"You didn't kill Li Jiayi, did you?" Haitang looked at the satisfied expression on Yoshimura Notaro's face and felt a little uneasy.

"How is this possible? As a peace-loving person like me, I won't kill anyone easily unless someone pays a very high price." Notaro Yoshimura made it clear that Haitang would have to pay more if she wanted to kill Xiao Chi.

"I just beat him up."

Naturally, Yoshimura Notaro is not a peace-loving person if he doesn't kill Li Jiayi, but Li Jiayi owes him billions and hasn't paid back yet, so he can't let him die.

"Your price is too high, I can't afford it."

Haitang rolled her eyes at Yoshimura Notaro angrily. She was now a well-off little rich woman, but Yoshimura Notaro's price was too high. She felt like she would be taken advantage of if she agreed.

"No, no matter what, I am the number one killer in the world, and my credibility is guaranteed. Otherwise, if you hire a one-eyed killer, you might be killed instead."

The one-eyed dragon is really unlucky. Even after his death, he has to make metaphors for others, and he is also a negative example.

"Are you really the Yoshimura Notaro on the killer list?" Haitang looked at Yoshimura Notaro's face curiously.

"Isn't your face also fake?" Haitang said and reached out to rub Yoshimura Notaro's face again. In terms of handiness, she was equally equal to Yoshimura Notaro.

"If you scratch my face, I will scratch your breasts. You can weigh it yourself!" Yoshimura Notaro gave a stern warning.

"..." Haitang quickly retracted her hand.

Yoshimura Notaro and Haitang were flirting happily, and a subordinate from the East Lake Gang hurried over.

"Miss, something happened. The leader of the gang is recruiting people to plot against him. He is about to die."

Haitang's expression changed greatly.

However, Yoshimura Notaro's face lit up.

To be honest, even if nothing happens to the coast, Yoshimura Notaro will have to find a way to get him sooner or later, otherwise how will his son get to the top.

When Haitang and Yoshimura Notaro rushed to Kaigan's room, Kaigan was already dead.

Yoshimura Notaro stood outside the door and took a look. There was an obvious strangulation mark on Haishan's neck. He should have been strangled to death.

"Who did it?"

Haitang's eyes were red and he grabbed the bodyguard of Haitang. The man of Haitang was dead, but his bodyguard was not injured at all.

"Miss, I don't know. The boss lost a lot of money in the casino and said he wanted to go back to his room to rest. I was guarding the door. When I came in, the boss was already killed."

Seeing that Haitang was losing her mind, Yoshimura Notaro pointed at a small window near the air conditioner in the room.

Haitang immediately understood that the murderer climbed in through that small window.

"Actually, there is no need to investigate. Whoever is the biggest beneficiary is the murderer." Notaro Yoshimura gave Haitang the answer rudely.

"Qiu Xiaomo!" Haitang yelled through gritted teeth. She didn't realize at all that she herself was one of the beneficiaries.

"Well——! It should be him." Yoshimura Notaro immediately encouraged.

"Miss, apart from a few of us who came to Hong Kong Island this time, the other dozen or so people are all subordinates of Qiu Xiaochi."

Haitang's men had to remind her that they were no match for Qiu Xiaochi now.

Haitang naturally knew this, so she raised her head and looked at Yoshimura Notaro.

"I know! Who made you my woman? If I don't help you, who will I help?"

Yoshimura Notaro patted Haitang on the shoulder and whispered comfort.

One of Haitang's female subordinates looked at Notaro Yoshimura strangely. She knew that Haitang was reluctant to let men touch her.

"Seal down the scene."

The boss of the Donghu Gang was killed in his room. Long Jiu and a plainclothes policeman arrived quickly.

Yoshimura Notaro deftly moved to the right, just out of Long Jiu's sight. When Long Jiu knelt down to check the cause of Haikou's death, Yoshimura Notaro had already dodged out of the room.

He didn't want to be interrogated by Long Jiu.

Long Jiu was originally very opposed to the so-called charity gambling. Now that a life incident occurred, she immediately seized the opportunity and asked the cruise ship to turn around and return to Hong Kong Island for investigation.

Cruise ship cockpit.

As soon as the captain received the order to turn around and return to Hong Kong Island, his first officer took out his pistol and took control of the cockpit.

Yoshimura Notaro stood on the deck blowing the sea breeze. It was late at night and the sea was wet and cold. Apart from the two passionate men and women hugging each other and chewing each other, there was only a boring guy named Yoshimura Notaro.

