three days later.

Sunny day.

Whether it is Li Er, Guanchaiba, or even the Kuala Lumpur police, they are all ready.

Why are the police in Kuala Lumpur ready? This is mainly caused by Li Er. At this time, Guanchaiba is very troublesome.

"Brother, we have no way out, we can only fight to the death." Bao Qiang put down his binoculars, and he also found a large number of Kuala Lumpur police stalking and ambushing around the escort vehicle.

"How could this be? Have we leaked the news?" Guan Caiba looked at Jiang Lang and Bao Qiang suspiciously.

"Brother, this matter definitely has nothing to do with me and Brother Bao. If Brother Bao and I were traitors, there would be plenty of opportunities along the way." Jiang Lang explained in a low voice.

Guanchaiba's face froze, Jiang Lang's words were on point, if Jiang Lang and Bao Qiang wanted to harm Guanchaiba, Guanchaiba would never be able to get out of the Golden Triangle.

'Then who the hell is trying to kill me? ’ With a gloomy face, Guan Caiba searched for all his enemies in his mind. He has long felt that things are not going well for him recently, and there must be a bastard secretly punishing him.


The bad guy suddenly sneezed and rubbed his nose inexplicably.

"Master, it's so strange. Did Guanchaiba leak the news? It's just to escort a drug dealer to court, how could so many police officers be sent?" Bai Anni asked strangely: "And judging by their posture, it seems that someone is going to rob the escort car Like."

Li Er shook his head. He didn't know what the problem was, but he wanted to be a yellow bird. The increase of police in Malaysia didn't affect him much.

the other side.

"Officer Maha, you must not be careless, those guys will definitely come to rob the prison van today." Zheng Tianming said with a vow.

"Did you get any rumors?" Police officer Maha looked at Zheng Tianming very suspiciously. He knew very well that the big back in front of him was not a good thing. Maha always believed that brokers like Zheng Tianming were troublemakers of the law shit stick.

Naturally, Zheng Tianming would not tell Maha that he simply called the police because he failed to earn Li Er's money, so that Li Er's idea of ​​robbing the escort car to save people fell through.

"Officer Maha, you have a sharp eye,

I can't hide anything from you. I hate drug dealers the most in my life. I bought this news for 5,000 yuan. Can your police department reimburse me? " Zheng Tianming said with a shy smile.

Officer Maha: "Get lost!"

"It's good to pay half of the money! It's really unreasonable for me, a good citizen, to pay all the money." Zheng Tianming is full of resilience. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, he will dig and dig.

"Where's my baton?" Officer Maha looked down at his waist.

"Officer Maha, I'm just joking. Reporting crimes is everyone's responsibility. How could I negotiate terms with the government?" Seeing that he couldn't get any money, Zheng Tianming ran away, secretly cursing Maha's group and Li Er The criminal gang fights to lose both sides.

It's not unreasonable for Zheng Tianming to betray Li Er. Li Er's expectations for Zheng Tianming are too high. The news said that the transaction was yellow.

However, Li Er did not follow the rules and went missing directly. Zheng Tianming suspected that Li Er took his plan and found other brokers. This is the most intolerable in the broker circle. plan.

"Action—!" Chai Ba immediately ordered the carjacking according to the original plan after seeing the escort vehicle entering the target location.


The normal driving escort car suddenly had a flat tire on its front wheel, and the car skidded and stopped steadily in the middle of the road. The braking performance of this car was surprisingly outstanding.

"Enemy attack—!" Officer Maha shouted loudly.

On the entire road, more than a dozen small cars all stopped, surrounding the escort vehicle in the middle of the road.

The doors of more than a dozen cars opened one after another. The Malaysian police used the doors as cover and looked at the surrounding buildings vigilantly. Gu Meihua in the escort car suddenly became nervous.


"Master, are these Malaysian policemen all idiots?" Bai Anni couldn't help frowning when she saw the Malaysian police shrinking their forces into a circle.

Guanchaiba on a high-rise building saw the response of the Malaysian police and couldn't help but wonder if the other party had some conspiracy.

"Boss, no matter what schemes he has, hurry up and seize the opportunity to blow the fuck up." Jiang Lang is very good at seizing opportunities, and quickly reminded Guanchaiba loudly.


Three bazooka shells were lifted into the air, and a beautiful parabola was drawn towards the Malaysian police vehicle formation.

"Guanchaiba is really generous every time he makes a shot!" Li Er gloated and said with a cheap smile. He had seen Guanchaiba fight hard with the military in the Golden Triangle. It was not surprising to see the bazooka at this time, but Malaysia The police were terrified. They usually go out to the police, and it is difficult to even touch a pistol. Wherever they have seen this kind of formation, they were immediately stunned.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Three violent explosions sounded from both sides of the Malaysian police convoy, and immediately there were wailing and screams. This was because Leopard Qiang was worried that he would hurt Gu Meihua in the escort vehicle, so he didn't drop a bomb in the middle, otherwise the police would have to do it all at once. All hit the street.

Before Zheng Tianming could go far, he turned his head suddenly after hearing the explosion, and saw a scene that made his legs tremble. Four or five cars were overturned by bombs, and the flames overwhelmed many screaming policemen.

"Die, die! It's dead now."

