Latest website: Luxury cruise ship, casino.

In the name of charity, these well-dressed bastards revealed their true colors as soon as they left the high seas. They all gathered in the casino to make a fortune.

Zhang Mazi is undoubtedly a bastard, so he confidently prepares to kill everyone.

"Why don't you go to the VIP room directly to warm up your hands in the general room first?"

When Haitang exchanged chips with Zhang Mazi, she realized that she had been deceived. Zhang Mazi, a bastard, only exchanged the 5 million chips she gave him, and he didn't get any of it.

"What? You don't have confidence in me." Zhang Mazi glanced sideways at Haitang.

He found that Judy Tang and Tong Keren had already entered the venue. The two exchanged a lot of chips, but they only wandered around the general hall, betting small amounts of chips from time to time.

"No, I mean it's better to be cautious."

"There's no need, I only cheat rich people out of their money." Zhang Mazi held his head up stiffly.


Haitang was speechless. She also wanted to steal money from rich people, but the reality is that rich people are often very cunning. If they are not careful, they can easily be killed by the other party. It is easier to defraud poor people of their money.

While Haitang was distracted, Zhang Mazi had already entered the VIP lounge.

Zhang Mazi's face is now his business card, but there is no guard to stop him and check whether his chips are enough to qualify for the VIP room.

"Hey, it seems we have a lot of rich people in China!" Zhang Mazi suddenly became happy when he saw dozens of people in the VIP room.

"Most of these people are wealthy people from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Southeast Asian countries. How can I see people from the mainland." Haitang followed Zhang Mazi's line of sight and looked around.

"Look, the one-eyed dragon at eight o'clock is the gambling master from the mainland, the one I told you has special powers."

"I see, just don't sit at the same table with him." Zhang Mazi nodded seriously. He really didn't want to touch such nonsense as special powers.

"My dad waved to me. I'll go over there first and you can handle it yourself." Haitang saw the coast waving to her, and Qiu Xiaochi had a sinister smile on his face.

"Go quickly!"

Liang Qiqi nodded quickly. She had long wanted to tell Haitang to get lost, but Haitang was so shameless that she didn't have any good ideas.

"Husband, there is a girl with big breasts at that table. Most women with big breasts have no brains. Let's go to that table." Liang Qiqi turned around and sarcastically mocked Haitang.

"Let me go, this woman's breasts are almost as big as my head." Zhang Mazi walked over without hesitation.

To be fair, this is not because of the other party's big breasts, but because of the huge chips placed in front of her gambling table.

Li Laoer will never let beauty go to his head that loves money.

"Hi! I am Zhang Mazi."

"Thailand's queen!"

"Oh, she is the Thai gambling queen Hao Ji that Haitang mentioned was extremely difficult to deal with." Liang Qiqi whispered quickly.

"Oh——!" Zhang Mazi said "oh" without changing his expression.

Hao Ji glanced at Zhang Mazi with disdain. All four men present were staring at her breasts, but only Zhang Mazi was being serious.

Does this guy think he is handsome with his pockmarked face?

"What are you playing here?"

As soon as Zhang Mazi's words came out, several people at the gaming table cast their eyes with disdain.

Zhang Mazi immediately took out his three million chips and threw them on the gambling table. I will blind your fucking eyes.


Liang Qiqi covered her eyes in embarrassment.

On the whole gambling table, Zhang Mazi had the smallest chips of three million, and everyone else's chips were upwards of five million.

"Tsk, it's not like casinos offer a lot of money, so why not compete with others for their good looks!" Zhang Mazi has no shame about having the least chips.

"You are also the last in terms of good looks, even worse than the bartender who delivers the drinks."

Everyone at the gambling table immediately had a rough assessment of Zhang Mazi's narcissism.

It turned out that the number was guessed by shaking the sieve cup.

After the Thai gambling, Hao Ji shook first.

"Please place your bet!"

"One, two, three, stay small."

Zhang Mazi put on an expression that I understand very well and bet a thousand chips.

"Hey, you idiot, the minimum bet is 10,000."

A young man sitting on the left side of Zhang Mazi finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"This guy with a pockmarked face is really ugly, but his female companion is a long-legged beauty. It's so fucking annoying."

"Who is this person?" Zhang Mazi took back his 1,000 yuan chip in displeasure.

"The son of real estate tycoon Li Jiacheng. It is said that he has sharp business skills and is expected to take over Li's real estate." Liang Qiqi said softly.

