What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 600 The temperament of a master

Latest website: Lei Gong and his dog-headed military advisor Jin Ye were shocked when they saw Ding Yao's miserable condition.

Was he raped by Zhang Mazi?

Jin Ye quickly looked at the ceiling with dull eyes, pretending that he didn't see anything.

"Gao Jie, what's going on?" Lei Gong glared at the limping Gao Jie angrily.

Although he can't do it himself, he can't let others bully the woman in his name.

"It's Zhang Mazi. He has completely surrendered to Haitang from the Donghu Gang." Gao Jie did not dare to hide anything and told Zhang Mazi's atrocities in detail.

There was no need for Gao Jie to add fuel to the fire, Lei Gong was already so angry that veins popped out on his face.

"Where is Zhang Mazi now? I will kill him myself."

Mr. Jin: "..."

Even Ding Yao can't deal with your old bones.

"Gang leader, none of our people have guns on them!"

Jin Ye had to remind Lei Gong. According to Gao Jie's description of Zhang Mazi's skills, Jin Ye didn't think his people had much chance of winning.

"A dozen people can't beat one person? I really don't believe it." Lei Gong said and stood up angrily.

The other party has blatantly refused to give him face. If there is no expression, the entire Sanlian Gang will be embarrassed. Naturally, Jin Ye knows this, but this old fox doesn't want to say anything about things he is not sure about.

"Pheasant, you take seven or eight brothers over there. This is not Taiwan after all. Just break his hands and feet for me." Lei Gong ordered to Pheasant.

When Pheasant saw Ding Yao's miserable state, he was already gnashing his teeth in anger. Although this guy hadn't hooked up with Ding Yao yet, he was already flirting with her.

"Okay! Put it on me."

Shan Ji led ten of the Sanlian Gang's minions and angrily attacked Zhang Mazi.

Ding Yao was also happy to explore Zhang Mazi's trump card and did not stop him. She intuitively felt that Zhang Mazi was a very deep man and was not a simple person.


"Why do I feel like I'm being plotted by you?"

Haitang looked at Zhang Mazi with some distress.

"Be careful if I sue you for slander. You can't even slander others like you. I've always been the one doing my best and you're taking advantage. Why am I plotting against you?"

Zhang Mazi's "righteously indignant" attitude rivaled that of Brother Tai, and when he was done, he even touched his greasy middle-parted head.

Haitang nodded doubtfully, Zhang Mazi was indeed doing things very pragmatically, but this guy was a little too active, which made Haitang unable to figure out what this guy was up to.

Could this guy really be looking for his own beauty?

Haitang looked at Liang Qiqi next to Zhang Mazi and rejected it directly. It's not like there are no beauties around this guy.

However, her breasts were indeed bigger than Liang Qiqi's breasts, so Haitang puffed up her chest confidently.

"Here, I'll give you five million, how much can you get?" Haitang handed Zhang Mazi a check.

“How much of what?”

Zhang Mazi and Liang Qiqi were stunned for a moment.

"It's a charity gambling game, I want to invest in it."

Haitang was sure that with Zhang Mazi's gambling skills, no one could be Zhang Mazi's opponent unless he was a god of gambling.

Well--! The God of Gamblers is indeed a legend, but Haitang overestimated the God of Gamblers and underestimated Zhang Pockmarked. Usually guys with pockmarked faces are not ordinary people.

"Oh——!" Zhang Mazi and Liang Qiqi finally understood what Haitang meant.

Liang Qiqi hurriedly took the check from Haitang for Zhang Mazi. Although Liang Qiqi also felt that Zhang Mazi was very lazy at playing cards, she did not think that Zhang Mazi was bound to win. It was naturally best to have someone invest money to share the risk.

"I'm your little wife, don't let me suffer too much. It's okay to take 50% of five million!" Haitang has a talent for seducing men. She held Zhang Mazi's arm with both hands and shook it in a cooing voice. .

"No, I brought 20 million on board for a big gamble. Your 5 million can only give you 20%."

Zhang Mazi told lies with his eyes closed. Liang Qiqi knew that he only had two thousand yuan in his pocket, but instead brought five hundred thousand yuan on board the ship.

