Latest website: Xiaofu’s kung fu foundation is still very solid. In ten minutes, he knocked all the Sanlian Gang’s minions to the ground, and he himself collapsed from exhaustion.

"Jump down. If you can survive, I will forgive you."

"You are Zhang Mazi!" Pheasant finally realized that he had been tricked.

"Otherwise, my name is written on my face and you can't even see it. Do you think you deserve to die?" Zhang Mazi said seriously.

Haitang felt chills after hearing Zhang Mazi's words. Fortunately, she was not his enemy, otherwise she would be pissed to death by this guy sooner or later.

Pheasant glanced at the horizon. Hong Kong Island could no longer be seen. Now he jumped off the boat and saw that he was dead in the vast sea.

"There are police on board. I don't believe you dare to kill me." Pheasant's words make sense.

"you are right!"

Zhang Mazi said and turned to look at Haitang.

‘It’s your turn to show off, it can’t all be done by me. ’

Haitang naturally understood what Zhang Mazi meant.

Pheasant is no match for Haitang even if he is not injured, let alone that he is beaten to the point of being unable to get up by Xiao Fu.

"Hey, hey, Miss Haitang, this is Hong Kong Island, murder is illegal, don't fall for that pockmarked face."

Pheasant's begging for mercy was of no use, and Haitang quickly threw him into the sea.

Zhang Mazi glanced regretfully into the sea.

"Hey! I was just making a little joke. You really threw people into the sea." Zhang Mazi shook his head and looked at Haitang, with the most poisonous expression on a woman's heart.

"..." If Haitang hadn't been unable to defeat Zhang Mazi, she would have killed him now.

"Youdao just smiles away the grudges. It's all a misunderstanding. You go back and tell Mr. Lei that the pheasant was accidentally thrown into the sea by Miss Haitang and drowned." Zhang Mazi clapped his hands with a smile on his face and let it go. The gangsters of the Sanlian Gang.

The minions were overjoyed, and they all suppressed their pain and laughed in agreement: "Yes, thank you, Boss Zhang. We won't disturb you anymore. We'll get out right now."

Two of the minions were so injured that they couldn't stand up and actually rolled out on the floor.

Haitang looked at Zhang Mazi speechlessly: "Ding Yao and I are already in the same situation, there is no need for you to add fuel to the fire."

Zhang Mazi shook his head without changing his expression: "Personal grudges are private grudges, and your Donghu Gang didn't start a fight with the Sanlian Gang."

Haitang stared at Zhang Mazi with wide eyes. Only then did she realize that the guy in front of her was too sinister.

"The strength of our Donghu Gang is far inferior to that of the Sanlian Gang. Qiu Xiaochi is double-dealing and is about to start a fight. We will definitely lose." Haitang suddenly became anxious.

Zhang Mazi, however, looked at the ceiling indifferently.

"You plotted against me!"

Xiao Fu looked at Zhang Mazi with anger in his eyes. Although he defeated the Sanlian Gang's minions, he himself also became a pig-headed man.

"Misunderstanding!" Zhang Mazi waved at Xiao Fu very well.

Xiao Fu walked over warily.

Zhang Mazi held a thousand yuan in cash in his palm.

"This is compensation for you."

Xiao Fu immediately laughed.

"It's really a misunderstanding. Brother Mazi, you don't seem to be a scheming person."

Xiao Fu was very skillful in collecting money. With a wave of his right hand, this guy quickly transferred the money from Zhang Mazi's hand to his.

"???" Haitang was stunned for a moment and couldn't help but be overjoyed.

‘Is it so easy to bribe masters? ’ Haitang felt that her world view was somewhat subverted.

"This friend, although it is a misunderstanding, I am really sorry for causing trouble for you. I am Haitang from the East Lake Gang. You must accept this 30,000 yuan with dignity." Haitang was indeed bold and let Xiao Fu make a move. Eyes widened.

"This, this, it's so nice."

Xiao Fu giggled shyly, and as Gao Lao was not there, Xiao Fu was about to reach for the money.

"Ahem!" Liang Qiqi coughed twice in time.

"Sorry is right."

Zhang Mazi snatched the money from Haitang's hand.

"As a human being, you must behave yourself and never take things that don't belong to you." Zhang Mazi gave a thumbs up to Xiao Fu.

An expression that says I appreciate you.


