What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 326 Conscience Boss Li 2

"what happened?"

Li Er saw Zhou Xingxing in the detention room, and Zhou Xingxing was inside the iron bars.

"Tou, you are back, help me! I was definitely framed." Seeing Li Er, Zhou Xingxing immediately shouted with tears and nose: "My ideal is to be a clean official, how could I kill."

Seeing that Zhou Xingxing was about to hit the street, Li Er didn't forget to show off his acting skills, and gave Zhou Xingxing a hard look.

"I'll give you two minutes. If you can't explain the matter in an orderly manner, you can continue to stay in the detention room. It doesn't cost money to eat here anyway." Li Er said in a bad tone.

"Two minutes? How can two minutes be enough, five minutes!" Zhou Xingxing said hastily.

"One minute!" Li Er said coldly.

"Ah! It's bitter!" Zhou Xingxing screamed.

"Crying counts as time. You only have fifty-six seconds left." Li Er tapped his gold Rolex watch. No matter what, he was worth hundreds of millions. Wearing a genuine Rolex of the same model as Zhu once, it is no longer a fake that was thrown into the trash can.

"Tou, you sent me and broom star to follow up on Gao Jin's case. We were watching outside the villa. On the night of the 8th, I heard noises inside the villa building, so I climbed the wall and sneaked in to check the situation. I Gao Jin's wife had already been killed when he and Sao Ba Xing entered the villa building. As for why she had my fingerprints on her chest, I want to save people. How do I know if she can? After first aid, if I can save my life and I don’t do anything about it, wouldn’t that mean I’d rather die than save him.”

Li Er: "Uh——!"

Zhou Xingxing became anxious and spoke very fast. Li Er actually couldn't understand what Zhou Xingxing was talking about. Fortunately, at this time, Li Xianying brought in Zhou Xingxing's previously recorded statement.

Li Er directly flipped through the case record book.

It turned out that Gao Jin's wife was killed. Li Erji remembered that there was indeed such a passage in "God of Gamblers". Wasn't it Gao Jin's younger brother Gao Yi who did it? When will Zhou Xingxing and Saobaxing be shut down?

"Didn't you see other people when you entered the villa building with Broom Star? For example, Gao Jin's follower, Gao Yi." Li Er quickly browsed through the information, and blatantly reminded Zhou Xingxing without raising his head.

Zhou Xingxing gave his boss a strange look, but still shook his head honestly: "Gao Yi? I didn't see it."

Zhou Xingxing and Sao Baxing have followed Gao Jin for a while,

The two of them naturally knew who Gao Yi was.

"It's because there is no one in the villa except the deceased that I was wronged so miserably." Zhou Xingxing cried bitterly.

"Then is it possible that you were followed by Gao Jin and someone found out that the murderer escaped after the murder and deliberately blamed you and Sao Ba Xing?" Li Er specially guided Zhou Xing and said.

Zhou Xingxing was overjoyed when he heard Li Er's words. He originally argued like this, but there was no evidence at all.

When Li Er said this, he turned his head and looked at Li Xianying. Didn't he mean that Zhou Xingxing and Sao Baxing were wronged together? What about the broom star?

Seeing Li Er's eyes, Li Xianying immediately understood what Li Er meant.

"Of course the director picked it up." Li Xianying scratched her head and smiled wryly.

"It's also fortunate that the director came forward, otherwise Zhou Xingxing would still be locked up in the detention room of the Wanchai Police Station. The villa where the crime happened is in the wealthy area of ​​Wanchai Peak Road, and the police were dispatched by the Wanchai Serious Crime Squad." Li Xianying explained .

"Hmm!" Li Er nodded.

"Is there anything tricky here?" Li Er asked Li Xianying after thinking for a while.

"Of course there is a problem. The leader is Cao Dahua. He said he received an anonymous call to the police. How could it be such a coincidence?" Before Li Xianying could speak, Zhou Xingxing hurriedly answered.

"And it's Cao Dahua leading the team, Cao Dahua! Boss, think about Cao Dahua's beer belly, he can catch thieves without knowing farts." Zhou Xingxing said angrily: "If you eat some old-fashioned soft rice, there will be him." share."


It seems that Zhou Xingxing has a deep resentment towards Cao Dahua.

"Come out first!" Li Er signaled Li Xianying to open the iron gate and let Zhou Xingxing out.

"Tou, the discipline inspection department of the internal investigation department has been keeping a close eye on our serious crime team recently. I have heard that this case has been focused on by them. If they find that we have no legitimate reason to release Zhou Xingxing, we will be in trouble Yes." Li Xianying reminded.

"Well, it makes sense." Li Er nodded: "Is it a legitimate reason, then go through legal procedures, Zhou Xingxing guarantees to go out, and I will pay the guarantee fee."

Li sir is rich and powerful now, and speaks very toughly.

