What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Three hundred and fortieth IX domestic version of the prison situation

"Comrade Public Security, I confess that I was tricked by them into gambling, and the gambling was organized by that old guy."

Gao Jin seemed to have dealt with the police in the mainland. This guy spoke his weird Southern Mandarin and reported Chen Jincheng very skillfully.

Chen Jincheng: ""

Chen Jincheng can't speak Mandarin, but that doesn't mean he can't understand it. He didn't have time to despise Gao Jin.

Gao Jin strikes first again.

"Comrade Public Security, this old guy killed someone." Gao Jin pointed to Chen Jincheng, and then pointed to Gao Yi's body: "He is my cousin Gao Yi, it's a pity that he is not yet thirty years old, and he died at a young age. was murdered."

Sure enough, every top cheater is an excellent movie star, and this guy Gao Jin is not only full of voice and emotion, he even squeezed tears and snot out of his nose.

"Gao Jin, I'll hit your lungs!"

Chen Jincheng kicked Gao Jin angrily, but he had old arms and legs, how could he be able to kick Gao Jin well, but Gao Jin was kicked down by Chen Jincheng.

"How dare you beat someone in front of Comrade Public Security?" Gao Jin shouted angrily.

Chen Jincheng wanted to kick again, but the man in military uniform grabbed his back collar and lifted him up like a chicken.

"What are you doing, I'm a Singaporean, you have no right to detain me." Chen Jincheng screamed, scratching his hands in the void.

"I don't care what country you are from, this is the waters of China, you have already crossed the border." The man in the military uniform glanced at everyone in the casino. This guy's eyes are very sharp, making these peaceful guys in the casino shudder.

"Yes, yes, this place is under the control of China, and everyone should obey orders obediently." It seems that Gao Jin, whether he is a gambler or a sycophant, is first-rate.

Cao Dahua became impatient when he saw Gao Jin's flattery.

"Comrade Public Security, we are the police on Hong Kong Island. We boarded the boat to catch gambling." Cao Dahua cunningly held up his police officer ID and shouted: "As for when the gambling boat veered off course, we really don't know." .”

Cao Dahua winked at Fang Jiexia presumptuously.

Fang Jiexia: ""

next screen.

The forced Wang Cao Dahua squatted on the floor embarrassingly. The conditions of the inland detention room were very average. There was nothing but a dilapidated long bench, which was also occupied by Li Er.

"Mr. Li, do you think we will be pulled out and shot?" Cao Dahua asked Li Er nervously.

Li Erlang lay on the bench with his legs crossed, staring boredly at the ceiling of the detention room.

"I'm sure it's nothing serious, but I can't guarantee you." Li Er cast a sideways glance at Cao Dahua and a group of his subordinates.

"Ah?? Why?" Cao Dahua hurriedly yelled: "We are all British lackeys, why should we be shot, are you okay?"

"Huh?" Li Er sat up from the bench in great surprise: "I didn't expect you to have a good self-awareness!"

Cao Dahua received Li Er's praise, and shrugged his brows in embarrassment.

"Because you all brought guns on board, I'm empty-handed!" Li Er spread his hands with a smile on his face.

The faces of Cao Dahua and others changed drastically.

"That's not right! Mr. Li, we didn't shoot." One of Cao Dahua's subordinates couldn't help retorting.

"Oh! That's illegal carrying of firearms. Even if you don't shoot him, you'll have to spend at least ten years in a labor camp." Li Erxin laughed meanly.

Cao Dahua and the others all turned ashamed, they knew nothing about mainland law and thought what Li Er said was true.

"Absolutely impossible!"

Fang Jiexia in the women's detention room next door resolutely opposed Li Er's conclusion.

"Fang Jiexia!"

As soon as Fang Jiexia finished speaking, a police officer called her name.

"What's the matter?" Fang Jiexia said nervously. Don't look at her tough mouth when she yelled at Li Er, but she was terribly afraid of facing the mainland police.

"We want to conduct a separate questioning of you!" The public security officer said seriously.

