What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 610: Beauty is tempting, this is not good.

"Ahem, can you split the bill between three, six, and one? I also want to share."

A sudden sound startled Qiu Xiaochi and Ding Yao.

Qiu Xiaochi turned around quickly and already had a short knife in his hand.

There were no guns on the cruise ship, so it was not easy for him to get a short knife.

"Where are you from, brother?"

Qiu Xiao asked nonsensically, and while Yoshimura Notaro was distracted, he immediately stabbed Yoshimura Notaro in the abdomen.

Decisive enough, I like it!

When Ding Yao saw that Qiu Xiaochi had drawn his sword, she quickly grabbed a vase on the table and wanted to kill Taro Yoshimura.

Yoshimura Notaro: "..."

Qiu Xiaochi and Ding Yao's movements froze.

Yoshimura Notaro held a pistol in each hand, and the muzzles were pointed at Qiu Xiaochi and Ding Yao's foreheads respectively.

"You...where did you get the gun?"

Qiu Xiaochi immediately suspected that he was cheating on Chen Yaxie. Could it be that the whole charity gambling game was just a game, and Chen Yaxie wanted to kill everyone at once.

"It's not nonsense. Of course I paid for it. I don't know how to produce guns." Yoshimura Notaro answered with a smile.

"First Evolution"

"I don't believe your gun is real." Qiu Xiaochi wanted to test Yoshimura Notaro.

"Pfft!" A gunshot rang out.

Yoshimura Notaro did not allow any prying eyes and directly pulled the trigger.

A bullet hole appeared on Qiu Xiaochi's forehead, and he fell down with an expression of disbelief.

"Do you believe my gun is real?" Yoshimura Notaro looked at Ding Yao.

"I believe it!" Ding Yao replied instantly.

Yoshimura Notaro put away his pistol with satisfaction.

Ding Yao immediately seized the opportunity and hit Yoshimura Notaro's head with the vase in her hand.

"No! So cruel?"

Yoshimura Notaro was stunned for a moment. If he were an ordinary person, he would definitely be hit by Ding Yao's sudden sneak attack, but Yoshimura Notaro is not an ordinary person.

This guy moved his body to the side and easily avoided Ding Yao's sneak attack.

Ding Yao missed a hit, and Yoshimura Notaro took out his pistol again.

Ding Yao was embarrassed now.


"Explain, explain, what does this mean?"

Yoshimura Notaro's gun pointed randomly at Ding Yao's body.

"Fifty-fifty split!"

Ding Yao is indeed very smart, and Yoshimura Notaro suddenly appreciates this woman.

Yoshimura Notaro shook his head.

"Four or six?" Ding Yao immediately changed her mind.

Yoshimura Notaro stretched out his palm and slowly made it into a fist.

"I want them all!"

"Ah???" Ding Yao looked at Yoshimura Notaro in confusion.

She has seen many greedy people, but this is the first time she has seen such a greedy person.

"Who is your Excellency?" Ding Yao then remembered that she had no idea who the other party was.

"I am Yoshimura Notaro, Zhang Mazi's biological brother."

Ding Yao was dumbfounded.

Is this man Zhang Mazi's biological brother?

Wait, no, his name is Yoshimura Notaro.

Ding Yao took a step back in fright, her face full of fear. This guy was Notaro Yoshimura who once slaughtered the European Assassin Guild Association and was now number one in the killer rankings.

Now Ding Yao has completely given up the idea of ​​sneak attack on Yoshimura Notaro. How could she succeed in sneak attack to become the No. 1 player in Asia?

"Well, no matter who sent you to kill me, I will pay double, no, I will pay ten times the price." Ding Yao was so smart that she immediately made Yoshimura Notaro not want to kill her.

"Okay -! Haitang offered me two million to kill you. Ten times that is ten million, bring it!" Yoshimura Notaro readily extended his hand to Ding Yao.

Ding Yao also didn't expect Yoshimura Notaro to betray her employer so quickly, before she could even react.

"Are you kidding me?"

Seeing Ding Yao's unresponsiveness, Yoshimura Notaro immediately pointed his gun at Ding Yao's chest.

I'll blow up your bobo with one shot.

