What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 335 Fishing and wearing a helmet is the law

"Amin, thank you very much!" Wang Gangsheng held He Min's hand and said gratefully.

Li Yi also nodded gratefully.

"It's nothing, these are small problems, let's make it clear." He Min hurriedly shook her hand and said, this is really not a difficult task for her. He Min was originally a teacher in the school, and almost every semester will encounter A few students with puppy love problems, not to mention Li Shiya is not even considered a puppy love, she just has a crush on Ma Jun, who has the same profession as her second brother.

"It's fine, it's fine!" Wang Gangsheng patted his chest reassuringly and said, "Amin, I'll cook your meal, and we'll have dinner together tonight, and then let Second Uncle take you back!"

"Okay! Thank you, sister-in-law." Naturally, it was impossible for He Min not to say yes.

In fact, Li Yi and Wang Gangsheng have never had much affection for He Min. Although He Min is a female teacher and usually dresses very plainly, the beauty in her bones cannot be concealed.

Li Yi and Wang Gangsheng pay more attention to the well-behaved and generous Bo Anni. Bo Anni not only has a good personality and a good family background, but the key point is that she is very accommodating to Li Er, who is a free-spirited guy.

He Min stayed to have dinner together, but Li Er didn't have time to send He Min home.

"Third brother, I have something to do later, you drive my car to take Amin home." Li Er quickly finished eating two bowls of rice, then raised his head and said to Li Shan.

Before Li Shan could answer, Li Er had already turned to Bai Anni.

"Annie, eat fast!"

Obviously, Li Er has something to go out with Bai Anni at night.

"Second brother, what's the important thing for you? Can't you send Teacher He home first before you go to work?" Li Yi stared at Li Er coldly. He Min just did a big favor for the family.

Li Er is too much, he can't even look down on his own elder brother.

"No, I really have something to do." Li Er shrugged his shoulders and said.

Wang Gangsheng couldn't help frowning and looked at Li Er. She really didn't know what to say about the second uncle's flirtatiousness.

"Why don't we take Amin home together first, and then leave." Bai Anni said compromised.

"No, no, I can just take a taxi and go back." He Min didn't want to embarrass Li Er, so she said inappropriately.

He Min also felt that Li Er should have nothing to do at this late hour, and he must be out with Bo Anni.

"Okay!" Li Er took out his car key and handed it to He Min: "I don't need a car these days, you drive my car."

"En!" He Min nodded obediently, no matter whether she was showing it to Li Er's family or not, she had to put on a virtuous look to compare Bo Anni.

Wang Gangsheng couldn't stand it any longer, she really couldn't understand, how could so many girls like Li Er who was not as good as her husband Li Yi, and they were all such good girls.

Wang Gangsheng was about to persuade Li Er to be cautious about He Min's feelings.

Li Er's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Brother, you can also help me with this matter, Brother Dahu, hurry up and help me." Li Er nodded very confidently.

"You want me to help?" Li Yi froze for a moment.

Li Yi used to help Li Er overtly or secretly, but it was a long time ago. Since Li Er became angry and strong, Li Yi found that he seemed to be unable to help Li Er.

"Now?" Li Yi said and put down his chopsticks.

"It's okay, brother, why don't you finish your meal first!" Li Er said with a smile.

He Min's face looked better, and she knew that if Li Er called Li Yi together, then he really had serious business to do.

Li Yi picked up a bowl of rice indiscriminately: "Then let's go!"

After Li Yi got into the car, Li Er took a pistol and handed it to Li Yi.

"Is it necessary?" Li Yi asked with a frown. This is indeed a bit strange. If it is something with a high risk factor, Li Lao Er should call Li Xianying and Ma Jun together.

Li Er glanced at Li Yi who was sitting in the back seat through the rearview mirror of the car.

"What happened tonight is very important, I don't want outsiders to know." Li Er shook the pistol in his hand: "I got this gun through a special channel,

No record. "

When Bai Anni heard that Li Er said that outsiders should not know what happened tonight, she immediately smiled like a flower. She sat in the co-pilot seat, turned to Li Yi and said, "Brother Yi, there is a bulletproof vest under the seat on your right." .”

"Second, what's the matter?" Li Yi took the gun in Li's second hand and asked seriously. It's a gun and a bulletproof vest. It seems serious.

"Uh! Didn't I go on a business trip a while ago, and I accidentally made a small sum of money, and now I have to deal with the money, I'm worried about accidents, brother, you and Annie are responsible for my safety, of course, this is a big deal Probability is not a problem, I'm just in case." Li Er said with a relaxed smile.