"I'm not going!" Fang Jiexia immediately refused.

"Aren't you going?" The public security officer seemed to have encountered such a situation for the first time. After being stunned for two seconds, he said with a cold face, "Please cooperate with our work."

"Li sr!" Fang Jiexia hurriedly looked at Li Er.

Li Er raised his head to count the cracks on the ceiling, as if he didn't know Fang Jiexia, Cao Dahua also hurriedly looked at the ceiling in a learned manner, so as not to be troubled by Fang Jiexia.

"Why do you want to interrogate alone, you want to go with us." Bai Anni really couldn't see the cowardice of the men in the male detention room, and shouted angrily.

Fang Jiexia grabbed Bai Anni's hand excitedly and gratefully: "Annie, thank you!"

"" Li Er glared at Bai Anni fiercely, telling him not to confess all his plans to his apprentice, and now he might be disturbed by Bai Anni.

"Annie, don't make a fuss." Tong Keren nervously tugged on the corner of Raber Annie's clothes. This cute and stupid woman is rarely smart, and she knows that being interrogated alone must be very dangerous.

Another separate room.

How many bosom friends are there in this world, and how many friendships can last forever. Today we part and shake hands with both of you. Friendship is always in our hearts.

Gao Jin sat on the dirty floor with a pale face. At this moment, he wanted to play the erhu and sing a song.

Those who boarded the ship and arrested people were soldiers patrolling the warship at sea, Gao Jin and Cao Dahua's flattery was in vain.

Moreover, although Gao Jin actively reported the fact of Chen Jincheng's murder, he participated in the gambling. According to the amount of his gambling money, it was a foregone conclusion.

It's twenty minutes.

Gao Jin's eyes moved.

Outside the detention room where Gao Jin was detained was a police practice field. Gao Jin made careful calculations and calculated that a bell would ring outside the playground every hour, and every hour and 20 minutes, the guards in the corridor of the detention room would walk around. Tour once.

The opportunity for high advancement is here, this guy's decadent expression of waiting to die is naturally pretended, and fools will honestly go to prison, especially in mainland prisons. It is said that there are only guards in it, and they want to act like a prison to escape from prison It's simply not possible.

"Li Er, you bastard, I will never die with you." While cursing Li Ersheng's son for having no asshole, Gao Jin dug out a paper clip from his mouth.

Although the public security officers had already searched Gao Jin, but for a cheater of Gao Jin's level, it would not be too difficult to search him out thoroughly.

Click! Gao Jin rolled the paper clip into a hook shape, and easily opened his handcuffs. He hurried to the iron door of the detention room and continued to unlock the door.


Gao Jin succeeded in unlocking the lock again. He knew that he only had five minutes, and the guard would come back after five minutes.

Gao Jin ran away. Strangely, after he ran through the first corridor, the second corridor was not as closely guarded as he expected.

good chance! Gao Jin hurriedly ran through the second corridor, and there were two guards in the third corridor.

Gao Jin pretended to be calm and walked towards the guard.

"You are?" The two guards looked at Gao Jin suspiciously.

"Hmph!" Gao Jin glared at the two guards angrily, and quickened his pace. He couldn't pass his own Mandarin, so he didn't dare to speak, but the two guards were still startled by Gao Jin's condescending gaze, and hurried Keep your back straight and look straight ahead.


"what are you doing?"

After Gao Jin knocked out a guard in a surprise attack, the other guard reacted. Gao Jin immediately covered the other guard's mouth and knocked him unconscious with an elbow.


Gao Jin ran desperately. When he came, he observed the detention center carefully, and knew that he could escape by turning two more doors.

"Very good!"

Just as Gao Jin climbed over the wall happily, his face became extremely dark.

Outside the fence, seven or eight police officers held 47 guns and pointed their guns at Gao Jin's head.

"Assaulting the police and jailbreak!" Li Jie groaned coldly with his hands behind his back.

Hit the street, hit the trick!

Gao Jin's heart felt cold, no wonder he was able to escape so smoothly, he immediately understood that he had been cheated again, this time he was really dead.

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