Text Chapter 307 Stud

"Tou, he seems to be waking up!" Ma Jun asked Li Er.

Long Wu woke up faster than Li Er expected.

Li Er glanced at the brick at Ma Jun's feet, and without further ado, Ma Jun picked up the brick and pointed it at Long Wu's forehead, hitting it with a brick.


Long Wu passed out again, his forehead was still swollen miserably.

Instructor Hu and others in the villa are still betting heavily.

Under Brother Nan's intentional release, Instructor Hu won several small wins in a row, which made Instructor Hu wonder if he really had the legendary gambling luck.

"Who, change someone else, did you touch something unlucky today, and dealt me ​​some bad cards all night." Gao Jin irritably pointed at the croupier who dealt cards.

The croupier looked at Brother Nan in a state of bewilderment.

Gao Jin immediately said: "Brother Nan, there is something wrong with this croupier, right?"

"How is it possible!" Brother Nan spread his hands and smiled, "If the croupier is mine, then I should have won a lot by now."

Everyone looked at the chips in front of Brother Nan. Everyone had a total of 10 million chips. Brother Nan seemed to have lost some, but the one who won the most was Instructor Hu.

Gao Jin could have won, but he folded when he got a good card, and deliberately called up when he got a bad card, resulting in a small loss of hundreds of thousands.

"If that's the case, I'm not happy with this guy's appearance, and it's not good for my luck." Gao Jin said deliberately, with his gambling skills, he had already seen that there was something hidden in the cuff of the croupier. Holding a large deck of cards, this guy must be knocked out first.

"Then who do you want to change?" Brother Nan smiled generously.

"Little sister, come and hand out the cards!" Gao Jin smiled to the little girl beside him who was pouring wine for everyone.

"Ah!" The wine pouring girl looked nervously at Brother Nan: "But I'm not very good at handing out cards."

"It's right if you don't know how to do it. I like people who can't do it the best! There is such a beautiful little girl who hands out cards for everyone, so no one has any objections!" Gao Jin looked at the crowd and smiled.

"No comment!" Brother Nan said with a smile on his face.

Although Instructor Hu could guess that Brother Nan was playing the game, she couldn't see any clues at all. Now from Gao Jin's actions, she could probably guess that there should be a problem with the croupier who dealt the cards. Naturally, she was very happy. Confronted Nan Ge tit for tat.

"Dispatch the cards! Dispatch the cards quickly, don't interrupt my winning streak with these small tricks." Instructor Hu really has the temperament of a "big fat sheep".

A new game begins.

The little girl pouring wine nervously dealt out cards.

This time, Gao Jin's first revealed card was the ace of spades, and Gao Jin's face immediately became amused. He didn't even look at the hole cards, and directly threw out a million chips.

Gao Jin said with a smile: "One million!"

Brother Nan: "..."

Instructor Hu looked at Gao Jin with a toothache. Her revealed card was a K, and most importantly, her hole card was also a K, a pair of K. This is definitely the second best card after Wang Zha, but Gao Jin Bet 1 million on the first card. This guy's hole card is likely to be an ace, that is, a pair of ks has met a pair of aces.

"I won't follow!" Brother Nan readily folded his cards. His open card was a small 4 and his hole card was a small 5. There was really no need to follow.

"The first card is only one million, are you being handsome?" Long suit gambler A said unhappily. His card was a pair of qs. Become a BMW.

"A! This is an a!" Gao Jin laughed exaggeratedly: "In life, there are a few chances to get an a. I got an a now. If I don't get a little arrogant, how can I be worthy of this a."

"If you think I'm not happy, you can follow the cards." Gao Jin smiled relaxedly at the trick gambler A.

"Fold!" The half-player gambler seemed to know his role, and chose to discard through gritted teeth.

Gamer B also folds.

Gao Jin looked at Instructor Hu, only Instructor Hu remained silent.

"You don't seem to have looked at your hole cards yet!" Instructor Hu reminded Gao Jin.

"No need! One ace is enough for me to kill." Gao Jin said confidently.

Instructor Hu has a very headache. If the high-stakes bet is a small bet, Instructor Hu must call a card and check the direction of the card.

However, when the first clear card was raised, the chips were raised to one million. The price for Instructor Hu to see the second clear card was too high. If the second clear card got a small card, Instructor Hu would be even less confident. up.

"One million with him!"

Li Er's voice suddenly came from Instructor Hu's headset.

Instructor Hu was still hesitating when Li Er's voice came again.


"Okay! Since you are so confident, I'll give you one million." Instructor Hu said and threw out one million chips.

Gao Jin's smile froze.

Brother Nan clasped his hands and looked at Gao Jin and Instructor Hu as he watched the show. He folded his cards in time and got out of the game, but he only lost the 10,000 yuan ante.

The beautiful croupier began to deal the second open card.

Gao Jin's second revealed card was the 7 of diamonds, and instructor Hu's was the 8 of spades.

"Hello! You are the 8 of Spades, you talk." The beautiful dealer said to Instructor Hu nervously.

Instructor Hu nodded and paused for a while, she was waiting for Li Er's instruction.

"One million!" Li Er said.

Instructor Hu has a toothache again. Will his boss know how to play cards, betting one million on an 8?

"One million!"

Instructor Hu was still hesitating when Li Er's voice came again.

"How about it? A small 8!" Gao Jin said with a smile, this guy still didn't look at his hole card.

"So what about 8?" Instructor Hu snorted coldly, "How many times can you get 8 in life?"

Instructor Hu picked up the chip and threw it out under the incredulous eyes of everyone.

"one million!"

"Ah!" Gao Jin was dumbfounded.

"An 8 is worth a million dollars!" Brother Nan was also shocked, and he quickly took a look at Ah Xiang.

The two guys were surprisingly on the same page.

The fat sheep in front of him is not ordinary rich.

"If you are upset, you can follow the cards!" Instructor Hu repeated Gao Jin's words just now, and only then did she realize that pretending to be aggressive is really cool.

Gao Jin:"......"

Gao Jin picked up his hole card and took a look. His hole card was a 3 of diamonds.

Gao Jin smiled wryly in his heart, but there was still a calm and confident smile on his face.

"Okay! Be brave, I'll give you a million dollars." Gao Jin threw out a million chips with a smile.

Instructor Hu's face froze, and then curled his lips pretending to be calm.

Gao Jin picked up another stack of chips.

"I'm three million older than you!"

Instructor Hu's face turned green, and she secretly scolded Li Er if that idiot knew how to play cards. Gao Jin's hole card was obviously an ace.


Li Er said coldly.

"Ah!" Instructor Hu couldn't help shouting.

"It's all shuttled!" Li Er said with great certainty.

Gao Jin looked at Instructor Hu's livid face and panicked without warning.

'The other party can't see through my strong outside, right? ’ Gao Jin thought to himself.

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