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"Dong sir, why are you here!" Li Er looked at the active old guy in front of him strangely.

Dong Debiao patted Li Er's shoulder familiarly: "Hey, Li sir, you are really a young talent, young and promising, I will call you by your name from now on, you are like Jia Kui, just call me Uncle Biao."

Li Er: "..."

Uncle Biao and Lin Leimeng belonged to the faction of the management department. Li Er didn't want to get too close to him.

But before Li Er could object, Uncle Biao had already turned around to chat with Yang Jianhua: "Section Chief Yang, Li Er and Officer Li are definitely the best and best young police detectives in our Hong Kong Island Police Force."

"The two of you cooperate and learn from each other. You will definitely improve together and promote the exchanges and cooperation between the police in our two places." Uncle Biao continued to talk.

"We in the mainland also hope to cooperate more with the police on Hong Kong Island and exchange experiences with each other." Yang Jianhua said seriously.

"That's that, Section Chief Yang, I've heard about your fame before I came here, I didn't expect you to be so young, you're really awesome, and you're so heroic!" Uncle Biao didn't know if he was used to flattery, Talk one after another.

Yang Jianhua's eyes sharpened when he heard Uncle Biao's words, and then quickly disappeared.

Yang Jianhua is in charge of the intelligence department. It is impossible for Hong Kong Island to have heard of her name. There is only one possibility for the person who knows Yang Jianhua's name. The other party is also the intelligence department.

Although Li Er is not very observant, his assassin's instinct is very sensitive. He suddenly caught Yang Jianhua's hostility towards Uncle Biao, and secretly noticed it.

Of course, Li Er would never remind Uncle Biao of such damaged goods.

At the same time, Bao Qiang has arrived in Foshan. After Yang Jianhua was reminded by Li Er, Bao Qiang and Jiang Lang are wanted nationwide. Now there are photos of Bao Qiang and Jiang Lang everywhere. I dare not go to Chen Jiaju's hometown to find out about Chen Jiaju's background.

Who knows if Chen Jiaju will be exposed, if Chen Jiaju is exposed, then his hometown is very likely to ambush the armed police force, waiting to surround them and catch a turtle.

"Brother Bao, let's escape back to Hong Kong Island as soon as possible! It's too dangerous here." Jiang Lang reminded Bao Qiang in a timely manner.

People's enthusiasm for fighting criminals may not be very high, but the huge reward of 50,000 yuan on the most wanted list is too attractive. Bao Qiang and his team feel that every passerby looks at them as if they are looking at wanted criminals, and their eyes are full of scrutiny color.

Yesterday, I met an old lady who bought green onions, and even asked them directly if they were wanted criminals, saying that their accents were not like the locals, which made Leopard think that they were exposed, and almost wanted to do it. Now the whole team is in high spirits nervous.

Bao Qiang thought about it, and agreed to Jiang Lang's suggestion. The goods that Pang Dahai stole could not be found, and it really didn't make sense to stay in the mainland. Lin Fusheng, who is so greedy for money, should be trustworthy.

"Okay! I'll arrange a smuggling boat and leave the mainland tonight." Bao Qiang nodded.

"So fast?" Chen Jiaju said in surprise.

Jiang Lang gave Chen Jiaju a hard look: "If we stay for one more minute, we will be in danger for one more minute. Do you want to die?"

The expression on Chen Jiaju's face became hesitant: "Brother Bao, both of you are wanted people, but I am not, why don't I stay in Foshan and help you find out where Pang Hai's cargo is hidden, Brother Bao Don't worry, although I, Lin Fusheng, have robbed the People's Bank and also robbed fruit stalls, but I am the most loyal and will notify you when I find the goods."

The wanted warrant issued by the Ministry of Public Security indeed only has the names of Bao Qiang and Jiang Lang.

Bao Qiang's face brightened. The more Chen Jiaju didn't want to hang out with him, the more credible he was. If this guy is an undercover police officer, the normal logic is that he should stick to him and be unable to get rid of him.

"Fusheng, as a man, you must have a long-term vision..." Bao Qiang was about to lobby the hesitant Chen Jiaju.

"10,000 yuan, I will give it immediately when I arrive on Hong Kong Island.

"Jiang Lang interrupted impatiently.

"Go, I'll go, Brother Bao, I have long wanted to go to Hong Kong Island to explore the world." Chen Jiaju said quickly: "Brother Bao, I will work with you. I am very down-to-earth. If you tell me to go east, I will never go there West."

Leopard Qiang: "..."

Bao Qiang could see now that a person like Lin Fusheng didn't need to go around in circles, just throw money at him.


Hong Kong Island.

Senior Ward of Tsim Sha Tsui Hospital.

"Mr. Gao Jin, I'm sorry, I was careless. From now on, I will protect you every step of the way, and this kind of thing will never happen again in the future." Long Wu said with a serious face.

Gao Jin waved his hands and smiled wryly: "It's not necessary, two big men, don't tell me you have to follow me to the toilet."

"I can do it." Long Wu replied blankly.

Gao Jin was speechless.

"Ayi, do you have any clues?" Gao Jin turned to Gao Yi and asked.

Gao Yi lowered his head in shame: "I'm sorry Brother Jin, I have already offered a reward of more than one million yuan on the road, but the range of ordinary body shape and ordinary height is too wide, there is no information yet, but there are many bastards pretending to be murderers. Cheat a bounty."

Gao Jin nodded clearly, he had already guessed this kind of result.

"It's okay, it's fine if you can't find them. I remember their voices. If I meet them again, I will definitely recognize them." Gao Jin said confidently.

"I haven't been home these two days, does Ah Cheng have any suspicions?" Gao Jin asked worriedly.

"Brother Jin, I'm not sure about this, but according to what you said, I said that you have a very important gambling game, and you have to go back to Las Vegas to deal with it. The time is urgent, so there is no time to notify." Gao Yi replied with his head down.

"Okay!" Gao Jin nodded in satisfaction.

Gao Jin has a lot of money to spend on good medicine, and now the bruises on his face are almost healed, but he has been beaten up for no reason, and he is really angry.

"Brother Jin, you promised Dayue to help him gamble last week, and he asked me to rush you." Gao Yi saw that Gao Jin was going to be discharged from the hospital today, so he quickly reminded him.

"Have I promised him?" Gao Jin frowned.

"Yes! We are staying in Dayue's villa now. He has lost a lot of money recently. I would like to ask you to help him as a consultant to see if he can get back his capital." Gao Yi said positively, it seems that this guy has accepted it. Less benefits.

"Hmm—!" Gao Jin nodded: "In this case, tell Dayue that there is a recent gamble and you can call me."

"There is a gamble tonight." Gao Yi said immediately.

"OK, OK!" Gao Jin was stunned for a moment and then smiled: "I'll go back and be there on time tonight."

Gao Yi: "Okay Brother Jin, then I'll go and reply to Dayue."

"Go!" Gao Jin waved his hands helplessly.

Gao Jin is naturally not ignorant of Gao Yi's collection of money, but Gao Jin still understands the truth that when the water is clear, there will be no fish.

What Gao Jin didn't know was that tonight's gambling game had already been watched by the serious crime team of the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station, and the serious crime team really looked down on such small cases as Ju Gambling.

But this guy Li Er has become too famous recently. The big and small gangsters in Tsim Sha Tsui have almost all experienced the thunderous methods of the death police detective Li Sir. They either keep their tails between their legs and behave honestly, or go to other jurisdiction Doing things, which caused the serious crime team to have nothing to do. Once the serious crime team was too busy, they had to compete with the CID department for orders.

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