"A small sum of money?" Li Yi asked while wearing the bulletproof vest. He didn't have any heroic feelings.

"How much is a small sum of money?" Li Yi snorted coldly when he realized that Li Er was going to perfunctory himself.

Li Er rubbed his nose honestly: "A small amount of money is 100 million!"

"Oh! One hundred million." Li Yi nodded with satisfaction.

"What? How much did you just say?" Li Yi finally came to his senses and glared at Li Er as if he had seen a ghost.

"Did you just say 100 million?"

Bai Anni also looked at Li Er in shock. It was the first time she knew that Li Er had made so much money. Although Bai Anni had no concept of money, Li Er said that she could share as much as she wanted, but 100 million is too scary!

"Well! It's 100 million, and it's still US dollars." Li Er seemed to think that Li Yi and Bai Anni were not surprised enough, and added another sentence.

"Second, are you sure?" Li Yi said immediately: "I still have a few dead friends who can help, and they are absolutely trustworthy."


Li Er turned his head and looked at Li Yi in surprise. It seems that Boss Yi still has reservations about himself. The trustworthy friend this guy talks about must be a real life-threatening friendship.

"No, no, the three of us can handle it." Li Er turned his head to look at the road and said calmly.

Saigon pier.

Li Er let Li Yi and Bai Anni get out of the car one kilometer ahead of schedule, and he drove Bai Anni's car into the pier by himself.

After Li Er parked the car, he took out a pair of fishing rods from the trunk. This guy had just closed the trunk door. After thinking for a while, he took out a huge motorcycle helmet from the trunk and put it on his head without hesitation. .

"" Bai Anni found a commanding height, she used the night vision goggles to see her master put on a helmet in a funny way, and covered her head in embarrassment.

On the other end, Li Yi also dived to a position. This guy was extremely vigilant, and soon found a faint reflection on a small boat at the pier.

"Second, be careful, there seems to be an ambush at your position at ten o'clock." Li Yi tightened the gun in his hand, and secretly scolded the idiot that he should prepare a sniper rifle for himself.

"No way! Boss, watch me and click, and fire when you receive my signal. Anyway, I can't let others bully me." Li Er said quickly.

"Hi! Sister Hua! Long time no see!" Li Er saw Yang Jianhua from a distance and started shaking his hands, but this guy held his fishing rod backwards.

"" Yang Jianhua gave Li Er a speechless look, when did he downgrade from Section Chief Yang to Sister Hua.

In fact, if Li Er didn't make a sound, Yang Jianhua wouldn't even recognize the man in the helmet in front of him as Li Er.

"What are you doing wearing a helmet in the middle of the night?" Yang Jianhua found that Li Er was a weird guy, really elusive.

"As a professional racing driver, it's reasonable for me to wear a helmet!" Li Er said very seriously.

"" Yang Jianhua patted his head with a headache, aren't you a policeman on Hong Kong Island? When did you become a racing driver?

"It's you, if you have anything to do, just call. What kind of fish do you ask me out in the middle of the night?" Li Er approached Yang Jianhua with a smile: "Do you know that I am now worth tens of yuan a minute."

"It's not safe to talk on the phone." Yang Jianhua said solemnly: "Jiang Lang's matter has been completed according to the original plan, and the part he deserved will be transferred to the designated account. Jiang Lang will pass through Taiwan and Singapore in a month. Then it was diverted to the United States, and finally to Northern Europe."

Sure enough, Jiang Lang had a conspiracy to deliberately commit crimes. Jiang Lang's goal in life was to live like a sloth in a country with high welfare.

"Hey! Jiang Lang is such a happy bastard, he has achieved the highest goal of life at a young age." Li Er sighed with feigned envy, and looked at Yang Jianhua with eyes full of hurrying to share the spoils.

"Your status is special, we discussed it in a meeting, and there is no good way to get what you deserve!" Before Yang Jianhua finished speaking, he couldn't help but rolled his eyes and said, "Can you take off your helmet first?" .”

"No, the head is here and the helmet is here!" Li Er said, feeling as if something was wrong, he quickly changed his words: "The helmet is on the head, and if the helmet is missing, people will rush to the street."

"" Yang Jianhua suddenly felt powerless, how could he have such a weird guy.

After all, it is hundreds of millions of stolen money, no, after all, it is hundreds of millions of state rewards, even if Yang Jianhua can be clean and elegant and does not love money, but Li Er feels that he can't lure people to commit crimes, how can anyone go fishing without wearing a helmet.

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