Text Chapter 306: Pig Killing Plate

"Who?" Li Xianying shouted heavily.

"Don't move—!" Long Wu grabbed the back of Li Xianying's neck with one hand, and pressed the other hand on Ma Jun's shoulder. Ma Jun's face turned red, what an insult, that's it?

Long Wu's right hand pressed on Ma Jun's shoulder was naturally impossible to restrain Ma Jun. With a shake of Ma Jun's shoulder, he violently broke away from Long Wu's palm, and immediately punched Long Wu's body swiftly and fiercely. face.

Long Wu made a mistake in his judgment. He thought that Li Xianying and Ma Jun were just ordinary little thieves. How could he have thought that Ma Jun was so fierce. If he didn't pay attention, Ma Jun's punch had reached his face. Long Wu hurriedly dodged.

Ma Jun's fist fell to the ground, and before Long Wu could be happy, he suddenly felt a heavy weight on the back of his head, and Li Xianying's pistol handle slammed on the back of Long Wu's head hard.

"Ah!" Long Wu cried out in pain. This guy was so tough that he was not stunned by Li Xianying's heavy blow. He turned around and slashed at Li Xianying's neck with a knife.

Fighting with bare hands, Li Xianying is really not Long Wu's opponent. Unfortunately, there is still a Ma Jun. Long Wu's right fist that attacked Li Xianying was caught by Ma Jun. Long Wu pulled back violently, but there was no one. Break away from Ma Jun's palm.

As an old single dog, Ma Jun's other abilities aside, his arm strength is definitely among the top three in the Hong Kong Island Police Force, and he clamped Long Wu's right hand tightly with one hand.

Long Wu learned the killing technique, and after one blow missed, he hit Ma Jun's chin with his head without hesitation.


Ma Jun clutched his chin in pain, and the attack that restrained Long Wu was automatically broken. After Long Wu succeeded in one blow, his movements did not stop, his palms turned into fingers, and he pierced Ma Jun's eyes in a double-dragon grabbing ball that was despised by people in the Jianghu.

Ma Jun's face changed drastically, it was too late for him to dodge at this time, and he watched Long Wu's fingers getting closer and closer.


Long Wu's fingers stopped suddenly, and Ma Jun turned his head to look at Long Wu, who fell straight down with a frozen expression.

Li Sir stood coquettishly behind Long Wu, holding a half brick he picked up from an unknown corner in his hand.

"Ah!" Ma Jun exclaimed excitedly.

"Your sister, you are not a beauty, put away your disgusting eyes." Li Er smirked and threw down the brick: "What's the matter with this guy?"

"We don't know what's going on! Somebody rushed out of nowhere and attacked us." Ma Jun scratched his head and said.

"It should be those guys inside, our heartbeat has been exposed." Li Xianying said cautiously: "Annie and the others may be in danger."

Li Er turned over the unlucky Long Wu and took a look.

"It's the man with the back of his head." Li Er asked Bai Anni in the villa, "Annie, is there anything going on inside?"

"Everything is fine, I'm so smart, master, don't worry!" Bai Anni smiled easily, but she didn't know that Gao Jin's words were 'read through' again.

'Master? ’ Gao Jin frowned secretly: ‘It seems that the suspicion of the police can be ruled out first, presumably, if the police caught gambling, if he himself was involved, it would be no different from fishing law enforcement. '

Gao Jinyi is bold, he suddenly felt that the game tonight was more interesting, and hoped that Long Wu could surprise him.

Uh——Long Wu, who was stunned by Li Er's sneak attack, might not be able to surprise Gao Jin, and fishing and law enforcement are routine operations for Li Er.


"You two new friends know the rules here!" Brother Nan took a sip of whiskey and introduced with a smile: "Regardless of winning or losing, all gambling funds will be settled on the spot, and no debts will be accepted."

Instructor Hu shrugged his shoulders indifferently, full of local tyrants.

Gao Jin also had a face full of indifference.

"Brother Nan, let's start quickly! You think we are all as leisurely as you, and I have to go home on time at twelve o'clock to deal with my wife's investigation." A man in his thirties spoke.

Brother Nan waved his hands and smiled, "Since you are in a hurry to send me money, Dayue, there is no reason to delay.


"Start—!" Brother Nan gestured to Ah Xiang who was behind him without looking back.

"Brother Jin, help me out! Tonight, one person wins half, and the loser is all mine." Dayue said flatteringly to Gao Jin.

Brother Nan and Ah Xiang couldn't help having a toothache when they heard Dayue's words. I don't know how a guy like Dayue is a friend, but as a fish in water, he can be regarded as unparalleled in the world. If he loses money, he is responsible for it, and if he wins, he is the only one. half truth.

