Chapter 303 Li Er's Vision

"Eagle, take these two bags back to your aunt, this fat guy Dong, how can he bring so many things for me to finish eating?" Li Yi had a headache sorting out the local products that fat guy Dong asked Li Er to bring back.

"Okay, thank you Brother Yi." Li Xianying took a look into the bag, and there were some dried salted fish and mountain products in it. People at Li Xianying's mother's age would really like these.

"Ma Jun!" Li Yi looked at Ma Jun.

"Boss Yi, I live alone, so I don't open fire." Ma Jun shook his hand quickly.

Li Yi nodded: "Do you two know what happened to the second child?"

"There's nothing wrong with me!" Ma Jun said hesitantly.

"It's okay to bring a woman home? There was no news at all before." Li Yi frowned.

Li Xianying and Ma Jun breathed a sigh of relief, they were talking about this.

"Brother Yi, Tou is currently cooperating with the mainland to investigate a big case, and that Yang Jianhua is a high-ranking official in the inland." Li Xianying was also a little puzzled as he spoke: "It seems to say that Tou's Mandarin is better. Someone asked Atou to be in charge of the reception work."

"Is it just like that?" Li Yi felt unbelievable, but Yang Jianhua could speak Cantonese.

"You guys watch TV! If you want to drink tea and make it yourself, I'll go to the second child to ask what's going on." Li Yi said and got up.

Li Xianying and Ma Jun looked at Li Yi's back and hesitated to speak, and when they hesitated to call Li Yi, Li Yi had already pushed open the door of Li Er's room.

"Brother!" Li Er saw that it was Li Yi who entered the door, and his ugly face restrained a little.

"What's the matter with the female section chief?" Li Yi asked straight to the point.

Li Er glanced at Li Yi's closed door, and then said seriously: "Brother, when I went back to my hometown in the provincial capital this time, I found that the motherland is developing at a high speed, and our contribution is very much needed."

"" Li Yi looked at Li Er speechlessly.

When Li Er was born, their family had already lived on Hong Kong Island, and they only heard that they came from the provincial government, but Li Yi didn't know where his hometown was, and it was even more impossible for Li Er to know.

"Second brother, did you meet someone when you returned to the mainland?" Li Yi's reaction ability was extraordinary, and he asked vigilantly, "Did they promise you anything?"

"No! I just met Fatty Dong, his relatives and friends, and the workers in his factory." Li Er smiled wryly. It would be fine if there was a promise. Even if there was no promise, a clear signal would be enough. It can make Li sir happy.

Li Er's political savvy is indeed low enough. When Yang Jianhua came to Hong Kong, she didn't find anyone else to be in charge of reception, but ordered Li Er, and even wanted to live in Li Er's house. This signal is simply a bright 5G channel.

At this time, Xu Rulin was already furious because of this incident.

"Who did it? I just want to know who is behind the scenes. No matter how stupid Li Er is, I don't believe he can't see through it. It's just a trick." Xu Rulin slapped the table angrily and growled. .

Cai Yuanqi hung his head desperately to act like an ostrich.

Xu Rulin's gaze was like a sword.

Cai Yuanqi hurriedly said: "On the surface, Lin Leimeng sent Dong Debiao to the mainland to help Chen Jiaju. When Dong Debiao was discussing reception issues with the mainland police, he recommended Li Er to be in charge of the reception work."

"Hmph!" Xu Rulin snorted coldly, "Continue talking."

Cai Yuanqi said with twinkling eyes: "Actually, I received wind that Lin Leimeng went to the police station to meet Ye Dequan before dispatching Dong Debiao to the mainland."

"Ye Dequan probably wants to kill Li Er on this matter. The last time you invited Li Er to dinner, Ye Dequan must have assigned Li Er to our operations department." Cai Yuanqi said in a low voice.

"Does Ye Dequan just want to ruin Li Er's future?" Xu Rulin gave Cai Yuanqi a cold look.

Li Er jumped up too fast, and Xu Rulin showed that he admired Li Er very much. Although Cai Yuanqi had a good relationship with Li Er,

But this guy has a strong sense of crisis, and he may not necessarily hope that there will be another competitor that may be born.

"It's me that bastard Ye Dequan wants to disgust me." Xu Rulin couldn't help cursing.

With Xu Rulin's political structure, he could see through Ye Dequan's clumsy tricks in an instant, but so what if he saw through, Ye Dequan had already successfully disgusted Xu Rulin.

Whether Xu Rulin is saving Li Er now, or not saving Li Er.

"Xu sir, I think we should remind Li Er and let him save himself." Cai Yuanqi carefully suggested.

Cai Yuanqi's thoughts on Li Er are very subtle. If Li Er sinks, he will lose an excellent helper in the future, and if Li Er shines too brightly, Cai Yuanqi is very worried that Li Er will replace him. The best strategy It was to press Li Er in Tsim Sha Tsui.

"I was careless this time!" Xu Rulin sighed.

The matter of Li Er's relationship with the mainland is too sensitive. If Xu Rulin interferes, he will easily get involved. What's more, the team sent by the ancestor's family to inspect has not yet left and is now living in the Political Department. Ye Dequan's move is not a move Not vicious.

If Xu Rulin allowed Li Er to attack the street, it would greatly damage Xu Rulin's prestige.

"Cai Yuanqi, go and order Li Er and let him-!" Xu Rulin suddenly stopped at this point.

'It's so strange, everyone surrounded Li Er and made tricks, but Li Er, a naughty boy, didn't notice it at all? ’ Xu Rulin tapped his fingers on the table rhythmically.

'wrong! Ye Dequan's knife had already slashed to the back of Li Er's neck, but Li Er didn't deal with a single move. This is very problematic, very problematic. '

Xu Rulin thought for a long time, but still couldn't figure out what Li Er's purpose was.

'This silly boy is not delusional about the layout after 1997! '

Xu Rulin thought for a while, then shook his head to refute his guess. Li Er's vision cannot be so long-term, and this is simply an extremely stupid and stinky game. Not to mention that the days are still very long, even after the return, the power of the ancestors Too deep-rooted and intertwined, if you want to be in the top position, you still have to bow your head.

"Cai Yuanqi, go talk to Li Er, I want to know what Li Er really thinks." Xu Rulin said to Cai Yuanqi.

"I'm going??" Cai Yuanqi's face turned pale green. His career goal is to be the first brother in the police force, so he shouldn't be dragged down by Li Er.

"Otherwise?" Xu Rulin snorted coldly.

"You can go with Ye Yingqi." Xu Rulin reminded.

"How is this possible? Ye Yingqi is not a fool." Cai Yuanqi's voice was a little bit sharp.

"It depends on your ability. If you let me arrange everything." Xu Rulin gave Cai Yuanqi a cold look: "What use are you for?"

"Understood!" Cai Yuanqi swallowed, turned and left Xu Rulin's house.

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