"Second Brother, I'm ready to cook, come out and eat!" Li Shiya patted Li Er's door vigorously.

"Third brother, and you, stop watching TV and come over for dinner."

Li Shiya put her hips on her hips, looking like a little housekeeper.

Li Yi and Wang Gangsheng went back to the mainland to work, and now Li Shiya cooks three meals a day, otherwise Li Er and Li Shan would definitely start with hamburgers and Coke for every meal.

Li Er didn't open the door, Li Shiya angrily opened the door of Li Er's room, she has the keys to every room in the house.

"Second brother, what are you doing?" Li Shiya looked at Li Er who was sitting cross-legged on the bed strangely. She thought Li Er was sleeping late, but it turned out that Li Er seemed to be working.

As soon as Li Er got home, he seriously studied Wang Wanwan's information.

"Ah! Second brother, you are lecherous, and you actually took such obscene photos. I want to tell Sister Annie." Li Shiya screamed when she saw the photo of Wang Wanwan that Li Er put on the bed.

"What do children know, go out quickly, and bring it to the door by the way." Li Er didn't explain, and waved Li Shiya away.

Li Shiya would not listen to Li Er's words. Standing behind Li Er, she quickly shouted in surprise: "Hey, second brother, this person is not you, who is he? Is he filming?"

Wang Wanwan had a blood-stained ice pick on his chest. Li Shiya didn't understand that this was a murder photo, but thought it was a filming.

"How do you know that this is not the second brother?" Li Er asked Li Shiya in surprise.

"Second brother, he is fatter than you, and he is fair, while you are dark." Li Shiya said naturally.

Li Er was stunned.

Liang Jiaren and Chen Yalun couldn't tell the difference between Li Er and Chen Wanwan, but Li Shiya could tell the difference quickly.

Chen Wanwan has a good life, and he is indeed more blessed than Li Er. Moreover, this guy is romantic, with an excessive pallor on his face. Of course, the main reason is because of familiarity. After all, Li Shiya and Li Er are brothers and sisters who grew up together. , Li Er quickly deduced that if he pretended to be Wang Wanwan, if he wanted to deceive his wife Tang Zhudi, it would not be too whimsical.

Li Er began to regret agreeing to Liang Jiaren's nonsensical undercover plan.

"Shiya, my second brother's memory is a little bit fading, do you still remember what happened to my old mother?" Li Er pretended to ask casually.

"Second brother, I'm so hungry, I'm going to eat." Li Shiya said seriously.

Li Er: "..."

Li Shiya has already walked out.

Li Er scratched the back of his head irritably, thinking in his heart that Wang Wanwan was really the result of fooling around with his cheap old bean, right?

"Accordingly, this unlucky ghost should look the same as Zhou Xingxing, right?" Li Er muttered to himself looking at Wang Wanwan's photo.

Li Er continued to look at Wang Wanwan's information, and rushed to the street. Wang Wanwan was only one year younger than Li Yi. If he really belonged to the Li family, he would be the real second child. After reaching the first level, he became the third child.

The more Li Er studied Wang Wanwan's information, the more he envied and hated him. This bastard is so lucky, he earns whatever he does, has a wife who can make money at home, and has scandals with so many women outside.

"You deserve to be stabbed to death." Li Er groaned sourly, this guy didn't realize it, it seemed that he was not much better than Wang Wanwan, he was just laughing at fifty steps.

Wang Wanwan, the bastard, has too many gossip lovers. Li Er looked through many pages of information, but couldn't find the woman who stabbed Wang Wanwan to death.

It seems that we can only start with Tang Judy.

the next day.

Kowloon City Police Station.

Liang Jiaren's office.

"Li sir, are you ready? Tang Zhudi will be here soon." Liang Jiaren urged Li Erdao: "Don't be so serious! It's exactly the same."

Li Er gave Liang Jiaren a cold look, and signaled to Instructor Hu to ignore Liang Jiaren and continue to help him put on makeup.

