What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 277 Eye-catching red underwear

"What should I do if I open the wrong plug-in ()"

Li Er didn't take care of everything under the lens of the journalists. This case involved too much, and he did have credit. However, the police made great mistakes in the early crisis response. The casualties and losses have not yet been calculated in detail, but Li Er probably knew it well in his heart, he didn't want to take the blame.

Driven by Li sir's instinct of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, after being modest about his personal performance, he quickly gave up the microphone to Cao Dahua, who was eager to see through.

Cao Dahua was overjoyed when he got the microphone. This guy couldn't see through Li Er's insidious intentions, so he nodded and smiled gratefully at Li Er.

"I am Cao Dahua, Senior Inspector of Wanchai Police Station." Cao Dahua raised his head and chest, and introduced himself confidently.

Li Er hurriedly told his subordinates to sneak away quietly. Li Xianying, Ma Jun, and Zhou Xingxing, the guys who should be on TV have also been on the TV, and they have also shown what they should show. Otherwise, wait for Ye Dexian to react and be caught. It's not good to capture the package.

"Tou, are you going to have a midnight snack?" Ma Jun asked from the co-pilot.

"Xiao your head, go to the hospital! Didn't you see how many wounded people were there?" Li Er turned his head and glared at Ma Jun and scolded, "Didn't you also get shot when you rushed to the street? Are you all right? "

Both Zhou Xingxing and Chen Baile were shot. Although Li Xianying and Ma Jun were wearing bulletproof vests, they were also shot in several places.

Ma Jun: "I have to eat after being shot! I didn't eat dinner, I'm so hungry now!"

It was already dark at this time, not to mention Ma Jun, Li Xianying, Zhou Xingxing and the others were also so hungry that their chests were stuck to their backs.

Li Er sent Li Xianying and others to the hospital in Tsim Sha Tsui, ordered takeaway for him, and then left. Anyway, Zhou Xingxing and other unlucky ghosts would not die, and Li sir did not have the desire to show that he cared about his subordinates.

"Hello! Amin, I'm fine, I'm really fine." Li Er had just returned home when he received a call from He Min. Hong Kong Island's news media is really developed. At this time, He Min had already seen it on TV. The interview screen of Mingxin Hospital shows that Li Er may be in danger.

"Why can't you get through on your mobile phone?" Although He Min heard Li Er's report that he was safe, he was still very worried: "You're back home, I'll go find you, okay?"

He Min dialed Li Er's landline, so he naturally knew that Li Er had returned home.

"No, no, no, I lost my original mobile phone, and I'm going to change it tomorrow." Li Er saw Zhu Wanfang shaking her head desperately at him, and quickly rejected He Min's kindness. Mobile phones are certainly not immune to this.

"Oh! Then are you free tomorrow? I just don't have class tomorrow, do you want me to accompany you to the Digital City, or I bought a mobile phone for you." He Min knew that after a big case happened, the police are usually very busy , she has shares in 'No. 1 Burger', and after Shalena expanded her business wildly, she and He Min became a little rich woman for no reason.

"No, no, by the way, Amin, your cousin was shot and has been sent to the hospital. You can go and see him." Li Er was not used to being greeted with care, so he hurriedly changed the subject.

"Oh! Didn't my cousin be transferred to be a traffic policeman by you again?" He Min muttered softly.

The traffic police should have little chance of being shot, but He Min may not have had much contact with Chen Baile, and she didn't know that Chen Baile had been transferred to the CID a long time ago.

After Li Er put down the landline, he remembered to report to his elder brother and sister-in-law that they were safe, but saw that Zhu Wanfang had obediently called Wang Gangsheng to report that he was safe.

"Sister-in-law, the second brother has come back. The second brother is fine. The second brother said that the matter has been resolved, so don't worry."

"Hmmm!" Li Er rubbed Zhu Wanfang's soft hair comfortably, this girl is really likable.

Bai Anni is not in Hong Kong Island now, and she doesn't know about the case that happened today, but Li Er saved a phone call.

"Second brother, don't be angry. Modern people are very forgetful, and they will soon forget what happened today!" Zhu Wanfang blushed and tried her best to hold back her smile.

"What do you mean?" Li Er was a little confused.

Zhu Wanfang bit her lower lip timidly, and whispered, "Second brother, you don't know yet!"

"What's the matter?" Li Er felt cold in his heart.