"I listen to you, my five million is 20%."

Haitang nodded with satisfaction. She secretly thought that this guy is indeed a pervert and has no determination at all. It seems that the beauty trap has been used more often.

Liang Qiqi was overjoyed, five million!

Zhang Mazi is really a genius at making money. As for Haitang, this slut, she buried her man's arm in her chest.

Zhang Mazi was having a lively chat with Haitang, and they were just about to get a guest room. When they had an in-depth exchange of ideas, Pheasant arrived in time.

"You are fucking Zhang Mazi!"

The pockmark on Zhang Mazi's face was so conspicuous that Pheasant saw him from a distance.

"Break his hands and feet and throw him into the sea." Pheasant skillfully picked up a chair and was stunned for a moment when he saw Haitang.

"Do you want me to call someone?" Haitang asked Zhang Mazi in a low voice. She recognized him as a member of the Sanlian Gang at a glance.

"No need!" Liang Qiqi was very confident in Zhang Mazi's skills.

Zhang Mazi wanted to disappoint Liang Qiqi.

"You got the wrong person! I'm not Zhang Mazi." Zhang Mazi raised his hands in fear and shouted.

"Aren't you Zhang Mazi?" Pheasant was stunned for a moment.

"You're not fucking Zhang Mazi, why do you have so many pockmarks on your face?" a Sanlian Gang gang member scolded angrily.

"It's just because I have so many pockmarks on my face that I can't even take this name." Zhang Mazi said seriously.

Although Pheasant and a group of gangsters from the Sanlian Gang didn't read much, they felt that what this pockmarked guy said made sense.

Zhang Mazi does not necessarily have to have pockmarked face, and those with pockmarked faces are not necessarily called Zhang Pockmarked.

A group of people all felt that they were very wise.

"Then who the hell is Zhang Mazi?" asked a gangster in the crowd.

Just then Gao Lao and Xiao Fu came up.

Zhang Mazi immediately pointed at Xiao Fu.

"He is Zhang Mazi. I just saw him kick down a beautiful woman."


Gao Lao and Xiao Fu looked at Zhang Mazi in a daze. Why was he pointing at him?

"Thanks, brother! Fuck Zhang Mazi."

A group of gangsters from the Sanlian Gang immediately rushed towards Xiao Fu.

Pheasant felt vaguely that Xiao Fu looked familiar, but everyone else had already rushed over, so he followed the crowd and rushed over.

"what's the situation?"

Gao Lao and Xiao Fu couldn't understand the situation, but they couldn't let each other beat them, so they started fighting with the Sanlian Gang.

Xiao Fu's skills were very good, and the Sanlian Gang's massive crowd tactics could not surround him, but Gao Lao was in a terrible situation. He was hit by several punches at once, and his whole cheek was swollen.

"Why don't you go and help my dad?" Liang Qiqi hurriedly urged Zhang Mazi.

Haitang's eyes lit up when she heard Liang Qiqi's words, but she didn't say anything and just kept it in her heart.

"Those idiots from the Sanlian Gang are going to fight Xiao Fu. He can't just run away."

Zhang Mazi was right, and Gao Lao soon discovered this. He retreated to avoid the punches. When he found that no one was chasing him, he immediately turned around and ran away.

Xiao Fu fought hard one to ten.

"It turns out Xiao Fu is so good at fighting."

Liang Qiqi and Haitang each held a glass of red wine and watched the fight with interest.

"Qiqi, can he beat ten of them one by one?" Haitang glanced at Zhang Mazi and asked Liang Qiqi in a low voice.

"He can hit twenty!" Liang Qiqi didn't even look at Zhang Mazi.

"I'm serious." Haitang rolled her eyes at Liang Qiqi angrily.

"I'm telling the truth too." Liang Qiqi replied normally.

"Ah? Are you serious?" Haitang looked at Zhang Mazi in surprise.

Just then, Zhang Mazi touched his greasy middle-parted head again.

Haitang couldn't help but break into a cold sweat. This guy was definitely the least master-like master he had ever seen.

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