Zheng Tianming thought that Li Er was at most a few masked robbers robbing the prison car. How could he know that the other party was so fierce that he even fired bombs in the center of the city. Now that things have become so serious, it must be a nationwide manhunt. Zheng Tianming was afraid of being set on fire by Li Er, so he hurriedly pulled his legs just run.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

After the Malaysian police were awakened by the bombing, they panicked and fired back. However, Bao Qiang and Jiang Lang fired from upstairs. Their small pistols fired from the bottom up, and they couldn’t even reach the range, let alone the accuracy. Fortunately, Guanchaiba's purpose is to save Gu Meihua, and there is no way to fire bombs. Otherwise, if a few more rounds of bombs are dropped, these guys in Malaysia will be wiped out.

"Hussein, let your men go up." Jiang Lang picked up the communicator and shouted loudly.


The local gangsters hired by Jiang Lang did not move.

"Damn it, where did he die? Answer me immediately." Jiang Lang picked up the binoculars and looked at the location where the gangsters were ambush, only to find that the gangsters were running away.

Jiang Lang's face turned green.

Although these gangsters in Malaysia are arrogant and illegal and criminal, it does not mean that they are stupid. When these guys saw the bazooka overturning several police cars, they were frightened and bombed the police with bazookas. This is definitely a proper horror Attack, how dare they have anything to do with Guanchaiba and his party.

"Abin—!" Jiang Lang hurriedly called another group of gangsters, but he didn't put all his eggs in one basket.

Abby didn't respond.

"..." Jiang Lang angrily turned his binoculars to the other side.

Abin also ran away with his men, and this guy ran at the front of the team, and his running posture was very coquettish.

"Fuck you." Leo Qiang put the bazooka on his shoulder again.


Leopard Qiang's shot was average, but the bazooka was surprisingly accurate. Abin was running happily when he suddenly felt a 'shuttle--! ’ sound, Abin threw himself down quickly and vigilantly.


The rocket launched by Leopard Qiang pierced Abin's ass impartially.

With a sound of 'Boom—', Abin was torn apart, and even a few gangsters around him were blown to the street.

"Zhuang Qiang!" Jiang Lang shouted loudly.

Zhuang Qiang has already led his men to attack Malaysia.

"Brother, I'm here, I'm here, I'm leading a team to fight the opponent, don't throw bombs at me." Zhuang Qiang replied nervously and loudly. He saw Abin being blown into flying ash by Bao Qiang. The back is soaked.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

"Boom boom boom boom boom..."

"Crazy, crazy, these people are crazy, quickly, call the headquarters for support!" Officer Maha shouted in a panic.

Although Zhuang Qiang's gangsters are average in lethality, the policemen like Maha are not much better. One of the guys in police uniform even pretended to move his fingers like pistols and shrunk his head back and forth. Know where his gun went, or didn't bring it.

"Leopard Qiang, hurry up and save people." Guan Caiba urged.

Of course, Guanchaiba understands that prolonging the time will not do him any good. He must rescue Gu Meihua as soon as possible and withdraw from Kuala Lumpur quickly, otherwise he will not be able to escape once he is bitten.

"Da da da da..."

"Da da da da da da da..."

Jiang Lang and Bao Qiang each had an AK47. As soon as they joined the battle, they immediately broke the balance of the gun battle. The Malaysian police could only hide behind the car and dared not fight back.

It's not that Jiang Lang and Leopard are too strong, but that the Malaysian police are too soft-hearted. The whole team of Guanchaiba was tortured and cried in the Golden Triangle. Now the remaining two men are able to rub the Malaysian police on the ground. Guaiba himself was taken aback for a while.

"Boom!" Jiang Lang saw the timing and threw a grenade behind the car.

The grenade landed at the feet of Police Officer Maha, his face darkened, and he quickly picked up the grenade and threw it back in the direction of Jiang Lang outside the car.


Officer Maha had a good idea, but he was a bit unlucky. His grenade just flew out of his hand and detonated in the air. Officer Maha's left-handed arm disappeared immediately.

"Ah! My hand." Officer Maha screamed and squatted on the ground: "Quick, counterattack, counterattack immediately, let them attack and everyone will die."

"Bang bang bang..."

Officer Maha looked down at his severed arm in pain, and ran towards the escort vehicle with a grim expression.


"Why are you here?" Zheng Tianming stared blankly at Li Er, Bai Anni, and a man with a big nose that he had never seen before.

Zheng Tianming could have escaped, but he couldn't resist his curiosity, so he ran to the roof of a building, wanting to see the battle situation, and it turned out that Master Li Er and Chen Jiaju happened to be on the same building.

"Aren't you going to rob the prison car?" Zheng Tianming moved his feet while talking, wanting to back up.

"Master, I finally understand why there are so many police officers." Bai Anni reacted as soon as she saw Zheng Tianming, and said to Li Er with a smile.

Li Er naturally understood that the big backed head in front of him must be the hindrance.

"Actually, we are also brokers, and we just want the middleman to make the difference." Li Er said with a smile.

'ah? ? ? Zheng Tianming's expression froze: 'No way! Bastard, is there such an operation? '

Chen Jiaju had already approached Zheng Tianming's gap.

"Ah! Don't!" Zheng Tianming yelled when he saw a knife slashing at his neck.

It's late again.

The moment Zheng Tianming fainted, he knew that he was in dire straits. Regardless of whether these guys killed him or not, if such a shocking case happened, the police would definitely search all the nearby buildings.

When the time comes, I will be caught on the roof in a daze. I can't explain it clearly. The most important thing is that the locals know the locals best. Zheng Tianming knows that the police won't let him explain.

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