"Oh! It's all right." Zhu Wanfang turned her eyes, changed the subject and said, "Second brother, hurry up and take a shower, so I can wash the changed clothes."

Li Er gave Zhu Wanfang a strange look. He was sure that Zhu Wanfang had something to hide from him, but even if this little girl had something to do, it was not a big deal. Li Er didn't take it to heart. It was not beautiful, and I buried my head in sleep after taking a shower.

the next day.

Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station.

Li Er returned to the serious crime team all the way, and found that every police officer looked at him strangely.

Instructor Hu, Chen Yalun, and Hui Yinghong saw Li Er blushing and smiling, and Li Er became angry.

"What's the matter with you? Are you all having sex together?" Li sir snorted coldly.

"Uh—!" Instructor Hu and the three hurriedly found excuses and ran away.

"It's weird." Li Er looked at Lin Haiying, and was about to ask what was going on.

"Tou, the anti-mafia group needs help. It's extremely urgent. I have to go there quickly."

Lin Haiying also slipped away.

Li Er looked up at the TV in the office and finally understood what was going on.


Li Er looked at his ostentatious red underwear on TV, his eyes were very hot, he really hit the street, this episode must have been filmed by that bitch Le Huizhen, Li Er wronged Le Huizhen this time, not all Hong Kong Island reporters have a bottom line. When Li Er was forced to take off his pants in order to stabilize Johnny Wang, some reporters did not turn off their phones. These guys recorded the entire scene.

Le Huizhen knew very well that Li Er was stingy and vindictive, so she really didn't dare to hand in some videos that offended Li Er.

Huang Bingyao also held regular meetings at the police station.

"Huang sir, this Inspector Li Er in your police station is very good!" The chief of the police department named Huang Bingyao and said with a smile.

A case of such a magnitude at Mingxin Hospital has already spread throughout Hong Kong Island.

"Uh—!" Huang Bingyao scratched his head desperately in embarrassment, trying to spread his dandruff into the mouth and nose of Ye Dexian who was sitting beside him.

Ye Dexian immediately covered his mouth and nose, and stared at Huang Bingyao with disgust.

"Director, although Li Er's usual behavior is very rough, but last night he was absolutely in order to handle the case, so he had to have a little impact on the reputation of the police force." Huang Bingyao said and set the fire on Ye Dexian, his deadly opponent.

"I don't think it's Li Er's responsibility. We can look up Li Er and Li Sir's resume. He handles every case swiftly and orderly, but there is no way. Who made him have some pig teammates last night. "

"Who are you talking about as a teammate?" Ye Dexian immediately raised his eyebrows and shouted angrily.

"Who else could it be? A majestic chief superintendent has been hijacked by a gangster." Huang Bingyao obviously came prepared, and the old guy gave Ye Dexian a disdainful glance from the corner of his eyes: "I suspect that someone shot I don’t even know how to take it.”

"Stop this topic!"

Ye Dexian was about to pat the table, and the chief pressed his hand down, signaling Huang Bingyao not to go too far. Although Ye Dexian did lose face last night, the decency of a police chief should be left to her.

"In the case of Mingxin Hospital, Inspector Li of the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station handled the case a little out of the ordinary, but he still achieved the purpose of handling the case after all, successfully killed the criminal and resolved the bomb crisis in the hospital. On the one hand, they are all very worthy of recognition." The director seemed to think of Li Er's red underwear on TV, and his face was full of smiles: "Aside from other factors, I really appreciate Inspector Li's sacrifice of himself for the case. feat."

What the Chief of Police said was to the point. In the case of Mingxin Hospital, Li Er was indeed making a fool of himself, but whether it is a news media worker or the general public of Hong Kong Island, he is the same for this guy who took off his pants in the face of the gangster. It's not shameful to be ashamed to save someone, not to mention Li sir's figure is really good, and the red underwear is also very coquettish and eye-catching.

"I just want to know who is responsible for the mistakes in the Mingxin Hospital case." The director said, looking at Ye Dexian and the other chief superintendent with sharp eyes.

That ghost is the director of the Western District Police Department. This guy is also unlucky. He is just trying to make money. Peng Xinjian is responsible for everything. I didn't expect Peng Xinjian to make such a big mess for him this time. Fortunately, there seems to be Wan Chai The police department can share the firepower.

"Our West District Police Station is well-arranged. I don't understand why Ms. Ye's subordinates want to intervene and disrupt our police station's careful plan." He speaks Cantonese fluently with a London accent, and shirks responsibilities fluently.

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