What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 352: Undercovering Someone Else’s Husband

"The deceased, Wang Wanwan, was tied to the head of the bed with his hands tied and stabbed to death with an ice pick." Liang Jiaren looked at Li Er's face carefully and said in a strange tone.

"Hmm--! And then?" Li Er asked while observing the murder scene.

"Hello! Sir Liang, why am I asking you a question?" Chen Yalun couldn't help but groaned when he saw Liang Jiaren's mind wandering.

Seeing that her boss did not give Liang Jiaren face, she also began to not be afraid of Liang Jiaren, the superintendent of Kowloon City.

Liang Jiaren took a look at Chen Yalun, and secretly sighed that Li Er, the bastard, was so flirtatious that he always brought a beautiful woman to handle the case.

"The deceased's body has been transported away, and the evidence collection at the scene has been handed over to the forensics department." Liang Jiaren said as he handed over the case information to Li Er. He asked Li Er for help, so he naturally didn't care too much about Chen Yalun's attitude. .

"Look at the photo of the deceased." Liang Jiaren said with a strange expression.

"Is there no surveillance in this high-end apartment building? Let the guy ask the management office of the building." Li Er said while taking the case information handed over by Liang Jiaren.

"I'll go—!" Li Eryi opened the file, and on the first page, he saw Wang Wanwan's dead appearance.

In the photo, Wang Wanwan was lying naked on the bed. This unlucky guy had an ice pick stuck in his chest. Of course, this was not the point, the point was Wang Wanwan's face.

The appearance of Wang Wanwan and Li Er cannot be said to be very similar, but they are exactly the same.

"Ah, this is?" Chen Yalun stood behind Li Er, undoubtedly glanced at the photo, and was immediately stunned.

"Uh—!" Li Er looked at Liang Jiaren questioningly: "What's going on?"

Li sir's heart was already cold at this time, Wang Wanwan was a bastard whose surname was Wang, and Li Er immediately thought of the old Wang next door.

"I also want to know what's going on?" Liang Jiaren shrugged his shoulders and said, "This Wang Wanwan is still very capable. He is an orphan himself. He grew up in an orphanage and started from scratch. Now his net worth is estimated at at least one hundred 100 million."

"Oh! It's him." Chen Yalun nodded suddenly and whispered.

"You know this person?" Li Er turned his head and looked at Chen Yalun strangely.

"Tou, this Wang Wanwan is very flirtatious, entertainment magazines often have scandals about him,

But this man has many strange eccentricities, it is said that he only takes a bath once a year, and he never lets anyone take his picture. "Chen Yalun said, looking at Li Er gossipingly: "It's also the first time I know that Wang Wanwan looks like this. "

Chen Yalun couldn't help being curious, after all, Li Er was too similar to Wang Wanwan in the photo.

"Maybe your father is as romantic as Wang Wanwan?" Liang Jiaren added with a mean smile.

"Fuck you!" Li Er kicked up.

Liang Jiaren flashed a golden rooster independently.

"You're a big shovel, I really thought I didn't expect it—!" Liang Jiaren snorted loudly, and in the next second he saw a 44-size sole zooming in his sight.


Liang Jiaren was stuck to the wall, this guy looked like he didn't want to be beaten up, Li Er wanted to beat him up for a long time, but he gave him a chance himself.

When Liang Jiaren's subordinates saw their boss being beaten, they didn't come up to help, but ran away quickly. It seems that Liang Jiaren, a cheap-talking guy, really doesn't have that kind of popularity.

"Ah—!" Liang Jiaren fell off the wall with difficulty: "You, you... 冚 family shovel, don't talk about martial arts, sneak attack on me."

"Okay! I won't sneak attack, get ready, I'm going to start." Li Er rolled up his sleeves.

"Hey! Stop it!" Seeing that Li Erlai was serious, Liang Jiaren hurriedly raised his hand to stop him: "It's important to solve the case, I'm afraid I'll hurt you and affect the progress of the case."

