The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: [] The fastest update! No ads! Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station.

"Li Er, you're finally back. What's going on? I heard that the whole cruise ship was seized by the mainland." Huang Bingyao watched the return of King Li Er overjoyed.

"Hey" Li Er sighed, "I don't want to talk about it, it will be tears if I talk about it."

"Okay, then you can write a detailed report to me as soon as possible. The Hong Kong Governor's Office attaches great importance to this incident." Huang Bingyao saw that Li Er was not energetic, so he nodded and said.

The Hong Kong Governor's Office has already sent people to negotiate with the mainland, but Huang Bingyao never expected that Li Er would run back by himself. This old fat man felt that he was about to show off again.

"I'll report it to you in the afternoon." Li Er said straightforwardly.

Huang Bingyao just sat down.

Li Er added, "By the way, I spent 20,000 yuan to bribe the guards to run back. Can you report the money to me?"

"Is it only 20,000?" Huang Bingyao's face brightened.

Fuck, less report. Li Er felt distressed instantly.

the other side.

Wan Chai Police Station.

Ye Dexian was also overjoyed to see that Cao Dahua brought the serious crime team back unscathed, but the next second she knew that Cao Dahua brought the whole team and wrote some repentance before being released, she couldn't laugh immediately.

"You mean that Li Er didn't write a letter of repentance?" Ye Dexian asked vigilantly, she felt that Li Er, a little bastard, would use this matter to blackmail her lover in the future.

"Why did the mainland police give him special treatment?" Ye Dexian asked strangely.

"He used money." Cao Dahua said with a wry smile, "We were all searched before we were put in the detention room. Who knew that treacherous guy Li Er could hide money."

"Let's leave it like this for the time being. We don't need the Hong Kong Governor's Mansion to scoop up people. At least we haven't blatantly shamed the police force." Ye Dexian thought for a while and reminded, "However, you must keep your repentance letter secret."

Cao Dahua knew that this matter was related to his future, so he naturally nodded his head.

Tsim Sha Tsui Crime Squad.

"Head, these documents require your signature.


Li Er was procrastinating in his work. During the time he left Hong Kong Island, he had a backlog of cases that needed to be dealt with. Fortunately, most of them were handled by Instructor Hu and Li Xianying.

"Let me go, why did you spend so much money on this case of catching a car thief?" After signing, Li Er casually glanced at the case report, and found that a small case of catching a car thief cost ten dollars. 20,000 expenses.

"Pujie, who handled this case?" Li Er angrily turned to the last page.

"This is done by your team." After reading the column of persons in charge, Li Er looked at Instructor Hu strangely.

Instructor Hu nodded awkwardly.

Usually this kind of large-scale expenditure case is handled by Ma Jun, a bastard, and the female police team led by Instructor Hu rarely makes mistakes.

"Mainly because he accidentally crashed a luxury car during the arrest process of the car chase."

Instructor Hu didn't wait for Li Er to read the case carefully, so he quickly confessed that, in fact, she had put this case file in the last file very deliberately, and the ghost knew that Li Er deliberately read the last file on a whim Zong, it's really unlucky, Li Er usually only cares about signing.

Li Er raised his head and glanced at Instructor Hu.

"This month's bonus is gone."

"Uh..." Seeing that Li Er had signed all the documents, Instructor Hu hurriedly put them away, and said aggrievedly, "Understood."

In fact, Instructor Hu just wanted to get away with it. Since Li Er had discovered it, she already knew the consequences.

"Tou, the switchboard has a call for you." Chen Yalun waved to Li Er.

"Turn around." Li Er pointed to the landline on his desk.

"I'm Li Er, who is it?" Li Er picked up the phone and said.

"Li R, I'm Liang Jiaren from Kowloon City. I have a case here and I want your help." The voice on the other end of the phone said.

"Not interested." Li Er thought for a while, he didn't know this person, so he hung up the phone casually.

Soon the call came again.

"Li r, I'm the superintendent, please save me some face. I'll be your boss anyway." Liang Jiaren said angrily, "Can you let me finish talking and hang up?"

"Super" Li Er has hung up the phone.

"It's not a match, I'm in Tsim Sha Tsui, you're in Kowloon City." Li Er curled his lips and sneered, "It's up to me."

Everyone has different jurisdictions, and Li Er really doesn't need to give face to anyone. In fact, Li Er has Huang Bingyao, a big boss, and the chief superintendent can be ignorant.

"Hit your lungs, are you provoking trouble?" Li Er scolded after picking up the phone.

"Okay, I'll try my best"

Li Er put down the phone in embarrassment. It was obvious that the call this time was not from Liang Jiaren. Look busy.

"Chen Yalun, clean up and go out with me." Li Er said to Chen Yalun.

Bai Anni just came back from the mainland, and she has already asked for leave to rest for a few days. Li Xianying and Ma Jun were nowhere to be seen, so Li Er had to take Chen Yalun with her.

"Okay, Li r." Chen Yalun excitedly put the documents on the desk back into the drawer, checked that the pistol and handcuffs were on his body, and quickly followed Li Er.

No one in the entire Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station knows that if he works with Li R, he will have more opportunities to make meritorious deeds.

In Kowloon City, inside a luxury apartment.

"Haha, Li r, welcome!" Liang Jiaren saw Li Er from a distance, and he rushed up to hold his hands with a smile and said with a smile.

"Okay, put me on top of me." Li Er sneered and held Liang Jiaren's outstretched palm.

"Hey" Liang Jiaren patted Li Er's shoulder with a smile, "Everyone is a buddy, don't be so small"

Liang Jiaren's expression changed before he finished speaking.

"Oh, it hurts, it hurts, Li R, let go, let go, my palm is about to split." Liang Jiaren screamed in pain.

Li Er slowly let go of Liang Jiaren's palm.

Liang Jiaren glanced at Li Er in shock. He thought that his hand strength was strong enough, but unexpectedly, under Li Er's abnormal strength, he had no power to fight back.

This guy has small arms and legs, and he doesn't have any muscles! Liang Jiaren looked at Li Er like a ghost.

"Hey, it's even. If you continue to entangle, don't blame me for using the tiger and crane double shape I am best at." Liang Jiaren said seriously while rubbing his palms.

"" Li Er gave Liang Jiaren a strange look.

The tiger-crane double Li Er shook his head and smiled wryly. No wonder the guy in front of him could be related to Huang Bingyao.

"Let's get to the point, what is the case?" Li Er asked with a straight face.

"Murder" Liang Jiaren also answered solemnly.

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