Xiao Fu looked at the money that Zhang Mazi had put into his pocket and swallowed, but he had to pretend to be noble and upright.

Only then did Haitang realize that Xiao Fu was a subordinate of that old man, and that old man Gao was Liang Qiqi's father. Was this man Zhang Mazi's man?

Haitang immediately gave up and decided to seduce this bastard Zhang Mazi.

After learning that Haitang threw the pheasant into the sea, both Lei Gong and the Donghu Gang were shocked.

"Is the East Lake Gang going to start a war with our Sanlian Gang?"

Lei Gong's face was gloomy and almost dripping with water. He recently wanted to clear his name and join politics, so he didn't take action to deal with the East Lake Gang. Do these guys think they are vegetarians?

"Is Haitang crazy?"

Coast turned pale with fright. This was Hong Kong Island. The East Lake Gang was unfamiliar with the place, but the Sanlian Gang had many cooperative groups with good friendships on Hong Kong Island.

"Hey——! I have long said that women have long hair and short knowledge. It is best to get married early, have children and breastfeed. What kind of career should I pursue!" Qiu Xiaochi has the demeanor of a life mentor.

Haitang nodded frequently when he heard this, but he was careless in doing things, didn't rely on Haitang, and didn't trust outsiders, so it was very difficult to handle this matter.

"This pheasant has been favored by Lei Gong recently, and he is an important link between the Sanlian Gang and the Hongxing Society of Hong Kong Island. Now that he has been killed by Haitang, Lei Gong will definitely give an explanation to Hongxing Society." Qiu Xiaochi is fair and aboveboard. The father-daughter relationship between Haitang and Haitang is alienated.

"God's Coming"

"Also, Haitang killed the pheasant and offended Hongxing Society. I heard that Hongxing Society is very powerful in Hong Kong Island."

"What should we do now?" Haihan asked quickly.

Qiu Xiaochi spread his hands.

"What else can we do? This matter is Haitang's own decision and has nothing to do with our Donghu Gang." Although Qiu Xiaochi is a sinister person, his sinisterness is very direct.

Hai Hai was speechless. Of course he couldn't do this.

Brothers Rosen and Chen Yaxie soon learned about the East Lake gang that threw Haitang into the sea, and immediately sent someone to warn Haitang.

The two brothers just wanted to make money to redeem Bobo as soon as possible, and were unwilling to cause any loss of life.

Haitang naturally shied away from the idea that the pheasant jumped into the sea by herself, and that she was too slow to catch the pheasant. For a woman, messing around is a daily routine, and Rosen and Chen Yaxie couldn't do anything to her.

"It's okay now. The Hong Kong police will definitely treat me to tea as soon as I land. You have to protect me then." Haitang blinked pitifully, indicating that I was a weak woman.

"Okay! I will rush into the detention room of the police station and rescue you." Zhang Mazi nodded sincerely.

Haitang rolled her eyes.

Enter the police station? If you want to kill me, just say so.

"You'd better stop helping me. I can handle it myself." Haitang immediately put an end to Zhang Mazi's 'kindness'.

"Hey, I knew you were a very capable woman." Zhang Mazi hugged Haitang's waist with great satisfaction.

Although this woman cannot be punished on the spot, it is always possible to take advantage of her!

As long as it's cheap and doesn't cost money, Zhang Mazi doesn't mind getting involved.

"Yeah--!" Haitang smiled perfunctorily.

In order to ensure that Zhang Mazi maximized his chances of winning, she took out the intelligence she had collected.

"There are many masters coming to this gambling game. The ones I know include Singaporean gambling king Li Guangming, Thai gambling queen Hao Ji, and there are also many masters from the mainland. It is said that there is a one-eyed guy who has special powers." Haitang is really proactive in doing things.

"Special function?"

"Do you think I believe it or not?"

"I don't care if you believe it or not, that's what it says in the information. Also, Rosen himself is the number one master in Asia. You should be more serious. Five million is my entire net worth. If I lose, you support me." Haitang regretted a little. I bet on Zhang Mazi too early, this person is a bit unreliable.

"Okay! I'll support you."

Naturally, Zhang Mazi would not believe that five million was Haitang's entire net worth. Besides, how difficult it was to raise a woman. Calculated at twelve yuan a meal, he could afford it.

"You should collect how many wealthy people have joined the ship because they are rich and old. This is the key."

Zhang Mazi has always been interested in harvesting money from rich people.

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