What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 350: Hiding money is a good habit

"Is this really possible?"

Yang Jianhua looked at the imaginative Li sr with a strange expression on his face.

"I promise it will work." Li Er put on a very serious face, and then added cowardly: "Unless it doesn't work."

Yang Jianhua: ""

"Trust me!" Li Er wretchedly rubbed his fingers.

Yang Jianhua silently took out seven or eight 100-yuan RMB and handed them to Li Er.

"I'll arrange someone to connect with you." Yang Jianhua said unhappily, she didn't want to cooperate with Li Er's low-level plan.

"Take a little more, what is this little money enough for?" After Li Er put the money into his pocket, he continued to reach out to Yang Jianhua.

Yang Jianhua took out two stacks of unopened hundred-yuan bills from the inner lining of his coat.

"Two thousand yuan, all the net worth, you can figure it out yourself."

Li Er hurriedly took it and kept putting it in his pocket.

"Don't pretend to be poor, how much money did you make this trip in total? Hurry up and count it up." Li sr reminded very carefully: "Don't forget that the agreement is four or six."

"How much money, it belongs to the public, what benefit can I have." Yang Jianhua snorted angrily.

Li Er made a lot of money, but Yang Jianhua, an honest boy, really didn't get any money.

"Then take your time to count! I'm not in a hurry, the main thing is that the number must be correct. As far as I know, the bets carried by the two black kings, Chen Jincheng and Gao Jin, are at least more than 50 million US dollars." Li Er said After that, he quickly changed the subject, lest Yang Jianhua feel unbalanced.

"By the way! My eldest brother has already returned to the provincial capital. Have you given the green light to take special care of him?"

Yang Jianhua gave Li Er a cold look: "How do you want to give the green light?"

"How can I take care of you? Just take care of my elder brother like this. This is called reciprocity. Don't forget, when you come to Hong Kong Island to do business, I will cover food, accommodation, and various expenses." Li Er stretched out his hand He patted Yang Jianhua on the shoulder and smiled.

Yang Jianhua's shoulders moved slightly, making Li Erla's close palm miss.

"If you are not afraid of being exposed, I don't mind arranging the highest provincial reception for your elder brother." Yang Jianhua sneered.

Li Er firmly refused.

"No, let my elder brother sleep under the flyover and eat cold bread. My elder brother is used to it, so he can bear it."

Yang Jianhua: ""

She wondered if Li Yi was Li Er's brother, otherwise, how could such a wonderful flower like Li Er appear in such an honest family.

When Li Er returned to his detention room, he passed by Chen Jincheng's detention room. Chen Jincheng was lying on the ground with a dead face. The old guy was really unlucky. It's already a done deal.

"Li sr, how is it?" Cao Dahua and his group saw Li Er coming back, they hurriedly surrounded him and asked nervously.

"What should I do? I am mighty and unyielding, and they are going to sentence me to death!" Li Er groaned with a dignified face.

"Ah!" Cao Dahua and his party turned green with fright.

"What's the matter, I've already made an appointment, come out to hang out, ahem!" Li Er realized that he had made a slip of the tongue, and hurriedly coughed twice: "As a heroic royal policeman, I am always ready to do my best for the Queen of England."


Cao Dahua and his group looked at Li Er like an idiot, you want to die, but we don't!

Fang Jiexia in the women's detention room looked at Li Er with disbelief. She absolutely did not believe that a cunning guy like Li Er didn't know how to adapt. Even if everyone was shot, Li Er would not necessarily die.

Cao Dahua was about to ask Li Er about various details when a public security officer walked outside the door.

"Cao Dahua comes out, who is Cao Dahua?"

"I am I am!" Cao Dahua raised his hand with a smile on his face and said, "Comrade Public Security, I am Cao Dahua. If you need my help, I will do my best."

Cao Dahua borrowed Li Er's idioms very quickly.

"Don't be so hippie-smiling, who is gay with you." The public security officer scowled with a stern face.

"Yes, yes, we are not comrades yet." Cao Dahua nodded and walked towards the iron gate.

"Li Er, you are not really going to be shot!" Tong Keren asked Li Er worriedly after seeing Cao Dahua being taken away.

