What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Three hundred and thirtieth chapters Jianghu pursuit order

"Fuck him—!"

Jiang Lang ordered a pig's knuckle rice, and before he had eaten half of it, a group of gangsters with knives rushed into the tea restaurant.

"..." Jiang Lang asked a lot: "It didn't happen to me!"

‘Shua——! '

Jiang Lang shouldn't have asked, a watermelon knife slashed off Jiang Lang's head, Jiang Lang hurriedly moved to the right, the knife almost cut off his ear.

"I'll go to your uncle!" Jiang Lang touched his ears and his head.

Immediately, he kicked violently and kicked the knife hand who rushed towards him in the stomach.


The foot that Jiang Lang kicked was held in his arms by the other party after he abandoned the knife.

"Brother Nan, come on!" Dao Shou curled up in pain from Jiang Lang's heavy kick, but he still shouted to his brother to go on.

A long-haired man rushed up and slashed at Jiang Lang's neck with a knife again. Jiang Lang was really angry, he retracted his hand to his waist and drew his gun, feeling empty with his palm.

Jiang Lang's right eyelid was pierced, and he rushed to the street, his gun was confiscated by Li Er.

"Bang!" A gunshot sounded.

The long-haired man paused, and his face changed dramatically. Didn't Brother B say that this guy was fired from the police force and no longer equipped with a gun?

The long-haired man's feet were weak, and he was about to turn around and run away immediately. No matter whether it was a fruit knife or a hatchet, it was impossible for him to beat a gun.

"Brother Nan, this shovel doesn't have a gun, he's bluffing us." Another swordsman hurriedly shouted.

It turned out that the gunshot just now was yelled out by Jiang Lang in an emergency. This guy looked very serious, and he couldn't think of such a cheap guy.

When the long-haired man turned around, he suddenly felt his scalp tighten. It turned out that Jiang Lang had grabbed his hair.

He deserved his bad luck. He was a big man with shoulder-length hair. If Jiang Lang didn't grab his hair, would he be grabbing a guy of another size?

"Boom!" The long-haired man was dizzy, Jiang Lang grabbed his hair and slapped the table hard, almost breaking his head open.

"Brother Nan!" The other swordsmen rushed over when they saw the long-haired man being beaten. Jiang Lang would not be willing to fight desperately with a few gangsters, so he turned around and ran to the back kitchen.

"Peasant, Da Tian Er, don't worry about me, go and chase that bastard." Chen Haonan yelled angrily with red eyes, Jiang Lang almost smashed his head into a bald head just now.

Pheasant and Datian Er hurried to the back kitchen, and Banana Pi also supported Chen Haonan, and the two chased after the back kitchen.

Jiang Lang ran to the back kitchen, sure enough there must be a back door in the back kitchen, Pheasant and Da Tian Er came, and Pheasant rushed towards Jiang Lang with a grinning grin.

"Bang!" Jiang Lang yelled.

Pheasant and Da Tianer hurriedly stopped.

"Fuck you!" Pheasant rushed to Jiang Lang with a livid face when he found out that he had been tricked.

Jiang Lang waited for the pheasant to approach with a smile on his face. The pheasant felt cold for no reason, and the little boy was smiling.

Sure enough, when the pheasant raised the watermelon knife and slashed at Jiang Lang, Jiang Lang suddenly brought out a wok from behind, which was full of boiling hot oil.

"Aren't you!" Pheasant's face turned green, he stopped desperately, and Jiang Lang covered the pheasant's head with oil and pan.

‘Zi——! '

Da Tianer behind the pheasant shuddered, the miserable condition of the pheasant made him feel pain.

"Aww!" Pheasant waved the knife in pain at Jiang Lang indiscriminately. Jiang Lang had already escaped and locked the back kitchen door from the outside by the way, before clapping his hands and walking towards the back alley.


Jiang Lang shook his head when he heard the door slamming behind him, the punks don't use their brains, they have been punks all their lives, Jiang Lang already knew what happened at this time, presumably because he was no longer a policeman, and those old enemies on the road came to him coming.

