What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 604: This person’s IQ is 0

Latest website: "Are you serious?"

Compared to the shock of others, Li Jiayi was ecstatic.

Although he didn't have the ability to listen to dice as a gambler of Hao Ji's level, after playing dice in nightclubs for so many years, Li Jia still had the feel to shake the dice. He was very sure that the dice he rolled could not be the same. A full die of points.

"Of course it's true. I just want to ask you, can you afford the compensation?"

Zhang Mazi took the whiskey handed over by Haitang.

"Damn, this thing is bitter, give me a bottle of Coke instead, canned."

Haitang: "..."

Haitang tipped a thousand to the waiter and asked him to find a Coke for Zhang Mazi.

The God of Gamblers eats chocolate when playing cards, and maybe Zhang Mazi drinks Coke when placing bets.

The stakes involved in Zhang Mazi's round of gambling were too high, and the wealthy people at other gambling tables came over to watch the excitement.

"Mr. Zhang, I want to remind you that unless Mr. Li has matching collateral on site, the compensation amount of your bet will be too large, and our boat gambling cannot guarantee it for you."

When Chen Yaxie heard that someone wanted to bet 10 million dice, he came over in surprise.

"It's okay. If you don't know the eldest son of Li's Real Estate, just give me an IOU, and you won't have to worry about subsequent debt collections." Zhang Mazi shrugged confidently.

"Are you sure you'll win? What's the IOU?" Li Jiayi was so angry that Zhang Mazi cursed.

"Nephew Li Shi, it's not worth taking a risk of 1.5 billion for 10 million." An old guy with a heavy back said. He obviously knew Li Jiayi.

"You can't say that. The probability of winning the round is 0.46%. In other words, the probability of winning this game is 99.5%. What the hell is the difference between this and a guaranteed win?"

The person who said this must be good at math, but if he is good at math and can become a god of gambling, the school will not be able to recruit math teachers.

Li Jiayi was indeed not a risk taker, but Zhang Mazi's 10 million bet was just right.

Ten million Hong Kong dollars, for Li Jiayi, is not much, but it is not too much.

"You should think about it slowly. If you don't have the ability, don't imitate other people's actions. It will be a fucking embarrassment."

Zhang Mazi took the Coke and drank it with satisfaction.

Li Jia was riding a tiger and it was hard to get off. There were so many rich and famous people present. If he hadn't had the guts to accept Zhang Mazi's gift of money and bet, he would have been laughed at in the circle for at least a few years.


Everyone looked at Li Jiayi, and Li Jiayi could already feel the mocking eyes of these bastards in the future.


"I don't accept bets with a payout of more than 100 million." Li Jiayi finally chose to give in.


There were boos all around.

Li Jiayi's face turned red and he looked at Zhang Mazi angrily. His shame was all caused by the pockmarked face in front of him.

"It's boring. It turns out that your old Li family really has no talent. No wonder the population is so sparse."

Zhang Mazi said and threw out one million.

"I'll buy a million 'little's."

In fact, Zhang Mazi didn't even know whether the number in Li Jia's dice cup was high or low. It was just that Hao Ji bet on small. If he followed Hao Ji's bet, there would be no big mistake.

When Li Jia saw that Zhang Mazi didn't lower the stakes to buy dice, he felt a little worried about gains and losses.

"Young master, you should drive!"

Zhang Mazi shook his hand and shook the distracted Li Jiayi.

Li Jiayi opened the dice cup.

‘One, two, six, nine o’clock, little! ’

Hao Ji won one million, and Zhang Mazi also won one million.

"Hehe, it's a good thing I didn't pretend to buy dice, otherwise I would have lost 10 million yuan."

Zhang Mazi proudly asked Liang Qiqi to collect the chips.

The people at the gaming table were also whispering that Li Jiacheng's eldest son was a pustule and that instead of asking for 10 million yuan, he would pay him 1 million yuan.

Li Jiayi's face became even more ugly. He felt that the purpose of Zhang Mazi, a bastard, was to embarrass himself in front of everyone.