"No, no, no, ten million, I'll give it." Ding Yao shook her head quickly: "Don't shoot, I'll give you the money now."

Ding Yao hurriedly started rummaging through boxes and cabinets to find money for Yoshimura Notaro, and finally gathered more than eight million in cash.

Yoshimura Notaro was very happy. It seemed that he could make money quickly by being a killer. Being a policeman only cost a few thousand yuan a month. Moreover, Annie had taken his salary card, which made him almost lose interest in money.

"There's still more than a million left."

Yoshimura Notaro found a chair and sat down, looking at Ding Yao relaxedly.

"Can you let me go first? I'll ask Lei Gong for the remaining one million yuan to give to you."

Ding Yao knew that Yoshimura Notaro did not want cash, but this was all the cash they brought.

Yoshimura Notaro waved Ding Yao to come closer.

Ding Yao thought there was something going on and immediately walked over with a smile on her face.

Yoshimura Notaro looked directly at his breasts, which seemed to be something he could use for beauty.

"This necklace of yours is shining with gold, it should be worth a lot of money!" Notaro Yoshimura flicked the necklace on Ding Yao's chest with the barrel of his gun.

"Oh! Yes, I bought this necklace for more than two million yuan." Ding Yao was overjoyed.

Yoshimura Notaro pulled off Ding Yao's necklace.

"Yeah! With so many diamonds, it should be quite valuable. The depreciation is worth 200,000 yuan!" Yoshimura Notaro immediately gave Ding Yao a discount.

Ding Yao: "..."

"Why are you looking at me like that? Look for rings, bracelets, etc. and take them all off."

Yoshimura Notaro felt that Ding Yao didn't know how powerful he was, so he directly hit Ding Yao's face with the barrel of the gun, and almost thrust the barrel into Ding Yao's mouth.

Ding Yao wanted to kill Taro Yoshimura, but she still had to stay with Smile.

Ding Yao didn't have a bracelet, but she had a emerald green jade bracelet, which Yoshimura Notaro paid for a thousand yuan.

Yoshimura Notaro continued to check Ding Yao's skills and see if there was anything valuable.

Ding Yao almost left in anger. She knew that she would never be able to collect enough money.

"No more. The most valuable thing now is me. Let me give you me too!" Ding Yao smiled charmingly, grabbed Yoshimura Notaro's hand and pressed it to her chest.

Yoshimura Notaro remained unmoved.

"Haitang told me the same thing. Guess, did I promise her?" Yoshimura Notaro glanced at Ding Yao openly.

Ding Yao felt cold.

Oops, I'm afraid this man is not a pervert. A normal man would have fallen in love with him long ago if he caught him, but this man is still thinking about those hundreds of thousands.

"Of course I promised her, she is so beautiful." Yoshimura Notaro said seriously.

The ups and downs of life happened so quickly that Ding Yao almost burst into tears due to Taro Yoshimura.

"She is beautiful, am I not beautiful?"

Ding Yao grabbed Yoshimura Notaro's hand and reached deep into her chest.

Ding Yao feels that her opportunity has come. She is the number one killer in Asia. If this person is on her side, she feels that the difficulty of controlling the Sanlian Gang will be reduced by at least half.

Yoshimura Notaro grabbed Ding Yao's chest hard. Damn it, the feel was exactly the same as Haitang's.

"Sorry, a good man is not worthy of two women, and a good horse is not worthy of two saddles. I am a good man." Yoshimura Notaro decisively rejected Ding Yao.

He suddenly felt that he was so great, a role model for men.

Ding Yao: "..."

‘No, why are you grabbing my breasts? This bastard is so strong and it hurts me so much. ’

Yoshimura Notaro felt that Miyagi Hiroshi's men in the corridor were about to search Ding Yao's room, so he let Ding Yao go.

"Okay, I'm kidding you, forget the rest of the money. I'm a man, how could I care about a woman." Yoshimura Notaro opened the window of the room and jumped out.

Ding Yao breathed a sigh of relief as she survived. She quickly walked to the window to check that Yoshimura Notaro was really gone.


The door was kicked open.

"do not move!"

Two guns were pointed at Ding Yao.


Ding Yao was completely stunned.

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