"Jiang sir, long time no see, I'm sorry, you don't blame me for using other people's money to eliminate disasters for others!"

Before Jiang Lang walked out of the alley, he was blocked by a guy who walked three steps and three times. Jiang Lang stopped, turned his head and looked behind him, and he was also blocked by four or five swordsmen behind him. Both ends blocked, dead end.

"Liangkun!" Jiang Lang smiled when he saw that the person blocking him was Liangkun.

Seeing Jiang Lang laughing, Liang Kun felt numb in his heart. Before Jiang Lang returned to the police station, his reputation had already spread far and wide on the road.

Jiang Lang inserted his hand into the lining of his suit, and Liang Kun hurriedly took a few steps back.

"Brother Lang, if you have something to say, don't... don't shoot." Liang Kun immediately raised her hands and yelled loudly.

Liangkun had already greeted Jiang Tiansheng's eighteenth generation of ancestors in his heart. Didn't he say that Jiang Lang was kicked out of the police force and had no guns?

Liang Kun suddenly remembered that Jiang Lang used to be an arms dealer, so how could he not have a few guns on him? Thinking of this, Liang Kun stood still and did not dare to move, raising his hands even higher.

"You bastards, don't move around." Liang Kun hurriedly called to his idiots, you want to die, but don't hurt me.

Jiang Lang walked to Liangkun's side, and Liangkun tried his best to smile, so that he would not be so annoying.

Liang Kun said respectfully: "Boss Lang!"

Jiang Lang patted Liang Kun on the shoulder with satisfaction.

"Very good! I'm very optimistic about you." Jiang Lang and Liang Kun passed by. Liang Kun had a sharp dagger hidden in his arms, but unfortunately he dared not take it out and attacked Jiang Lang from behind.

Jiang Lang walked out of the alley angrily, and after turning around the entrance of the alley, the guy immediately ran wildly. Fortunately, no one saw him, otherwise he would lose all his grace.

"Brother Kun, we just let him go like this, how cowardly!" Liang Kun's number one subordinate said angrily.

Liang Kun gave Sha Qiang a cold look, took out his dagger and stuffed it into Sha Qiang's hand.

"Okay! Have courage, I saw the right person, you go after it."

"Ah—??? Shall I go after him alone?" Shaqiang is stupid, but not stupid. He went after Jiang Lang alone, probably because he was going to give away his head.

"Brother Kun, I... I suddenly have a stomachache!" Sha Qiang said with certainty.


At this time, the iron door of the back kitchen of the tea restaurant was about to be knocked open.

"Let's go, let's go!" Liang Kun hurriedly greeted his subordinates, he originally wanted to intercept the big brother B's beard, but now he has made himself ashamed, of course he can't let Chen Haonan and other younger people see.


The main hall of Hong Xing.

After Jiang Tiansheng respectfully offered three sticks of incense to Guan Erye, he turned around and sat down at the main seat.

Boss B suddenly sat on Jiang Tiansheng's left-hand side. No wonder there were rumors in the community that Big Boss B was Mr. Jiang's most trusted confidant, while Liang Kun, the unlucky guy, sat at the end of the long meeting table.

Not to mention the location, the chairs Liangkun sits on are half a size smaller than others. If you look carefully, you will find that Liangkun’s chairs are different from others. Others’ chairs have backrests, but Liangkun’s chairs do not. Backrest, this is at best a high stool.

But at this time, Liang Kun was smiling all over his face, while Big Brother B was mourning.

"Mr. Jiang, I didn't expect Jiang Lang to be so cunning. I made a mistake this time. My younger brothers are working hard. I hope you can give me another chance." Boss B whispered to Jiang Tiansheng.

"Hey, hey, big brother B, can you speak louder if you say something, if it's a personal matter, please tell Mr. Jiang after the meeting is over, it's time for the meeting, if you're talking about the club, please speak up Louder so everyone can hear."

Big Brother B's voice is very low, but Liang Kun's ears are very bright.