Li Er's hairstyle has been changed to the same style as Chen Wanwan's. Instructor Hu is helping Li Er fine-tune the small details on his face.

"This is the only thing we can do now." Instructor Hu put down the makeup pen in his hand: "The information we collected only knows that Chen Wanwan is rebellious, lustful, and powerful, but we don't know anything about his husband and wife with Tang Zhudi. How is the relationship, you'd better not talk as much as possible."

"Of course." Li Er nodded. Although he felt that it was difficult for him to hide from Tang Zhudi, Li Er still tried his best to play this role well. He had memorized all Wang Wanwan's papers overnight. surface information.

"Tou, although the 'wound' on your head has been healed, don't let Tang Zhudi take a closer look, otherwise you will still be able to see that it is fake." Chen Yalun reminded Li Er while putting a pair of flip-flops on Put it at Li Er's feet.

"Also, you have to take off your panties." Chen Yalun said embarrassingly with a blushing face.

Bai Qianni was frightened by the fact that Bai Anni was detained by the mainland police. Bai Qianni insisted that Annie take a vacation at home to accompany her for a week, so it was Chen Yalun's turn to remind Li Er of this matter.

This bitch Wang Wanwan is also weird enough, he actually likes to wear flip flops, and he doesn't like to wear underwear, there is no way, Li Er can only reproduce it one by one.

"Hurry up, Tang Zhudi has arrived, I'll deal with her first, hurry up!" Liang Jiaren answered a call and ran out.

"Instructor Hu, for this operation, you and Chen Yalun are watching Tang Zhudi in the dark. If there is anything wrong, please notify me in time." Li Er opened his mouth after speaking.

Wang Wanwan smoked and drank a lot. His teeth were much yellower than Li Er's. Instructor Hu wanted to make Li Er's teeth old.

"Okay!" Instructor Hu nodded.

"However, I feel that Tang Zhudi should not be the murderer of Wang Wanwan. They are husband and wife. If Tang Zhudi really wants to kill Wang Wanwan, she has too many more concealed methods and opportunities."

Li Er was unable to speak with his mouth open, but he still gave a 'hmm—' in agreement. He knew the plot, but Instructor Hu relied on his own deduction.

A tall and beautiful woman walked into the police station in high heels.

"Are you Tang Judy?" Liang Jiaren asked, pretending not to know Tang Zhudi.

"Yes! I heard that you found my husband?" Tang Zhudi took out a lady's cigarette and lit it up.

"Yes, we found Wang Sheng on Nam Tai Road in the New Territories. Wang Sheng injured his head and was not very conscious. The doctor just left. He said that Wang Sheng had short-term amnesia. He should pay more attention to rest and recover slowly. " Liang Jiaren said quickly.

"Amnesia?" Tang Judi took a deep puff of the cigarette, and snorted disdainfully: "Is this kind of plot too old-fashioned?"

Liang Jiaren's heart shuddered when he heard Tang Zhudi's words.

"Mrs. Wang! Smoking is not allowed in this room." Liang Jiaren hastily changed the subject.

Tang Zhudi ignored Liang Jiaren's words, and snorted angrily: "Tell me, in which woman's house did you find him, that dead ghost, every time he plays amnesia, he doesn't get tired of it, I get tired of it."

Liang Jiaren breathed a sigh of relief.

"There are no women. We really found Wang Sheng on the road. He didn't have a dime on him. He might have been robbed." Liang Jiaren said with a straight face.

Tang Zhudi seemed to believe that Liang Jiaren was covering Wang Wanwan, and said indifferently: "What about others? Hurry up and call him out. I still have two memories in the company this afternoon, so I don't have time to play such childish games with him."

Liang Jiaren turned to look at the door behind him.

The door opens.

Li Er walked out with a dazed face and dull eyes.

If Liang Jiaren didn't know that Li Er was playing the role, he would really have thought that Li Er had really hit his head, this guy was too damn like to play amnesia.

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