No one is sitting in the banker position, and it is Hao Ji's turn to be the banker again.

Many masters had gathered at the gambling table. Hao Ji did not dare to be careless, so she picked up the dice cup and started shaking it seriously.

Hao Ji put down the dice cup.

"Please place your bet and leave!"

"Ten thousand yuan, buy a big one!"

"Thirty thousand little!"

A few impatient punters have already placed their bets.

Zhang Mazi didn't move. He drank Coke leisurely, and suddenly realized that everyone was looking at him.

"Look at me, if I bet everything, even the richest man can't afford it! I won't play this game."

Zhang Mazi did not change his original intention. He still wanted to cut Mr. Li's leeks, so he had to use his strength on the handle of the knife.

When Zhang Mazi didn't place a bet, the ordinary gamblers immediately lost interest, and the real gambling masters were unwilling to place bets.

The bet itself means that the banker takes advantage. First of all, the odds are very tilted. In addition, Hao Ji is a master at playing dice. The dice she rolls rotates in the middle of the dice cup without touching the inner wall of the dice cup. It is difficult to judge what is inside. How many points.

Gambling experts are all smart people, and they won't do anything they are not sure about.

No one continued to place bets, so Hao Ji opened the dice cup.

Three, four, six, thirteen o'clock, big.

After Hao Ji paid the compensation, she only made 10,000 yuan.

No one is playing banker, so it's Zhang Mazi's turn to play banker again.

Zhang Mazi quickly picked up the dice cup, shook it casually and put it down.


"I'll buy it for 10 million, big."

An old man next to Zhang Mazi took out 10 million chips and decisively pushed them into the 'big'.

This old guy stood next to Zhang Mazi and didn't let anyone open a table for him to sit on, just to listen to Zhang Mazi's dice sound.

Zhang Mazi rolled the dice without any skill, and people immediately recognized that the numbers in his dice cup were two, four, and six.

"Who the hell is this old guy?" Zhang Mazi turned his head in displeasure.

Even though Zhang Mazi rolled the dice cup himself, he had no idea what point he was rolling.

"Singapore's gambling king, Chen Guangyao." Haitang said with an ugly face.

"Oh——!" Zhang Mazi nodded and actively encouraged Chen Guangyao: "The gambling king only has 10 million, so do more!"

"It's just a small gamble for fun, there's no need to get too competitive." Chen Guangyao shook his head calmly.

"I also bought 10 million 'big' to follow the gambling king."

Hao Ji said that she also bet ten million.

With the credibility endorsement of Chen Guangyao and Hao Ji, other gamblers also followed suit, and the bets soon accumulated to 30 million. These bastards all bought big.

Chen Yaxie had to ask Zhang Mazi if there was any collateral to prove his ability to pay 30 million in compensation.

Zhang Mazi naturally had 30 million, but this guy was a tough guy and didn't want to spend his own money, so he immediately turned to look at Haitang.

Haitang's face suddenly turned green.

"Wait a minute, I'll buy five million too, big!"

Ding Yao suddenly bet five million.

The total bet now is 35 million.

Because the gambling king Chen Guangyao and the Thai gambling queen Hao Ji both believed that the number in Zhang Mazi's dice cup was high, Haitang couldn't help but start to retreat.

Thirty-five million, she would really go bankrupt.

Haitang had to re-evaluate whether Zhang Mazi was reliable.

"Don't look at me with such soft eyes. If you want to take sides, you will have to pay a price."

"Haitang, what are you doing standing there? Come back!" Haitang glared at Haitang coldly.

Haitang really wanted to ask Zhang Mazi if he was sure of winning. After all, he was the one shaking the dice, so he must know the points.

Haitang instinctively wanted to go to the coast.

Zhang Mazi suddenly reached out and grabbed Haitang's hand.

"Don't go, be good! Help me guarantee this bet."

Zhang Mazi really didn't want to let go of such a good woman. If Haitang walked to the coast at this time, their cooperation would be broken.

Haitang realized this immediately. Coast's attitude was unclear, and she also hated Xiaochi and Ding Yao. They were enemies both inside and outside. It was too important for her to form an alliance with Zhang Mazi.