"Thank you, head, let me continue to follow up on this case! I have been following up for so long, and no one is more familiar with me." After Zhou Xingxing walked out of the iron gate, he gritted his fists and asked Li Er to continue to fight.

Li Xianying: "..."

Li Er gave Zhou Xingxing a sideways look: "Yes! The guarantee fee just now will be deducted from your labor."

"Ah!" Zhou Xingxing was dumbfounded: "Is it okay to deduct half?"

"Speaking of business, Gao Jin's wife was killed, what's Gao Jin's reaction?" Li Er asked.

"Gao Jin disappeared, but we found out that Gao Jin and his wife are very loving. Although Gao Jin has some suspicions, I don't think Gao Jin did it. It's too clumsy." Li Xianying said seriously.

Zhou Xingxing also nodded in agreement. If a rich man kills his wife, he can just hire a professional killer. There is no need to make it so complicated.

"Gao Jin is missing?" Li Er's eyes moved, it was all in line with the plot, but Li Er didn't know where Chen Xiaodao's housing estate was.

"Zhou Xingxing, you are in charge of finding Gao Jin. He probably hasn't left Hong Kong Island. Don't just focus on big hotels and shopping malls. Pay attention to old buildings and housing estates in the fourth and fifth management areas." Li Er turned his head. Look at Zhou Xingxing.

"YESSIR!" Zhou Xingxing hurriedly saluted.

"Ying, Gao Jin is missing, and his wife was murdered. Who will benefit the most?" Li Er closed the case book and handed it back to Li Xianying.

"Of course it's Gao Jin's cousin and manager, Gao Yi." Li Xianying frowned as he said, "But this bastard has evidence of his alibi, so I'm afraid he hired a murderer to kill him."

Li Er shrugged his shoulders: "No matter what, keep an eye on him. You don't need to hide, just monitor him openly and force him to make mistakes."

"Understood!" In fact, Li Xianying also suspected Gao Yi, but this case involved a broom star, and Huang Bingyao personally took care of it. Li Xianying was worried that a mistake would affect the whole group, so he was a little timid and didn't dare to make big moves. Now Li Xianying Two came back just in time.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Do you want to treat you to supper?" Li Er asked Zhou Xingxing, who looked downcast.

"No, no, no!" Zhou Xingxing rubbed his fingers in embarrassment: "Hey, if there is a big raid in Hong Kong, can you advance a little action subsidy?"

Li Er looked at Zhou Xingxing who was full of sincerity, and replied him with one word: "Get out!"

Zhou Xingxing quickly slipped away.

"Ying, aren't you going to get married soon? Does sister-in-law have any other unmarried sisters, bridesmaids, etc." Li Er asked Li Xianying seriously.

"Ah???" Li Xianying didn't understand what Li Er meant.

"It's just that Ma Jun is in spring recently. He wants to find a wife. As his boss, I must care about his private life. If I don't arrange him clearly, I am worried that it will affect his enthusiasm for work." Li Er said bluntly own purpose.

It's just that Li Xianying was dumbfounded. Li Er was promoted by Li Xianying, and Li Xianying didn't know who Li Er was.

"Tou, are you joking?" Li Xianying asked probingly.

"Really, it's more important than pearls. This matter is more important than any other case." Li Er raised a finger sternly: "Wang Nanbo, do you understand, it means that it is ranked first."

Li Xianying could only nod.

'Didn't Ma Jun always think that women only affect his hand speed? How come it's spring all of a sudden? Is it so out of the way? ’ Li Xianying always felt that what Li Er was talking about should be Zhou Xingxing.

"I know that Lisa seems to have a cousin who doesn't have a boyfriend, and Lisa is also helping her on a blind date recently."

Before Li Xianying finished speaking, Li Er hurriedly said: "It's her, make arrangements immediately, and I will invite you to eat, drink tea, watch movies, and open a room." This guy didn't even count a handful of cash, and stuffed it all into Li Xianying's hands: "Get it done."

With this posture, Li Er wouldn't be at ease if he didn't witness the birth of Ma Jun's child with his own eyes.

Li Er suddenly felt that he was very noble, the boss who cared most about his subordinates was like this, he was simply the conscience of the leadership!

Li Xianying's face changed, he suddenly thought of something, and his face instantly turned pale.

"Is Ma Jun suffering from some kind of illness? He's about to die?" Li Xianying could only think of this possibility, and his voice trembled a little.

"Now that the technology is so advanced, it can definitely be cured." Before Li Er could answer, Li Xianying nervously refuted himself.

Although Li Xianying often scolded Ma Jun for being brainless, impatient, and impulsive, Li Xianying really regarded Ma Jun as his brother.

Li Er: "..."

"Oh my god!"

Ma Jun was being punished by Li Er to clean the windows in the office lobby of the Serious Crime Unit. He slipped inexplicably and almost fell from the window.

Ma Jun didn't care, rubbed his nose, and continued to work. Now he can only hope that Li Er can understand him, and he really regards Shiya as his younger sister.

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