What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 301 I am from the national team

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"Annie, you came back just in time. Our team will take action tonight." Instructor Hu was very happy to see Bo Anni coming back.

"Annie, is Taiwan Island fun?" Chen Yalun and Hui Yinghong asked enviously.

Bai Anni smiled and took out a dozen or so handbags from behind her.

"I don't know if it's fun or not, but it's true that there are a lot of delicious food. I brought back a lot of souvenirs for everyone."

"Are they all ours?" Chen Yalun asked happily.

"Uh——! The red bag is yours." Bai Anni smiled and handed the red gift bag to Chen Yalun.

"Ah Hong, here it is!" Bai Anni handed another yellow gift bag to Hui Yinghong like a gift.

"Annie, thank you!"

Before even opening the gift bag, Hui Yinghong and Chen Yalun knew that Bai Anni's gift would not be some low-end goods.

"Instructor Hu, this is yours."

It's not unreasonable for Bai Anni to be liked by others. Everyone has a share in her hand gift.

"Brother Ying, this is yours, this is the frozen top oolong tea my sister-in-law asked me to bring, and these are the toys I gave to little Bobby."

Bo Anni's gifts are really for everyone.

"This, what an embarrassment!" Li Xianying scratched her head and laughed.

Ma Jun straightened his neck and looked enviously at Instructor Hu and others unwrapping the presents.

"Ma Jun, you have a role too, didn't you say that my master broke your gloves last time?" Bo Anni smiled and handed a gift bag to Ma Jun: "Two pairs of red and blue gloves, limited edition! "

"Ah--??" Ma Jun blushed excitedly. This guy seemed to know the goods. He fell in love with the logo on the outer packaging of the boxing gloves. He suddenly choked out a sentence: "Thank you, sister-in-law!"


Everyone looked at Ma Jun.

Ma Jun: "..."

The atmosphere in the office was very strange for a while.

"Hee hee! She's the sister-in-law." Bai Anni broke the embarrassment gracefully.

"Thank you! I have a case to work on first." Ma Jun was not stupid, picked up the gift bag and ran outside.

Ma Jun is indeed planning to change into a better pair of gloves. He is afraid to fight Li Er now. If he fights with Li Xianying, Li Xianying will never go on stage if he doesn't wear gloves.

"Brother Hai, this is yours. It's a good wine!" Bai Anni put a gift box on Lin Haiying's table.

"I have a share?"

Lin Ruhai quickly stood up and thanked him. This guy has a very sharp nose. As soon as Bai Anni returned to the office, he could smell the aroma of wine.

After Bai Anni dispatched the serious crime team's souvenirs, there were still five or six souvenirs in her hand, which were distributed to Jian Huizhen, Broom Star, and others from the CID department.

"Instructor Hu, you just said that there is an action tonight, what kind of action?" Bai Anni asked Instructor Hu after returning to the office after finishing her work.

"It's an action to sweep away the luxury gambling." Instructor Hu said in a deliberately raised voice.

"Okay! What time will you act?"

As soon as Bai Anni heard that she was catching gamblers, she guessed that the serious crime team must be too busy recently.

"Instructor Hu, this is the action data of the gambling game in the Banshan Villa. Tonight's gambling case should be handed over to your team!" Li Xianying reluctantly handed over the information to Instructor Hu. He was very aware of Instructor Hu's calculations, but There is no way, this matter involves Annie, Li Xianying is short of staff, so he has to give in.

Bai Anni is so smart, she saw through the twists and turns inside at once. This case of catching gamblers may be investigated by both teams. Li Xianying was afraid of embarrassing herself, so she backed down to Instructor Hu.

Bai Anni glanced at Instructor Hu angrily.

"Yingying, you may have misunderstood. This case was investigated by our two teams, and the action was naturally carried out by everyone." Instructor Hu hurriedly explained.

Li Xianying looked at Instructor Hu suspiciously. This guy is used to masculinity, so he doesn't believe that women can be powerful.

Instructor Hu had no choice but to take out the investigation materials of his team and pass them to Li Xianying.

"Our team has made a clear investigation over the past month. The group at No. 12 of Banshan Villa organizes gambling games several times a month. Most of the people who participate in the gambling games are local wealthy businessmen and celebrities. The leader of the gambling games is a person named Brother Nan." Instructor Hu quickly explained the information.

"Look at the fifth page of the information. At three o'clock in the morning on the 22nd of last month, a wealthy businessman Lin Bingzhong was killed on the beach of Repulse Bay. We found out that Lin Bingzhong was in Nange on the night of the 21st. He gambled in a villa until the early morning of the 22nd, and was killed on the way home."

Li Xianying frowned and asked, "Do you suspect that the case of Lin Bingzhong's murder is related to the luxurious gambling at the Banshan Villa?"

"Turn through the survey information on page 12." Instructor Hu reminded.

Li Xianying immediately turned to the twelfth page and read it.

The same person participated in the gambling game at the Banshan Villa, and was also killed on the way home.

"Strange, the Wanchai Police Station was responsible for these two homicides, didn't they find such an obvious clue?" Li Xianying asked with a frown.

Instructor Hu spread his hands confidently and said with a smile: "I have asked the guys from the Wanchai Police Station who have followed up on this case, and they have also investigated Brother Nan and his gang, but unfortunately there is not enough evidence. These people are rich and powerful. It's just nothing."

Li Xianying nodded.

It turned out that this was not an ordinary gambling case, no wonder Instructor Hu was so concerned.

"Instructor Hu, I agree with the cooperation of the two groups. If the two previous homicides were committed by this group, then this case cannot be simply defined as a gambling operation." Li Xianying said seriously.

"It's for sure. We can't start the arrest operation yet, at least we can't startle the snake without evidence." Instructor Hu agreed with Li Xianying's opinion.

The two groups began to re-plan the operation.

On the other side, Sir Li, who had just returned to Hong Kong Island, received a task that drove him crazy.

"Li sir, don't you seem to be very happy to receive me?" Yang Jianhua looked at Li Erxiao and asked.


Li Er was a little distracted, and when he found that Yang Jianhua doubted his sincerity, he immediately retorted: "No, absolutely not, it is my lifelong honor to receive Section Chief Yang."

Yang Jianhua couldn't help rolling his eyes: "Should I say such an exaggeration, do you Hong Kong people like such exaggerations?"

Li Er glanced around and said in a low voice: "Section Chief Yang, it's the people from Hong Kong Island who are exaggerating. We are in the same camp and the national team."

Yang Jianhua felt a toothache in an instant.

"I just don't understand. I can book a star hotel for you. It's okay to pay for it out of my own pocket. What are you going to do with my house? Li, who is a widow and a lonely man, can easily go astray." Li Er shook his head and smiled wryly.

Yang Jianhua gave Li Er a sideways glance.

"As far as I know, your family lives together!" Yang Jianhua took out a bottle of water from his bag and took a sip: "Since you consider yourself a member of the national team, then treat it as a member of the national team. Your investigation is reasonable!"

"Oh! Got it, I'm fucking thinking too much." Li Er patted his head and muttered to himself: "It's really handsome, hey, I always thought that peach blossoms would fall from the sky."

"No problem! No problem at all!" Li Er said very confidently: "I promise to let you experience what it means to feel at home."

Yang Jianhua nodded.

Li Er didn't know that Yang Jianhua actually came with a mission.

The time Li Er was in the mainland was enough for Yang Jianhua to send someone to re-investigate his family background and daily words and deeds again and again. After repeated checks and meetings by the intelligence department, he found that Li Er was really biased towards the mainland.

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