnny Wang was taken aback for a moment.

'Fuck the street, go to hell! '

At the moment of Johnny Wang Huang, Sir Li, who was wearing red trousers, suddenly squatted down.

Johnny Wang shrank back reflexively.

'Sweep the leg with a hundred shots and a hundred hits'

Johnny Wang and Ye Dexian fell together, and Li Er's move was simply incomprehensible to Johnny Wang's skill.

"Damn, court death!"

Johnny Wang was on all fours, and he was still in the air before he landed, but he laughed crazily. This guy was about to release the pressure detonator in his hand, to overturn the whole hospital, and let Li Er bear the tragic pain. as a result of.


A manhole cover flew up.

"What the hell?"

Johnny Wang should release the pressure detonator first and blow up the hospital, but he still couldn't help being curious and turned his head to look in the direction of the sewer.


Johnny Wang was stunned to see a guy like a fool holding a butcher's knife. It was Zhou Xingxing. Zhou Xingxing received the signal of Li Er's attack, and immediately flew the sewer manhole cover with his head. My head hurt like hell at the time, but now I don't care about the pain.

Zhou Xingxing jumped into the air.

A knife flashed.

'What are you kidding! '

Although the atmosphere at the scene was very serious, for some reason, Johnny Wang wanted to laugh when he saw the kitchen knife in Zhou Xingxing's hand, but Johnny Wang couldn't laugh.

"Ah!" Johnny Wang let out a scream like killing a pig. His left hand holding the pressure detonator was cut off with a knife, and blood spurted out half a meter away.

Zhou Xingxing landed perfectly. This guy grabbed a bone-chopping kitchen knife in one hand, and suddenly held Johnny Wang's severed palm in the other hand.

Zhou Xingxing tightly held the detonator inside Johnny. Looking back, if I missed a blow, I must be the one to bear all the blame.


A scream that was ten times more miserable than before interrupted Zhou Xingxing's thoughts.

Chen Baila, a guy who has more than enough success than failure, sneaked behind Johnny Wang at some point. At this time, he put his hands together, his ring finger and little finger crossed and bent, and his index finger and middle finger stood up straight. The insane and tragic "Millennium Killing" trick.

Chen Baila's move was obviously planned for a long time. Johnny Wang could almost hear the sound of his pants being torn. He almost passed out from the pain. He hurriedly tried to shoot Ye Dexian. .


Before Johnny Wang could pull the trigger, Ma Jun, with the help of Li Xianying, stepped on Li Xianying's lunge thigh and jumped up. Ma Jun strode across, kicked in the air, and It hit Johnny Wang's head heavily. Johnny Wang rolled his eyelids and was about to faint.

"Bang bang—!"

Li Er put away his gun and stood there. When his life was about to be annihilated, Johnny Wang's ability was greatly improved. He seemed to be able to see two bullets flying in the air. Wait, the bullet seemed to be flying towards him. It doesn't seem like it's flying towards me.

Johnny Wang's head twitched, and was pierced by two bullets. After a series of combined blows, Johnny Wang finally received the lunch box happily.

"Darling, are you alright!"

Sometimes you have to admire Cao Dahua, he originally hid behind the big troops, but once he found an opportunity, he literally teleported to the main battlefield, his hands just caught Ye Dexian who fell from mid-air, the most important thing What's more, in this situation, this guy can still eat softly with a serious face, he deserves to be promoted like a helicopter.

Zhou Xingxing realized that he seemed to have learned something, and turned to look at Li Er.

Li Er second understood Zhou Xingxing's disgusting eyes.

"I'll fucking kick you to death." Li Er was chilled by Zhou Xingxing's eyes.

"Dude, don't move around. Be sure to hold the pressure detonator. Let us deal with it next." Seeing that the crisis was over, the bomb disposal experts hurried to Zhou Xingxing and reminded him to hold the pressure detonator. Tighten the pressure detonator.

Johnny Wang was shot dead, the peripheral reporters hurriedly broke through the encirclement and rushed in to take pictures of the brave detectives who resolved the crisis.

"Sir, Sir, I haven't seen you before. Which police station are you from? The 'magic knife' just now is unprecedented." A reporter interviewed Zhou Xingxing excitedly.

Zhou Xingxing cut off Johnny Wang's palm at a critical moment and successfully snatched the pressure detonator. It was indeed very wonderful.

Seeing many reporters handing over the microphone, Zhou Xingxing was even more excited than the other party, but he tried his best to suppress his excitement, and Cao Dahua pretended to be possessive: "I am Zhou Xingxing from the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station, Zhou Xingxing, Make a note, the knife just now was just a routine operation!"

"Sir Zhou, don't move your hands, the pressure detonator has not been deactivated." The bomb disposal team hurriedly reminded Zhou Xingxing.

It was only then that the reporters remembered that Zhou Xingxing was still holding Johnny Wang's severed palm and the pressure detonator, and hurriedly turned the camera to the pressure detonator to shoot wildly.

"Sir, what did you do that move just now?" A wretched reporter interviewed Chen Baile with great interest.

"Ahem!" Chen Baila cleared his throat, "Have you heard of Millennium Killing?"

"No!" The obscene reporter replied honestly.

"Then I'm relieved." After Chen Baile let out a sigh of relief, he began to brag.

"Hey! Li sir, where did you get your gun?" Le Huizhen looked at the gun in Li's second hand and asked with great interest.

Li Er: "..."

Le Huizhen held a miniature video camera in her hand, and shot fiercely at Li Er with a smile.

Li Er is now full body, only a pair of red underwear is left, and there is indeed no place to hide a gun. Le Huizhen's doubts are reasonable.

"I'm so curious, do you want me to take out another gun and shoot it for you?" Li Er scolded with a dark face.

"Hee hee, as long as you dare, I don't mind!" Le Huizhen backed away with great experience, so as not to be robbed of her camera by Li Er.

"Sir Li!"

Jiang Lang picked up the trousers that Li Er had taken off and handed them to Li Er. Those reporters had long wanted to come over to interview Li Er, the commander-in-chief, but Li Er was only wearing a pair of red underwear. They were embarrassed to step forward for fear of filming The screen cannot pass the review.

Cao Dahua saw those reporters swarming around the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station for interviews, he felt sour and very uncomfortable. He was originally the protagonist, but he was reversed all of a sudden. He was really unwilling.

"Xingzi, where did you get a kitchen knife?" After the reporter went to interview Li Er, Li Xianying asked Zhou Xingxing very strangely. This Zhou Xingxing can always do some weird things.

When Zhou Xingxing heard Li Xianying's words, his face suddenly turned pale: "Damn, I lost my gun in the hospital."

After Zhou Xingxing finished speaking, he turned nervously and ran into the hospital.

Li Xianying and Ma Jun looked at each other.

"Zhou Xingxing, an idiot, didn't he really throw his gun? This is not a joke. It can completely wipe out all the achievements he made today." Ma Jun said in a low voice.

"I'll go and see first, you can find some trustworthy guys to help, don't make it public!" Li Xianying thought for a while and said.

"Understood!" Ma Jun made a knowing gesture clearly.

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