Only then did Zhang Mazi look at the other party. If he remembered correctly, Li Jiacheng had a long life. If he wanted to take over, it would be easier to take over from the Queen of England.

Zhang Mazi regretted that he had punished Zhang Zihao too harshly. Look at how crazy these arrogant second generation ancestors were.

"A poor man pretends to be a famous person!" Li Jiayi curled his lips disdainfully. It was obvious who he was talking about.

"One hundred thousand, I'll buy big." Li Jiayi proudly bet one hundred thousand chips.

Several other second-generation ancestors also followed suit, some with tens of thousands, and some with less than 20,000.

In fact, these guys were just like Zhang Mazi. When the big-breasted Hao Ji shook the sieve cup, they were only looking at Hao Ji's breasts shaking with the sieve cup. They couldn't tell how many points were being shaken in the sieve cup.

"Four sixty-six, sixteen o'clock, it's really high." Hao Ji opened the sieve cup, and Li Jiayi and others took it right.

Hao Ji generously paid the chips.

Everyone at the table won against Hao Ji, except Zhang Mazi who didn't win. Fortunately, he got back the chips he threw out, otherwise he would have lost a thousand yuan for no reason. How many fucking lunch boxes would he have to sell to earn it back? .

Zhang Mazi: "..."

Seeing everyone winning money, Zhang Mazi felt unhappy, but he could probably guess that Hao Ji was fishing. How could he let this group of second-generation ancestors take the bait without some blood first.

Zhang Mazi also noticed that most of the people at this table were Kaizi, the con man's favorite.

"Who will take the throne next!" Hao Ji looked around.

Everyone has a chance to be the banker, and it comes in turn.

Sitting under Hao Ji is a bald middle-aged man, or maybe a young man. His face looks very young, but his unruly hairstyle makes him look more than ten years older for no reason.

"I don't take the throne." The bald man shook his head.

Being the banker is not necessarily a good thing. If you are the banker and let others place bets, it is difficult to grasp the amount of the bet.

If you have bad hands, you could lose up to 18 million.

"You don't want to be the banker, right? Then let me do it." Zhang Mazi was overjoyed.

He is not good at listening to dice, but shaking dice is his strength.

"You only have a total of three million chips. You are the banker. Can you afford to pay for it if you lose?" Li Jiayi glanced at Zhang Mazi unhappily.

"You are attacking me, are you specifically going against me? You haven't shaken the dice yet, and you haven't placed your bets yet. Why did I lose?"

Li Jiayi was unhappy when he saw Zhang Mazi, and Zhang Mazi was also unhappy when he saw Li Jiayi.

"Okay, then shake it!" Li Jia suppressed his anger and snorted coldly.

Zhang Mazi grabbed the sieve cup, shook it casually and put it down.


Is this enough?

Several people at the gambling table looked at Zhang Mazi with strange expressions.

"Do I have to be like a dancing master and shake it a hundred and eighty times before putting the sieve down?"

"Bet if you like, if you don't bet, it will be the next round."

Zhang Mazi's method of provoking generals is very low-level, but very direct and effective.

"Okay! I'll buy three million, big."

Li Jia immediately bet three million. He wanted to make this country bumpkin go away. Of course, it was best for the beautiful female companion beside him to stay.

The die just now was four, six, sixty-four, and Zhang Mazi didn't shake the dice much at all, so there was really a better chance of opening it big.

"Okay, I'll also buy a big one worth 50,000 yuan."

"I am ten thousand old."

Several other people followed suit, and they all wanted to go big. If it went big, Zhang Mazi's three million chips would not be enough to compensate.

Everyone placed their bets, except Hao Ji, who had the most chips.

Hao Ji looked at Zhang Mazi with a strange expression. Others were incapable of listening to the dice, but Hao Ji could tell that the dice that Zhang Mazi was shaking didn't move at all.

There are still four, six, six in the sieve cup, sixteen o'clock.

"Hey, big wave girl, I'm handsome and you don't have to look at me like this. Instead, place a bet. I recommend you buy small and let me even the market. Otherwise, if you really open big, I will jump into the sea." Zhang Mazi But he is a very honest person.

"I'm making sure you really have the money to pay for our bet." Hao Ji looked at Zhang Mazi calmly.

Thailand's plastic surgery skills are very good, and Hao Ji is a master of disguise. She is very sure that Zhang Mazi's face is disguised, and the other person's original appearance is not like this at all.

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Chapter 602 Zhang Mazi is an honest man. Read it for free.

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