What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 605: Won 7 billion by accident

Latest website: Zhang Mazi’s desktop now has more than 47 million chips.

Li Jiayi really couldn't suppress his greed this time.

"Personal grudge. I just want to play with Mr. Zhang in this game. Please help me clear the stage." Li Jiayi has made up his mind to kill Zhang Mazi.

Chen Yaxie glanced at Hao Ji and Chen Guangyao, and the two smiled indifferently.

"Okay! This round can only bet between Mr. Li Jiayi and Mr. Zhang Mazi. No one is allowed to place bets." Chen Yaxie immediately announced.

Hearing that there was a big gambling game, with the total amount of bets reaching hundreds of millions, the gamblers at other tables stopped and walked towards the big and small gambling tables where Li Jiayi and Zhang Mazi were gambling.

Judy Tang and Tong Keren didn't know when they had entered the VIP room, and they were excitedly watching this unprecedented super gambling game.

"Crazy, this is the casino's eye-catching trick. How can anyone bet on the dice before the dice are rolled?" Judy Tang shook her head in disappointment.

"But it's Li Jiayi who is sitting in the bank and rolling the dice." Tong Keren said in a low voice.

Only then did Judy Tang realize that the person in charge was Li Jiayi, the eldest son of Li Jiacheng.


Judy Tang looked in disbelief at Zhang Mazi, who was gambling with Li Jia, and then looked at Zhang Mazi's chips.

Judy Tang immediately became happy. If this pockmark was successful, Li's Real Estate would definitely bleed a lot.

Why--! Forget it, it's impossible to win.

"Bald guy, come here!"

Li Jiayi changed seats with the bald man. He didn't want to sit too close to Zhang Mazi.

Everyone present understood what Li Jiayi was thinking. This guy was worried that if he sat too close to Zhang Mazi, Zhang Mazi would get into trouble.

Rosen shook his head. With so many gambling masters present, Zhang Mazi had no chance to make a fortune.

"I want a new set of dice." Li Jiayi continued to make conditions.

Chen Yaxie even replaced the dice cup with a new set for Li Jiayi.

Li Jiayi checked it carefully.

Zhang Mazi on the other side was indeed enjoying the joy of drinking Coke from a red wine glass.

"Husband, don't go all-in. Leave 10 million for us to recover."

Liang Qiqi knew that she could not persuade Zhang Mazi not to escort him, so she had no choice but to persuade Zhang Mazi to leave some way out.

Zhang Mazi turned his head and looked at Liang Qiqi and Haitang.

It was obvious that Haitang didn't want Zhang Mazi to act out of anger, but it was just not easy for her to open her mouth in this situation.

"Otherwise, this is my own hand. If I lose, I won't have to pay for it, and if I win, you won't have any share." It was rare for Zhang Mazi to be considerate.

"No, I believe in you, let's go forward and retreat together." After Haitang said this, she wanted to slap herself in the face, she was really mean-mouthed.

Haitang, a woman who had not slept with Zhang Mazi yet, was going to make advances and retreats with Zhang Mazi. Naturally, Liang Qiqi did not dare to say anything.

These two women didn't know that Zhang Mazi really wanted to refund their money.

Li Jiayi finally checked that the dice cup and dice were OK.

"Okay, how long do you want to deposit?" Li Jiayi asked.

"Are you so shameless? You haven't rolled the dice yet?" Liang Qiqi couldn't help but curse.

The gamblers at the gambling table also looked at Li Jiayi with disdain. They have already decided to bet on the dice, why the hell do you even ask in advance what time it will be? …

Li Jiayi turned a blind eye to these disdainful looks. The winner takes all, and he wanted to ensure that he would win to the greatest extent possible.

"I don't care. Anyway, it's you who rolls the dice yourself. You can help me choose. What time do you want it to be?"

Zhang Mazi was no longer gambling, he was giving money to Li Jiayi to spend. Even Li Jiayi was a little suspicious, whether Zhang Mazi's brain was damaged by a woman's big breasts.

"Okay, you said this yourself." Li Jiayi quickly blocked Zhang Mazi's retreat with words.

"I choose to die, do you dare to bet?"

Li Jiayi looked at Zhang Mazi with a sneer. This provoking method was even more explicit than Zhang Mazi's.

"Okay, then bet three to one." Zhang Mazi still fell into the trap.

The entire casino was in an uproar. These two bastards were competing against each other.

Zhang Mazi said and gestured with a finger: "I also want to make a request, a small request."

"Say." Li Jiayi looked at Zhang Mazi warily.

"I put the chips on the table with real money. I hope you will also write out the IOU and put it on the table first."

Zhang Mazi's request was very reasonable. After Li Jia hesitated for a moment, he quickly started writing the IOU.

A seven billion IOU.

There was another commotion in the casino.

This is crazy.

Zhang Mazi asked Liang Qiqi to check Li Jiayi's IOU. After Liang Qiqi checked it correctly, she placed the IOU on the gaming table with trembling hands.

'If Zhang Mazi wins this game, she will become a rich woman. I pray that Li Jiayi will weaken the possession of the god, and be sure to shake out the three ones. ’

"Okay, both parties have checked their chips and can start."

Chen Yaxie took over the position of the original inspector and announced the start of the gambling game.

