Hong Kong Island.

Tsim Sha Tsui.

"Second brother, it's time to serve dinner. Why are you still so lazy and didn't do any work?" A cute and naive voice hummed dissatisfied.

Now the only one who dares to speak to Li Er in this tone is the fourth sister Li Shiya.

However, Li Er's posture on the sofa was infinitely close to being paralyzed, which is indeed quite salty.

"Only those who are capable can be lazy, and those who are not capable have to work hard." Li Erzui smiled cheaply, and at the same time put down the TV remote control in his hand, and stretched.

"Haha! You are miserable, big brother, and second brother scolded you for being incompetent." Li Shiya immediately complained to Li Yi who was holding a pot of fried vegetables.

"Second, what did you say?" Li Yi put the dishes on the table and wiped his hands with the scarf on his body: "Has it been too long since I beat you?"

"Uh——!" Li Er's face changed slightly, and he immediately pointed to Li Shan who was holding the washed dishes: "Boss, you misunderstood, I was talking about the third child, look at him, tell him to recruit a few people, he didn't No recruiting, everything is taken care of, teens are overworked and look older than me."

Li Shan smiled and said nothing, this kid has a good temper, no matter how much Li Er teased him, it was useless, he just didn't get angry, and it was Li Er himself who got angry in the end.

"Humph!" Li Yi glared at Li Er, then turned to look at Li Shan. Although Li Shan was not as exaggerated as Li Er said, he was indeed a bit exhausted, not quite like a teenager. lively lad.

"Third brother, you should hurry up when it comes to recruiting people, otherwise the eldest brother will let others do it." Li Yi said with a straight face.

"Oh——!" Li Shan just said 'oh', he didn't even dare to refute the second child, let alone the boss, sometimes even the fourth child could bully him.

In fact, the financial department managed by Li Shan has already recruited enough people, but it is still in the running-in period. Li Shan does not trust those subordinates, and every single data has to be checked repeatedly, which is more difficult.

Li Er's family was preparing to have dinner when the doorbell rang.

"Third brother, go and open the door!" Li Er said as a matter of course.

Li Shan: "Oh!"

"Tou, are you back?" Ma Jun saw Li Er's face was a little strange.

Li Er nodded.

"Hey, I bought some fruit." Ma Jun laughed dryly, put the two packs of fruit he brought on the coffee table, and then skillfully rubbed his hands and walked to the restaurant.

"Hey, sister-in-law is really good at cooking, and she has cooked so many delicious dishes." Just as Ma Jun sat down, Li Shan had habitually taken out a pair of bowls and chopsticks from the cupboard.

These two guys, Ma Jun and Li Xianying, had eaten at Li Er's house too many times, and Wang Gangsheng had already prepared two extra sets of tableware.

"Why didn't the eagle come together?" Li Yi didn't see Li Xianying, so he looked up at Xian Majun and asked.

"Oh! Boss Ying has a case to deal with. I'm afraid I'll be busy all night tonight. I'll go back to the police station to help after dinner." Side explained.

"Brother Ma, eat slowly, there is still soup in the pot." Sitting beside Ma Jun, Li Shiya whispered.

"Oh-oh--" Ma Jun continued to eat without raising his head.

"Huh—?" Li Er's sharp eyes quickly shot at Ma Jun.


Although Ma Jun was very nervous, this guy was still very sensitive to danger. He immediately looked up and found that it was Li Er staring at him.

"Tou, what's the matter?" Ma Jun swallowed, and said strangely: "During your absence on Hong Kong Island, I didn't make any mistakes!"

"It's that Zhou Xingxing you fancy, Atou, who caused you great trouble." Ma Jun added.

From the corner of Li Er's eyes, he quickly glanced at Li Shiya, and then stared at Ma Jun coldly, staring at Ma Jun with horror.

"Tou, are you... are you okay?" Ma Jun put down his chopsticks and asked carefully.

"It's nothing, it's just that I haven't practiced for a long time. After dinner, go to the rooftop and let me see if your skills have deteriorated." Li Er snorted coldly in a bad tone.

"Ah???" Ma Jun was stunned for a moment: "Tou, I have a case to be busy at night, if I don't have time, let's try another day!"

"That's right. Second brother, you are so rude to say this during meal time." Li Shiya said with wide eyes: "Brother Ma, eat quickly, don't listen to my second brother."

"Suck!" Li Er's eyelids twitched, and he turned to look at Li Yi first.

'Boss, don't you see anything? '

Li Yi frowned strangely when he saw Li Er winking at him.

"Second, just tell me what you have, why are you looking at me weirdly?" Li Yi's nerves were bigger than Ma Jun's.

"Ma Jun, don't eat, come out for a while, I need to see you." Li Er said with a dark face.

"Okay, head, give me another half a minute, and I'll finish eating right away." Ma Jun didn't know what Li Er was looking for him, but he still speeded up the cooking

"Attack you—!" Li Er rubbed the center of his brows with a headache. The occasion is not suitable for swearing, so he said with a cold face: "This is a family meal, don't you think you are a bit out of place here?"

"Ah?" Ma Jun shook his head indifferently: "Ah, you must be joking."

"Second, believe it or not, I'll beat you up." Li Yi stared at Li Er and said, Li Er's words were a bit too much. When Li Ji Tea Restaurant first opened, Li Xianying and Ma Jun were busy However, Li Yi's family did not regard Li Xianying and Ma Jun as outsiders.

"Hey! I'm just kidding, Ma Jun, he has made progress, but you actually saw through him." Li Erdui said with a smile on his face.