Li Er smiled shyly: "I lied to them, don't worry! I used the money, and we will be able to go out soon."

"Really? Fake?" Tong Keren said dubiously, they have all been searched, how could they still have money.

"But man, my master is more afraid of death than you. If something really happened, he would have jumped up and down." After all, it was her female apprentice who knew the master best, Bai Anni smiled easily.

Only then did Tong Keren feel relieved.

Cao Dahua was brought back ten minutes after he was taken out.

As soon as Cao Dahua returned to the detention room, he frightenedly made a s sign to Li Er.

"You bastard betrayed me!" Li Er saw Cao Dahua's expression, and knew that this soft rice king was going to cheat him.

"Li Er, come out!"

Sure enough, another person called Li Er's name immediately.

"Mr. Li, I'm sorry, you are going to be shot anyway, I will help you add a little more information, so you won't be shot a few more times." Cao Dahua smiled shamelessly.

"I want to see your Comrade Yang Jianhua!" Li Er glared at Cao Dahua, then turned his head and said to the police officers.

"What Yang Jianhua, we don't know him." The police officer said with a frown.

Li Er: "Then I want to see Li Jiangang, you should know him by now! I have handled cases with him before."

Cao Dahua's heart sank, and he secretly thought that Li Er didn't really know any high-ranking officials in the mainland!

Ten minutes later.

Cao Dahua's group, Bai Anni, Tong Keren, and Fang Jiexia from the women's detention room all lay on the side of the iron gate, squinting desperately, looking at the corridor outside the detention room.


Cao Dahua and others vaguely saw Li Er squatting down, taking out a stack of RMB from his shoe and handing it to the senior mainland official.

"Oh! I'm such a fool. The money should be hidden under my shoes so that it won't be searched!" Cao Dahua patted himself on the head in frustration.

The high-ranking official from the mainland clasped his hands behind his back and seemed to say something again. Li Er took out a stack of RMB from under the other shoe.

"Cao sr, even if Li sr gives money, I'm afraid they won't be able to bribe these mainland police officers!" said one of Cao Dahua's subordinates.

"You know what a shit." Cao Dahua and other subordinates gave the guy who spoke a middle finger.

"The labor of these mainland police officers is only a few tens of dollars a month. I have never seen such a large amount of money. I am afraid that Li Er will escape."

Cao Dahua's words made his subordinates nod their heads. Li Er's judgment is really correct. In the eyes of Hong Kong Islanders, mainlanders should be greedy for money.

"Not good! Mr. Cao, Mr. Li has money to redeem his life and go out, but we don't have any money?" Cao Dahua's subordinates finally came to their senses and anxiously asked Cao Dahua for help.

"I don't need to spend money, I have a solution!" Cao Dahua smiled proudly.

"any solution?"

Cao Dahua lowered his voice: "Write a letter of repentance."


Cao Dahua's subordinates asked worriedly: "Cao sr, will this make them catch us?"

"Damn, are you going to kill me? What if you want to keep something?" Cao Dahua said disdainfully.

"Comrade Public Security, we know we were wrong, and we need to write a letter of repentance." Cao Dahua's subordinates raised their hands very actively and said.

Bai Anni and Tong Keren saw the cowardly behavior of the Wanchai Serious Crime Squad and turned to look at Fang Jiexia. Their meaning was obvious, do you want to write a letter of repentance?

Fang Jiexia poked her head coolly, and looked at the ceiling sideways.

Li Er came back soon, and naturally he ransom Bai Anni and Tong Keren together.

"Hello! I have money too!" Fang Jiexia proudly took out a thousand dollars from her high heels and handed it to Li Jiangang.

Fang Jiexia even had the habit of hiding money on the soles of her shoes.

Li Er quickly turned his head and gave Li Jiangang a wink. Li Er was very worried. With Li Jiangang's violent temper, if Fang Jiexia used money to insult him like this, there was a high possibility that Fang Jiexia would be stuck to the wall with a slap in the next second.

However, Li Jiangang calmly accepted Fang Jiexia's money, waved his hands in a low voice and said, "You can go too."

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