What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 304 The Son of Scourge - Li 2.

Main Text Chapter 304 Son of Scourge——Li Er.

In Li Er's room.

"No, no, no, I will never be wrong in this matter, and you will be the ones who are wrong." Li Er said with great certainty.

Li Yi frowned, he didn't know where Li Er's confidence came from, whether this guy knew politics or not.

"Second brother, do you understand that the British have been on this land for decades or a hundred years, and they already have a mature way of managing people."

Before Li Yi finished speaking, Li Er interrupted impatiently: "Brother, listen to me this time, just once, I know what the British pee are too clear, they speak in a high-sounding manner, and they are very dark behind the scenes. "

"Hey——, you just need to understand!" Li Yi also interrupted Li Er's words: "Since you know that his methods are inferior, then you are still so brazenly contacting the mainland, you may have been targeted, do you know?"

Li Yi has a headache. This guy Li Er always uses the banner of "just once", and he has let himself listen to him again and again, so many times.

"No way! Haven't I come into contact yet? The British are so stingy?" Li Er also had a headache.

Li Yi looked at Li Er like an idiot.

Li Er is a fan of the authorities. If the mainland hadn't accepted his offer of favor, how could they send Yang Jianhua to live in his house.

In fact, all forces wanted to recruit talents like Li Er, but this guy's initiative was too abnormal at the beginning, which made Yang Jianhua puzzled.

Usually, it is Yang Jianhua who sends people to contact and offer various conditions. Although it cannot be said that it is the first time for a guy like Li Er who is unconditionally patriotic, it is still rare. At least Yang Jianhua has worked for so long. I have met such a person.

"Hey - ah! I'm really an idiot!" Li Er patted the back of his head very hard, this guy suddenly realized under Li Yi's idiot eyes, dare Yang Jianhua has accepted him, let me go, this **** also Too reserved.

"Hey!" Li Yi sighed, reached out and patted Li Er's shoulder: "Second brother, with your IQ, don't lower the overall IQ level of patriots, if you really can't get along, come back with me Sell ​​char siew rice!"

"Ah—?" Li Er was stunned.

"Boss, then you promised me to invest and build a factory in the mainland." Li Er hurriedly blocked Li Yi with words.

Li Yi stopped and looked at Li Er seriously.

"Second brother, other people don't understand, but elder brother knows that you are the one who contributed the most to our family's success today." Li Yi said with certainty: "But——"

Li Yi paused, then turned his head and asked Li Er seriously: "Our family's life is already very good now, is it necessary to take any more risks? Especially the risk of this overturned nest."

Li Er's face was flickering.

"Shouldn't it be so serious!" Li Er said hesitantly.

"Second brother, elder brother never likes to tell you great truths, because you are very smart, you should understand, and you will understand in the future, but now elder brother wants to remind you, don't have any illusions about the morals of politicians, Bo Those street girls on Orchid Street are more moral than them." It is rare for Li Yi to educate Li Er like he is today.

Li Er's face was very exciting. He was cuckolded just now, and now he was beaten up by the boss again, and he was in a bad mood.

Li Yi: "Brother won't listen to you this time, give up the idea of ​​going to the mainland to build a factory!"

Li Er: "Brother!"

Li Yi has already opened the door and walked out.

This was the first time the brothers had such a big disagreement.

Li Erzheng was downcast when the door was opened again.

Li Yi: "How much money do you need?"

Li Er: "Damn—!"


"Miss Yang, I'm sorry, this room is a bit small, I can only make you wronged." Wang Gangsheng said to Yang Jianhua while spreading the bedding.

"Sister-in-law, you have a big belly, just let me do it!" Zhu Wanfang hurriedly grabbed the work from Wang Gangsheng,

She seemed to have seen Yang Jianhua quickly put away a stethoscope-like thing just now.

"Miss Wang, you are welcome. This room is not small. The dormitory in my workplace is even smaller than this." Yang Jianhua said with a smile on his face: "Instead, I want to cause trouble for you."

"Don't bother, don't bother!" Wang Gangsheng quickly shook his hand and said, her second uncle told her that the woman in front of her was very important, she must be entertained!

Wang Gangsheng and Yang Jianhua are both from the mainland, and they do have a lot of common language, but Yang Jianhua seems to be more interested in Li Er and Li Er's family relationship, deliberately bringing the topic to the top, and inquiring about news on the sidelines.

Wang Gangsheng and Zhu Wanfang are more innocent than the other. Where are they Yang Jianhua's opponents, they quickly leaked Li Er's background, especially Zhu Wanfang. The glorious history of how mischievous and mischievous as a child has been exposed.

'So Li Er suddenly changed his temperament since February last year! ’ Yang Jianhua was thinking a lot. She had just eavesdropped on the conversation between Li Er and Li Yi, and found that Li Er really didn’t look like the person who grew up on Hong Kong Island.

And this change started on February 2 last year.

"There must be an expert behind Li Er. It is he who has trained Li Er from a traffic policeman to a young elite police detective. The most rare thing is that he has changed Li Er's high sense of identity with the country. This expert is undoubtedly a loyal man who is truly patriotic. '

Thinking of this, Yang Jianhua couldn't help being in awe.

It's a pity that what she didn't know was that the loyal man who made her respectful was a very wicked guy. He once used a non-existent excavator to almost drive Li Er crazy.

the other side.

People from the political department of Hong Kong Island were also busy. They searched all the files and found that Li Er was a native of Hong Kong Island. Shit luck.

"Peter, pull your people back! It's just a small mainland policewoman. The mainland is unwilling to send even a serious police officer. It can be seen that we are just going through the motions and dealing with tasks. We will return to England in two days. Report it, don't make trouble for yourself." Vincent, the leader of the British Royal Patrol, said with a relaxed smile.

What the Political Department considers to be a serious matter, in Vincent's eyes, is an insignificant matter. In fact, anything in Hong Kong Island is a trivial matter to Vincent. It's a big deal.

money! Vincent has already caught it.

There are many rich people on Hong Kong Island, and they are very worried about their future, so Vincent is very happy to make money. This old guy doesn't want his schedule to be disrupted by a little thing.

'Second Lee? The name is so earthy and awkward! ’ Vincent shook his head.

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