"Hey! Go back to your room and do it again! Otherwise I will take pictures."

When Yoshimura Notaro saw a man trying to take off a woman's clothes, he directly tried to persuade her.


The two men and women quickly picked up their pants and ran away.

"Hey! Not polite!"

Yoshimura Notaro shook his head and sighed. He saw the man drop a condom in panic, and originally wanted to remind him.

When you are honest and honest, you can't find a condom. It depends on whether you are in a hurry or not.

"Control the two gambling halls first, and then rush all the people in the room to gather inside the gambling hall as planned."

Yoshimura Notaro was surprised to find that their cruise ship had been hijacked by two small cruise ships. One after another, the men in black climbed onto the large cruise ship.

"Is this a robbery?"

Yoshimura Notaro saw Miyaki Hiroshi and smiled very happily. He originally thought that Miyaki Hiroshi would definitely appear in the gambling hall and use his tricks to defraud the rich and second-generation people out of their money. He didn't expect that the other party was so unscrupulous and wanted to do it. Serve in one pot.

"Hehe, there's a good show to watch!" Yoshimura Notaro retreated with a smile.

He saw that all of Miyagi Hiroshi's men were armed. Now no one on the entire cruise ship had a gun, and the people in charge of security were miserable.

A luxurious suite.

Ding Yao glanced at the corridor warily, opened the door and stepped in.

Yoshimura Notaro: "..."

Being sneaky, either having an affair or being an adulterer.

A gossipy and boring person like Notaro Yoshimura naturally had to follow him in. This bastard also had a handheld video recorder.

"Ding Yao, I didn't expect you to be so powerful. You actually killed Hai Hai. I admire you."

Yoshimura Notaro knew it was Qiu Xiaochi as soon as he heard the voice.

"But if you kill Hai Hai like this, even idiots will doubt my skills. What do you mean?" Qiu Xiaochi said, his eyes getting colder: "Believe it or not, I will kill you now to avenge our leader of the East Lake Gang."

Although Ding Yao came to meet Qiu Xiaochi alone, she was not afraid of the scene at all.

Yoshimura Notaro was stunned for a moment when he heard Qiu Xiaochi's words. It was Ding Yao who killed the coast.

"Qiu Xiaochi, don't forget, it was you who asked me to kill Hai Hai. What's the difference between doing it yourself?" Ding Yao looked at Qiu Xiaochi with a smile.

This woman definitely wanted to frame Qiu Xiaochi on purpose.

"If you want to be the leader of the East Lake Gang, you have to show some courage, otherwise you will not be able to get along peacefully with that bitch Haitang." Ding Yao reminded Qiu Xiaochi very realistically: "If you don't remove the root of the weed, it will grow again with the spring breeze. ”

Of course Qiu Xiaochi also understands the principle of eradicating the roots, but it is a pity that Haitang is such a beautiful woman.

"You don't need to worry about my affairs." Qiu Xiaochi warned Ding Yao with a sneer.

Ding Yao shook her head: "I know you are reluctant to attack Haitang. I can help you, but you have to help me deal with another person."

"Who?" Qiu Xiaochi asked immediately.

Ding Yao: "Zhang Mazi!"

Qiu Xiaochi's face turned green when he heard Ding Yao's words. Ding Yao was indeed interested in the 7 billion IOU in Zhang Mazi's hand, but Zhang Mazi was so good at fighting that she was no match for him, otherwise he would have sent someone long ago. Got him.

Ding Yao handed Qiu Xiaochi a small glass bottle: "I know your men are no match for Zhang Mazi, but killing requires brains."

"Poison?" Qiu Xiaochi glanced at Ding Yao in a daze.

"Poisonous!" Ding Yao nodded.

Yoshimura Notaro suddenly wanted to know whether Ding Yao's poison was poisonous, and this guy was also a poisoner.

"After getting the money, fifty-fifty!" Qiu Xiaochi decisively put away Ding Yao's medicine bottle.

Ding Yao shook her head: "Qi San."

"Okay, seven for me and three for you." Qiu Xiaochi agreed immediately.

Ding Yao: "..."

"Four six, you four and I six, this is my bottom line." Ding Yao's eyes flickered, no one knew what she was thinking.

"Okay! Deal!"

These two idiots were planning to kill Zhang Mazi, but they didn't know that he was standing nearby.

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