"Brother Ma, ignore my second brother, I'll serve you soup." Li Shiya said courteously after seeing that Ma Jun's bowl was empty.

"Okay, thank you Shiya!" Ma Jun gave the bowl to Li Shiya normally.

Li Er took a deep breath and tried his best to calm himself down.

After Ma Jun finished his meal, Li Er beckoned Ma Jun to come into his room, quickly closed and locked the door.

‘Bang bang bang bang——! '

"Tou, what's going on?" Ma Jun was stunned for a moment.

"Boom boom boom..."

"Bang, bang, bang—!"

"Tou, did you make a mistake? Zhou Xingxing was the one who caused the trouble. I can't beat you. If you don't stop, you will be killed." Ma Jun's handsome face has turned into a pig-headed man.

Li Er pressed Ma Jun on the floor and cursed something while rubbing.

"Tou, it's a misunderstanding. It's definitely a misunderstanding. How is this possible? Boss Yi is my elder brother, and Shiya is my younger sister. How could I have any thoughts about my younger sister? Is it some bastard who spread rumors? I'll fucking kill him." Jun called Qu Dao with a look of unlucky face.

The sound insulation in Li Er's room was not very good. The bang bang bang bang bang sound of him beating Ma Jun was transmitted to the restaurant from the very beginning. Li Shiya urged Li Yi to stop the fight at first, and the second brother fought Ma Jun.

When Li Yi and Li Shiya stood at the door of Li Er's room and heard what Ma Jun said, Li Shiya's face flushed instantly.

Li Yi's face turned green.

"Shiya!" Li Yi gave Li Shiya such an ugly face for the first time.

Li Shiya bit her lower lip, not daring to look into her elder brother's eyes.

Li Yi was very aggrieved. If Li Er and Li Shan made a mistake, it would be a big deal to beat him up. If he didn't obey, he would continue to beat him until he was convinced. But Li Shiya is a girl, and Li Yi really didn't know what to do. ?

"Shiya, you are still young, you should study hard at your current age." Li Yi thought for a long time, and finally choked out a sentence.

Li Shiya lowered her head and said nothing.

"And Ma Jun is the same age as your second brother, he is so much older than you, you—!" Li Yi also wants to go into the room now, and fight Ma Jun in a relay race with Li Er.

"Second brother is also much older than Sister Wanfang, and Sister Wanfang is still studying." Before Li Yi could finish his sentence, Li Shiya gave him a rebuttal.

Li Shiya finally found out about Li Er and Zhu Wanfang's affairs, and her best friend was going to become her second sister-in-law.

Li Yi's face suddenly turned black, and his heart was pierced. Now he wants to beat Li Er and Ma Jun together.

"Brother, I was wrong, don't be angry, I... I will study hard." Li Shiya said nervously seeing Li Yi's face.

This happened so suddenly that Li Yi really didn't know what to do. Fortunately, Wang Gangsheng came over, and Li Yi waved as if seeing a savior. Although Li Shiya and her sister-in-law didn't get along for a long time, their relationship was very good .


Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station.

"Ma Jun, where is the boxed lunch I asked you to buy for me?" Li Xianying asked strangely.

Ma Jun looked up sadly.

"I'll go—!" Li Xianying was startled, and took a few steps back: "Who beat you like a pig's head."

After Li Xianying finished speaking, she felt strange.

"Who is so powerful?"

Li Er took a bottle of drink from the tea room and walked over, Li Xianying saw Li Er only then.

"Tou, when did you come back?" Li Xianying said in surprise.

"I came back at noon." Li Er unscrewed the bottle cap and took a sip of water.

Li Xianying looked at Li Er from the left and Ma Jun from the right, and he already understood something in his heart.

Ma Jun was violently beaten by Li Er, so it was impossible for him to fight back, but Li Er only focused on beating Ma Jun and didn't remember to defend, so a large lump swelled up on his face.

"Why are you so busy with the case that you don't have time for dinner?" Li Er just finished speaking when he received a call from Huang Bingyao asking Li Er to go to his office.

‘You fat man, why are you so dedicated all of a sudden? ’ Li Er murmured and looked at his watch, several hours had passed since he got off work.

"What's the matter with your face? It seems that the case in Malaysia is very dangerous!" Huang Bingyao was stunned when he saw Li Er's face, and then said with concern: "If you are injured, you can come back to work a few days later!"

Li Er was also in a daze when he heard Huang Bingyao's words. This guy didn't explain, and simply treated it as a work-related injury, otherwise those guys in the administration department thought he hadn't done anything.

"I saw the international news. I didn't expect that this transnational drug trafficking case would involve such a wide range. The Malaysian police are ashamed this time." Huang Bingyao smiled gloatingly.

"By the way, write your report as soon as possible, and give me a look at it when the time comes. I'll help you with the palm of your hand. Don't rush to hand it in." Huang Bingyao said with a smile.

The case of Guanchaiba was led by the police department, and Huang Bingyao would naturally be very concerned about it. Of course, this old fat man was more concerned about what he could get out of it.

"Understood!" Li Er understood Huang Bingyao's thoughts in seconds. This matter did not cause any loss to Li Er, and Li Er was not in the mood now, so he nodded decisively in agreement.

"By the way, since you're back, you should settle the broom star case quickly. I don't want to affect too much, do you understand?" Huang Bingyao continued.

"The broom star case?" Li Er frowned strangely.

"Then go back and find out about the case first!" Huang Bingyao waved his hand and said, "Anyway, you should remember one thing, the broom star is the daughter of my comrade-in-arms, that is, my daughter."

Li Er: "..."

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