Li Er: "..."

Chen Yalun also looked at Liang Jiaren speechlessly. Others didn't know, but Chen Yalun knew very well that the middle-aged uncle police superintendent in front of him would definitely not be able to beat him. Li Sir's "sweeping legs" could make Liang Jiaren collapse .

‘The shovel of the Yan family grew up without knowing what to eat, and it is so strong that it can kill a cow. ’ Liang Jiaren rubbed his waist while secretly slandering Li Er.

"I have already investigated, and the biggest suspects in this murder case are Wang Wanwan's wife Tang Judy, and Wang Wanwan's best friend, Lin Dayue." Liang Jiaren was worried that Li Er would still want to fight against him, so he quickly got to the point.

"You don't want us to pretend to be Wang Wanwan, do you?" Chen Yalun couldn't help but said.

Liang Jiaren's intentions are so obvious, Li Er can think of the other party's nonsensical plans with his toes.

"Smart!" Liang Jiaren immediately gave Chen Yalun a thumbs up, and then raised his eyebrows at Li Er proudly: "How is it? Is my undercover plan seamless and unconstrained?"

"Brainless!" Li Er resolutely objected: "Tang Zhudi is Wang Wanwan's wife, if you want to deceive her, you think I'm the film king."

"Hello!" Liang Jiaren snorted coldly: "Okay! No matter what I say, I am one level higher than you. Do you want me to call Lao Huang?"

"You can try it." Li sir curled his lips, he couldn't lose face in front of the beauties.

Liang Jiaren took out his mobile phone and made a gesture to make a call.

"Hoo-!" Li looked up at the ceiling at a twenty-five-degree angle, and I couldn't be subdued.

"Wang Wanwan's wife is very beautiful! Think about it, you're going to pretend to be Tang Zhudi's husband, tsk tsk tsk, the one who shares the bed with you." Liang Jiaren changed his strategy wretchedly.

"How beautiful can it be?" Li Er sneered.

Liang Jiaren took out a photo and waved it over Li Er's head.

"Hey! It's just so-so!" Liang Jiaren sighed.

Li Er decisively put away the photo in Liang Jiaren's hand, and instantly changed his face.

"I just want to solve the case." Li Er hooked Liang Jiaren's shoulder: "To be honest, I found that your ideas, Sir Liang, are really wild and unconstrained. Pretending to be the husband of the suspect is challenging."

Chen Yalun looked at her immoral boss in embarrassment, she wanted to slap Li Er's wretched face with the sole of her shoe, but she didn't dare, just think about it.

"Really!" Liang Jiaren cast an extremely dirty look at Li Er: "I just said, my plan is simply unrestrained."

"It's bohemian!" Li Er wondered how the guy in front of him became a superintendent. Is the threshold for the title of superintendent so low?

"It's the same!" Liang Jiaren waved his hands brazenly: "Let's say yes first, this plan was proposed by me, and it will be dismantled after the case is solved."

"Are you kidding me? You mentioned a plan, but I will risk my life, five or five." When did Sir Li let someone take advantage of him?

"No, June Fourth at the most, otherwise the plan will be cancelled, and everyone will break up. This case is still in the hands of our Kowloon City Police Station. It's a big deal. I'll change the plan." Liang Jiaren snorted unhappily.

"Hey! June 4th is June 4th." Li Er patted Liang Jiaren's chest cowardly: "Calm down, it's a trivial matter, no matter what you say, you are one level above me, can I not give you face."

"Hoo-!" Liang Jiaren curled his lips arrogantly, he had already seen through Li Er's bottom line, and he would have insisted on Qi San if he knew it earlier.

"That's it, give me a copy of all Wang Wanwan's information as soon as possible, it's important to solve the case." Li Er said competently.

"Hey, those gossip magazines said that Tang Zhudi seems to be gay, she likes women." After Chen Yalun got in the car, he couldn't help reminding Li Erdao.

"Damn it, why didn't you say it earlier!" Li Er's face turned green.

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