"Start, start, my chips have been pushed to the position of one." Zhang Mazi crossed his hands on the floor in front of his chest, looking like a fool.


Li Jia nodded. He thought for a moment and used the pen he used to write the IOU just now to make a mark on the number one of each dice.

"Mr. Zhang, don't you mind?"

Li Jiayi was also cunning enough. He made all the marks before asking Zhang Mazi if he minded.

"do not mind."

Li Jiayi placed the three dice in the dice cup so that four, five, and six points were upward.

Li Jiayi: "Mr. Zhang, don't you mind?"

Zhang Mazi finally found someone who could compare to him in shamelessness. You deserve to be able to prosper in your old Li family.

"I don't mind, I just want to ask if you can hurry up." Zhang Mazi was already a little angry.

This is exactly the result Li Jiayi wanted.

"Okay, I'll roll the dice right away."

Li Jiayi carefully picked up the dice cup. Without moving his hands, his body shook a bit, and then he carefully put the dice cup back on the table.


"Are you fucking serious?"

"We asked you to roll a dice, and you roll yourself to be fooled?"

Zhang Mazi finally understood why Li Jiayi dared to bet 7 billion with him.

You bastard, on this road of shamelessness, I almost had you overtaking me.

Li Jiayi would not pay attention to Zhang Mazi at this time. He turned to look at Chen Yaxie.

"Is there a rule in the casino that you can't roll the dice like this?"…

"Uh--!" Chen Yaxi nodded with an ugly face: "The casino does not regulate the dice rolling action."

‘You idiot, you shake it randomly, how can you still get three ones out of it? ’ Chen Yaxie cursed Li Jiayi to death in his heart.

Of course, Li Jiayi also knew that if the movement range was larger, it would be impossible to shake out three ones, but he did not want to take this risk.

"Damn it, the dice you rolled didn't move at all. I bet 10 million chips on four, five, six, fifteen." One gambler cursed politely.

"I'm sorry, I don't accept bets. I just stated that this game is a private bet between me and Mr. Zhang Mazi. I only accept dice bets from Mr. Zhang."

Li Jiayi's plan has been successful.

He paused and continued: "Of course, if you bet ten million dice, I will accept it."

"Do you think I'm a fucking pig?"

Zhang Mazi: "."

This bastard is going around in circles scolding me.

Li Jiayi smiled confidently.

"I'm going to open the dice cup."

Liang Qiqi's face was ashen, and Haitang felt very uncomfortable.

Li Jia opened the dice cup.

‘three ones’

The air suddenly became extremely quiet.

Many people thought they had seen it wrong and rubbed their eyes vigorously.

There are still three ones in the dice cup.


Li Jiayi almost vomited blood.

Not to mention him as the person involved, everyone looked like they had seen a ghost.

"You must be a con man. Hurry, catch him." Li Jiayi's roar was hysterical.

"I'm half a fucking world away from you, how come I'm so far away?"

Li Jiayi was stunned by Zhang Mazi's words. Zhang Mazi was indeed far away from him.

Li Jia turned around and looked around. The people around him were also two meters away from him.

"No, you must be out of luck, the dice are wrong."

As soon as Li Jia questioned the gambling problem, Chen Yaxie's face turned ugly.

"Master Li, you can't talk nonsense. You have checked the dice cup and the dice in advance, and the marks you made on the dice are still there." Chen Yaxie said and handed Li Jiayi a hammer: "If you are unhappy, , you smashed the dice and the dice cup to check."

In fact, everyone can see that there are indeed ink marks on the dice made by Li Jiayi himself.

As soon as Li Jia raised the hammer, he actually smashed the dice and the dice cup open on the spot. There was nothing wrong with the things. They were all very ordinary dice cups and dices.

"Hey! I'm willing to admit defeat and pay attention to your old Li family's demeanor." Zhang Mazi was in a good mood after winning money and reminded Li Jiayi kindly.

"That's right, no grace at all." Liang Qiqi glared at Li Jiayi with contempt.

"Husband, can you let me keep this IOU for you?"

"you sure?"

Just when Liang Qiqi was about to answer, she noticed some malicious looks and immediately shook her head: "Husband, it's better for you to keep it safe."

"Hmph——! As long as you understand!"

Zhang Mazi glanced at Liang Qiqi coldly, this Mazi is good at everything, but he loves money too much.

In fact, all the scammers at the scene knew that Zhang Mazi had used some brilliant skills, but none of them could see it, so they couldn't figure out the skills.

"It should be the top level of hypnosis that allowed Li Jiayi to shake out three ones by himself. Otherwise, he would have been so far away from the dice cup and would not have been able to secretly change the dice." Singaporean gambling king Chen Guangyao murmured in a low voice.

There are many scammers who think so. There are all masters on the scene, and Zhang Mazi has no chance to steal the dragon and turn it into a phoenix.

However, Hao Ji knew that Zhang Mazi did not use any hypnosis techniques at all, and she herself was a top master of hypnosis.

"You give me a thousand dollars, and you pay me back the IOU."

As soon as Li Jia saw Zhang Mazi putting the IOU in his pocket, he rushed over like a madman.

If he loses 7 billion, I will definitely break his legs.

Chen Yaxie grabbed Li Jiayi's back collar.

"Master Li, I'm willing to admit defeat. If you keep messing around, I'll have to ask you out."

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