"Okay! I'll force you to kill them all for you!" Gao Jin said in a low-key manner.

"Dayue, won't you play two games tonight?" Brother Nan smiled reservedly, turned to look at Gao Jin and asked, "This is a friend with extraordinary temperament, what do you call him?"

"Fan Jin! Call Brother Jin if you want to save face, and call yourself whatever you want if you don't." Although Gao Jin was talking to Brother Nan, he looked at Instructor Hu with great interest.

"However, this beautiful woman is very familiar, what's the name?" Gao Jin asked Instructor Hu.

"Are you here to gamble, or to check your ID card?" Bo Anni coldly snorted with her hands clasped.

"Yes, yes, come out to play, the most important thing is to be happy, everyone, please take a seat!" Brother Nan hurriedly smoothed things over with a smile.

In order to better kill the big fat sheep that is Instructor Hu, Brother Nan also invited a few cooperating gamblers.

The first hand started and they played stud.

Gao Jin took a look at the croupier's way of shuffling the cards, and looked at the dealer a few more times with a smile.

In the first round of dealing, Instructor Hu's card was a q of spades, and his hole card was also a q, a pair of q. This was a very good start to the round.

Instructor Hu glanced at the gaming table. Gao Jin's card was an 8, Nan Ge's card was a J, and the other two gamblers' cards were 7 and 6 respectively. The instructor is still the biggest card.

"Spade Q speak!" The croupier politely motioned Instructor Hu to place a bet.

"There's no need to play so aggressively in the first hand! It's 50,000 yuan!" Instructor Hu said with a relaxed smile, throwing out five chips casually.

Brother Nan looked at Instructor Hu's 'poor' acting skills, and felt like laughing in his heart. This big fat sheep's gambling skills were so poor that any gambler with a slight wink would be able to see through Instructor Hu's good cards.

Gao Jin also wanted to laugh when he saw Instructor Hu's performance, but he saw through that Instructor Hu's 'clumsiness' was just pretending.

"Fold—!" Dragon-set gambler A resolutely folded.

"Obviously you have a good card, so I'll fold it too!" Long Taoyi smiled and also chose to fold his cards.

"Although your cards are good, mine is not bad either, 50,000 yuan with you!" Brother Nan hesitated for half a second before throwing out 50,000 yuan in chips.

Everyone looked at Gao Jin.

Gao Jin shrugged his shoulders: "What are you looking at me for? My money didn't come from the wind, so don't follow me!"

Gao Jin covered up his playing cards and chose to discard them as well.

Now only Brother Nan and Instructor Hu are left to follow the cards.

The croupier began to tap the cards, and the second card of Instructor Hu was a J.

Instructor Hu picked up the poker jack on the table, shook and smiled at Brother Nan: "Your jack seems to have gone to the wrong place."

Brother Nan also laughed. His second card was a q.

"Your q seems to be lost too."

Now Instructor Hu and Brother Nan's two cards are both jq, and they are evenly matched.

"Speak with the square q." The croupier signaled Brother Nan to place a bet.

"The first card has been called 50,000 yuan, so the second card must be 100,000 yuan!" Brother Nan smiled and threw out 100,000 yuan in chips.

"One hundred thousand with you." Instructor Hu followed Brother Nan with one hundred thousand chips, and then took out another three hundred thousand chips: "Another three hundred thousand!"

The corner of Brother Nan's mouth twitched. Although he was determined to let Instructor Hu win against him in this round to attract Instructor Hu into the game, if he lost too much, Brother Nan would feel uncomfortable.

"So confident, it seems that your hole card is a Q!" Brother Nan said, looking into Instructor Hu's eyes.

Instructor Hu curled his lips in contempt: "If you don't have any money, you can fold your cards and stop the loss in time."

"Okay, three hundred thousand with you!"

Reluctant that the child couldn't catch the wolf, Brother Nan threw out 300,000 chips in pain.

The dealer continued to deal the cards.

Instructor Hu's third card is a q, and instructor Hu's card is two qs and one j. In addition to her hole card q, instructor Hu has already taken all the only three qs.

Coincidentally, Brother Nan's third card is a j. In this way, Brother Nan's card is two jacks and one q. If his hole card is also a j, then Brother Nan also has the only The three jacks are up.

"Talk to a pair of qs!" said the croupier.

"Don't think about it, Stud!" Instructor Hu acted very gambled, betting all his chips at once.

Brother Nan's face turned green, nonsense, of course he didn't follow, if he followed, it wouldn't be called fishing, and the fishing rod would be transferred away.

"Don't follow!" Brother Nan stopped the loss in time and lost a small loss of more than 400,000 yuan.

Instructor Hu happily collected the chips.

Brother Nan sneered in his heart, wait a minute and see how I slaughter your fat sheep.

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