Big Brother B turned his head and gave Liang Kun a bitter look.

"Yes, I failed to solve Jiang Lang's matter. Please Mr. Jiang and the association give me another chance to make a contribution." Big Boss B said loudly.

The conference room suddenly started chirping, Jiang Lang was dismissed by the police force, and Guan Haishan's former subordinates offered a reward for Jiang Lang's name to spread throughout the rivers and lakes, but the people in the club did not expect Mr. Jiang to do it so quickly, and it was handed over to the big boss B went to do it.

"Hey! Everyone can do wrong things." Jiang Tiansheng patted Big Brother B on the shoulder graciously. He was about to help Big Brother B to excuse him when he was interrupted by Liang Kun.

Liangkun stood up and shouted very confidently: "Mr. Jiang, you can't say that. I happened to be there at the time. If you had left it to me, I, Liangkun, can guarantee that Jiang Lang Now it's dead on the street, and the 800,000 bonus has already entered the company's account."

Silly Qiang behind Liangkun heard that his boss was bragging, and hurriedly lowered his head, he was afraid that he would not be able to resist vomiting all over his boss.

"Jingkun, shut up the fuck, do you have a place to speak here?" Boss B immediately pointed at Liangkun and cursed loudly.

Jiang Tiansheng didn't refute Liang Kun's words, he just looked at Liang Kun meaningfully.

Liang Kun's heart trembled. After all, his qualifications are too low, and now he is not enough to pry Jiang Tiansheng's position at all. Liang Kun is also persevering enough, and immediately stretched out his hands.

"Papa papa..."

Liang Kun slapped himself more than a dozen times in the face at once, and everyone in the conference room was stunned.

"Mr. Jiang, I'm sorry, I can't speak, I said the wrong thing." After Liangkun finished speaking, she turned to apologize to the boss B: "Brother B, I'm sorry, I said the wrong thing just now, I didn't mean anything else, I just didn't I admire you for doing things for the society, and you didn't ask me to help."

"It's...it's nothing!" Big Brother B was a little embarrassed by Liang Kun, whose cheeks were already swollen, and it was obvious that this guy didn't attack lightly.

All the divisions in the meeting room also commented that Liang Kun was very particular about his work.

Liang Kun's face was in severe pain, but he was secretly happy in his heart. These dozen or so slaps were worth it. The harder he slapped himself, the more unreasonable Jiang Tiansheng and Big Brother B were.

"Okay, you can bend and stretch, Liangkun, it's really a shame to let you do activities in the east of Tsim Sha Tsui. In the future, you will be in charge of the business of Saigon Pier!" Jiang Tiansheng clapped his hands and said.

"Mr. Jiang!" Liang Kun hurriedly said, "I'm in Tsim Sha Tsui—!"

Jiang Tiansheng raised his hand to restrain Liang Kun from speaking: "Needless to say, this is the decision. I hope you can make good achievements for the company in the future."

Liangkun clenched his fists and nodded bitterly. Liangkun's business in Tsim Sha Tsui is already on the right track. These gray businesses can make money without being attacked by the police. Liangkun will continue to develop and have a bright future. Now he is transferred to In that 'slum' in Sai Kung, Jiang Tiansheng made it clear that he wanted to suppress Liang Kun, but Liang Kun had no choice.

On the other side, the pheasant was bandaged into a mummy. Although the hot oil that Jiang Lang poured on the pheasant did not boil, it was still very hot. It covered the pheasant's head, almost turning the pheasant into fried chicken.

"Brother Nan, you must avenge me." Pheasant grabbed Chen Haonan's hand and said angrily.

"Don't worry! Mr. Jiang has already requested a Jianghu hunting order, and now the whole road is searching for Jiang Lang, he can't escape." Chen Haonan said solemnly.

It's just that Chen Haonan didn't know that when he said this, Jiang Lang had already left Hong Kong Island and stayed in the most luxurious hotel in Macau. This guy was looking down at the beautiful night view of the entire Macau street with oysters and red wine.

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