What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 321 The old driver took me.

"Master, what did you write in the note you gave Gu Meihua?" Bai Anni asked her master curiously.

"It's nothing, I just reminded her that Guanchaiba had an affair outside." Li Er said seriously.

"Ah—!" Bai Anni was stunned for a moment: "Master, you can't be so cheap!"

Li Er shrugged his shoulders: "I'm anxious about other people's concerns, I think about what others think, I can't just ignore my death!"

Bai Anni gave her master a blank look, anyway, she didn't believe a word of Li Er's words.

"Master, what are we going to do next? After so many days, where have you taken me to play?" Bo Anni asked a little bored.

"Working, what are you playing for!" Li Er glared at his precious apprentice.

Bai Anni was immediately discouraged, and followed behind Li Er listlessly.

On the other side, after Gu Meihua returned to the cell, she immediately opened the small piece of paper and looked at it, her expression turned extremely ugly, and she angrily tore Li Er's small piece of paper to shreds.

Gu Meihua naturally wouldn't fall for Li Er's low-level scheming.

But Gu Meihua knew her husband too well, and Guan Caiba was ungrateful and ungrateful. She didn't follow his arrangement and handed over her Swiss bank account password, which forced Guan Caiba to take part in dangerous situations. She was humiliated in the Golden Triangle. It is said that the subordinates are almost dead.

After Guanchaiba gets his money back, he will definitely kill Gu Meihua. Venting his anger is one aspect. The most important thing is that Gu Meihua dared to disobey his orders. Guanchaiba will not give Gu Meihua a second chance to disobey him.

Gu Meihua herself is very clear about this point, but she has to use this to threaten Guanchaiba, because after obediently handing over the account, Guanchaiba will definitely give up on herself who is useless, and will definitely not waste a lot of trouble save yourself out.

Guanchaiba's new subordinates refuse to accept him, this is an opportunity.

Gu Meihua's complexion changed, thinking about something.


"Boss, it's already been arranged. We have found three groups of people in total, and we are the finale." Jiang Lang said as he pushed a bag towards Guanchaiba: "This is the remaining money."

"Okay! Very good! I am very relieved when you do things.

"Guanchaiba generously gave Jiang Lang his previous evaluation of Bao Qiang, but Jiang Lang did things vigorously and resolutely, and he was indeed extremely efficient.

"The rest of the money will be rewarded to you." Guanchaiba said boldly: "As long as you work hard, you can earn a lot of money before."

Even if others know that this guy is buying people's hearts, it's hard to feel bad for him.

"Thank you, Boss, but Brother Bao and I are busy with today's matter, so let's share it with Brother Bao!" Jiang Lang said with a big smile.

Leopard Qiang's face brightened when he heard Jiang Lang's words. He didn't care about the little money. The main reason was that Jiang Lang, the younger brother he brought in, was rising too fast. Leopard Qiang was worried that Jiang Lang would threaten his status. Now he saw Jiang Lang With such respect for himself, Leopard Qiang immediately felt relieved.

"Ah Lang, you deserve the money yourself. Brother Bao has a lot of money himself." Bao Qiang happily elbowed Jiang Lang's chest.

Guan Caiba's expression turned cold, and he quickly covered it up with laughter.

"Hahaha! Good! Doing things in an orderly and fair manner, I'm not mistaken, work hard." Guanchaiba stood up, patted Jiang Lang on the shoulder and smiled.

"Boss praised."

Jiang Lang observed carefully, and suddenly felt a chill in his heart. He realized that he was careless. Guan Guaiba would not like subordinates who work in a grand manner.

Guan Haishan is not Guan Haishan, Guan Haishan sincerely trains Jiang Lang as his successor, but Guan Caiba will never tolerate the demeanor of a superior in his subordinates, this guy has already started to kill Jiang Lang Thoughts, it's just that now is the time to employ people, and he really doesn't want to touch Jiang Lang, a capable subordinate.

"By the way, Ah Lang, have you got the guns I asked you to get?" Guan Caiba was about to walk out of the room when he suddenly stopped and turned to Jiang Lang and asked.

Guanchaiba and his team are preparing to rob the prison car, so weapons are naturally necessary.

"It's all ready! Now we're just waiting for information from lawyer Zhang." Jiang Lang replied seriously.

Guanchaiba nodded boredly, he couldn't find a reason to beat Jiang Lang, and felt a little depressed.

"Very good! Then you and Leopard Qiang check a few more times to see if there are any details that need to be missed. This operation is only allowed to succeed and not to fail. Don't make any mistakes at that time." After finishing speaking, Guan Caiba turned around and left Walk.

"Okay, boss!" Jiang Lang replied loudly.

It is true that Jiang Lang has something to do. He lost contact with the main force and has not yet contacted Li Er. Jiang Lang has rich experience as an undercover agent. He knows very well that a boy like himself, If he loses contact for too long, it will easily arouse the suspicion of his superiors. He must contact Li Er as soon as possible.

"Brother Leopard, everything is very well prepared, let's go press together, relax, and experience the exotic style." Jiang Lang shook the large stack of banknotes in his hand, and smiled generously: "I will do the whole set, I will dinner."

When Bao Qiang heard Jiang Lang's words, he immediately rubbed his hands dirty.

"Since there is a treat, I want a double cannon." Bao Qiang gave Jiang Lang a look that any man could understand.

Jiang Lang: "..."

