Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station.

Crime Unit.

"Li sir, are you really letting Jiang Lang go?" Instructor Hu couldn't help asking Li Er when he received the news that Jiang Lang was being hunted down in the rivers and lakes.

She suspected that Jiang Lang was carrying some important mission.

"This idiot beat up the suspect in the police station, and he was idiot in front of lawyers and congressmen. Do you think it's wrong for me to let him go?" Seeing the disbelief on Instructor Hu's face, Li Er couldn't help cursing angrily. .

Instructor Hu didn't dare to refute Li Er, she was just surprised that violently extorting a confession from a suspect is not so common in various police stations on Hong Kong Island, Li Xianying did it almost every time, even Li Er himself regarded it as It's commonplace, otherwise why would Lin Haiying be transferred from the anti-gangster team to the serious crime team.

But this time Jiang Lang was caught by lawyers and councilors, and it was indeed unlucky enough.

"Jiang Lang, that bastard, made me play in the Golden Triangle, that is, he walked fast, otherwise I would have to kill him." Li Er's eyes turned cold, and he muttered in a low voice.

Instructor Hu's pupils shrank suddenly, and she understood all of this in an instant. Jiang Lang probably expected that Li Er would deal with him, otherwise Jiang Lang's cautious and ruthless personality, even if he killed Gao Jin in the detention room , no one else can find the slightest trace.

Instructor Hu admired Jiang Lang's courage more and more. Sure enough, no one who could survive undercover in the underworld for more than ten years was simple.


Jiang Lang had just been dismissed from his post, and he was immediately known by the people on the road, and issued a hunting order. Li Er couldn't have leaked the information on purpose, right? The more Instructor Hu thought about it, the more likely it was. When his scalp was numb, he quickly thought about whether he had offended Li Er before.

"Hey! Instructor Hu, miss Hu, why are you so stunned, I have to report?"

Instructor Hu came back to his senses, only to find that Li Er was shaking his hands in front of him.

"Oh——!" Instructor Hu hurriedly handed over the report he compiled to Li Er respectfully. During Li Er's departure, Instructor Hu and Li Xianying temporarily took over Li Er's work. See what happened during this time.

"Why do I feel that you are weird?" Li Er gave Instructor Hu a weird look.

Instructor Hu hurriedly stood at attention.

"No! I have always respected you so much.

"Instructor Hu said seriously.

Li Er looked at Instructor Hu's serious face with a suppressed smile.

"Very good! I'm very pleased, keep it up." Li Er reached out to pat Instructor Hu on the shoulder, expressing his concern and trust for the beautiful subordinate, but he was sitting while Instructor Hu was standing, obviously he didn't It is impossible for Liu Bei's hands to touch Instructor Hu's shoulders.

Instructor Hu saw Li Er hanging in the air, and immediately understood Li Er's body language. She bent down knowingly, and let Li Er pat her on the shoulder in satisfaction.

'I'll go, it's so big and white! '


Li Er was looking at the document in a good mood, Bai Anni came over, and Li sir hurriedly looked at the document pretendingly.

"Ahem, Annie, what's the matter?" Li sir's acting skills became more and more proficient.

"Here, Jian Huizhen asked me to give you a work report." Bai Anni put a document on Li Er's desk with a smile. Responsible for recording work.

Jian Huizhen's delicate personality made Li Er more at ease when she did things. Since Jian Huizhen didn't report to the police station immediately after Li Er returned to the police station, it was natural that the CID department had nothing serious to do. Li Er didn't even bother to read Jian Huizhen's work summary document.

Wan Chai, Victoria Hotel.

"Daozi, go downstairs and buy me a box of chocolates." Gao Jin took out a thousand yuan bill and handed it to Chen Xiaodao.

"Okay Brother Jin!" Chen Xiaodao ended up with the money in Gao Jin's hand, and looked up at Long Wu who entered the door. Chen Xiaodao understood that Gao Jin was trying to dismiss him. This is also human nature. After all, he is a newcomer. Yes, in fact, as long as Chen Xiaodao can work by the side of the God of Gamblers, he is already satisfied, and he doesn't care about trust or not at all.

"How is it?" Gao Jin asked Long Wu.

Long Wu raised a finger, signaling Gao Jin to be careful that the partition has ears, Gao Jin nodded clearly, and Long Wu took out a small black box from his pocket, opened it and checked it in every corner of the room.

‘Dididididi——! '

Long Wu soon discovered a bug in the hotel's TV.

A sneer appeared on Gao Jin's face.

Long Wu continued to check, and finally detected bugs in five places in the room.

This hotel was arranged by Gao Yi. Usually, Gao Yi is responsible for these inspections. The only reason why Gao Yi did not check out the bugs in the room is that Gao Yi installed the bugs.

"Okay! Good!" Gao Jin was so angry that his voice changed.

"I found out that Gao Yi did have contact with gambling king Chen Jincheng's subordinates." Long Wu reported expressionlessly.

Gao Jin took a deep breath, this was what he expected, but it was also the last thing he wanted to see.

"I just want to know what happened to Ja when I wasn't around." Gao Jin turned to look at the floor-to-ceiling windows, he didn't want Long Wu to see the painful expression on his face.

Long Wu put his hands into his pockets and took out a pile of scattered video tapes.

Gao Jin immediately reached out to take it.

"Chen Xiaodao's background has been investigated. He is just a gambler from a housing estate, nothing special."

Long Wu's meaning is obvious, Chen Xiaodao is trustworthy, but this person has no skills.

Gao Jin nodded in satisfaction. What he lacks most now is someone he can trust, and his ability is secondary. With the God of Gamblers personally pointing him out, this person can't do it unless he thinks he's good.

"Brother Jin, here are the chocolates you want." Chen Xiaodao came back not long after, handed Gao Jin a box of high-end chocolates, and put the money left over from buying chocolates into his pocket.

Gao Jin smiled.

Men who are not greedy for money and lustful are useless. Chen Xiaodao put the rest of the money into his pocket, but Gao Jin felt that he was very real. What he was most afraid of was the insidious guy who had one thing on the outside and another on the back.

"Daozi, how many brothers and sisters are there in your family?" Gao Jin began to get to know Chen Xiaodao's family.

"Ah?" Chen Xiaodao didn't expect the God of Gamblers to ask himself this suddenly, and quickly replied respectfully: "I'm the only child in my family, my old bean and my mother pounced early, I was brought up by my grandma."

"I see that you like gambling very much. Are you interested in finding a master to guide you?" Gao Jin asked with a smile.

Chen Xiaodao nodded quickly: "I am willing!"

"..." A black line floated across Gao Jin's forehead, and he found that Chen Xiaodao was indeed very clever.

Gao Jin found a sofa chair and sat down, then pointed to the carpet in front of him.

Chen Xiaodao immediately knelt down wittily and knocked his head loudly.

"Master, apprentice Chen Xiaodao saluted Master."

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