Haitang tightened her nervous palms.

"I guarantee all the bets in this round for Mr. Zhang Mazi."

Haitang's words made Haitang very angry.

Zhang Mazi was very satisfied.

"It's no problem now! No one continues to place bets, I'm going to open the dice cup!"

"Open it!" Hao Ji motioned to Zhang Mazi to open the dice cup.

Zhang Mazi opened the dice cup.

‘One, two, four, seven o’clock, little! ’

The people at the gambling table were all excited. Only a few lucky guys bought small bets, but the total bets were only two to three million, while the bets for big bets reached more than thirty-five million.

Zhang Mazi won more than 35 million in one game.

Haitang finally breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that Zhang Mazi's dice were one, two, and four. Zhang Mazi's hands were sweating from her pinching.

"We won, we won, we won again!" Liang Qiqi was so excited that she was a little incoherent.

Chen Guangyao and Hao Ji looked at each other. Neither of them saw Zhang Mazi making any unusual moves. Could it be that they heard the dice cup wrongly?

Zhang Mazi held Haitang's small hand in one hand. He opened the dice cup with one hand. There was indeed no condition for cheating, and there were many gambling masters on the scene. If Zhang Mazi cheated, he would definitely be discovered.

Chen Guangyao and Hao Ji exchanged glances quickly. One was the gambling king and the other was the gambling queen. They must have had an affair.

Chen Guangyao gave Hao Ji a look-in message. He heard that the dice was indeed 2,46, and Hao Ji responded with information. She also heard that the dice was 2,46, so it was impossible for both of them to hear the dice wrong at the same time.

Hao Ji looked at Zhang Mazi with sharp eyes. If everyone heard the dice correctly, then there was only one outcome. Zhang Mazi was a master at rolling dice, a real master at pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger.

Well--! Hao Ji is right to think so.

Although Zhang Mazi didn't have any skills, he transferred all the dice in the dice cup into the mustard space, changed the points, and then transferred them back.

"You bastard, your acting skills are too good."

Chen Guangyao glanced at Zhang Mazi angrily. He naturally looked down upon the mere 10 million gambling king, but he hated the feeling of losing.

"Create a table for me."

Chen Guangyao waved to the monitor at the gaming table. He wanted to go down and have a serious meeting with Zhang Mazi.

Li Jiayi sat under Zhang Mazi, and it was Li Jiayi's turn to take charge.

Li Jiayi: "..."

Li Jiayi glanced at Zhang Mazi warily.

‘This bastard doesn’t want to scare me again by betting on dice! ’

Li Jiayi was a little afraid to take the throne.

But everyone looked at him with disdainful eyes. After all, Li Jiayi couldn't hold back his pride.

"Look at your uncle, you know how to make a dice."

Li Jiayi decided to take a preemptive strike and frighten these bastards who were watching the show.

"Okay! I like to follow the good deeds the most. I want to play the dice." Zhang Mazi immediately fulfilled Li Jiayi's wish.

Li Jiayi's face couldn't be greener.

"Are you sick? I haven't rolled the dice yet?" Li Jiayi was so angry that he couldn't maintain the demeanor of a rich man.

"Whether you roll the dice or not, I will cast the dice in advance. That's how confident you are."

Although Zhang Mazi's words sounded domineering, no one would take the bullshit on the gambling table seriously unless real money and silver chips were staked on him.

If Li Jiayi picked up the dice cup, moved it slightly and then put it down, the points of the dice would not change. If Li Jiayi was still in custody, he would be an idiot.

No one with zero IQ would do this.

"You said it yourself. Do you dare to put all your chips in this round of betting?"

Li Jiayi used Zhang Mazi's words to block Zhang Mazi. Damn it, he finally let out a bad breath.

"As you wish, go all-in!"

Zhang Mazi stretched out his hand to tell Liang Qiqi to stop folding the winning chips and pushed them all out.


Everyone at the scene looked at Zhang Mazi as if they were a madman.

Er, the word 'like' can be removed.

This man is a lunatic.

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