An hour later, Bao Qiang lay asleep in the VIP box in the bathing city, and did not notice that Jiang Lang had left at some point.

"Boss, please do something. Let me know in advance. I almost died in the Golden Triangle." After Jiang Lang saw Li Er, his suppressed emotions finally burst out. If he wasn't very sure that he couldn't beat Li Er, He will definitely beat up the bastard in front of him.

Li Er looked at the furious Jiang Lang and scratched his head pretending to be embarrassed.

"Mistakes, mistakes, how could I have thought that a good sniper rifle would go off fire!"

Li Er opened his eyes and said nonsense, but unfortunately, Jiang Lang is a real movie king in terms of acting skills, so he saw right away that Li Er, a bastard, was lying.

"We men are broad-minded, don't worry about it like a woman, let this unpleasant little thing go away with the wind!" Li Er waved his hand with a big smile and said, "I invite you to experience the local characteristics, take a bath and massage for a while." A full set, all I invite."

"..." Jiang Lang glanced at Li Er with a headache. He had just come out of the bathing city, and if he went again, his skin would be rubbed off.

'Wait, this guy didn't do it on purpose, did he? 'Jiang Lang's suspicions are very strong. Although he is not a shadow of a snake, this guy is indeed extremely vigilant. He feels that there is something in Li Er's words.

"How do you know that I just came out of Bathing City?" Jiang Lang asked alertly.

Li Er was taken aback for a moment, and quickly reacted, grinning along with Jiang Lang's words.

"Hey--!" Li Er's wretched smile is no different from other men, anyway, as long as it is a man, he can understand it in seconds.

A hint of envy flashed across Chen Jiaju's eyes. Why wasn't he treated so well when he was an undercover agent? Chen Jiaju was depressed for a while, and continued to pretend to be a straight man of steel. Sure enough, men are big pigs.

"I need a bulletproof vest and two pistols. By the way, give me a few more grenades." Jiang Lang quickly changed the subject. It was called San Fei, and Li Er must not let Li Er know about it.

Guns are strictly prohibited in Malaysia. It is not easy to get real guns and live ammunition, but it is not difficult for Li Er. This guy carries an arsenal with him.

Li Er pretended to take out the equipment that Jiang Lang needed from the closet. Chen Jiaju stretched out his neck and looked at the closet curiously. He just changed from the closet in the morning, and he didn't see any pistol bulletproof vests.

"Pay attention to your body." Li Ergui patted Jiang Lang's shoulder by accident and smiled.

Jiang Lang suddenly felt a chill in his heart.

"You're not spying on me, are you?" Jiang Lang's eyes twitched, and when he thought of himself flying three times under Li Er's nose, he immediately felt a chill.

"What are you talking about? I call it protection. Didn't you just say that you almost died in the Golden Triangle?" Li Er didn't know what Jiang Lang was thinking, so he said foolishly: "In fact, we have been secretly protecting you , once it is confirmed that your life is in danger, it will definitely be shot."

"Is that so?" Jiang Lang didn't believe it anymore. He was very confident in his anti-reconnaissance ability, so there was no reason why he should not be aware of other people's tracking and surveillance.

"This is necessary, otherwise, can I let my buddy take risks? Don't worry!" Li Er said sincerely: "If this case is settled, I guarantee you will get a promotion and a salary increase."

"Forget the promotion, let's discount it!" Jiang Lang seemed to have little interest in the matter of promotion.

Li Er nodded and looked at Jiang Lang meaningfully.

Jiang Lang's face turned green, and he threw a kraft paper bag in his arms on the table resentfully.

"This is the stolen money given to me by Guanchaiba. Please register it!" Jiang Lang thought that Li Er already knew about the money, so he wronged Li Sir. Li Sir was just in a daze, so what's the matter?" Meaningful' smile.

Li Er was really stunned.

"What are you doing to me, defeat it quickly! It will be confiscated anyway." Li Er said something from his heart.

Jiang Lang gave Li Er a suspicious look.

"Want me to help you spend?" Li Er asked with a straight face.

Jiang Lang quickly put away the money and ran away: "Don't help me! Let me die of exhaustion."

"Li Er, it's against the rules for you to do this!" Chen Jiaju couldn't help but said to Li Er after Jiang Lang left.

"What's the rule? This is Kuala Lumpur, should I hand over the money to the Malaysian government?" Li Er snorted coldly, "You don't want to say bring it back to Hong Kong Island, do you?"

Chen Jiaju was questioned. It was even more unreasonable to hand over the money to the British government. It was indeed a headache. Although Li Er's handling method was very speechless, Chen Jiaju couldn't find a reason to refute Li Er.

"Forget it, the weather is hot, why don't I ask you for a big sword." Li Er hooked Chen Jiaju's shoulder and smiled.

"Don't go!" Chen Jiaju rejected Li Er in a serious manner.

"Go! It's thousands of kilometers away from Hong Kong Island, and Amei won't know about it." Li Er tempted shamelessly.

"Damn! Let's talk about the plan! Guanchaiba is planning to rob the prison van, how should we deal with it?" Chen Jiaju said righteously.

"Okay! Then make your own plans! I'll take a shower first!" Li Er turned and walked outside after speaking.

After Chen Jiaju hesitated for two seconds, his true colors were revealed.

"Don't go yet, take me with you." Chen Jiaju picked up a pair of slippers and chased after Li Er: "You said you invited me!"

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